University of Maine

Mario F. TeislSchool of Economics5782 Winslow HallPh: 207-581-3162University of MaineFx: 207-581-4278Orono, ME 04469Em: teisl@maine.eduProfessional Work Experience Director-School of Economics, 2013 - presentDirector-School of Policy and International Affairs, 2009-2013Professor-School of Economics, UMaine, 2007-presentAssociate Professor-Department of Resource Economics and Policy, UMaine, 2002-2007Assistant Professor-Department of Resource Economics and Policy, UMaine, 1997-2002Staff Fellow-Consumer Studies Branch, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drug Administration, Washington DC 1995-97 Consulting Economist-Southwick Associates, Arlington, VA, 1992-2005Research Assistant-Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UMaryland, 1992-95.Assistant Scientist-Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UMaine, 1990-92.Research Assistant-Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UMaine, 1987-89.Agricultural and Fisheries Extension (Peace Corps) Papua New Guinea, 1983-86. Honors & Awards Editor, Special Topics Issue, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 2016-17Inducted as an Honorary Member, Golden Key International Honor Society 2016Member of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Board 2014-17Graduate Dean’s Recognition Award for Extraordinary Service to Graduate Studies at the University of Maine 2013Invited Researcher: The French National Institute for Agricultural Research, Nancy Research Centre in collaboration with the Lorraine University and the French Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Summer 2009Editorial Board of the The Open Communication Journal 2008-2010.Steven M. Teutsch Prevention Effectiveness Program Appreciation Award, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2006Book Editor, 2007. Labelling Strategies in Environmental Policy. Volume in “The International Library of Environmental Economics and Policy” Series. Ashgate Publishing. Editorial Board of the Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 2005-2008.Fulbright Scholar Award: Teaching/Research– University of Zagreb Croatia 2005-06.Poster Award: Label Format Effects on Consumers’ Eco-Assessments of Passenger Vehicles. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Science Forum 2005 - (2nd out of 232 submissions) University of Maine Faculty Senate 2004-2007.Outstanding Researcher Award, College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture, University of Maine, 2002. Chair, Food Safety & Nutrition Section, American Agricultural Economists Association 2001-03.Paper Award: Food Labeling and Consumer Welfare. Food and Agricultural Marketing Consortium, 1998.Phi Kappa Phi, National Scholarship Honor SocietyNaumann Scholarship for Academic Excellence, University of Maine, 1988EducationPhD - Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland. 1997. Dissertation Title Nutrition Labeling: Information Effects on Consumer Behavior and Welfare.M.S.- Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maine. 1990. Thesis title: An Econometric Analysis of the Effects of Tourism on Local Government Expenditures.B.S.- Geology and Biology, Marietta College. 1982.Other trainingRising Tide Center, Advocates and Allies for Women Professionals 2015-16 UMaineCornell Faculty Leadership & Professional Development Program June 23-27, 2014Advancing Women in Academia Networking Conference, Bangor, ME May 20, 2014Science Communication workshop: Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science, UMaine, March 3-4, 2014Science: Becoming the Messenger NSF Communications Workshop, UMaine, April 14, 2011Academic Leadership Program, UMaine, January 22, 2008AffiliationsCooperating Professor (all University of Maine)Center for Research on Sustainable ForestsEcology and Environmental Sciences, Graduate ProgramSchool of Policy and International AffairsMitchell Center for Sustainability SolutionsPublicationsJournal Articles, PublishedJulia McGuire, Jessica Leahy, James Marciano, Robert Lillieholm, and Mario F. Teisl, 2017. Social Acceptability of Establishing Forest-Based Biorefineries in Maine: Comparing Mill Towns and the General Public. Biomass & Bioenergy. 105:155-163Karen K. Bieluch, Kathleen P. Bell, Mario F. Teisl, Jessica Leahy, and Linda L. Silka. 2017. Transdisciplinary research partnerships in sustainability science: an examination of stakeholder participation preferences Sustainability Science 12:87-104, doi: 10.1007/s11625-016-0360-xMichelle Johnson, Kathleen P.Bell and Mario F Teisl. 2016. Does imagining future land use changes affect citizen engagement with land use planning? Land Use Policy 57:44-52Mario F. Teisl, Amy M. Lando, Alan S. Levy and Caroline L. Noblet. 2016. Importance of cohorts in analyzing trends in safe at-home food-handling practices Food Control 62: 381-389Mark W. Anderson, Mario Teisl and Caroline Noblet. 2016. Whose values count: Is a theory of social choice for?sustainability?science?possible? Sustainability Science 11:373-83. doi: 10.1007/s11625-015-0345-1Stacia Dreyer, Mario F. Teisl and Shannon McCoy. 2015. Are acceptance, support, and the factors that affect them, different?? Examining perceptions of U.S. fuel economy standards Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 39: 65-75 doi:10.1016/j.trd.2015.06.002Caroline L. Noblet,?Mario F. Teisl, Keith Evans, Mark W. Anderson, Shannon K. McCoy and Ed Cervone.?2015. Public Preferences for Investments in Renewable Energy Production and Energy Efficiency.?Energy Policy?87:177-186Stacia Dreyer, Iian Walker, Shannon McCoy and Mario F. Teisl. 2015. Australians' views on carbon pricing before and after the 2013 federal election Nature Climate Change doi:10.1038/nclimate2756 Published online 10 August 2015 Gilles Grolleau, Lisette Ibanez, Naoufel Mzoughi and Mario Teisl. 2015. Helping eco-labels to fulfill their promises Climate Policy 10.1080/14693062.2015.1033675Caroline Noblet, Mark W. Anderson, and Mario Teisl. 2015. Thinking Past, Thinking Future: An Empirical Test of the Effects of Retrospective Assessment on Future Preferences Ecological Economics 114:180-187Mark W. Anderson, Mario F. Teisl, Caroline Noblet and Sharon Klein. 2015. The Incompatibility of?Benefit-Cost?Analysis with Sustainability Science Sustainability Science 10:33–41. Mario F. Teisl, Shannon McCoy, Sarah Marrinan, Teresa Johnson, Caroline L. Noblet, Robert Roper, Megan Wibberly and Sharon Klein. 2015. Will offshore energy face ‘fair winds and following seas’?: Understanding the factors influencing marine energy support Estuaries and Coasts 38(Suppl): S279-S286. Article was featured by the European Commission’s Science for Environmental Policy European Commission DG Environment News Alert Service, edited by SCU, University of the West of England, Bristol.James A. Marciano, Robert J. Lilieholm, Mario F. Teisl and Jessica Leahy. 2014. Factors affecting public support for forest-based biorefineries: A comparison of mill towns and the general public in Maine. Energy Policy 75 (December): 301–311. Timothy Waring, Mario F. Teisl, Eva Manandhar and Mark Anderson. 2014. On the travel emissions of sustainability science research Sustainability 6:2718-2735 online: Roe, Mario F. Teisl and Corin Deans. 2014. The economics of voluntary versus mandatory labeling Annual Review of Resource Economics Invited. 6:9.1-9.21 online: L. Noblet, John Th?gersen and Mario F. Teisl. 2014. Who attempts to drive less in New England? Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Available on-line at: 1/14/14Haley Engelberth, Mario F. Teisl, Eric Frohmberg, Karyn Butts, Kathleen P. Bell, Sue Stableford and Andrew E. Smith. 2013. Can fish consumption advisories do better? Providing benefit and risk information to increase knowledge. Environmental Research 126: 232-239Douadia Bougherara, Sandrine Costa and Mario Teisl. 2013. Making or buying environmental public goods: Do consumers care? Land Economics. 89(4):767-781 Caroline Noblet, Mark Anderson and Mario F. Teisl. 2013. An empirical test of anchoring the NEP scale in environmental ethics Environmental Education Research. 19(4): 540–551Kathleen P. Bell, Laura Lindenfeld, Ann E. Speers, Mario F. Teisl, and Jessica E. Leahy. 2013. Creating opportunities for improving lake-focused stakeholder engagement: knowledge-action systems, pro-environment behavior, and sustainable lake management Lakes and Reservoirs: Research & Management 18(1):5-14Caroline L. Noblet, Mario F. Teisl, Katherine H. Farrow, Jonathan Rubin. 2012. Biofuels development in Maine: Using trees to oil the wheels of sustainability. Maine Policy Review 21(2): 56-65Mark W. Anderson, Mario Teisl, and Caroline Noblet. 2012. Retrospective assessment to learn prospective stakeholder engagement: Toward finding a voice for the future in sustainability science. Ecological Economics 84: 1–6Stephan Marette, Brian Roe and Mario Teisl. 2012. The consequences of a human food pathogen vaccine: A calibrated partial-equilibrium analysis Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 56 (3): 366-384Mark W. Anderson, Caroline Noblet and Mario Teisl. 2012. Our environment: A glimpse at what Mainers value Maine Policy Review 21(1): 104-109Caroline Noblet, Kathleen Bell, Charlie Colgan and Mario F. Teisl, 2012. Economic development and Maine's Sustainability Solutions Initiative. Maine Policy Review 21(1): 128-135Stephan Marette, Brian Roe and Mario Teisl. 2012. The welfare impacts of food pathogen vaccines Food Policy 37(1):86-93.Shyamani Siriwardena, Gary Hunt, Mario Teisl, and Caroline Noblet. 2012. Effectiveness of eco-marketing on green car purchase behavior in Maine: A nested-logit model approach. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environmental 17 (2) 237-242Sara B. Fein, Amy M. Lando, Alan S. Levy, Mario F. Teisl and Caroline Noblet. 2011. Trends in US consumers’ safe handling and consumption of food and their risk perceptions 1988 through 2010 Journal of Food Protection. 74(9):1513–1523.Mario F. Teisl, Eric Frohmberg, Andrew E. Smith, Kevin J. Boyle and Haley Engelberth. 2011. Awake at the switch: Measuring the impact of Maine’s fish consumption advisory for at-risk women Science of the Total Environment 409:3257-66.Mario Teisl, Mark W. Anderson, Caroline Noblet, George K. Criner, and Jonathan Rubin. 2011. Are Environmental Professors Unbalanced? Evidence from the Field Journal of Environmental Education 42(2):67-83START BELOWMario Teisl and Brian E. Roe. 2010. Consumer willingness-to-pay to reduce the probability of retail foodborne pathogen contamination?Food Policy, 35(6):521-530.Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet, and Jonathan Rubin. 2009. The Psychology of Eco-Consumption, Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization: 7(2), Article 9. Available at: F. Teisl, Sara B. Fein and Alan S. Levy. 2009. Information effects on consumer attitudes toward three food technologies: organic production, biotechnology, and irradiation Food Quality and Preference 20:586–596Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet, and Jonathan Rubin. 2009. Can Environmental Promotion Backfire? Evidence from the vehicle market Social Marketing Quarterly 15 (3):2-32.Mario F. Teisl, Sonja Radas and Brian Roe. 2008. Struggles in optimal labeling: How different consumers react to various labels for genetically modified foods. International Journal of Consumer Studies 32:447–456.Sonja Radas, Mario F. Teisl and Brian Roe. 2008. An Open Mind Wants More: Opinion Strength and the Desire for Genetically Modified Food Labeling Policy. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 42(3):335-361Harold Daniel, Thomas Allen, Lisa Bragg, Mario F. Teisl, Robert Bayer and Catherine Billings. 2008. Valuing Lobster for Maine Coastal Tourism: Methodological Considerations Journal of Foodservice 19(2):133-138Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline L. Noblet. 2008. Non-Dirty Dancing? Interactions Between Eco-labels and Consumers. Journal of Economic Psychology. 29(2):140-159Mark W. Anderson, Mario Teisl, George Criner, Sharon Tisher, Stewart Smith, Malcolm Hunter, Stephen A. Norton, Jody Jellison and Andrei Alyokhin, Eric Gallandt, Sandra Haggard, Elizabeth Bicknell. 2007. Attitude Changes of Undergraduate University Students in General Education Courses. Journal of General Education 56(2):149-168.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Gerald Mumma. 2007. One step forward…. Consumer reactions to food safety technologies. Journal of Food Distribution and Research 38(1):148-153.Brian Roe and Mario F. Teisl. 2007. Genetically modified food labeling: The impacts of message and messenger on consumer perceptions of labels and products. Food Policy 32:49-66.Caroline L. Noblet, Mario F. Teisl and Jonathan Rubin. 2006. Factors affecting consumer assessment of eco-labeled vehicles. Transportation Research D, 11:422-431Yun-Jae Hwang, Brian Roe, and Mario F. Teisl. 2006. Does Price Signal Quality? Strategic Implications of Price as a Signal of Quality for the Case of Genetically Modified Food International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 9 (1):93-115.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Mike Vayda 2006. Incentive Effects on Response Rates, Data Quality, and Survey Administration Costs International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 18(3):364-373Yun-Jae Hwang, Brian Roe and Mario F. Teisl. 2005. An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Consumers’ Concerns about Eight Food Production and Processing Technologies. AgBioForum 8(1):40-49.Kelly A. O’Brien and Mario F. Teisl. 2004. Eco-information and its Effect on Consumer Values for Environmentally Certified Forest Products. Journal of Forest Economics. 10:75-96.Mario F. Teisl, Luke Garner, Brian Roe and Michael E. Vayda. 2004. Genetically Modified Food: What are Mainers Thinking? Maine Policy Review.13(1):56-66.Mario F. Teisl and Julie A. Caswell. 2003. Information Policy and Genetically Modified Food: Weighing the Benefits and Costs. (translated to Italian) QA – La Questione Agraria 4:23-48. Mario F. Teisl, Luke Garner, Brian Roe and Michael E. Vayda. 2003. Labeling genetically modified foods: How do US consumers want to see it done? AgBioForum, 6(1&2), 48-54. Mario F. Teisl. 2003. What We May Have is a Failure to Communicate: Labeling Environmentally Certified Forest Products. Forest Science 49(5):668-680Mario F. Teisl and Kelly A. O’Brien. 2003. Who Cares and Who Acts? Outdoor Recreationists exhibit Different Levels of Environmental Concern and Behavior. Environment and Behavior. 35(4):506-522Kevin J. Boyle, Thomas P. Holmes, Mario F. Teisl and Brian Roe. 2002. A Comparison of Conjoint Response Formats: A Reply. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 84(4):1172-1175. Mario F. Teisl, Lynn Halverson, Kelly O’Brien, Brian Roe, Nancy Ross and Mike Vayda. 