In The State of Maryland

The Maryland Society of the Sons of the American Revolution War Minutes of the Officers and Board of Managers MeetingFifth Regiment Armory, Baltimore, Maryland June 13, 2015A meeting of the Board of Officers and Managers of the Maryland Society of the Sons of the American Revolution was held on June 13, 2015 at the Fifth Regiment Armory in Baltimore, Maryland. The meeting was called to order at 9:04 a.m. by President James F. Engler, Sr. There was a quorum. 1st Vice President William Smithson led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance, 2nd Vice President Donald Deering led the Pledge to the S.A.R., and 3rd Vice President James Adkins led The American’s Creed. President Engler gave the Invocation.In addition to President James Engler, there were 23 members in attendance included: G. Neal, I. Dooley, M. Saunders, D. Deering, E. Moyer, A. Petruccelli, C. Harbaugh, D. Hoover, G. Satterthwaite, J. Adkins, H. Worthington, T. Mallory, P. Barron, R. Jackson, M. Irish, B. Smithson, T. Foxwell, C. Smithson, D. Calvert, J. Turner, J. Vandegriff, J. Schaub, and P. Warner. The following chapters were represented: Sergeant Lawrence Everhart (#1), General William Smallwood (#2), Christian Ardinger (#3), COL John Eager Howard (#4), COL Nicholas Ruxton Moore (#5), John Paul Jones (#6), (7), COL Tench Tilghman (#8), COL Aquila Hall (#9), Charles Carroll of Carrolton (#10), John Hanson (#11), Captain John Smoot (#12), and Westminster (#13). In addition, the Delaware Society was represented by Society President Troy Foxwell who has dual membership in the Maryland Society and is a member of the Captain John Smoot Chapter. OFFICER REPORTSPresident Engler’s report had been electronic distributed prior to the meeting. He thanked the chapters that he visited for their hospitality. He also thanked 3rd Vice President for arranging for the use of the Armory for this meeting and for providing the coffee, juice, and donuts. In addition, he made the following comments at this meeting:He was pleased with the number of patriot biographies that the members of the Maryland Society submitted to National. He especially recognized Christos Christou, Jr. and Chris Smithson for the number of biographies they submitted. Maryland is ranked among the top societies in the quantity of submissions and we achieved the goal of 25% participation established by the committee at National. The Maryland Archives recently requested another donation from the Maryland Society to continue the Maryland 400 Biography Project. Therefore, he has requested 3rd Vice President Jim Adkins, as chairman, and the current Board of Trustees of the Maryland 400 Fund to research “the background of the project; the progress of the program; any issues perceived or otherwise in the conduct and progress of the program; the plans for future phases; and recommendations on the extent to which MDSSAR shall continue in support of this program and what conditions need to be in place for that level of participation”. He requested the draft of the report of the committee be delivered to him by July 30, 2015. 1st Vice President Bill Smithson’s report had been distributed electronically prior to the meeting. He also mentioned there will be a remembrance ceremony at the grave of Robert “Bobby” Ayres on either July 19th or 26th at the gravesite. He will have a picnic at his home after the ceremony. He will place information regarding the event on the website. 2nd Vice President Donald Deering report had been distributed electronically prior to the meeting. He also talked about the National “SAR Magazine” and the need for articles from the chapters. He also talked about his activities in addition to his report. 3rd Vice President Jim Adkins report had been distributed electronically prior to the meeting. He is in charge of arranging at trip to Brooklyn this year to tour where the Battle of Brooklyn Heights took place. He took a poll at the meeting of those who preferred a one or two day trip, and the members voted to have a one day rather than a two day overnight trip. However, there was no date set so VP Adkins will investigate several dates and report to them to President Engler and this Board. Since the 2015 meeting of the Atlantic Middle States will take place on August 7th an 8th, it was agreed that it cannot take place on that weekend. Secretary Patrick Warner’s report had been distributed electronically prior to the meeting. He announced that reports he receives will be filed electronically prior to future meetings and they will also be posted on the MDSSAR website. A motion to approve the minutes of the April 18th Annual Meeting was made by Secretary Warner and seconded by Hall Worthington. The minutes were approved by unanimous voice vote. Treasurer Gary Neal’s report had been distributed electronically prior to the meeting and also was distributed at the meeting. The total amount in all accounts as of May 29, 2015 was $158,030.58 of which $73,982.14 (aprox. 