
The Use of Adjective and Adverb in Toeic and Toefl testsWiranda Semkaew1 Angvarrah Lieungnapar21 Branch Business English Program under the Suan Sunandha Rajaphat university,Tell. 089 126 4460, e-mail : wiranda2401@2 Professor at branch Business English Program under the Suan Sunandha Rajaphat university,Tell. 099 426 6441, e-mail : angvarrah.li@ssru.ac.thAbstract This article research on the comparison of adjectives and adverbs between Toeic and Toefl due to the fact that Toeic and Toefl are the international standard tests that international universities or organizations can accept. Even though both tests were designed for different purposes. Similarly, adjectives and adverbs were appeared in both exams, furthermore, the form of vocabulary and grammatical characteristics are similar. This reasons why there is a complicated understanding. Therefor this research aims to compare the frequency of adjectives, adverbs that are the first 40 words appeared in Toeic and Toefl tests by bringing 15 Toeic sample tests and 15 Toefl sample tests to find the first 40 words of adjectives and adverbs by using the Concordance of Ant Conc program.The results of this research show that adjective will be used in TOEIC and TOEFL more than adverb. Meanwhile, the result of this research can indicated that not only adjective but also adverb are always be used in Toeic test higher than Toefl.Keywords: TOEIC, TOEFL, Concordance Hits.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????40?????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????40??????????????????Ant Conc ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:?????,?????,???????????????????? IntroductionWorld communication at the present with a progressively globalized education and work culture, English has become a sign of international expansion and thus a symbol of growth for the corporations and universities. International students and workers must evaluate a standardized test of English to step into higher skills of education and employment. There are two standardized tests that universities or organizations can accept. The Tests of the international standard are the Test of English as a Foreign Language or Toefl and the Test of English for International Communication or Toeic.As the Toeic and Toefl tests are a standardized tests that universities or organizations can accept, on the other hand, both tests are different. According to this statement "Toeic is an English language test designed specifically to measure the everyday English skills of people working in an international environment and there are different forms of the exam the Toeic Listening & Reading Test" () Therefore the Toeic focuses on business English conversation. It is generally thought of as a work-related English proficiency exam. In contrast the Toefl focuses on a standardized test to measure the English language ability of non-native speakers wishing to enroll in English-speaking universities because Toefl as one of the principal tools of measurement that evaluates the ability of a person to use and understand English as an academic language. According to this required qualification ()Although Toeic and Toefl tests will be focused on a different purposes, in the same way, both tests not only contain listening part but also contain reading part. Reading part is similar part in Toeic and Toefl Tests. Therefore according to mention that reading part have a variety of texts to complement each article. Each vocabulary is different however; adjective and adverb are similar words. Therefore, adjective and adverb are interesting types for analyzing frequency of the differences between Toeic and Toefl Tests. The reading part consists of several types of vocabulary. As the mention “In different word of the text in reading part, form and type of this section varies slightly however the overall purpose is the same. To extend language learning beyond the test context and show how to can be applied in different context and used in the real word’’ (Oxford Tactics for Toeic Listening and Reading Test: Grant Threw) According to mentioned can imply that confusing will happen as long as so much vocabulary in context. Especially, adjectives and adverbs were appeared in both tests, furthermore, the form of vocabulary, grammatical characteristics are similar, and this reasons why adjective and adverb are analyzed for comparison between Toeic and Toefl Test of this of over, comparison adjectives and adverbs between Toeic and Toefl Tests of this research will be focused on frequency of the40 first words of adjectives and adverb that are appeared in sample of Toeic and Toefl Test. The results of this research are expected to cover vocabularies that appeared of a real Toeic and Toefl tests. Additional information for further research and be advantageous for English skill practice in Toeic and Toefl Test. This research will be made the language more memorable and give a broader understanding of how it is actually. Purposes of the studyThe main purpose of the present study to compare frequency and the use of adjectives and adverbs between Toeic and Toefl tests.Research MethodologyThe main purpose of this study was to analyze the frequency of adjectives and adverbs that the most commonly used in Toeic and Toefl tests and to achieve this purpose therefore, the method was divided into three sections: instrument, data collection, and data analysis. 