2002. Focus Group Reactions to Genetically Modified Food Labels. AgBioForum. 5(1):6-9.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Robert L. Hicks. 2002. Can Eco-labels Tune a Market? Evidence from Dolphin-Safe Labeling. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 43:339-359Mario F. Teisl, Stephanie Peavey, Felicia Newmann, JoAnn Buono and Melissa Herrmann. 2002. Consumer Reactions to Environmental Labels for Forest Products: A Preliminary Look Forest Products Journal. 52(1):44-50.Brian Roe, Mario F. Teisl, Alan Levy, Matthew Russell. 2001. U.S. Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Green Electricity, Energy Policy 29 (11):917-925. Brian Roe, Mario F. Teisl, Huaping Rong and Alan S. Levy. 2001. Characteristics of Successful Labeling Policies: Experimental Evidence from Price and Environmental Disclosure for Deregulated Electricity Services. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 35(1):1-26.Kevin J. Boyle, Thomas P. Holmes, Mario F. Teisl and Brian Roe. 2001. A Comparison of Conjoint Response Formats. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 83(2): 441-454.Mario F. Teisl, Stephanie Peavey and Kelly O’Brien. 2001. Environmental certification and labeling of forest products: Will it lead to more environmentally benign forestry in Maine? Maine Policy Review. 10(1): 72-78.Mario F. Teisl, Nancy E. Bockstael and Alan S. Levy. 2001. Measuring the Welfare Effects of Nutrition Information. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 83(1): 133-149.Brian Roe, Mario F. Teisl, Alan S. Levy, Kevin Boyle, Mark Messonier, Tamera Riggs, Melissa J. Herrmann, and Felicia Newman. 2001. Consumers’ Assessment of Food Safety and Reactions to Food Safety Labeling. Journal of Food Product Marketing. vol. 6(4): 9-26.Mario F. Teisl and Brian Roe. 2000. Environmental Certification: Informing Consumers about Forest Products Journal of Forestry. 98(2):36-42. Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Alan S. Levy. 1999. Eco-Certification: Why it may not be a ‘Field of Dreams’ American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 81(5):1066-1071. Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle and Richard E. Record, Jr. 1999. License-sales Revenues: Understanding Angler and Hunter Reactions to Increases in License Prices. Human Dimensions of Wildlife.4(4):1-17. Brian Roe, Leslie A. Whittington, Sara B. Fein and Mario F. Teisl. 1999. Is There Competition Between Breast-Feeding and Maternal Employment? Demography. 36(2):157-171. Mario F. Teisl, Alan S. Levy and Brenda M. Derby, 1999. The Effects of Education and Information Source on Consumer Awareness of Diet-Disease Relationships. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. 18(2):197-207. Mario F. Teisl and Brian Roe. 1998. The Economics of Labeling: An Overview of Issues for Health and Environmental Disclosure. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 28(2):140-150. Mario F. Teisl and Alan S. Levy, 1997. Does Nutrition Labeling lead to Healthier Eating? Journal of Food Distribution Research. 28(3):18-27. Mario F. Teisl and Kevin J. Boyle, 1997. Needles in a Haystack: Effective Sampling of Marine Sport Anglers. Marine Resource Economics 12:1-10.Brian Roe, Kevin J. Boyle and Mario F. Teisl, 1996. Developing Estimates of Compensating Variation from Conjoint Data. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 31: 145-159.Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle and Brian Roe, 1996. Conjoint Analysis of Angler Evaluations of the Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program for the Penobscot River, Maine. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16:861-871. Stuart M. Mazurkiewicz, Kevin J. Boyle, Mario F. Teisl, Karen Morris and Alan G. Clark, 1996. Recall Bias and Reliability in Survey Data: Moose Hunting in Maine. Wildlife Society Bulletin 24:140-148.Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle, Daniel W. McCollum and Steven D. Reiling, 1995. Test-Retest Reliability of Contingent-Valuation with Independent Sample Pretest and Post-test Control Groups. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 77:613-619.Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle and Owen Fenderson, 1993. Tradeoffs Between Open-Water and Ice Fishing: A Case Study in Maine. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 13:353-359. Kevin J. Boyle, Richard L. Dressler, Alan G. Clark and Mario F. Teisl, 1993. Moose Hunter Preferences and Setting Season Timings. Wildlife Society Bulletin 21:498-504.Journal Articles in reviewKathleen L Dunckel, Mario Teisl, Robert Lilieholm, Amy Arnett, and Erika Latty. Maine Resident Views toward Forests, Forest Management and Control Treatments for the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. ?Environmental ManagementMario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet, Richard R. Corey and Nicholas A. Giudice . Seeing clearly in a virtual reality: Tourist reactions to an offshore wind project Energy PolicyChapters in Books/Monographs/ProceedingsCaroline L. Noblet, Amy Lando and Mario F. Teisl. 2015. What Are Health Care Providers Telling Pregnant Women About Fish Consumption, Listeria And Food Safety? Chapter 4 in Health Communication: Advocacy Strategies, Effectiveness and Emerging Challenges (R.M. Caron, Ed.) Nova Science Publishers. ISBN:?978-1-63483-464-3Caroline L. Noblet and Mario F. Teisl. 2015. Eco-labelling as sustainable consumption policy Handbook?of?Research?on Sustainable Consumption Edward ElgarLinda Silka, Mario Teisl, and James Settele. 2014. Place-Based Approaches to Engagement: Can Universities Be Local and Global? Community Engagement in Higher Education: Policy Reforms and Practice (W.J. Jacob, S.E. Sutin, J.C. Weidman, and J.L. Yeager, eds.) Boston, Taipei, London, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Robert L. Hicks. 2013. Can Eco-labels Tune a Market? Evidence from Dolphin-Safe Labeling. pp. 207-228.?(John M. Jermier, ed.) Eco-Labeling, Certifications and the Greening of Organizations Volume 4: The New Corporate Environmentalism and Voluntary Environmental Initiatives, Part II (this is a re-publication of an article that was originally published in 2002, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 43:339-359).Mark Anderson and Mario F. Teisl. 2012. Values. The Encyclopedia of Sustainability, Vol. 10: The Law and Politics of Sustainability, (K. Bosselmann, D. Fogel, and J. B. Ruhl, eds.) pp. 212-18. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.Katherine Farrow, Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet, Shannon McCoy and Jonathan Rubin. 2011. Does Money Grow on Trees? People’s Willingness to Pay for Cellulosic Wood Ethanol. Chapter 12 in Biofuel / Book 1: 241-256. InTech Publishing. Available at: F. Teisl. 2011. Environmental Concerns in Food Consumption Chapter 35 in the Oxford Handbook of the Economic of Food Consumption and Policy (J. L. Lusk, J. Roosen and J. E. Shogren, eds.) pp. 843-868. Oxford University Press, New York.Mario F. Teisl. 2011. Ecolabeling., The Encyclopedia of Sustainability, Vol. 3: The Law and Politics of Sustainability, (K. Bosselmann, D. Fogel, and J. B. Ruhl, eds.) pp. 130-134. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.Mario F. Teisl. 2009. Global Economic Network. Chapter in the Handbook of Transnational Economic Governance Regimes (C. Tietje and A. Brouder, eds.) pp. 889-897. Martinus Nijhoff Press. Leiden, The Netherlands.Mario F. Teisl. 2007. Introduction. chapter in Labelling Strategies in Environmental Policy. Volume in “The International Library of Environmental Economics and Policy” Series. Ashgate Publishing. pages xv-xxxii. Harold Daniel, Thomas Allen, Mario F. Teisl, Robert Bayer and Catherine Billings. 2007. Assessing the Value of the Lobster Culture for Maine’s Coastal Tourism Experience. Proceeedings of the Extraordinary Experiences Conference at the University of Bournemouth, Bournemouth, UK. September, 3-4.Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle, Daniel W. McCollum and Steven D. Reiling. 2007. Test-Retest Reliability of Contingent-Valuation with Independent Sample Pretest and Post-test Control Groups. Chapter in The Stated Preference Approach to Environmental Valuation Vol III: Conceptual and Empirical Issues. Richard T Carson (ed.), Ashgate Publishing. (this is a re-publication of an article that was originally published in 1995, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 77:613-619).Teisl, Mario F., Jonathan Rubin and Caroline L. Noblet, 2006. Do Eco-Communication Strategies Reduce Energy Use and Emissions from Light Duty Vehicles? Proceedings of the U.S. EPA Market Mechanisms and Incentives Workshop: Applications to Environmental Policy, October 17-18. Mario F. Teisl and Besim ?ulahovi?. 2006. Transitioning Environmental Policy in the Balkan States From Transition to Sustainable Development: The Path to European Integration - Proceedings of the International Conference of Economics – (ICES2006). Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina. October 12-13.Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline L. Noblet, 2006. Eco-information and the passenger vehicle consumer: Modelling the interaction and its impact on behaviour. Proceedings of the Applied Environmental Economics Conference.?Royal Society - London. March 24.Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline L. Noblet. 2006. The design of an eco-marketing and labeling program for vehicles in Maine Chapter in New Frontiers in Environmental and Social Labeling. (Grote, Basu and Chau, eds.) pp. 11-36, Springer.Kathleen P. Bell, Kevin J. Boyle, Andrew Plantinga, Jonathan Rubin and Mario F. Teisl. 2006. Objectives and Perspectives. Chapter in The Economics of Rural Land Use Change. Ashgate Studies in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics.Mario F. Teisl and Kevin J. Boyle. 2006. Valuing Changes in Rural Land Uses: Measuring the Willingness to Pay for Changes in Forest Management Practices. Chapter in The Economics of Rural Land Use Change. Ashgate Studies in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics.Mario F. Teisl and Brian Roe. 2005. Evaluating the Factors that Impact the Effectiveness of Eco-labelling Programs. Chapter in Environment, Information and Consumer Behaviour S. Krarup and C.S. Russell (eds.) pp. 65-90. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe, Michael Vayda and Nancy Ross. 2003. Willingness to pay for genetically modified foods with bundled health and environmental attributes. Proceedings of the 7nd ICABR International Conference on Public Goods and Public Policy for Agricultural Biotechnology. Ravello (Italy), June 29 to July 3, 2003Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Alan S. Levy. 2002. Ecolabeling: What does consumer science tell us about which strategies work? Proceedings of the Conference on Ecolabels and Greening of the Food Market. Tufts University, Boston, MA. November.Mario F. Teisl and Julie A.Caswell. 2002. Information Policy and Genetically Modified Food: Weighing the Benefits and Costs. Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists. Monterey CA. June.Sam N. Luoma, Steven S. Brown, Mario F. Teisl, Warren G. Foster, James O. Leckie, John K. Thomas and Sharon O. Williams-Fleetwood. 2002. Chapter 4: Characteristics and Implications. Interconnections Between Human Health and Ecological Intergrity. Society of Environmental Toxicologists and Chemists. Mario F. Teisl and Kelly O’Brien. 2001. Who Cares and Who Acts? The Relationship Between Outdoor Recreation Behavior and Environmental Concern and Behavior. Proceedings of the Northeast Recreational Research Symposium. Mario F. Teisl, Kelly O’Brien and Stephanie Peavey. 2001. Environmental Labeling Of Wood Products: What Do Consumers Want To See? Proceedings of the National Association of Environmental Professionals 26th Annual Conference. Mario F. Teisl, Huaping Rong, Brian Roe and Alan S. Levy. 2001. Environmental labeling of electricity: Consumer uncertainty and perceptions. American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting Proceedings Paper published on AgEcon Search. Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe, Kevin Boyle, T. Lynn Riggs, Mark L. Messonnier, Melissa J. Herrmann. 2001. Understanding how respondents view food safety risks: Implications to the design of willingness-to-pay experiments. American Environmental and Resource Economists Association Annual Workshop Proceedings Paper. Jason Weiss and Mario F. Teisl. 2000. Consumer Reactions to Different Pricing Formats: A Study of the Residential Electricity Supply Industry. Proceedings of the Annual Marketing and Public Policy Conference, American Marketing Association. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Number 2399.Mario F. Teisl, Huaping Rong, Brian Roe and Alan S. Levy. 2000. Characteristics of Successful Environmental Labeling Policies: Experimental Evidence. Proceedings of the National Association of Environmental Professionals 25th Annual Conference. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Number 2379.Mario F. Teisl and Nancy E. Bockstael. 1999. Measuring the Welfare Effects of Nutrition Labeling Proceedings of the 1999 Food and Agricultural Marketing Consortium Conference. Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station 2376.Brian Roe, Kevin J. Boyle and Mario F. Teisl. 1998 Using Conjoint Analysis to Derive Estimates of Compensating Variation Environmental Analysis and Economic Policy K.J. Button and P. Nijkamp, eds., (this is a re-publication of an article that was originally published in Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 31 (1996): 145-59.Mario F. Teisl, Nancy E. Bockstael and Alan S. Levy. 1998. Nutrition Labeling: Does the Message Reach the Consumer? American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting Proceedings Paper published on AgEcon Search. Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station 2231.Alan S. Levy, Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe, Matthew Russell, Dave Moskovitz and Tom Austin. 1998. Electricity Deregulation: What’s in Store for the Environment? American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting Proceedings Paper published on AgEcon Search. Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station 2230.Mario F. Teisl, Nancy E. Bockstael and Alan S. Levy. Preferences for Food Labels: A Discrete Choice Approach. 1996. Strategy and Policy in the Food System: Emerging Issues Proceedings of the NE-165 (Private Strategies, Public Policies and Food System Performance) Annual Meeting.Nancy E. Bockstael, Richard E. Just, and Mario F. Teisl. 