Checklist - Marketing, Promotion & Publicity

Marketing Plan Should Answer These Questions

| |Is there demand for this meeting |

| |How many similar events are held? Where? |

| |Can you effectively compete in price, quality and delivery? |

Marketing Plan Should Include

| |Target Market Analysis |

| |Competitive Analysis |

| |Goals and Objectives |

| |Marketing Budget |

| |Promotional Strategy |

| |Measures of Success |

Integrated Marketing May Include

| |Advertising (Print, Broadcast) |


| |Promotions (Direct Mail Brochures, Flyers, Postcards; Contests, Giveaways) |

| |Publications (Magazines, Newsletters, Newspapers, Directories) |

| |Sales (Telemarketing, Direct Sales) |

| |Sponsorships (Events, Organizations, Publications) |

Market Research Should Reveal

| |What are the opportunities? |

| |What are the threats? |

| |Who are the past attendees and potential attendees? |

| |Why will they want to attend your meeting? (networking, education, purchasing) |

| |What are their demographics? (geographic distribution, job titles, purchasing power, etc.) |

| |What other types of meetings do they attend? (when, where and what cost) |

| |Is your meeting competitive with those events? |

| |Where do they get their information? |

To Prepare a Promotional Budget

| |Review amount spent on promotion of previous meeting. |

| |Poll organizations with similar-size meetings for average promotional expenditures. |

| |Estimate costs for each promotional tool based on estimates from suppliers. |

| |Estimate promotion budgets of other successful meetings. |

| |Decide of you want to match or exceed expenditures of other successful meetings. |

Promotion Plan Should

| |Define key messages (selling points) for each target audience. |

| |Identify promotional materials and activities that will deliver the message. |

| |Map out timeline for producing and delivering materials. |

| |Reinforce organization’s brand identity. |

Press Release Mailings

| |Press Releases Tailored to each Media Outlet |

| |Up-to-Date Media Mailing List |

| |Press Kit Available Online |

| |Follow-Up Mailings with Phone Call to Contacts |

Printed Materials


| |Budget Sensibly |

| |Include All Printed Material |

| |Solicit Print Bids |

Materials Distributed Before and During Meeting

| |Letters, Postcards, Flyers and Brochures |

| |Pre-Registration and Housing Forms |

| |On-Site Registration Forms |

| |Invitations to VIPs, Private Receptions, etc. |

| |Official Programs of the Meeting |

| |Badge Holders and Paper Stock |

| |Evaluation Forms |

| |Session Handouts/Proceedings |

| |Tickets |

| |Registration Lists |

Using Web Sites Effectively

| |Work with a Pro |

| |Weave Your Section in Seamlessly |

| |Keep is Simple |

| |Tie in to Promotional Material to Support or Corroborate Features and Benefits |

| |Make Navigation Easy |

| |Be Consistent in Details |

| |Reward Visitors with Added Value |

| |Update Information Regularly |

| |Encourage Visitors to Register |

| |Add Bells and Whistles for a Reason |

| |Promote Future Meetings |

| |Copyrights, Disclaimers and Disclosure |

Online Advertising

| |Industry Publications |

| |Trade Associations or Affiliated Organizations |

| |Vertical Portals That Serve Industry |

| |Convention and Visitors Bureau for Meeting Destination |

| |Event Sites That List Meetings, Conventions and Exhibitions |

| |LinkExchange Banner Network |

Distribute Email Newsletter

| |Meeting Information |

| |Show Daily News |

| |Post-Show Reports |

| |Industry News |

| |Educational Articles |





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Kansas City, KS 66106-3750

Phone: 913-432-9975

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