47%) was in the Maryland 400 Fund account. Treasurer Neal made a motion to accept the financial report and it was seconded by Patrick Warner. The reports were approved by unanimous voice vote. Treasurer Emeritus Barry McKown was absent and had no report Registrar Christos Christou, Jr.’s report of new members was presented by Christopher Smithson at the meeting. The report is as follows (Note: Supplementals are not listed because they do not require board approval): MDSSAR Registrars Report 2015-06-13SAR # MD # M Surname Ch First Name Patriot Ancestor Ancestor Service 1st Sponsor 2nd Sponsor Appl TypeR Nicholes, Henry Foster Everhart Henry F. Nicholes Phillips, Andrew Jr. Sgt ME Mil Moyer, Eugene Smith, Edwin ApplR Parker, Marvin Everhart Marvin R. Parker Fortson, Thomas 1st Lt VA Mil Lewis, George Ed Smith ApplR Pelosi, John Jay Smallwood John J. Pelosi Dunbar, Miles Major CT Mil Smithson, Christopher Christou, Christos ApplR Pelosi, John Joseph Smallwood John J. Pelosi Dunbar, Miles Major CT Mil Smithson, Christopher Christou, Christos ApplR Hiett, Jan Kenneth Ardinger Jan K. Hiett Conard, John PS Supplied Substitute VA Banister, Paul Turner, John ApplR Warfield, Carter Stone Howard Carter S. Warfield Warfield, Seth PS - Oath MD Christou, Christos Jr. Barnhouser, John A. Jr. ApplR Warfield, Lee Owings III Howard Lee O. Warfield, III Warfield, Seth PS - Oath MD Christou, Christos Jr. Barnhouser, John A. Jr. ApplR Lawrence, Andrew Collins Moore Andrew C. Lawrence Wolcott, John Pvt PA Rifle Co Neal, Gary R. Christou, Christos ApplR Lawrence, Michael Bradford Moore Michael B. Lawrence Wolcott, John Pvt PA Rifle Co Neal, Gary R. Christou, Christos ApplJ Lowery, Jack Mattern Tilghman Jack M. Lowery Faulkner, Charles Pvt CT Mil Smithson, Christopher Christou, Christos Jr. Jr. ApplR Schwoerer, LeRoy Marvin Carroll LeRoy M. Schwoerer Carriaga, Salvador Pvt CA Mil from Spain Schwoerer, Barry Smithson, Christopher ApplR Simmons, Steve Brian Smoot Steve B. Simmons Hooper, Henry PS Oath Dorchester MD Smithson, Christopher Christou, Christos ApplR Simmons, William Brett Smoot William B. Simmons Hooper, Henry PS Oath Dorchester MD Smithson, Christopher Christou, Christos ApplR Gemeny, Steven Evans West Steven E. Gemeny Scheibley, Peter Pvt Northampton Co PA Mil Engler, James Trainor, Ryan ApplR Hebb, David Joseph Stone David J. Hebb Hebb, William Pvt Va Cont Line Dragoons Smithson, Christopher Christou, Christos ApplJ Hebb, Jackson Lee Stone Jackson L. Hebb Hebb, William Pvt Va Cont Line Dragoons Smithson, Christopher Christou, Christos Jr. ApplR Hebb, Jeremy Lee Stone Jeremy L. Hebb Hebb, William Pvt Va Cont Line Dragoons Smithson, Christopher Christou, Christos ApplR Hebb, Joseph Lee Stone Joseph L. Hebb Hebb, William Pvt Va Cont Line Dragoons Smithson, Christopher Christou, Christos ApplJ Hebb, Tyler Jeremy Stone Tyler J. Hebb Hebb, William Pvt Va Cont Line Dragoons Smithson, Christopher Christou, Christos Jr. ApplJ Norwood, Kane Nathaniel Stone Kane N. Norwood Hebb, William Pvt Va Cont Line Dragoons Smithson, Christopher Christou, Christos Jr. ApplHistorian James Perry was absent and submitted a report to Secretary Warner that showed there was no activity during the period from April 18th to this meeting. Organizing Secretary C. Louis Raborg was absent and had no report.Genealogist Christopher Smithson reported on the genealogical information that is now available online and stressed that he is always willing to assist applicants with their genealogy research. Genealogist Emeritus Henry C. Peden, Jr. was absent and had no report. Chancellor Christopher May, Esq. was absent and had previously informed President Engler there has been no legal activity since the last board meeting. Chaplain R. Duane Tackitt was absent and had no report.Assistant Chaplain Lester Foster, Jr. was absent and had no report.Surgeon Lee Crandall Park, M.D. was absent and had no report.National Trustee-Designate Douglas C. Favorite was absent and had no report. Alternate Trustee-Designate Douglas B. Stuart was absent and had no report.Webmaster Christopher J. Raborg’s report was submitted electronically and is available online. Secretary Warner made additional comments regarding purchase of three years of a SSL certificate to allow our website to have an encrypted connection. The cost of the three year plan is $160. Although this expense is covered in the website budget, Patrick Warner made a motion to approve the addition security software and reimburse the expenditure of $160 to Webmaster Raborg. The motion was seconded by Gary Neal and approved by unanimous voice vote. PAST PRESIDENTS’ REPORTSEach past president of the Maryland Society in attendance brought greetings. The following were in attendance: John Vandegriff, Hall Worthington, David Hoover, Ivan Dooley, Jr., and Patrick Warner. Each brought greetings. Hall Worthington commented on the plans to welcome the L'Hermione to Annapolis on June 16th. CHAPTER REPORTS#1 Sergeant Lawrence Everhart Chapter - Report had been distributed electronically prior to the meeting. President Donald Deering made additional comments to highlight the report.