1994. Food Safety and Inspection: An Overview. ReEngineering Marketing Policies for Food and Agriculture, ed. D. Padberg. Proceedings of the Food and Agricultural Marketing Consortium, Alexandria, VA.Kevin J. Boyle, Daniel McCollum and Mario F. Teisl, Empirical Evidence on the Size and Sign of Option Value. 1992. Benefits and Costs in Natural Resource Planning: Fifth Interim Report. Proceedings of the W-133 (Benefits and Costs in Natural Resource Planning) Annual Meeting.Research Reports and Technical PapersCaroline Noblet, Mario F. Teisl, Maryam Kashkooli, Bryan Teisl, and Nicholas A. Giudice Potential Tourism Impacts Of An Offshore Wind Farm Near Monhegan Island May 2016Wendy Norton, Kevin Athern, Doug McMaught, Sherry Larkin and Mario Teisl. 2010. Assessing the Impact of MSC certification on Management and Conservation in the New Zealand Hoki and Orange Roughy Fisheries. Final report to the David and Lucile Packard Foundation Project 2008-32492Mario F. Teisl, Eric Fromberg, Kevin J. Boyle, and Andy Smith. 2010. Measuring the impact of Maine’s ‘Safe Eating Guidelines’: A Fish Consumption Advisory for at-risk women. University of Maine, School of Economics Staff Paper # 585Todd Gabe and Mario Teisl. 2010. Effects of Cellular Telephone Warning Labels (Ld 1706) on Maine Retailers University of Maine, School of Economics Staff Paper # 584Mario F. Teisl, Caroline Noblet, Andrew Knox and Jonathan Rubin. 2009. Consumer Biofuel Knowledge and Preferences: Results of Focus Groups University of Maine, School of Economics Staff Paper # 580. Kathleen P. Bell and Mario F. Teisl. 2009. Economic Valuation of Avoiding Exposure to Arsenic in Drinking Water: Focus Group Summary Report I. Report to U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyKathleen P. Bell and Mario F. Teisl. 2009. Economic Valuation of Avoiding Exposure to Arsenic in Drinking Water: Focus Group Summary Report II. Report to U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyMario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline Noblet. 2008. Environmental Marketing of Green Vehicles: Exploring Effective Design and Performance. Final Report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the National Science foundation Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe, Caroline Noblet, Kevin J. Boyle, Nancy E. Bockstael, Alan S. Levy, Gerald Mumma, Tamera Riggs and Mark Messonnier. 2007. Can Survey-based Scenarios Measure Consumer Values for Improved Food Safety? Final Report submitted to the National Center for Infectious Diseases, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.Mario F. Teisl, Alice White-Cyr, Jonathan Rubin, Caroline Noblet, 2005. Mainers’ knowledge, practices and attitudes toward clean air, vehicle emissions and Maine’s Clean Car Program. Department of Resource Economics and Policy Staff Paper # 551Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin, Caroline Noblet, Lynn Cayting, Melissa Morrill, Thomas Brown, and Sue Jones. 2004. Designing Effective Environmental Labels for Passenger Vehicle Sales in Maine: Results of Focus Group Research. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 434.Brian Roe, Yun-Jae Hwang and Mario F. Teisl. 2004. An Empirical Analysis of U.S. Consumers’ Concerns and Eight Food Production and Processing Technologies. Staff Paper, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, Ohio State University.Brian Roe and Mario F. Teisl. 2004. Genetically Modified Food Labeling: The Impacts of Message and Messenger on Consumer Perceptions of Label Credibility and Adequacy and of Product Risk. Staff Paper, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, Ohio State University.Brian Roe and Mario F. Teisl. 2004. The Effect of Information Regulations in Markets with Consumption Externalities: Empirical Evidence for Genetically Engineered Foods. Staff Paper, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, Ohio State University.Mario F. Teisl. 2003 Analysis of the Effectiveness of the ‘get real. get maine’ campaign. Report to the Maine Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources, Division of Market and Production Development. Department of Resource Economics and Policy Staff Paper: 519, University of MaineMario F. Teisl, Luke Garner, Michael Vayda and Brian Roe. 2003. Labeling Genetically Modified Foods: How Do U.S. Consumers Want To See It Done? Department of Resource Economics and Policy Staff Paper: 521, University of Maine.Mario F. Teisl and Julie A. Caswell. 2003. Information Policy and Genetically Modified Food: Weighing the Benefits and Costs Department of Resource Economics Working Paper: 2003-01, University of Massachusetts. Brian Roe and Mario F. Teisl. 2002. Individual Willingness to Pay to Reduce Undesirable Probabilities: Reconsidering the Proportional Scope Test,?Ohio State University Working Paper. Mario F. Teisl, Lynn Halverson, Kelly O’Brien, Brian Roe, Nancy Ross and Mike Vayda. 2002. Designing a Genetically Modified Food Labeling Policy: Results of Focus Group Research. Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Bulletin.Mario F. Teisl and Brian Roe. 2002. Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods: Exploring Possible Approaches Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics Working Paper: AEDE-WP-0019-01, The Ohio State University.Mario F. Teisl, Andrew J. Plantinga, Thomas G. Allen and David Field. 2001. Funding Forestry Certification Choices: Ideas for Shared Prosperity Maine Center for Economic Policy.Mario F. Teisl, Felicia Newman, JoAnn Buono, and Melissa Hermann. 2000. Designing Effective Environmental Labels for Forest Products: Results of Focus Group Research. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 420.Kevin J. Boyle and Mario F. Teisl. 1999. Public Preferences for Timber Harvesting on Private Forest Land Purchased for Public Ownership in Maine. Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Report 414.Mario F. Teisl. 1999. The Effects of Labeling: A Summary of Consumer Research Impacts of Genetic Engineering and Society: Biotechnology White Paper Series 6(1).Rob Southwick, Mario F. Teisl and Stephanie L. Hussey, 1998. The Economic Impacts of Freshwater Fishing in South Carolina. Report to the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. Southwick Associates.Rob Southwick, Mario F. Teisl and Stephanie L. Hussey, 1998. The Economic Benefits of Watchable Wildlife Recreation during 1996 in New Jersey. Report to the New Jersey Natural Resources Commission. Southwick Associates.Rob Southwick, Mario F. Teisl F. Teisl, Rob Southwick and Stephanie L. Hussey, 1998. The Economic Benefits of Watchable Wildlife Recreation during 1996 in Arkansas. Report to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Southwick Associates.Rob Southwick, Mario F. Teisl and Stephanie L. Hussey, 1998. The 1996 Economic Benefits of Watchable Wildlife Recreation in Florida. Report to the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. Southwick Associates.Rob Southwick, Mario F. Teisl and Stephanie L. Hussey, 1998. The Economic Benefits of Watchable Wildlife Recreation during 1996 in Colorado. Report to the Colorado Division of Wildlife. Southwick Associates.Rob Southwick, Mario F. Teisl and Stephanie L. Hussey, 1998. The Economic Benefits of Watchable Wildlife Recreation during 1996 in West Virginia. Report to the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. Southwick Associates.Rob Southwick, Mario F. Teisl and Stephanie L. Hussey, 1998. The Economic Benefits of Watchable Wildlife Recreation during 1996 in Illinois. Report to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl and Rob Southwick, 1996. The Economic Benefits of Watchable Wildlife Recreation in Louisiana. Report to the Louisiana Department of Fish and Wildlife. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl and Rob Southwick, 1996. The Economic Benefits of Hunting in North Carolina. Report to the North Carolina Fish and Game. Southwick Associates.Ivar E. Strand, Mario F. Teisl and James E. Kirkley, 1995. The Willingness-to-Pay to Eliminate Jellyfish in the Chesapeake Bay. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Staff Paper, University of Maryland.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Rob Southwick, 1995. The Economic Benefits of Watchable Wildlife Recreation in Maryland. Report to the Maryland Department of Fish and Wildlife. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Rob Southwick, 1995. The Economic Benefits of Watchable Wildlife Recreation in Florida. Report to the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Rob Southwick, 1995. The Economic Benefits of Watchable Wildlife Recreation in Illinois. Report to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl and Rob Southwick, 1995. The Economic Benefits of Watchable Wildlife Recreation in California. Report to the California Department of Fish and Game. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Rob Southwick, 1995. The Economic Benefits of Watchable Wildlife Recreation in West Virginia. Report to the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl and Rob Southwick, 1995. The Economic Benefits of Watchable Wildlife Recreation in Montana. Report to the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl and Rob Southwick, 1995. The Economic Benefits of 1991 Non- Consumptive Fish and Wildlife-Associated Recreation in Pennsylvania. Final Report to the Pennsylvania Wild Resource Conservation Fund. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl and Rob Southwick, 1995. The Economic Benefits of 1991 Non-Consumptive Fish and Wildlife-Associated Recreation in Colorado. Final Report to the Colorado Division of Wildlife. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl and Rob Southwick, 1995. The Economic Benefits of 1991 Non- Consumptive Fish and Wildlife-Associated Recreation in Indiana. Final Report to the Indiana Division of Fish and Wildlife. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl and Rob Southwick, 1994. The Economic Benefits of 1991 Non- Consumptive Fish and Wildlife-Associated Recreation in Arizona. Final Report to the Arizona Game and Fish Department. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle and Stephen D. Reiling, 1992. Highlights from the 1988 Survey of Upland Bird Hunters in Maine. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Staff Paper, University of Maine, ARE 444. Kevin J. Boyle, Mario F. Teisl and Stephen D. Reiling, 1992. Qualitative and Economic Evaluations of Atlantic Salmon Fishing on the Penobscot River. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Staff Paper, University of Maine, ARE 436.Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle and Stephen D. Reiling, 1991. Highlights from the 1988 Survey of Migratory Waterfowl Hunters in Maine. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Staff Paper, University of Maine, ARE 434. Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle and Stephen D. Reiling, 1991. Highlights from the 1988 Survey of Ice Fishing in Maine. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Staff Paper, University of Maine, ARE 431. Stephen D. Reiling, Mario F. Teisl, and Kevin J. Boyle 1991. Highlights from the 1988 Survey of Bear Hunting in Maine. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Staff Paper, University of Maine, ARE 430. Mario F. Teisl, and Stephen D. Reiling, 1990. Tourism and Local Government Expenditures and Revenues. The Maine Business Research Report Agricultural and Resource Economics Staff Paper, University of Maine, ARE 422. Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle and Stephen D. Reiling, 1990. Highlights from the Survey of Hunters Holding a 1988 Maine Hunting License. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Staff Paper, University of Maine, ARE 424.Published AbstractsMary Ellen Camire, Heidi England Morin and Mario Teisl. 2013. Dietary Fiber Content and Benefit Labeling Did Not Increase High-Fiber Bread Sales. FASEB JOURNAL, 27: 9650 Mario F. Teisl, Alan S. Levy and Nancy E. Bockstael. 1998. Nutrition Labeling: Does the Message Reach the Consumer? American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Alan S. Levy, Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe, Matthew Russell, Dave Moskovitz and Tom Austin. 1998. Electricity Deregulation: What’s in Store for the Environment? American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Robert L. Hicks. 1997. Can Eco-labels Tune a Market? Evidence from Dolphin-Safe Labeling. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 79(5):1707.Alan S. Levy, Mario F. Teisl and Brenda M. Derby. 1996. Health Claim Information and Consumer Awareness of Diet-Disease Relationships. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 78(5):1391.Mario F. Teisl and Alan S. Levy. 1996. Valuing Nutrition Information: Results from a Willingness-to-Pay Experiment. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 78(5):1391.Brian Roe, Kevin J. Boyle and Mario F. Teisl. 1994. Deriving Compensating Variation from Conjoint Data Sets: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Issues. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 76(5):1254.Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle, Daniel W. McCollum and Steven D. Reiling. 1993. Temporal Reliability of Dichotomous Choice Contingent Values: An Application of Full Panel Design. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 22(2):227.Agency ReportsRobert Southwick, Melinda Gable and Mario F. Teisl. 2001. Economics: How it can assist Hunting and Wildlife Management. Wildlife Management Institute. Kelly O’Brien, Mario F. Teisl, Thomas Allen and Todd Gabe. 2001. The Economic Impact of Commercial Whitewater Rafting in Maine. Report to RaftMaine and Davidson-Peterson Associates.Kevin Boyle, Mario Teisl and Robert Patterson. 2000. 2000/2001 Revenue Forecasts Final Report to the Vermont Department of Fish and WildlifeMario F. Teisl. 2000. Environmental Labeling of Electricity: Label Design and Performance: Final Report. Final Report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the National Science Foundation. Mario F. Teisl and Kevin J. Boyle. 2000. FY 2000/01 and FY 2002/03 Revenue Forecasts Report to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Bureau of Administrative Services, Augusta, Maine. Mark Duda, Rob Southwick, Jason Weiss and Mario F. Teisl. 2000. Bowhunting in the U.S. Southwick Associates. Alexandria, VA.Kevin J. Boyle and Mario F. Teisl. 1999. Fiscal Year 2000 and 2001 Revenue Forecasts Report to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Bureau of Administrative Services, Augusta, Maine.Mario F. Teisl and Kevin J. Boyle. 1998 The Economic Impacts of Hunting, Inland Fishing and Wildlife-Associated Recreation in Maine. Report to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Resource Economics and Policy Staff Paper 479.Rob Southwick, Gregg Gutschow and Mario F. Teisl. 