The ACP WGN & AMSG Electronic Mailing lists


The ACP WGN & AMSG Electronic Mailing Lists

Scope and Purpose of this Paper

The purpose of this document is to describe the organisation of the ACP WGN and AMSG related mailing lists.

Important Notice

The services provided by the ACP WGN & AMSG mailing lists are open to all the parties interested in the ICAO work on the ATN. These services are free. They are rather basic, as they are intended to constitute a worktool for the ACP working groups, and not a showcase of the ATN.

It must be noted that the French DGAC makes no endorsement of opinions expressed by users of the mail forwarding service.

The services described in this document should be available all the time. Interruptions should only occur in case of technical problems. Although the telecommunication infrastructure is regularly improved, it seems unavoidable that users who can access the archive outside of CENA's business hours (in the continental European time zone) should enjoy shorter transfer times.

In order to avoid mis-use of the lists (e.g. spam), only subscribers to the lists are allowed to submit messages.

ACP WGN & AMSG Mailing Lists

1 Description of the Service

In support of the ACP WGN and AMSG activities, electronic mail distribution lists have been set up on a CENA server. These lists have been established to support technical discussions, ATN SARPs development and maintenance activities. Email sent to a list address is duplicated and sent to all the subscribers of the list.

2 Mailing Lists

1 Lists Related to the Activities of ACP WGN

List owner: The Chairperson of WG N (Jean-Yves Piram)

Purpose: This list is used for communications at Working Group N level.

List owner: The Chairperson of Sub-Group N1 of WG N “Internet Communication Services” (Brian Cardwell)

Purpose: This list is used for communications at Sub-Group N1 level.

List owner: The Chairperson of Sub-Group N2 of WG N “Air-Ground Applications” (Greg Saccone)

Purpose: This list is used for communications at Sub-Group N2 level.

List owner: The Chairperson of Sub-Group N3 of WG N “Ground-Ground Applications” (Jean-Marc Vacher)

Purpose: This list is used for communications at Sub-Group N3 level.

List owner: The Chairperson of Sub-Group N4 of WG N “Security” (Tom MacParcland)

Purpose: This list is used for communications at Sub-Group N4 level.

2 Lists Related to AMSG Activities

List owner: The Subvolume 2 SME (Frédéric Picard)

Purpose: This list only includes members of the SME 2 team and is used to progress the resolution of PDRs assigned to the SME 2.

List owner: The Subvolume 3 SME (Jean-Marc Vacher)

Purpose: This list only includes members of the SME 3 team and is used to progress the resolution of PDRs assigned to the SME 3, and related to ATSMHS SARPs.

List owner: The Subvolume 4 SME (Tony Kerr)

Purpose: This list only includes members of the SME 4 team and is used to progress the resolution of PDRs assigned to the SME 4.

List owner: The Subvolume 5 SME (Brian Cardwell)

Purpose: This list only includes members of the SME 5 team and is used to progress the resolution of PDRs assigned to the SME 5.

List owner: The Subvolume 8 SME (Simon Blake-Wilson)

Purpose: This list only includes members of the SME 8 team and is used to progress the resolution of PDRs assigned to the SME 8.

3 Subscribing/Unsubscribing

Subscriptions are handled by a software package called "Sympa". All the common actions are most conveniently carried out through a web interface at URL:

This interface is supposedly self-explanatory. It is meant for all the subscribers, as well as list owners. A password is required to execute the commands in the environment of each subscriber.

In the Sympa home page, all the ACP WGN & AMSG lists can be viewed by entering the keyword “acp” in the Search List command.

The ACP WGN & AMSG mailing lists are "closed" un-moderated public lists. All subscriptions to "closed" lists are sent to the list owner for prior approval.

WWSympa provides you access to your environment on mailing list server

Functions are accessible in the higher part of the user interface's banner. WWSympa provides a customized environment with access to the following functions :

• Preferences : user preferences. This proposed to identified users only.

• Public lists : directory of lists available on the server

• Your subscriptions : your environment as a subscriber or as owner

• Login / Logout : Login / Logout from WWSympa.

When authenticating (Login), provide your email address and associated password.

Once you have been authenticated, a cookie containing your login information make your connection to WWSympa last.

The lifetime of this cookie is customizeable through your preferences.

You can logout (deletion of the cookie) at any time using logout function.

I am not a list subscriber

Your are therefore not registered in Sympa user database and you can't login. If you subscribe to a list, WWSympa will give you an initial password.

I am subscriber to at least one list but I have no password

To receive your password : /Services/Sympa/remindpasswd

I forgot my password

WWSympa can remind you your password by email : /Services/Sympa/remindpasswd

To contact the service administrator :

4 Sendind Mails

Registered list members can send messages using the Post function. Posted messages are immediately forwarded to all the list members. Attachements are not allowed ; for that purpose, the shared data directory facility must be used (see below). The Archive function is used to retieve the history of all messages exchanged on the list.

5 Storing Files

All mailing lists come with a data directory, available to all list members. Management of this data space is put under the responsibility of the list owner. It can be used for instance to make available the latest version of the PDRs in the case of amsg mailing lists, or to distribute in advance or store working papers in the case of sub-group mailing lists.

The access to the data directory is made using the Shared web function in the list welcome page.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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