#2 General William Smallwood Chapter - Report had been distributed electronically prior to the meeting. President Michael Saunders made additional comments to highlight the report.#3 Christian Ardinger Chapter – Report had been distributed electronically prior to the meeting. President John Turner made additional comments to highlight the report.#4 Col. John Eager Howard Chapter – No report submitted either prior to or during the meeting and no officer was present at the meeting. #5 Col. Nicholas Ruxton Moore Chapter – Officers Davis Calvert and Gary Neal made comments regarding the activities of the chapter. #6 John Paul Jones Chapter – No report submitted either prior to or during the meeting and no officer was present at the meeting. #7 Col. Henry Hollingsworth Chapter – No report submitted either prior to or during the meeting and no officer was present at the meeting.#8 Col. Tench Tilghman Chapter – No report submitted either prior to or during the meeting and no officer was present at the meeting.#9 Col. Aquila Hall Chapter – President Timothy Mallory made a verbal report regarding th activities of the chapter.#10 Charles Carroll of Carrolton - Report from President David Embrey had been distributed electronically prior to the meeting. Vice President James Schaub made additional comments regarding the activities of the chapter. #11 John Hanson Chapter – Secretary George Satterthwaite made a verbal report regarding the activities of the chapter. #12 Capt. John Smoot Chapter - Report from Vice President Michael Irish had been distributed electronically prior to the meeting. President Ray Jackson and Secretary Michael Irish made additional comments regarding the activities of the chapter.#13 Westminster Chapter - Report from Chapter President James Engler had been distributed electronically prior to the meeting. President James Engler made additional comments regarding the activities of the chapter.#14 Thomas Stone Chapter – No report submitted either prior to or during the meeting and no officer was present at the meeting.#15 Little Meadows Chapter – Report from President Ansel Shircliffee had been distributed electronically prior to the meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTSAmericanism Committee: Chairman William Smithson - Report made verbally by Chairman Smithson with additional comments by President Engler. Annual Meeting: Chairman Bill Batton – No report, but the venue will be in Harford County. Budget/Audit/Finance Committee: Chairman Duane Tackitt. No report. CAR/DAR/SAR Committee: Chairman Patrick Warner – Made a verbal report on his work with the Maryland DAR and CAR and discussed the need for members of the SAR to assist the CAR.Color Guard Commander: In the absence of Commander Color Guard Commander David Embrey, Bill Smithson urged those who want to have the Color Guard at their event submit their request at least 90 days in advance of the event. He also reminded everyone that volunteers are needed to help serve at events. Council of Past Presidents: Chairman Douglas Favorite was absent and there was no report. Eagle Scout Committee: Chairman Jon Streett was absent and there was no report. Educational Efforts Committee: Chairman C. Louis Raborg was absent and there was no report. However, Brochure Contest Subcommittee Chairman Art Petruccelli had submitted a report electronically and it is on line, and he made additional comments at this meeting. Executive Committee: Chairman James Engler reported on the activities of the Executive Committee.Flag Awards Committee: Chairman Eugene Moyer - Report distributed electronically prior to the meeting. Chairman Moyer added additional comments at the meeting. Fundraising Committee: Chairman Bill Batton was absent and no report was received.George Washington Luncheon Committee: Chairman James Engler had no report. MD 400 Board of Trustees: Chairman James Adkins commented on the Draft Policy and Procedure Report for the administration of the Maryland 400 Fund. He is awaiting comments from the members of the Maryland 400 Board of Trustees: William Batton, Esq., James Schaub, Ph.D., MDSSAR Treasurer Gary Neal, and MDSSAR Secretary Patrick Warner. Patrick Warner gave his consent to adopt the report at the meeting. Medals & Awards Committee: Chairman Duane Tackitt was absent and there was made no report. In addition, President Engler had no information on the status of the new Calvert Medal. Membership Committee: Chairman Chris Smithson made a written and verbal report. He requested that each chapter name a representative to serve on the Membership Committee. He prefers a member who is not on the MDSSAR Board of Officers and Managers; the representative could be the chapter’s registrar or membership chairman. He has asked former MDSSAR Presidents King Barnes, Christos Christou, Jr., and Barry