1998. Bowhunters have Clout Report to the Archery Manufacturers and Merchants Association. Southwick Associates.Rob Southwick and Mario F. Teisl, 1998. The Economic Importance of Hunting. Final Report to the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Southwick Associates.Rob Southwick, Mario F. Teisl and Carl Stewart, 1997. Boating Risk Analysis Information System - Boating Risk Models. Software developed for the U.S. Coast Guard. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl, Alan Levy, Lynn Halverson and Ed Holt. 1997. Information Disclosure and Electricity Marketing: Results from Focus Group Research. Report to the Regulatory Assistance Project and the Department of Energy.Mario F. Teisl, Lynn Halverson and Ed Holt. 1997. Information Disclosure and Electricity Marketing: Results from Focus Group Research- West Coast. Report to the Regulatory Assistance Project and the Department of Energy.Mario F. Teisl and Rob Southwick, 1995. Potential Impacts of the European Union's Wild Fur Regulation on U.S. Trade. Report to the U.S. State Department. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl and Rob Southwick, 1995. The Economic Impacts of Fish and Wildlife-Associated Recreation on Public Lands in Ohio. Final Report to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Southwick Associates.Rob Southwick and Mario F. Teisl, 1995. Economic Impacts of 1991 Marine Recreational and Commercial Striped Bass Harvests: Maine to North Carolina. Final Report to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl and Rob Southwick, 1995. The Economic Contributions of Bird and Waterfowl Recreation in the United States during 1991. Final Report to the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl and Rob Southwick, 1994. The Economic Benefits of 1991 Hunting and Fishing in South Dakota. Final Report to the South Dakota Office of Attorney General. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl, Rob Southwick and Karen Reilly, 1994. An Economic Profile of the Canadian Fur Industry. Final Report to the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Southwick Associates.Mario F. Teisl, Rob Southwick and Karen Reilly, 1993. An Economic Profile of the United States Fur Industry. Final Report to the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Southwick Associates.Kevin J. Boyle, Mario F. Teisl and Stephen D. Reiling, 1992. Benefit-Cost Analyses of Atlantic Salmon Restoration on the Penobscot River. Final Report to Bangor Hydro-Electric Co., Bangor, ME. Kevin J. Boyle and Mario F. Teisl, 1992. Angler Evaluations of Potential Management Programs for Atlantic Salmon on the Penobscot River. Final Report to Bangor Hydro-Electric Co., Bangor, ME. FERC No. 10981-Maine.Kevin J. Boyle, Mario F. Teisl, John R. Moring and Stephen D. Reiling, 1991. Economic Benefits Accruing to Sport Fisheries on the Lower Kennebec River from the Provision of Fish Passage at Edwards Dam or from the Removal of Edwards Dam. Final Report to the Maine Department of Marine Resources. Kevin J. Boyle, Stephen D. Reiling, Mario F. Teisl and Marcia L. Phillips, 1990. A Study of the Impact of Game and Nongame Species on Maine's Economy. Final Report to the Maine Legislative Commission to Study the Impact of Game and Nongame Species on Maine's Economy.Kevin J. Boyle, Mario F. Teisl, Marcia L. Phillips, Stephen D. Reiling and Lauri A. Fagerquist, 1990. Economic Values and Economic Impacts Associated with Consumptive and Nonconsumptive Uses of Maine's Fish and Wildlife Resources. Report to the Maine Legislative Commission to Study the Impact of Game and Nongame Species on Maine's Economy.Popular PublicationsBjorn Grigholm, Amy Kireta and Mario Teisl What Maine youth are learning in school about climate change Bangor Daily News January 7, 2016 Teisl and Kate Warner. 2015. Why there’s cause for concern with Maine’s water supply Bangor Daily News August 1, 2015. Warner and Mario Teisl. 2015. Water Quality in Maine Quarterly Economic Report of the Maine Development Foundation. July. L. Noblet, Mario F. Teisl, Katherine H. Farrow and Jonathan Rubin. 2013. Biofuels development in Maine: Using trees to oil the wheels of sustainability. Bangor Daily News. March 12. F. Teisl, Caroline Noblet, and Shannon McCoy. 2011. Maine Voices: Offshore wind has role in Maine's future Maine Sunday Telegram. June 26. F. Teisl, Shan Huang, Caroline Noblet, Lisa Bragg, Catherine LaRochelle, Micheal Devanney, Jennifer L. Ward and Metin Cakir. 2004. Should School Districts Consolidate Bangor Daily News, April 5. Rubin and Mario F. Teisl. 2001. Analyze Uses, Misuse of Scarce Resources. Portland Press Herald Dec. 22.Mario F. Teisl and Kelly O’Brien. 2001. Forest Certification with Consumer in Mind. Bangor Daily News. Dec. 20. F. Teisl. 2000. GE Food Labeling Pros and Cons. Bangor Daily News. Aug. 28.Mario F. Teisl and Kevin J. Boyle. 1998. Hunting: A Boon to Maine’s Economy Maine Fish and Wildlife. 40(3):4.Mario F. Teisl, Alan G. Clark and Kevin J. Boyle, 1991. Season Timing: When to Hunt. Maine Fish and Wildlife. 33(3), Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Publication, No. 1577. Stephen D. Reiling, Mario F. Teisl, and Kevin J. Boyle, 1991. Baiting Maine Bears: How Hunters Feel. Maine Fish and Wildlife. 33(3), Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Publication, No. 1575.Kevin J. Boyle, Mario F. Teisl, and Stephen D. Reiling, 1991. Hunting for Hunter Facts. Maine Fish and Wildlife. 33(3), Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Publication, No. 1574. Kevin J. Boyle, Mario F. Teisl, Stephen D. Reiling, and Owen C. Fenderson, 1991. Fishing for Angler Facts. Maine Fish and Wildlife. 33(2). Kevin J. Boyle, Stephen D. Reiling, Mario F. Teisl and Marcia L. Phillips, 1991. Maine's Wildlife and Fish Resources: How Valuable? Maine Fish and Wildlife. 33(1). Extension PublicationsMario F. Teisl, and Stephen D. Reiling, 1992. The Impact of Tourism on Local Government Public Service Expenditures. Measuring Tourism Impacts at the Community Level Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Report 374.Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle and Owen Fenderson, 1992. Angler Opinions Regarding Management Options to Balance Open-Water and Ice Fishing Effort in Maine. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Publication 1648.Kevin J. Boyle, Daniel W. McCollum and Mario F. Teisl, 1992. Empirical Evidence on the Size and Sign of Option Value. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Publication 1647.Michelle C. Marra, Timothy A. Woods, Russell Parker, Nu Nu San and Mario F. Teisl, 1989. A Comparison of Lowbush Blueberry Harvesting Technologies: Experimental and Economic Results from the 1988 Field Tests in Washington County, Maine. Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin Number 825.Professional PresentationsMario F. Teisl, Haley Engelberth, Eric Frohmberg, Karyn Butts, Caroline Noblet, Sue Stableford, Amy Lando & Andrew E. Smith. 2017. Informing pregnant women about the benefits and risks of eating fish. Invited paper. 13th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. Providence RI July 19thMario F. Teisl 2017. Assessing Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines Workshop presentation for University of Maine System faculty. University of Maine, Orono ME May 24thKeith S. Evans, Mario F. Teisl, Amy M. Lando and Sherry T. Liu. 2017. Risk perceptions and food handling practices in the home. Poster. Annual Meeting. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. Chicago, IL July 30-August 1.Angela Hallowell and Mario F. Teisl. 2017. Factors affecting Teaching Quality: An Analysis of Course Evaluations. Poster (1st place undergrad poster award). Maine Economics Conference. Bates College, Waterville, ME May 6.Angela Hallowell and Mario F. Teisl. 2017. Factors affecting Teaching Quality: An Analysis of Course Evaluations. Poster. UMaine Research Expo. Bangor, ME April 24.Mario F. Teisl,?Caroline L. Noblet,?Richard R. Corey and Nicholas A. Giudice. 2016. Using VR Technology to Assess Tourist Reactions to an Offshore Windfarm Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association (NAREA) Annual Workshop, Bar Harbor, ME. June 22-23. Dorina Grezda, Mario F. Teisl, and Caroline Noblet. 2016. Factors influencing environmental behaviors.?Poster. 4th Maine Economics Conference,?Bates College, ME. April 30.?Mario F. Teisl,?Caroline L. Noblet,?Sarah Marrinan,?Travis Blackmer, Dorina Grezda and Nehat Dobratiqi. 2015. Internal and external motivators for environmentally sound waste management. Invited keynote presentation (webcast). Unitwin Network Seminar. University of Wisconsin. Madison Sept. 3-4. website: A. Warner, Mario F. Teisl, and Jasmine E. Saros 2015. Assessing the Economic Vulnerability of Maine’s Drinking Water Resources to Extreme Precipitation Events: A Preliminary Study Paper presentation. Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association/Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Joint Annual Meeting June 30th, Newport, Rhode Island.Kate A. Warner, Mario F. Teisl, and Jasmine E. Saros 2015. Assessing the Economic Vulnerability of Maine’s Drinking Water Resources to Extreme Precipitation Events: A Preliminary Study Poster Presentation. Maine Economics Conference Bowdoin College, ME May 2ndMario Teisl. 2015. Maine’s Blue Economy Invited presenter/panelist – University of Maine’s Marine Science Solutions Initiative. Maine Fishermen’s Forum. Rockport Maine March 5-7.Caroline L. Noblet,?Sarah Newcomb, Anne Witick, Allyson Eslin, Mark Anderson, Mario Teisl and Shannon McCoy. 2014. Adaptation and Sustainability Incentives. Maine Climate Adaptation and Sustainability Conference. Orono, Maine?October 23.Mario F. Teisl, Haley Engelberth, Andrew E. Smith, Eric Frohmberg, Kathleen P. Bell, Karyn Butts, Sue Stableford and Chelsea Ogun. 2014. Improving Communication of Fish Advisories – Providing Benefit and Risk Information to Increase Consumer Knowledge. Invited Presentation. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Forum on Contaminants in Fish. Alexandria, Virginia September 22-24.Sherry Liu, Amy Lando, Mario Teisl, Alan Levy. 2014. Trends in Food Handling Risk Perceptions and their Association with Safe Food Handling Behaviors, 1998-2010 US Food & Drug Administration Conference. Washington DC Douadia Bougherara, Sandrine Costa and Mario Teisl. 2014. Making or Buying Environmental Public Goods: Do consumers care? Selected Presentation. Maine Economics Conference. Colby College Waterville, ME April 26.Kate A. Warner, Kristin E.D. Strock, Mario F. Teisl and Jasmine E. Saros. 2014. Ecological and Economic Vulnerability of Maine Drinking Water Resources to Increased Frequency of Extreme Storm Events. Poster Presentation. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography Conference. Portland, Oregon, May 18-23.Caroline L. Noblet, John Th?gersen and Mario Teisl.?2013. Drive Less:??Easy to Say, Hard to do.?Understanding decisions to change travel modes.??Behavior Energy and Climate Change Conference. Sacramento, California November 17-20.Mario F. Teisl, Amy Lando and Alan S. Levy. 2013.?Germ Warfare: Explaining changes in households' food-handling behaviors.?Invited seminar, Economics Department. Bates College, Lewiston ME, Nov. 7. Michelle L. Johnson, Mario F. Teisl, Kathleen P. Bell, and Shannon K. McCoy. 2013. Assessing psychological factors affecting personal relevance of landscape change scenarios Poster Presentation. Maine State EPSCoR Conference, Orono ME, Sept. 30.Mario F. Teisl. 2013. Economic and policy implications of abrupt climate change Abrupt Climate Change Seminar Series, Climate Change Institute, University of Maine, Orono ME, Sept. 25.Laura Teisl, Tora Johnson and Mario Teisl. 2013. Public reactions to land-based wind farms in Maine. Selected Poster. Maine Association of Planners Annual Meeting. Belfast ME, June 21.Amy M. Lando, Mario F. Teisl and Alan Levy. 2013. Changes in Food Handling in the United States, 1993 to 2010: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis Symposium Paper: New Insights on Consumer Food Handling Behavior Marketing & Public Policy Conference Washington D.C. May 30-June 1.Mario F. Teisl, Shannon McCoy, Sarah Marrinan, Caroline Noblet, Teresa Johnson, Megan Wibberly, Robert Roper & Sharon Klein. 2013. Will offshore energy face fair winds and following seas?: Understanding what influences offshore wind acceptance. Selected presentation. Maine Economics Conference, Bates College, ME. April 27Mary Ellen Camire, Heidi England Morin and Mario Teisl. 2013. Dietary Fiber Content and Benefit Labeling Did Not Increase High-Fiber Bread Sales. Joint Annual Meeting of the ASPET/BPS at Experimental Biology Boston, MA?April 20-24Caroline Noblet, Shannon McCoy and Mario Teisl. 2012. Primed for Action? The potential role of priming in renewable energy acceptance, Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference, Sacramento, CA. November 12-14Linda Silka, Mario F. Teisl and Robin Toof. 2012. Place-based approaches to engagement: Can universities be local and global? Selected Panel. International Workshop on Higher Education Reform. Pittsburgh, PA. Oct. 10-12Haley Engelberth, Mario Teisl, Caroline Noblet, Kathleen Bell, Andrew Smith, Eric Frohmberg and Karyn Butts. 2012. Econometric Analysis of Maine's Mercury Advisory Haley M. Engelberth, Mariano F. Teisl, Caroline Noblet, and Kathleen P. Bell, University of Maine; Eric Frohmberg, Karyn Butts, and Andrew Smith, Maine Center for Disease Control and PreventionAn econometric analysis of Maine’s mercury advisory Selected paper. Annual meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Seattle WA Aug. 12-14.Mario F. Teisl, 2012. Ecolabeling food: How are we doing? Symposium paper (Ten thousand labels: Creedence attributes, product differentiation, and information flows in the food system). Annual meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Seattle WA Aug. 12-14.Karen Hutchins, Linda Silka, Kathleen P. Bell, Mario Teisl, Laura Lindenfeld, and Jessica Leahy. 2012. Linking Knowledge with Action through Municipality-University Partnerships, Selected poster. Conference on Public Participation in Scientific Research, Portland OR August 4-5.Stacia Dreyer, Shannon K. McCoy and Mario Teisl. 2012. Merging economics and psychology yields factors driving people to drive less Selected presentation. Annual meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Lowell, MA. June 12-14Sarah Marrinan, Mario Teisl, Caroline Noblet, and Hsaing-tai Cheng. 2012. Deep-water and Land-based Wind Power as Substitutes: Measuring the Influences for Wind Power Support in Maine Selected presentation. Annual meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Lowell, MA. June 12-14Haley M. Engelberth, Andy Smith, Mario Teisl, Kathleen Bell and Caroline Noblet. 