1.InstrumentsThe data used in this research were obtained by using four main instruments: 1.) Frame of Types of Test 2.) Tag Ant program 3.) Concordance of Ant Conc Program each of these instruments are presented below:1.1 Frame of Types of Test The frame of types are samples Toeic Test and samples Toefl Tests.The Toeic (Test of English for International Communication) test is an English language proficiency test for non-native English speakers. The Toeic Listening & Reading Test consists of two equally graded tests of comprehension assessment activities totaling a possible 990 score. More than 5,000 corporations and institution in over 60 countries use the Toeic test, with nearly five million people registering to take it each year and Toeic Test measures the everyday listening and reading skills of people working in an international workplace environment’’ (Oxford Tactics for Toeic Listening and Reading Test: Grant Threw).The scores indicate how well people can communicate in English with others in business, commerce, and industry. The test does not require specialized knowledge or vocabulary beyond that of a person who uses English in everyday work activities. The Toefl (Test of English as a Foreign Language) Test is a standardized test that measures a test-taker’s mastery of the English language. Toefl scores are primarily used by universities as part of the admissions process. Typically, those who take the Toefl want to attend university or graduate school abroad. However anyone who needs to demonstrate a mastery of English for an academic purpose can take the Toefl. This includes anyone applying to an exchange program, or for a student visa.’’(: 2017) The frame of types are samples Toefl Test in reading part 15 set and samplesToefl Test in reading part15 set that were designed by review various sources on internet that was usually found in the test. Each of these sample Toeic and Toefl tests consists of 40 items.1.2 Tag Ant programTag Ant is a simple freeware tagging tool based around the Tree Tagger engine ‘‘(developed by Helmut Schmid) that takes either an input text or an input list of text files (UTF-8 encoded) and assigns Parts-Of-Speech (POS) tags to them. It is developed in Python and Qtr. using the PyInstaller compiler to generate executable for the different operating systems.’’ ()1.3 Concordance of Ant Conc ProgramConcordance is one of the advanced features that research history all the word on Ant Conc Program, which is a freeware multiplatform tool for carrying out corpus linguistics and ‘‘a freeware Concordance developed by Prof. Laurence Anthony, Director of the Centre for English Language Education’’ ()Data CollectionThe data used in this research were download are the top websites for examination of Toeic, Toefl and collective information, learning, tutor and knowledge of English. Which many people who interested in English have visit per day is too many. The sources that was mentioned: BARRON’S, LONGMAN’S, CAMBRIDGE and Chula tutor.The frame of types of tests are 15 Toeic Sample Tests in reading part that were designed by review 10 various sources on internet that was usually found in the test. Each of these sample Toeic tests consists of 40 items. So, including from 15 sample Toeic tests show 600 item of all sample Toeic Test for this analyzing. Toeic Test collection was download from follow this websitesBarron’s Toeic Practice Exams’s Toeic Practice Exams’s Toeic Practice Exams frame of types of tests are 15 Toefl sample Tests in reading part that were designed by review 6 various sources on internet that was usually found in the test. Each of these samples Toefl test consists of 100 items. So, including from 6 samples Toefl test show 600 items of all samples Toefl Test for this analyzing. Toefl Test collection was download from follow this websitesBarron’s Toefl Practice Exams’s Toeic Practice Exams tutor’s Toeic Practice Exams. Data Analysis In order to see the data analysis of sample Toeic and Toefl tests, which were downloaded from various sources, are as follow; 1. The data will be converted files by using Text Document ProgramThe data or samples of Toeic and Toefl tests that was downloaded from various sources on internet will be converted data to be text sheets by using Text Document Program to prepare data before putting files to Ant Conc Program.2. The data will be classified of adjective and adverb by using Tag Ant ProgramTag Ant is a simple freeware tagging tool based around the Tree Tagger engine ‘‘(developed by Helmut Schmidt) that takes either an input text or an input list of text files (UTF-8 encoded) and assigns Parts-Of-Speech (POS) tags to them. It was developed in Python and Qtr. using the Py Installer compiler to generate executable for the different operating systems.’’ ()3. The data will be analysis by Concordance of Ant Conc ProgramAnt Conc is a freeware concordance program that includes seven tools are concordance tool to shows search results in a keyword in context format.Concordance plot tool to shows search results plotted as a 'barcode' format. This allows you to see the position where search results appear in target texts, File view tool, this tool shows the text of individual files. This allows you to investigate in more detail the results generated in other tools of Ant Conc. ()3.1 Put all Toeic’s files that were converted from Tag Ant Program to Ant Conc Program by select ‘Open File(s)’ from the ‘File’ menu (file from Tag Ant program)3.2 The data will be analyzed to classification of adjective and adverb by using Tag Ant Program by searching Abbreviations of adjectives and adverbs are as follow this tableType of Adjective and Adverb were used in this study: JJ, JJR, JJS, RB, RBR and RBSJJAdjectiveJJRAdjective ComparativeJJSAdjective SuperlativeRBAdverbRBRAdverb ComparativeRBSAdverb SuperlativeThen Ant Conc Program will show to indicate adjectives and adverbs at behind sentence of sample Toeic and Toefl tests.2.3 Then click the ‘Concordance’ button and the program will show the 30first adjectives and adverbs of Toeic test and in same way to put sample Toefl tests files again for analyzing. Concordance will show the30first adjectives and adverbs of Toefl test.ResultsIn order to analyze the data used in this research were download are the top websites for examination of Toeic, Toefl and collective information, learning, tutor and knowledge of English. The frame of types of tests are Toeic Sample Tests in reading part 15 set that were designed by review 10 various sources on internet. Each of these sample Toeic tests consists of 40 items. So, including from 15 sample Toeic tests show 600 item of all sample Toeic Test for this analyzing. The frame of types of tests are Toefl sample Test in reading part 15 sets that were designed by review 6 various sources on