McKown to serve on the Membership Committee: Chairman Douglas Favorite was absent and made no report, but requested President Engler mention that any member who seeks a State office next year should contact Chairman Favorite. Patriots’ Ball Committee: Chairman Douglas Favorite was absent and there was no report directly from him, but he requested President Engler mention the 2015 Patriots’ Ball will be held on December 19th at the Turf Valley Inn in Ellicott City, Maryland. Program Committee: Chairman James Adkins had no verbal or written report.PR Committee: Chairman Donald Deering made verbal reports for the following subcommittees:General PR and Newsletter Subcommittees – Chairman Douglas was absent and Don Deering and emphasized the quantity of articles in the SAR Magazine and the need for additional information for future editions. President Engler urged the chapters to “get-the-word-our” about activities that happened in the last six months; too many times we perform functions but do not publicize them in the SAR Magazine as they should be.SAR Auto Tags – Chairman Deering reported on the Maryland SAR license plates and the need for a policy on the use of the SAR logo.Webpage and Yearbook Subcommittees – Chairman Christopher Raborg submitted his written report to Secretary Warner who presented it at the meeting and made comments. At the request of Secretary Warner, President Engler will announce a cut-off date for submission of articles for this yearbook. ROTC/Outstanding Citizenship Awards Committee: Chairman George Satterthwaite‘s report was submitted electronically and he made additional comments.? Discussion ensued and Troy Foxwell reported on the possible changes in the ROTC awards being considered at the upcoming 125th Congress. Semi-Annual Meeting Committee : Chairman Donald Deering reported on the plans to hold the meeting on October 3rd at Dutch’s Daughter Restaurant in Frederick, Maryland. The speaker will be Secretary George Owings of the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs. Governor Larry Hogan has also been invited to attend the meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESSPresident Engler announced our Society has made the $500 donation to the Texas Society to purchase a brick for a statue to be dedicated to Bernado de Galvez in Galveston, TX. This was approved at the April 2015 meeting. The brick has been was purchased and engraved.President Engler also confirmed our donation of $148.64 to purchase a Maryland Flag to fly with the flags of the other 12 original Colonies at a venue in Connecticut has been made. In fact, we received a $4.40 refund since the flag was purchased at a discount. President Engler and Treasurer Neal reminded all chapters to file the Form 990-N with the Internal Revenue Service. This filing is done online and should take place each year.NEW BUSINESS AND COMMENTS FOR THE GOOD OF THE SOCIETYMichael Saunders inquired if the Maryland Society still has a fund to assist the chapters with grave markings. There was discussion regarding the details of the MDSSAR support and President Engler requested the General Smallwood Chapter submit an invoice for their grave markings to the Budget Committee and it will be determined as to the amount of reimbursement. At the request of President Engler, Michael Saunders made a motion to have the Budget Committee budget funds to reimburse and establish a policy for granting those funds. The motion was seconded by Gary Neal and passed by unanimous voice vote. David Hoover requested the delegates from the Maryland Society to the 125th Congress be directed by the MDSSAR Board of Officers and Managers to oppose all initiatives to establish a museum at the new headquarters location on Main Street in Louisville. Discussion ensued. As a result, a motion was made by David Hoover to direct the delegates from Maryland to vote against the support of the museum at National Headquarters. The motion was seconded by Bill Smithson and passed by unanimous voice vote. A second motion was made by Michael Saunders to have President Engler, as head of the Maryland Society delegation, direct the Congress that the money earmarked for the museum be used for IT development. Discussion ensued. Troy Foxwell seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous voice voteBill Smithson has supplemental stars for neck ribbons for sale at $1.00 each. Patrick Warner made a potion to approve of placing a full page ad at the cost of $100 in the annual Souvenir Program book of the 29th Division Association, Inc. for 2015. The motion was seconded by Ivan Dooley and passed by unanimous voice vote. There being no other business before the members, Gary Neal gave the SAR recessional and John Vandegriff gave the Benediction.President James Engler adjourned the meeting at 11:57 a.m.Respectfully submitted,/s/ J. Patrick WarnerSecretaryMaryland SocietySons of the American Revolution ................

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