2012. There’s nothing “Fishy” about fish: A public health effort to inform at-risk women in Maine about risks and benefits, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Food Environment Symposium, Tufts University May 31.Stacia Dreyer, Shannon K. McCoy and Mario Teisl. 2012. Intentions to pave the road: An environmental economics application of the theory of planned behavior Selected poster. Annual Convention of the Association of Psychological Science, Chicago, IL. May 24-27Karen K. Hutchins, Laura A. Lindenfeld, Kathleen P. Bell, Mario F. Teisl, Linda Silka, and Jessica Leahy. 2012. Linking Knowledge with Action Through Municipality-University Partnerships. Poster Presentation. Maine State EPSCoR Conference, Orono, ME. Graduate Student Poster Prize**Haley M. Engelberth, Mario F. Teisl, Caroline Noblet, Kathleen P. Bell, Eric Frohmberg, Andrew E. Smith, and Karyn Butts. 2012. Selected poster (First place award). Fish Advisories for At-Risk Mainers: Does knowledge lead to action? Maine Water Conference, Augusta ME. March 14Douadia Bougherara, Sandrine Costa and Mario Teisl. 2011. Making or Buying Environmental Public Goods: Do consumers care? Selected Presentation. 5ièmes Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales, INRA-SFER-CIRAD. Dijon France Dec. 9. Caroline Noblet, Mark Anderson and Mario Teisl. 2011. Dancing in the Wind: Do you do the Weltanshauung? Energy Decisions may Depend on Worldviews. Selected poster. Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference, Washington, DC. Dec. 1Sarah Marrinan, Mario F. Teisl , Caroline Noblet, Hsiang-tai Cheng, Megan Wibberly. 2011. Do you have to be a Maine-iac to recycle? Recycling among an aging population. Selected poster. Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference, Washington, DC. Dec. 1Megan Wibberly, Caroline Noblet, Mario Teisl and Shannon McCoy. 2011. Income: What's There to Stress About? The Use of Economic Stress to Measure Budget Constraints. Selected presentation. Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference, Washington, DC. Dec. 1Megan Wibberly, Mario Teisl, Caroline Noblet and Shannon McCoy. National: Consumers are stressing out! The effect of perceived economic stress on willingness to pay for offshore wind power. Selected Presentation. Renewable Energy Markets Conference. San Francisco, CA, Nov. 15 – 18, 2011Mario F. Teisl, 2011. What a Peace Corps experience means. Invited keynote address. Peace Corps 50th Anniversary Jubilee. University of Maine Orono, ME Oct. 28.Mario F. Teisl, 2011. What box? Interdisciplinary research studying how people react to new technologies - from food to energy. Invited seminar. School of Forestry University of Maine Orono, ME Oct. 28.Megan Wibberly, Mario Teisl, Caroline Noblet and Shannon McCoy. Local: What’s there to stress about? Using perceived economic stress to examine support for wind power in Maine. Presentation to the University of Maine School of Economics. Orono, ME, October 14, 2011Megan Wibberly, Mario Teisl, Caroline Noblet and Shannon McCoy. Local: What’s there to stress about? Using perceived economic stress to examine support for wind power in Maine. Invited Presentation. Maine’s Sustainability Solutions Initiative All Team Meeting. Orono, ME,October 5, 2011Sarah Marrinan, Mario F. Teisl, Caroine L. Noblet and Hsiang-tai Cheng. 2011. Wind power substitutes: Understanding the factors which deviate support between offshore and land-based wind power Selected Presentation. Maine EPSCoR State Conference. Orono, ME, September 26, 2011Mario F. Teisl, Eric Frohmberg, Andrew E. Smith, Kevin J. Boyle and Haley Engelberth,. 2011. Improving Fish Consumption Advisories for At-Risk Women in Maine Poster. (1st place out of 18 submissions) Maine EPSCoR Conference. University of Maine, Orono. Sept. 28.Megan Wibberly, Mario Teisl, Caroline Noblet and Shannon McCoy. 2011: What’s there to stress about? Using perceived economic stress to examine support for wind power in Maine. Selected Presentation. Maine EPSCoR State Conference. Orono, ME, September 26, 2011Ryan Pickering, Shannon McCoy, Stacia Dreyer, Mario Teisl, Caroline Noblet and Megan Wibberly. 2011. He who is active is rich: Free outdoor recreation can make the poor feel richer and have a more positive outlook Selected Poster. Maine EPSCoR State Conference. Orono, ME, September 26, 2011Stacia Dreyer, Shannon McCoy, Mario Teisl, Caroline Noblet and Joseph Wellman. 2011 Get Outside and Play: Environmental Concern as a Mediator for the Effect of Outdoor Recreation on Pro-environmental Behavior Selected Poster. Maine EPSCoR State Conference. Orono, ME, September 26, 2011Mario F. Teisl, Caroline Noblet, Shannon McCoy, Mark Anderson, Megan Wibberly, Brandon Cosley, Joseph Wellman, Stacia Dreyer, Sarah Marrinan, Karen Hutchins and Kevin Price. 2011. Are Mainers Blown Away by Wind? Selected presentation. Annual meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Pittsburgh, PA, July 25-26.Shyamani Siriwardena, Gary Hunt, Mario Teisl, and Caroline Noblet. 2011. Effectiveness of Eco-Marketing on Green Vehicle Purchase Behavior in Maine: A Nested-logit Model Approach Selected presentation. Annual meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Pittsburgh, PA, July 25-26.Ann E. Speers, Kathleen P. Bell, Mario F. Teisl and Jessica E. Leahy. 2011. Tradeoffs, Social Norms, Status, and Pro-environmental Behavior: Adoption of Conservation Practices by Lakefront Households Selected presentation. Annual meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Pittsburgh, PA, July 25-26.Ann E. Speers, Kathleen P. Bell, Mario F. Teisl and Jessica E. Leahy 2011. Explaining lakefront household adoption of conservation practices: Social norms and economic tradeoffs Maine COLA Conference Colby College Waterville, MEMegan R. Wibberly, Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet, and Shannon K. McCoy. 2011. How Will the Availability of Wind Energy Effect Electricity Consumption Behavior? Selected presentation. Annual meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Pittsburgh, PA, July 25-26.Katherine Farrow, Mario F. Teisl and Caroline Noblet. 2011. Does Money Grow on Trees?: People's Willingness-to-Pay for Cellulosic Ethanol, Selected presentation. Annual meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Pittsburgh, PA, July 25-26.Mario F. Teisl. 2011. Self reflections on Sustainability Science: when is sustainable consumption an oxymoron? Invited Panelist. Symposium: Sustainability and Consumption – Near-Term and Long-Term Strategies and Interventions. Joint conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology?and the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics University of Exeter, UK, July 12-15.Mario F. Teisl, Caroline Noblet, Shannon McCoy, Brandon Cosley, Joseph Wellman, Stacia Dreyer, Karen Hutchins, and Sarah Marrinan. 2011. What you say and who you say it to: How messaging about wind power can be helpful, or harmful. Selected presentation. Joint conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology?and the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics University of Exeter, UK, July 12-15.Caroline L. Noblet, Stacia Dreyer, Shannon McCoy and Mario Teisl. Environmental Behaviors, Recreation and the NEP. What May NEP Subscales offer in this ongoing story? Selected presentation. Joint conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology?and the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics University of Exeter, UK, July 12-15.Brandon Cosley, Shannon McCoy, Caroline Noblet, Mario Teisl and Joseph Wellman, 2011. Influencing support for new environmental technology by bolstering the status quo Selected presentation. Joint conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology?and the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics University of Exeter, UK, July 12-15.Stacia Dreyer, Shannon McCoy, Mario F. Teisl, and Caroline Noblet. 2011. Environmental attitudes as predictors of environmental behavior and recreation orientation Selected presentation. Joint conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology?and the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics University of Exeter, UK, July 12-15.Megan R. Wibberly, Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet, and Shannon K. McCoy. 2011. How will the availability of wind energy effect electricity consumption behavior? Selected presentation. Joint conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology?and the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics University of Exeter, UK, July 12-15.Douadia Bougherara, Sandrine Costa and Mario Teisl. 2011. Making or Buying Environmental Public Goods:Do Consumers Care? Selected Presentation. Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. June 29th -July 2nd, Rome, ItalyStacia Dreyer, Shannon McCoy, Ellen Newell, Caroline Noblet, Ryan Pickering, Mario F. Teisl, Joseph D. Wellman, Megan R. Wibberly. (2011). The attitude/behavior link: Do environmental attitudes predict environmental behavior and recreation orientation? Selected Poster. Association for Psychological Sciences Conference. Washington, D.C.. May 26.Ryan Pickering, Stacia Dreyer, Marcroft, R., Shannon K. McCoy, Caroline Noblet, Mario F. Teisl, and Megan R. Wibberly. 2011. Take a hike, you’ll feel like a million bucks: Free leisure activity effects on personal socioeconomic perceptions. Selected poster. Association for Psychological Sciences Conference . Washington, D.C. May 26.Megan Wibberly, Mario Teisl, Caroline Noblet and Shannon McCoy. 2011. Invited presentation. International: Mainers Tradeoff between Wind and Water: The Role of Socioeconomic Status. CREATE and University of Maine Conference. Laval University, May 19, 2011Ryan Pickering, Shannon McCoy, Megan Wibberly, Mario Teisl and Caroline Noblet. Local: Take a Hike! The Effects of Leisure Activity on Perceived Socioeconomic Status. Poster. University of Maine Graduate Academic Exposition. Orono, ME, April 21-22, 2011Megan Wibberly, Caroline Noblet, Mario Teisl and Shannon McCoy. 2011. Mainers’ Power-Up: Tradeoffs between Wind and Water. Selected presentation. University of Maine Graduate Academic Exposition. Orono, ME, April 21-22. (2nd place out of 20 submissions: pechakucha division)Megan Wibberly, Caroline Noblet, Mario Teisl, and Shannon McCoy. 2011. Mainers' Power-Up: Tradeoffs Between Wind and Water. Selected presentation. Maine Water Conference. Augusta, ME, March 16.Mario Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet, Shannon McCoy, Mark Anderson, Megan Wibberly, Brandon Cosley, Joseph Wellman, Stacia Dreyer, Sarah Marrinen, Karen Hutchins and Kevin Price. 2011. Are Mainers ‘blown away’ by wind? Invited presentation. Maine Wind Energy Conference. Augusta, ME, January 24-25.Mario Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet, Shannon McCoy, Mark Anderson, Megan Wibberly, Brandon Cosley, Joseph Wellman, Stacia Dreyer, Sarah Marrinen, Karen Hutchins and Kevin Price. 2011. Are Mainers ‘blown away’ by wind? Presentation to the Advanced Engineered Wood Composites Lab, University of Maine. Orono, ME, January 11.Mark Anderson, Caroline Noblet and Mario Teisl. 2011. World Views and Knowledge to Action. Team presentation. Maine Sustainability Solutions Initiative. University of Maine, Orono. January 13.Mario Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet and Jonathan Rubin. 2010. Success and failure in eco-marketing vehicles Selected Paper Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference Sacramento, CA, November 14-17. Mark Anderson, Mario Teisl and Caroline Noblet. 2010. World Views and Knowledge to Action in Sustainability Science. Poster. Maine EPSCoR Conference. University of Maine, Orono. Nov. 8.Mario Teisl, Shannon McCoy, Caroline Noblet. 2010. Modeling Stakeholder Acceptance of Solutions to Environmental Problems. Poster. Maine EPSCoR Conference. University of Maine, Orono. Nov. 8.Brandon Cosley, Shannon McCoy, Caroline Noblet, Mario Teisl and Joseph Wellman. 2010. Persuaded by the status quo: The role of economic stress in persuasion for environmental messages. Poster. Maine EPSCoR Conference. University of Maine, Orono. Nov. 8.Mario F. Teisl, Shannon McCoy and Caroline Noblet. 2010. What's Economic Psychology? It's MeSSI. Seminar Presentation. School of Economics, University of Maine, Orono Oct. 1.Duoadia Bougherara, Sandrine Costa and Mario F. Teisl. 2010. La Compensation Ecologique: Des Indulgences Environnementales? (Ecological Compensation: Are they Environmental Indulgences??) Research Seminar AgroParisTech, Paris France. September 30Mario F. Teisl, Shannon McCoy and Caroline Noblet. 2010. We are MESSI (MainE Sustainable Solutions Initiative): Using Interdisciplinary Social Science Research to Encourage Sustainability. Invited Paper. The Forum for Social Science Research Concerning the Environment and the Department of Marketing and Statistics. ?rhus School of Business, University of ?rhus. ?rhus, Denmark. September?10.Katherine Hassett, Mario F. Teisl, Caroline Noblet and Shannon McCoy. 2010. What’s Attitude got to do with it? Consumer Demand for Biofuels. Selected poster. Joint Conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology?and the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics University of Cologne, Germany September?5-8. Katherine Hassett, Caroline Noblet, Mario F. Teisl and Shannon McCoy. 2010. Take a Hike! The Simultaneous Relationship between Recreation Behavior & Environmental Concern. Selected Paper. Joint conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology?and the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics University of Cologne, Germany September?5-8.Mario F. Teisl, Shannon McCoy and Caroline Noblet,. 2010. What’s ‘Driving’ Eco-Substitution Behaviors? A study in choices related to biofuels. Selected Paper. Joint Conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology?and the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics University of Cologne, Germany September?5-8.Stephan Marette, Brian Roe and Mario Teisl 2010. Would Subsidizing a Food Pathogen Vaccine Upset the Food Policy Applecart? Selected Paper. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association. AAEA, CAES, & WAEA Joint Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, July 25-27.Caroline L. Noblet, Mario F. Teisl and Jonathan Rubin. 2010. What will New England Consumers want from their Biofuels? Invited Symposium Paper (Bioenergy Demand, Economics and Feedstock Supply). Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Annual Conference Atlantic City, NJ. June 13-15. Katherine Hassett, Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet and Shannon McCoy. 2010. Linking People’s Environmental Concern to their Exposure to Various Outdoor Activities. Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Annual Conference Atlantic City, NJ. June 13-15. Douadia Boughherara, Sandrine Costa and Mario F. Teisl. 2010. Are environmental offsets indulgences? Invited presentation. 3rd International Workshop on Ecolabeling, Laboratory of Forest Economics, INRA–AgroParisTech. Rennes, France June 2-3.Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet and Shannon McCoy. 2010. Typology of consumers’ beliefs, attitudes and norms and substitution patterns across various environmental behaviors. Invited presentation. 3rd International Workshop on Ecolabeling, Laboratory of Forest Economics, INRA–AgroParisTech. Rennes, France June 2-3.Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet and Shannon McCoy. 2010. Mapping consumers' ‘green’, economic and security motivations to participate in various energy behaviors. Invited presentation. Economics Laboratory, INRA–SupAgro, Montpellier, France June 7.Katherine Hassett, Mario F. Teisl and Caroline L. Noblet. 2010. Attitudes and Attributes: What Determines Fuel Choice? Invited presentation. The Northeast Sungrant Annual Meeting. Syracuse NY. May 24–26.Caroline L. Noblet, Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Katherine Hassett. 2010. Understanding people’s acceptance of cellulosic ethanol. Invited poster. The Northeast Sungrant Annual Meeting. Syracuse NY. May 24–26.Sara B. Fein, Amy M. Lando, Alan S. Levy, and Mario F. Teisl. 2010. Trends in US consumers’ safe handling and consumption of food and their risk perceptions 1988-2006. Food Safety Education Conference. Atlanta, GA. March 23-26.Mario F. Teisl and Teresa Johnson. 2009. Institutional set-up and best-practice in the environmentally sustainable coastal zone development/management – the U.S. experience. Invited presentation. Role of the Aarhus Convention in the Environment Protection System Workshop – Podgorica, Montenegro September 16-17.Mario F. Teisl and Caroline L. Noblet. 2009. The Psychology of Eco-Consumption - Invited paper. 2nd International Workshop on Ecolabeling, Laboratory of Forest Economics, INRA–AgroParisTech. Nancy,?France June 29-30.Mario F. Teisl and Brian Roe. 2009. U.S. Consumers’ Willingness to Pay to Reduce the Probability of Retail Foodborne Pathogen Contamination: National Results from a Stated Preference Survey. Presented at the Joint Research Unit for Public Economics INRA–AgroParisTech Paris France. June 22.Mario F. Teisl 2009. Eco-information strategies: Are they effective? Invited presentation and panelist; Wharton Business School - Initiative for Global Environmental Leadership, Philadelphia, PA March 28.Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet and Jonathan Rubin 2009. Designing a marketing program for cellulosic ethanol; SunGrant Initiative Energy Conference. Washington DC. March 13. Eleanor Bacani and Mario F. Teisl. 2008. Do Consumers Care when Green Vehicles get Greener? Evidence from the Maine Light-Duty Vehicle Market Selected paper, Annual meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Quebec City, Canada. June 29-July 1.Mario F. Teisl and Brian Roe. 2008. Valuing Improvements in Food Safety – Do We Get it Right? Selected paper, Annual meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Quebec City, Canada. June 29-July 1.Patricia Lech and Mario F. Teisl 2008. The Increase in Disabled Workers and Healthcare Provider Incentives Selected paper, Annual meeting of the American Society of Health Economists, Durham, NC June 23Patricia Lech, Mary Davis, and Mario F. Teisl. 2008. How Long-term Use of Prescription Opiates Increases Healthcare Costs Selected paper, Annual meeting of the American Society of Health Economists, Durham, NC June 23Sonja Radas, Brian Roe and Mario Teisl. 2008. Consumer Heterogeneity and Preferences for Genetically Modified Foods Selected paper. 15th International Conference on Retailing and Services Science, Zagreb, Croatia, July 14 – July 17Sonja Radas, Mario F. Teisl and Brian Roe. 2008. Viva La Difference!: Consumers’ Desires For Labeling Genetically Modified Food Selected paper. 15th International Conference on Retailing and Services Science, Zagreb, Croatia, July 14 – July 17Mark W. Anderson, Mario Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet, George Criner, Jonathan Rubin and Timothy Dalton. 2008. Attitudinal Change in Higher Education Courses on the Environment: What Should We Be Asking? Selected Paper. Annual Meeting of the International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Burlington, VT June 12.Mario F. Teisl. 2008. The economics of eco-certification Invited presentation, U.S. Federal Trade Commission Workshop on Eco-certification and Carbon Offsets. Washington DC, Jan. 8.Kathleen P. Bell and Mario F. Teisl. 2007. Private well water and human behavior: Decisions, decisions, decisions. Invited presentation, New England Private Well Water Symposium. Newport, Rhode Island, Dec. 4.Brian Roe and Mario F. Teisl 2007. Consumer Trust in Genetically Modified Food Labels: The Impacts of Message and Messenger Among US Consumers, Invited presentation, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Institute for Environmental Decisions, Zurich, Switzerland, Dec. 4.Mario F. Teisl, Sara B. Fein, Alan S. Levy and Amy Lando. 2007. Educating home food preparers: Where has the message gotten through? An analysis of trends in at-home food handling and consumption practices in the United States Selected paper. Annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. Washington DC. Nov 3-7.Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet and Jonathan Rubin. 2007. Eco-marketing: Is going green red hot? Invited presentation. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency New England Headquarters. Boston, MA Oct. 24. Harold Daniel, Thomas Allen, Mario F. Teisl, Robert Bayer and Catherine Billings. 2007. Assessing the Value of the Lobster Culture for Maine’s Coastal Tourism Experience. Extraordinary Experiences Conference at the University of Bournemouth, Bournemouth, UK. September, 3-4.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe, Caroline Noblet, Nancy E. Bockstael, Kevin J. Boyle, Alan S. Levy, Gerald Mumma, Tamera Riggs and Mark Messonnier. 2007. Can survey-based scenarios measure consumer values for improved food safety? Selected paper. Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association Portland, Oregon, July 29 – August 1.Sonja Radas and Mario F. Teisl. 2007. Consumer heterogeneity in food labeling policy: The case of genetically modified foods Selected poster. Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association Portland, Oregon, July 29 – August 1.Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline L. Noblet. 2007. The impacts of a eco-marketing program for environmentally preferred vehicles. Selected poster. Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association Portland, Oregon, July 29 – August 1.Mark W. Anderson, Mario Teisl, Caroline Noblet, and George Criner. 2007. Using the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) to Assess Attitudinal Change in Higher Education Courses on the Environment Selected paper. International Conference on the Environment in Portland, Maine, June 30-July 3. Sonja Radas and Mario F. Teisl. 2007. An Open Mind Wants More: Opinion Strength and the Desire for Genetically Modified Food Labeling Policy. Selected Paper. Marketing and Public Policy Conference, American Marketing Association. Washington DC. June 1-3. Mario F. Teisl and Brian Roe. 2007. Marketing Food Safety: Why Producers have Little Incentive to do so. Selected Paper. Marketing and Public Policy Conference, American Marketing Association. Washington DC. June 1-3 . Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline L. Noblet. 2007. Do Eco-Communication Strategies Reduce Energy Use and Emissions from Light-Duty Vehicles? Selected Poster. Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C., January 21–25.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe, Gerald Mumma, Tamera Riggs, Mark Messonnier, Kevin J. Boyle and Alan S. Levy, 2006. Can survey responses measure consumer values for food safety? Invited seminar presentation. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Atlanta, GA. Dec. 14.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Gerald Mumma. 2006. For every action….: Consumer reactions to technologies aimed at protecting the food supply. Selected paper. Annual meeting of the American Public Health Association. Boston, MA Nov 10-11.Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline L. Noblet. 2006. Potentials of eco-communication strategies Invited presentation. Market Mechanisms workshop – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, DC.? October 17th-18th. Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Gerald Mumma. 2006. One step forward …. Consumer reactions to food safety technologies. Selected paper. Annual Conference of the Food Distribution Research Society. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. October 14-18. Mario F. Teisl and Besim ?ulahovi?. 2006. Transitioning Environmental Policy in the Balkan States Selected paper. International Conference of Economics – (ICES2006). Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina. October 12-13.Mario F. Teisl. 2006. The benefits of a Fulbright experience. Invited short presentation as part of the University of Maine’s launch of a Fulbright Association Chapter. Orono, ME. Sept 21.Jaqueline Garcia-Yi, Deirdre Mageean, Kevin Boyle and Mario Teisl. 2006. Evaluating users’ responses to differential entrance fee policies using contingent behavior for Paracas National Reserve in Ica, Peru. Selected paper. Annual BIOECON Conference on the Economic Analysis of Ecology and Biodiversity. Kings College Cambridge, August 29-30.Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline L. Noblet. 2006. Do eco-communication strategies provide a road to sustainability? Invited paper. Centre for Energy Policy and Technology, Imperial College London, UK. July 12. Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline L. Noblet. 2006. Do eco-communication strategies provide a road to sustainability? Evidence from the passenger vehicle market. Selected paper. International Conference of the Greening of Industry Network. Cardiff, Wales UK. July 2-5. Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline L. Noblet. 2006. Eco-communication policies: Highway to an eco-future or a wrong turn down a one-way street? Invited paper. Workshop on eco-labelling. French National Institute for Agricultural Research. Nancy, France. June 29. Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline L. Noblet. 2006. Modeling the interaction between eco-labels and consumers: A psychonomic assessment Selected paper, Annual meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Mystic, CT. June 11-14..Mario F. Teisl. 2006. Trends in Food Markets: From Farm to Fork Presentation at the “Days of European Union” Meeting. Graduate School of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb – Croatia. May 4.Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline L. Noblet, 2006. Eco-information and passenger vehicle consumers: Modelling the interaction and its impact on behaviour. Selected paper. Envecon 2006: Applied Environmental Economics Conference. The Royal Society - London. March 24.Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet and Jonathan Rubin. 2006. The Design of an Eco-Marketing and Labeling Program for Vehicles in Maine Selected paper. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C January 22-26.Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline L. Noblet, 2006. It takes two to tango: Modeling the dance between eco-labels and consumers Invited paper, Economics Institute of Zagreb – Croatia. January 31.Caroline L. Noblet, Mario F. Teisl and Jonathan Rubin. 2005. Green with Gasoline: Factors Affecting Consumer Assessment of Eco-Labeled Passenger Vehicles. Annual meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Annapolis, MD. June 13.Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet and Jonathan Rubin. 2005. The effect of green labels on consumer preferences U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Science Forum 2005, Washington DC May 17.Mario F. Teisl. 2005. The history, design and effectiveness of nutrition labeling in the US Maine Organic Farmers and Growers Association. Diet and Nutrition Workshop. Unity ME. May 6. Mario Teisl and Kathleen Bell. 2005. Eco-labeling Forest Products: Pitfalls and Potentials. University of Maine, Dept. of Forestry Seminar. March 25.Mario F. Teisl, Caroline L. Noblet and Jonathan Rubin. 2005. The design and implementation of effective environmental information policies. The Role of Labeling in the Governance of Global Trade: The Developing Economy Perspective Conference – Invited paper. Bonn Germany. March 17-19Mario Teisl. 2005. Green Electricity Marketing. Meeting of the Carbon Sequestration Research Consortium. University of Maine. March 3.Mario F. Teisl, Jonathan Rubin, Caroline Noblet & Alice White-Cyr. 2004. Joint eco-marketing project: Eco-labeling passenger vehicles Presentation to Maine Department of Environmental Protection. Dec. 15.Kaushik Mukhopadhaya, Bishwa Adhikari, Gerald Mumma and Mario F. Teisl. 2004. Consumers’ Willingness o Pay for Food Safety Annual Meeting, American Public Health Association. Nov. 6-10.Caroline Noblet, Mario F. Teisl and Jonathan Rubin. 2004. Designing an Eco-marketing Program for Passenger Vehicles: What is the Likelihood of Success? Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop – Colorado University. Oct. 22-23.Kaushik Mukhopadhaya, Bishwa Adhikari, Gerald Mumma and Mario F. Teisl. 2004. Consumers’ Willingness o Pay for Food Safety: A Pathogen Specific Analysis Annual Meeting, American Agricultural Economics Association. Aug. 1-4.Brian Roe and Mario F. Teisl. 2004. The Effect of Information Regulations in Markets with Consumption Externalities: Empirical Evidence for Genetically Engineered Foods. Annual Meeting, American Agricultural Economics Association. Aug. 1-4Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Mike Vayda. 2004. Willingness to Pay for Genetically Modified Foods with Bundled Health and Environmental Attributes. Annual meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Halifax, CA. June 21.Sara Fein, Mario F. Teisl and Alan Levy. 2004. FDA studies of consumer attitudes about food safety. Office of food safety workshop on new food technologies. March 26.Kathleen P. Bell and Mario F. Teisl. 2004. Preferences across borders: A spatial analysis of willingness to pay for environmentally labeled forest products. New England Society of American Foresters Winter Meeting. Quebec City, PQ March 25.Mario F. Teisl. 2004. Eco-labeling: Which strategies work? Maine Fishermen's Forum Rockland, ME March 5.Mario F. Teisl. 