Ancient Romans - Kirkwood Community College

Chapter One: Bursting the Limits of Time [5-26]

True or False:

The main reason Georges Cuvier rejected evolution was because it contradicted the Genesis account of the Old Testament.

"Big Picture" Questions:

( What were Cuvier's primary contributions to early 19th-century biology?

( comparative anatomy? (form & function, anatomical types, ILLUSTRATION, p. 8)

( paleontology? (fossils, extinction, catastrophes)

( Why was the first book of Genesis important to early-19th century Christians' understanding of nature?

( age of the earth? (James Ussher’s chronology)

( fixity of species?

( How did evolutionary ideas take shape in ancient Greece & during the Enlightenment? Why was it rejected by most?

( ancient Greeks? (Aristotle)

( Enlightenment thinkers? (Buffon, Diderot, D'Holbach)

( Buffon's ideas?

( What were Cuvier's scientific arguments against evolution & favoring the fixity of species?

( correlation of parts? (form & function)

( geologic column? (lack of transitional fossils)

( catastrophic floods? (creations & migrations)

( How did conservative Christian geologists respond to Cuvier's theories & findings?

--> Scotland? (Jameson, Chalmers, Miller)

--> United States? (Hitchcock, Silliman & Dana)

--> England & elsewhere? (Sedgwick, Buckland, Agassiz)

( Why were beliefs about evolution not just scientific, but also linked to religious, philosophical, & political concerns?

--> attacks on Christianity? (Enlightenment thought)

--> radical politics? (French Revolution)

Use the questions above & the specific ideas & names to guide your reading & note-taking. Reading & note-taking cannot be passive activities. There is an enormous difference between just looking at the words & understanding what you read. See me with any questions about improving these skills.


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