internet Each of these samples Toeic test consists of 100 items. So, including from 6 samples Toefl test show 600 items of all samples Toeic Test for this analyzing. Our results show the frequency of adjectives and adverbs of samples Toeic and Toefl test that appeared on Concordance Hits of Ant Conc Program; similarly, this result will be shown the 30first of adjective and adverb between Toeic and Toefl. Ordinal NumbersADJECTIVESConcordance Hits ADVERBSConcordance Hits1Free42Here562Small29soon293Particular29Probably284General29Quiet195Possible28Really176Temporary14Never157Current14Unfortunately148Usual14Always129Magnificent14Already 1010Unable10Earlier10Total Hits223210Table 1: Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs Concordance Hits on Concordance Program from the 15 sets of Toeic samples testTable1 show that adjectives from the 15 sets of Toeic samples test, which is, consists of 100 items. So, including from samples Toefl test show 600 items of all samples Toeic Test are more appeared than adverbs and this table is not only show about frequency but also show the10 top of vocabularies which are the most appeared of sample Toeic test.Ordinal NumbersADJECTIVESConcordance Hits ADVERBSConcordance Hits1Other91Also452Such47Probably403Likely43Even394Free39Chiefly365Scientific31Well346Polar29Often337Previous28Likely248Particular27Currently229Significant20Generally2110Important18Mainly10Total Hits378304Table 2: Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs Concordance Hits on Concordance Program from the 15 sets of Toefl samples testTable2 show that adjectives from the 15 sets of Toeic samples test, which is, consists of 100 items. Therefore, including from samples Toefl test show 600 items of all samples Toeic tests are more appeared than adverbs.TYPESJJ STAND FOR FROM ADJECTIVESRB STAND FOR FROM ADVERBS-92710451485Concordance HitsTOEIC TOEFLJJ 223 378 RB 210 304TOTAL 433 682Table 3: Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs Concordance Hits on Concordance Program from the 15 sets of Toeic and Toefl samples test.Table 3 shows that frequency of adjective, which are, appeared in samples Toefl test are higher than frequency of adverbs in the same way, the frequency of adjective still be higher than frequency of adverbs in samples Toeic test.For this reason, this table can be indicated that adjective will be used in Toeic and Toefl more than adverb Meanwhile, the result of this research can indicated that not only adjective but also adverb are always be used in Toefl test higher than Toeic. Discussions In spite of the fact that is mentioned Toeic and Toefl Tests, both tests are accepted English tests for International Communication however there are different forms of the exam.This research aims to study the differences between the Toeic and Toefl tests by analyzing frequency of adjective and adverb that the most commonly used Toeic and Toefl tests and this research not only analysis frequency, but also compare the 40 first of adjective and adverb that the most commonly used in Toeic and Toefl tests. This result of this research show that frequency of adjective which is the most commonly used both Toeic and Toefl TestHowever, the results of this research are interesting to continually research about other hypotheses. Maybe about The Comparison of readability between example Toeic and Toefl test or An Analyze the frequency of grammatical usage between Toeic Test and Toefl Test. ConclusionResults of this research shows that frequency of adjective, which is the most commonly, used in both of samples Toeic and samples Toefl Test in the same way, the frequency of adjective still be higher than frequency of adverbs in both of sample tests.According to the results of this study can indicate that however the research was analyzed by the same totals of sample Toeic &Toefl Tests which including 15 set. The difference of the adjective’s frequency in both of tests is still very different because the result of this research can indicated that not only adjective but also adverb are always be used in Toefl test higher than Toeic. Therefore, this research result may be implied that Toeic to be easier than the Toefl and this reason why there are many reasons to prove that the results of this research are true. The result of this research can indicated that due to Business language tends to be simpler and more straightforward than academic English. Moreover, maybe because the Toeic is not as universally accepted as the Toefl. Schools that do accept the Toeic usually prefer to accept students with Toefl scores and Toeic and Toefl tests will be focused on a different purposes. Toeic focuses on business English. It is generally thought of as a work-related English proficiency exam, on the other hand, Toefl focuses on a standardized test to measure the English language ability of non-native speakers wishing to enroll in English-speaking universities because Toefl as one of the principal tools of measurement that evaluates the ability of a person to use and understand English as an academic language. According to this required qualification.Therefor the fact, which was mentioned, can be implied that TOEFL’s context contained many vocabularies more than Toeic’s context, for this reason why adjective and adverb that appeared in Toefl’s context is higher than Toeic.AcknowledgementThis research was supported by all lecturers at Business English program, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and Suan Sunandha Rajabhat Univeristy. I thank Dr. Angvarrah Lieungnapar who greatly assisted and provided insightful guidelines for originating and finishing this study.ReferencesLin Lougheed (2014). Barron’s TOEIC PRACTICE EXAMS WITH MP3 final (2nd Ed.). New York: Barron's Education Series, Inc.ACT360 Media Ltd (2017). TOEIC Grammar. Retrieved September 19, 2018, from Breeze Brinks (2014, July 20). Grammar preparation for TOEIC test. Retrieved September 19, 2018, from for-toeic-test-noun-verb-37168936 Caroline Ho Mei Lin (1997). Teacher's Tips: Online Grammar Teaching and Learning. 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