2003. What does it means to promote Maine-made Products Invited Presentation to the Legislative Task Force on Promoting Maine-Made Products. Augusta, ME Oct. 30.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe, Mike Vayda and Nancy Ross. 2003. Willingness to pay for genetically modified foods with bundled health and environmental attributes. Selected Paper. International Conference on Public Goods and Public Policy for Agricultural Biotechnology. Ravello, Italy. June 29-July 3.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe, and Alan S. Levy. 2003. Incentive effects on response rates, data quality and survey administration costs. Selected Paper. Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Annual Meeting. Portsmouth NH. June 8-9.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe, and Alan S. Levy. 2003. Which eco-labeling strategies work better? Selected Paper. Marketing and Public Policy Conference, American Marketing Association. Washington DC. May 29-31. Mario F. Teisl. 2003. Eco-labeled forest products: Are consumers not listening, or are producers not communicating? Invited Paper. SOM Conference on Environment, Information and Consumer Behavior. Frederiksdal, Denmark. April 28-29.Mario F. Teisl. 2003. Eco-labeling forest products: Pitfalls and potentials? Invited Paper. Annual meeting of the New England Society of American Foresters. Burlington VT. March 17-20.Mario F. Teisl. 2003. Eco-labeling: Which strategies work? Invited Paper. Conference on Integrated Fruit Production, Canadian Horticultural Council. Montreal, Canada. Feb. 3-4. Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe, Nancy E. Bockstael and Kevin J. Boyle. 2002. A (potential) survey approach to valuing food safety. Workshop - New Methods for Valuation in Health and Health Care. American Public Health Association. Philadelphia. November 10.Sara Fein, Alan S. Levy and Mario F. Teisl. 2002. American attitudes toward three alternative food technologies: genetic modification, irradiation and organic. American Public Health Association. Philadelphia. November 10-14.Mario F. Teisl, 2002. Is there a consumer right to know?: Trading off the benefits and costs of information about genetically modified foods Special Session on International Trade and Regulatory Harmonization: The Case of Biotechnology Marketing and Public Policy Conference. Atlanta, May 16-18.Mario F. Teisl, 2001. Presenter, Speaker’s Advisory Council on Forest Certification (Maine Legislative Committee).Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle, Richard Record and Rob Southwick. 2001. Optimizing License Revenues. CMBA conference, New Orleans, Aug. 28th.Mario F. Teisl and Kelly O’Brien. 2001. Who Cares and Who Acts? The Relationship Between Outdoor Recreation Behavior and Environmental Concern and Behavior. Selected Paper. Northeast Recreational Research Symposium. Mario F. Teisl, Kelly O’Brien and Stephanie Peavey. 2001. Environmental Labeling Of Wood Products: What Do Consumers Want To See? Selected Paper. National Association of Environmental Professionals 26th Annual Conference. Mario F. Teisl, Huaping Rong, Brian Roe and Alan S. Levy. 2001. Environmental labeling of electricity: Consumer uncertainty and perceptions. Selected Paper. American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe, Kevin Boyle, T. Lynn Riggs, Mark L. Messonnier, Melissa J. Herrmann. 2001. Understanding how respondents view food safety risks: Implications to the design of willingness-to-pay experiments. Selected Paper. American Environmental and Resource Economists Association Annual Workshop.Mario F. Teisl and Kelly O’Brien. 2001. Eco-labeling wood products: How the characteristics of the labeling policy impacts their effectiveness. Selected Paper. Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Annual Meeting.Kelly O’Brien and Mario F. Teisl. 2001. Valuing the environmental attributes of eco-labeled wood products. Selected Paper. Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Annual Meeting.Mario F. Teisl. 2001. Presenter and Panelist, Panel on Genetically Modified Foods, University of Maine. April 25.Mario F. Teisl. 2000. Presenter and Panelist, Panel on Public Information and Labeling, Food and Drug Administration Public Meeting Implementing the PEARSON Court Decision and other Health Claim Issues. April 4, Washington, DC.Jason Weiss and Mario F. Teisl. 2000. Consumer Reactions to Different Pricing Formats: A Study of the Residential Electricity Supply Industry. Annual Marketing and Public Policy Conference, American Marketing Association.Mario F. Teisl, Huaping Rong, Brian Roe and Alan S. Levy. 2000. Characteristics of Successful Environmental Labeling Policies: Experimental Evidence. National Association of Environmental Professionals, 25th Annual Conference.Mario F. Teisl, Huaping Rong, Brian Roe and Alan S. Levy. 2000. Comparing Eco-labeling Policies: Experimental Evidence. International Conference and Exhibition on Life Cycle Assessment.Mario F. Teisl. 1999. Presenter and Panelist, Panel on Public Information and Labeling, Food and Drug Administration Public Meeting Biotechnology in the Year 2000 and Beyond. Nov. 30, Washington, DC.Mario F. Teisl. 1999. Testimony in front of the Maine Legislature’s Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry regarding Maine LD 0713 – An Act to Establish Labeling for Genetically-Engineered Foods.Mario F. Teisl, Brain Roe and Alan S. Levy. 1999. Eco-Certification: Why it may not be a ‘Field of Dreams’. Presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association.Jason Weiss and Mario F. Teisl. 1999. Consumer Reaction to Different Pricing Formats: A Study of the Residential Electricity Supply Industry. Presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Association for Consumer Research.Brian Roe, Mario F. Teisl, Kevin Boyle and Alan Levy. 1999. Valuing Food Safety. Seminar Series: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Mario F. Teisl, and Huaping Rong, 1999. Characteristics of Effective Environmental Labeling Programs. Departmental Seminar, Department of Resource Economics and Policy, University of Maine, Oct. 29.Kevin J. Boyle and Mario F. Teisl, 1999. Valuing Land Use Changes. Rural Land Use Workshop, University of Maine, July 22-23. Mario F. Teisl and Alan S. Levy, 1998. Economic and Psychological Models of Labeling. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Special Workshop on Trade and Labeling. Brian Roe and Mario F. Teisl, 1998. Case Studies of Eco-Labeling. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Special Workshop on Trade and Labeling. Tom Holmes, Kevin J. Boyle, Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Shelly Phillips, Public Preferences for Timber Harvesting Practices Using Conjoint Analysis: A Comparison of Different Response Formats. Selected Paper. World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economics 1998.Mario F. Teisl, Alan S. Levy and Nancy E. Bockstael. Nutrition Labeling: Does the Message Reach the Consumer? Selected Paper. American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. 1998.Alan S. Levy, Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe, Matthew Russell, Dave Moskovitz and Tom Austin. Electricity Deregulation: What’s in Store for the Environment? Selected Paper. American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. 1998.Mario F. Teisl and Brian Roe. The Economics of Labeling: An Overview of Issues for Health and Environmental Disclosure. Invited Special Paper. Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Annual Meeting. 1998.Mario F. Teisl. The Effect of Nutrition Labeling on Consumer Behavior. Seminar Paper. Interdepartmental Seminar Series, University of Maine. 1998.Mario F. Teisl, How Labels Gain Attention and Acceptance. New York State Department of Public Service Workshop on Environmental Disclosure. 1998Mario F. Teisl, Public Acceptability of Environmental Disclosure Methods. New York State Department of Public Service Workshop on Environmental Disclosure. 1998.Mario F. Teisl. Boating Safety in the United States Workshop held for the U.S. Coast Guard. 1997.Mario F Teisl. Nutrition Labeling: Information Effects on Consumer Behavior and Welfare. Invited Paper. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1997.Mario F Teisl. Consumer Research: Discovering What Consumers Want and Need. Invited Paper. Consumer Information Disclosure Workshop - Organized by The National Council on Competition and the Electricity Industry. 1997.Mario F. Teisl, Alan S. Levy and Brenda M. Derby. Food Labeling Revisited: Perspectives on Consumers and the Marketplace. Organized Symposia. Annual Meeting of the American Dietetic Association. 1997.Mario F. Teisl, and Alan S. Levy. Does the Use of Health-Related Information in Food Marketing Really Educate Consumers? Invited Paper. Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference - Organized by the Society for Consumer Psychology. 1997.Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe and Robert L. Hicks. Can Eco-labels Tune a Market? Evidence from Dolphin-Safe Labeling. Selected Paper, American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. 1997.Mario F. Teisl. The Effects of Product Labeling on Consumer Behavior and Welfare. Invited Paper. Department of Resource Economics and Policy, University of Maine. 1996.Mario F. Teisl, Alan S. Levy and Brenda M. Derby. Education and Information Source Effects: Who Benefits from Health Claims? Invited Paper. Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion - Seminar Series, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1996.Alan S. Levy, Mario F. Teisl and Brenda M. Derby. Health Claim Information and Consumer Awareness of Diet-Disease Relationships. Selected Paper, American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. 1996.Mario F. Teisl and Alan S. Levy. Valuing Nutrition Information: Results from a Willingness-to-Pay Experiment. Selected Paper, American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. 1996.Brian Roe, Leslie A. Whittington, Sara B. Fein and Mario F. Teisl. The Conflict between Breast-Feeding and Maternal Employment: Expectation and Realities. Selected Paper, Population Association of America Annual Meeting 1996. Mario F. Teisl and Rob Southwick. The Economic Impacts of Migratory Bird Hunting in the United States. Selected Paper, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting 1995.Mario F. Teisl and Rob Southwick. The Economic Impacts of Deer and Elk Hunting in the Western United States. Selected Paper, Western States and Provinces 1995 Joint Deer and Elk Workshop.Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle and Brian Roe. Conflicts in Atlantic Salmon Management in Maine. Symposium Paper, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting 1994.Brian Roe, Kevin J. Boyle and Mario F. Teisl. Development of Welfare Measures from Conjoint Data. Selected Paper, American Agricultural Economists Association National Meeting, 1994.Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle, Daniel W. McCollum and Steven D. Reiling, Test Retest Reliability of Contingent-Valuation: Use of the modified Solomon Design. Selected Paper, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Conference, 1993.Kevin J. Boyle, Daniel McCollum and Mario F. Teisl, The Size and Sign of Option Value. Invited seminar, Department of Economics, North Carolina University, 1992.Kevin J. Boyle, Daniel McCollum and Mario F. Teisl, Empirical Evidence on the Size and Sign of Option Value. Invited Paper, Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association, 1992.Mario F. Teisl, Kevin J. Boyle, Stephen D. Reiling and Owen Fenderson, Angler Opinions Regarding the Allocation of Harvest Between Open Water Fishing and Ice Fishing. Selected Paper, Northeast Fisheries and Wildlife Conference. 1991.Kevin J. Boyle, Daniel W. McCollum, Mario F. Teisl and Stephen D. Reiling, Test-Retest Reliability of Contingent Values Using a Complete, Experimental Panel Design. Selected Paper, Annual Meeting of Regional Project W-133 (Benefits and Costs in Natural Resource Planning), 1991.ConsultingEstimating the economic impacts of recreational fishing in Alaska; 2007-09. Alaska Division of Fish and Game.Analysis of the Food and Drug Administration’s Food Safety Survey Data. 2002-04, 07, 09-14. U.S. Food and Drug Administration.Lake Martin Hydroelectric Economic Assessment; 2009. Alabama Power Company.Analysis of North Carolina Hunting effort and success; 2001, 03, 05. North Carolina Wildlife Resources CommissionDeveloping Revenue Forecasts: 2001, 2002. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.Developing a Tax/Subsidy Program to Encourage Environmentally Based Forest Certification. Maine Center for Economic Policy: 2000Estimating Boating Accident Risk Models, U.S. Coast Guard.; National model 1995-96;Regional models 1997-98; State models 1999-2000, 2002-03The Economic Impact of Hunting in the United States, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1991, 96Expert witness testimony to the Illinois Commerce Commission, on behalf of the: Environmental Law and Policy Center of the Midwest, American Lung Association of Chicago, Illinois Environmental Council, People of Cook County, People of State of Illinois and Citizens’ Utility Board.Natural Resource Damage Assessment, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. ExxonEconomic Impact Analysis, Fur Information Council of America, multiple yearsResearch Grants AwardedAdvancing the Emerging Research Program in One Health to Support Maine’s Economy. Principal Investigator 2017. Sponsor: Research Reinvestment Fund Planning Grant Program. UMaine. Amount: $5,000 (my portion: 50%, $2,500)Developing Innovative Online Undergraduate and Graduate Health Programs Principal Investigator 2017. Sponsor: UMaine System Collaborative Program Support Fund Amount: $65,000 (my portion: 20%, $13,000)Assessing the Vulnerabilities of Maine Drinking Water Resources to Extreme Precipitation 2016-17 Sponsor: U.S. Department of the Interior Amount: $27,000 (my portion: 20%, $5,400)The Nexus of Coastal Social-Environmental Systems and Sustainable Ecological Aquaculture One of 40 investigators. 2014-19. Sponsor: National Science Foundation and Maine EPSCOR (Track I). Amount: $20,000,000 (my portion: 6%, $1.2 million)Strengthening the scientific basis for decision-making: Advancing sustainability science and knowledge-action capacities in coupled coastal systems Senior Investigator. 2013-2016. Sponsor: National Science Foundation and Maine EPSCOR (Track II). Amount: $3,000,000. (my portion: 5%, $150,000)Integrated Pathway Readiness Assessment for Drop-in Fuels 2012-2017 Sponsor: National Science Foundation Sustainable Energy Pathways. One of 11 investigators. Amount: $2,000,000. (my portion: 5%, $100,000)Adapting to Abrupt Climate Change One of 5 investigators. 2012-2017 Sponsor: National Science Foundation: IGERT (Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship). Amount: $3,000,000. (my portion: 15%, $450,000)Estimating the impact of the fish consumption advisory on pregnant women in Maine Investigator: Mario Teisl. 2009 and 2011. Maine Centers for Disease Control. Amount: $10,000 (my portion: 100%, $10,000)Assessing the Impact of MSC Certification on Management, Conservation and Economics in the New Zealand Hoki and Orange Roughy Fisheries Investigator: Wendy Nordon, Kevin Athern, Sherry Larkin, Mario Teisl and Doug McNaught. 2008-2009. Sponsor: New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries. Amount: $79,000The Center for Sustainability Solutions: Linking Research with Action to Shape Maine’s Changing Landscape One of 20 investigators. 2009-2014. Sponsor: National Science Foundation and Maine EPSCOR (Track I). Amount: $20,000,000. (my portion: 2%, $400,000)Marketing New England Biofuels to Ensure Energy Security Investigator: Mario Teisl, Jonathan Rubin and Caroline Noblet. 2008-2010. Sponsor: NorthEast Sungrant. Amount: $100,000 (my portion: 35%, $35,000)Environmental Marketing of Green Vehicles: Exploring Effective Design and Performance Investigator: Mario Teisl and Jonathan Rubin. Sponsor: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2003-2005. Amount: $400,000Designing an Effective Labeling Program for Genetically Engineered Foods, Investigator: Mario Teisl. Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2001-2002. Amount: $180,000 (my portion: 100%, $180,000)Phone Survey of Lewiston/Auburn Residents regarding a Proposed Public Transportation Plan, Investigator: Mario Teisl and Stephanie Peavey. Sponsor: Tom Crikelair Associates. 2000. Amount: $6,871Economics of Rural Land Use Change, Investigators: Andrew Plantinga, Mario Teisl, Kevin Boyle and Jonathan Rubin. Sponsor: Maine Agriculture and Forest Experiment Station Research and Development Funds. 1999-2001. Amount: $11,000.Estimating the Market Effectiveness of a Made in Maine Environmental Marketing Strategy for Forest Products, Investigator: Mario Teisl. Sponsor: Maine Agriculture and Forest Experiment Station Research and Development Funds. 1999-2001. Amount $10,000Infant Allergy Study, Investigators: Mario Teisl, Tom Allen and SuEun Ahn. Sponsor: U.S. Food and Drug Administration. 1999-2000. Amount $5,000.Estimating the Economic Costs of Alternative Nutrient Management Plans for the Poultry Industry. Investigators: James Leiby and Mario Teisl. Sponsor: Office of Watersheds, Environmental Protection Agency. 1999-2000. Amount $20,000.Designing Effective Environmental Labels for Forest Products. Investigators: Mario F. Teisl. Sponsor: U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1999-2001. Amount $140,000.Identifying Import Substitution Opportunities in Coastal Maine Countries. 1999. Investigators: John Holden and Mario F. Teisl. Sponsor: Eastern Maine Development Corporation. Amount $3,000.Cooperative Agreement to Study Consumer Demand for Food Safety. Investigators: Mario F. Teisl, Brian Roe, Kevin J. Boyle, Alan Randall and Nancy Bockstael. Sponsor: Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 1998-2003. Amount $946,447.Using the NSDI Framework for Rural Economic Development. 1999. Investigators: John Holden, Kate Beard and Mario F. Teisl. Sponsor: U.S. Geological Service Amount: $2,000.Diversifying Forest-Based Economies: Using an Import Substitution Study to Enhance Forest-Based Manufacturers. 1999. Investigators: John Holden and Mario F. Teisl. Sponsor: Maine Forest Service. Amount $2,500.Environmental Labeling of Electricity: Label Design and Performance, Investigators: Mario F. Teisl. Sponsor: The Environmental Protection Agency & National Science Foundation. 1998-2000. Amount $72,573.Consumer Reactions to Electricity Labeling, Investigators: Mario F. Teisl. Sponsor: Regulatory Assistance Project. 1997-98. Amount $5,000.Food Labeling and Consumer Welfare, Investigators: Mario F. Teisl. Sponsor: Food and Agricultural Marketing Consortium. 1998. Amount $3,500.The Economic Impacts of Hunting, Fishing and Wildlife-Watching in Maine. Investigators: Mario F. Teisl and Kevin J. Boyle. Sponsor: Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. 1998. Amount: $7,724,Benefit-Cost Analysis of Atlantic Salmon Restoration on the Penobscot River. Investigators: Kevin J. Boyle, Stephen D. Reiling and Mario F. Teisl. Sponsor: Bangor Hydro-Electric Company. 1991-92. Amount $98,378.An Economic Evaluation of Consumptive and Nonconsumptive Uses of Maine’s Fish and Wildlife Resources. Investigators: Kevin J. Boyle, Stephen D. Reiling and Mario F. Teisl. Sponsor: Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. 1990-91. Amount $46,666.Courses Taught (name of course; enrollment; students' overall evaluation of instructor: for years prior to 2008: 1 = Excellent, 5 = Below Average; since 2008 1 = Below Average, 5 = Excellent)YearCourseNumber ofstudentsEvaluation1997INT 105: Environmental Policy861.8REP 571: Resource Economics71.7NRC 400: Senior Paper in Natural Resources72.21998NRC 497: Independent Study in Natural Resources1NANRC 400: Senior Paper in Natural Resources31.01999INT 105: Environmental Policy932.0REP 511: Advanced Microeconomic Theory51.1NRC 400: Senior Paper in Natural Resources31.32000INT 105: Environmental Policy1251.7REP 511: Advanced Microeconomic Theory72.0REP 597: Independent Study in Resource Economics1NA2001INT 105 (1): Environmental Policy1751.9INT 105 (2): Environmental Policy501.2REP 511: Advanced Microeconomic Theory91.62002INT 105: Environmental Policy1301.8REP 511: Advanced Microeconomic Theory71.22003INT 105: Environmental Policy1501.5REP 511: Advanced Microeconomic Theory82.0HON 310: Environmental Economics, Policy and Ethics71.02004INT 105: Environmental Policy1171.8REP 511: Advanced Microeconomic Theory81.72005REP 511: Advanced Microeconomic Theory71.52006ECO 300: International Economics (University of Zagreb - Croatia50NK2007REP 515: Advanced Microeconomic Theory101.32008ECO 450: Adv. International Environmental Economics & Policy154.1ECO 515: Advanced Microeconomic Theory84.22009ECO 515: Advanced Microeconomic Theory103.22010ECO 450/590: Adv. International Environmental Economics & Policy144.82012ECO 450/590: Adv. International Environmental Economics & Policy184.02013ECO 117: Introduction to Economics17NAINT 598: Special Topics – IGERT Collaborative Immersion Project11NA2014ECO 489: Senior Seminar164.0ECO 450/590: Adv. International Environmental Economics & Policy264.822015ECO 117: Introduction to Economics20NAECO 489: Senior Seminar124.0INT 598: Special Topics – IGERT Collaborative Immersion Project12NA2016ECO 217: Introduction to Economics II284.57ECO 450/590: Adv. International Environmental Economics & Policy224.25ECO 489: Senior Seminar154.54INT 598: Special Topics – IGERT Collaborative Immersion Project12NA2017ECO 217: Introduction to Economics II32NAECO 489: Senior Seminar15NAGraduate students chaired (MS unless noted):YearStudentProject Title2014-16D. GrezdaFactors affecting people’s participation in environmental behaviors2013-18K. Warner*Valuing the losses to drinking water quality in Maine due to Climate change2012-14M. Johnson*Analyzing the Effects of Scenario Naratives and Spatial Modeling on Planner and Citizen Perceptions of Alternative Futures and Present Day Land Use Decisions**2012-14S. Newcomb*Psychological Distance and Sptial, Social, and Temporal Discounting**2012-14E. ManandharNon-thesis project: Impact of Messaging on People’s Evaluations of Off-shore Wind2010-12S. MarrinenMeasuring the Effectiveness of Communicating Messages about Sustainability 2010-12H. EngelberthMeasuring the effectiveness of a fish consumption advisory for at-risk women2010-11R. RoperIdentifying the factors that affect people’s assessments of the eye-sore value of wind power projects (non-thesis)2010-12M. WibberlyConsumer Willingness to Pay for Off-Shore Wind Power2010-14Co-chairedS. Dreyer*Developing a Psychological-Economic Model of Sustainable Behavior**2009-11Co-chairedK. FarrowA Thesis In Two Parts: Estimating Willingness-to-Pay for Cellulosic Wood Ethanol and Examining the Social Costs of Hydroelectric Production in Quebec, CA2008-10Co-chairedS. SiriwardenaNested Logit Modeling of Consumer Purchases of Environmentally Preferred vehicles2007-11J. WardThe Effects of Water Clarity on Recreational Uses of Lakes2006-08E. BacaniMeasuring the impacts of eco-marketing on Maine's vehicle market2007-08P. LechHealthcare Incentives in the Disability Determination Process of Social Security2005-07J. JohnsonA Test for Question Order Effects in a Conjoint Choice Survey2004-06C. NobletFactors Affecting Consumer Assessment of Eco-Labeled Traditional Fuel Passenger Vehicles?2003-05N. CrescentiParcelization: An Analysis of Forest Ownership Fragmentation2001-02K.A. O’BrienFactors Affecting Consumer Valuation of Environmentally Labeled Forest Products1998-99H. RongEnvironmental Labeling of Residential Electricity: Consumer Reaction to Different Policies1997-98J. Weiss Consumer Reactions to Different Pricing Formats: A Study of the Residential Electricity Supply Industry* PhD student** Tentative titleGraduate students on whose committees you serve (MS unless noted):YearStudentProject Title2016-18S. PandeyHealth in Nepal2014-19C. Cleaver*Governance in Maine’s Aquaculture Industry2013-17A. Dayton*Assessing Economic Performance of Maine’s Lobster Fleet?Under Changing Ecosystem Conditions?in the Gulf of Maine2014-19W. Farrell*To what extent does international development assistance mitigate the recruitment of youth into violent extremism and the implementation of extremist acts?2015-17G. LindbolmU.S. Immigration Policy and Immigration Economics 2015-20S. Elias*Impacts of Tick-borne Disease2014-19J. Havercamp*Loss of glacial meltwater in Peruvian villages2014-18A. Kireta*Climate change education2011-13B. VanderlugtModeling Decision Making Of Private Landowners Using Survey And Spatial Data2011-13A. SullivanUsing Experimental Economics to Study Sustainability**2010-12C. Noblet*Three Essays Examining the Factors Influencing People’s Environmental Behavior**2011-15V. Levesque*An Examination of the Drivers, Institutions and Economics of Sustainability Planning in Maine2011-13B. MonahanCost-Benefit Analysis of the Eat Well Nutrition Education Program**2010-14K. Hutchins*Stakeholder Engagement and Environmental Outreach**2010-14H. Smith*Medias Role in Environmental Communications**2009-12R. RoperEconomic Impacts of Maine Tourism**2010-12K. CollumFrom Automobiles to Alternative: Testing the Feasibility of using Intelligent Transportation Systems to Encourage Shuttle Use at Rocky Mountain National Park2009-12H. MorinImpact of Fiber Labeling on Consumer Behavior at Point-of-Purchase2008-11C. Straub*Pro-Environmental behavior change: Solving groundwater issues in New England2009-11A. SpeersTradeoffs, Social Norms, Status, and Pro-environmental Behavior: Adoption of Conservation Practices by Lakefront Households*2007-11J. MarcianoPerceptions of Forest Bioproducts2003-09P. Harris*Effective Food Safety Education2004-08S. Aziz*Valuing improvements in water quality: the case of Arsenic in groundwater 2004-06G. GouldA Spatial Analysis of Passenger Vehicle Attributes: Environmental Impact and Policy2003-05A. KumarDetermining Consumer Attitudes Toward Purchasing Behavior in Maine2003-05J. GarciaEstimating the Economic Recreational Value of Paracas National Reserve in Ica Peru: A Fair Fee Implementation Approach2003-05S. HuangAssessing the Role of Risk Communication in Reducing Exposure to Arsenic in Drinking Water2002-04B. ByrnneLeast Cost Management Strategies to Control Hemlock Wooly Adelgid Infestation2002-04S. OzdimerConvergent Validity of Conjoint Values for Farmland Conservation Easement Programs2001-03A. GrantComposting of Dairy Manure: The Appropriate Level of Vertical Integration2001-03E. Boch?Air Emissions from Off-Road Vehicle Use in Maine2000-02M. McMahonThe Role of Local Attributes in Community Choice1999-01L. CuiEconomic Factors that Influence Soybean and Canola Prices1998-00R. PatersonNonmarket Valuation and Land Use: Two Essays1998-00R. FreemanRecent Changes in the State and Regional Economies of Maine: A Shift-Share Analysis* PhD student** Tentative titleUndergraduate Honors Theses:YearServiceStudentProject Title2009ChairK. Hassett (Farrow)The relationship between eco-concern and outdoor recreation2008CommitteeR. LawlissEconomics of Game Theory2009Co-ChairJ. CohenWho Buys Green in Maine: Consumer Profiles for Vehicle Class Choice2008ChairA. Cyr-WhiteEco-labeling passenger vehicles in Maine Public Service and Committees2017Departmental CommitteesDirector, School of Economics Interim Graduate Coordinator, School of EconomicsLiaison to the American Economic Association; Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics ProfessionUniversity CommitteesMaine Agricultural CenterChair, SPIA Policy Advisory CommitteeStewardship Council, SEANET GrantMember, Review Committee, UMaine Center for Research on Sustainable ForestsMember, Peer Committee, N. Hall, Communication Sciences and DisordersMember, Peer Committee, L. Rickard, Communications and JournalismMember, Peer Committee, K. Vekasi, Political Science and SPIAMember, Program Review Committee, USM Masters in Policy, Planning and ManagementFulbright Scholar Liaison to UMaineRising Tide Advocates and Allies for Women ProfessionalsProfessional CommitteesBoard Member, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economists Association Editor, Special issue Agricultural and Resource Economics Review Co-Chair, Planning Committee for the 2018 Maine Economics ConferenceMember, Advisory Committee - Analysis of the Effects of the Block Island Wind Farm on Rhode Island Recreation and Tourism Activities (URI – Bureau of Ocean Energy Management grant)Mentor, CAM Program, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economists Association External evaluator, Promotion review of F. Kuchler, Economic Research Service-U.S. Department of Agriculture2016Departmental CommitteesDirector, School of Economics Chair, Health Economics Hiring CommitteeLiaison to the American Economic Association; Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics ProfessionUniversity CommitteesMaine Agricultural CenterResearch Council, Mitchell CenterChair, SPIA Policy Advisory CommitteeMentor, Mandela Washington FellowshipStewardship Council, SEANET GrantMember, Peer Committee, L. Rickard, Communications and JournalismMember, Peer Committee, K. Vekasi, Political Science and SPIAFulbright Scholar Liaison to UMaineRising Tide Advocates and Allies for Women Professionals Professional CommitteesBoard Member, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economists Association Chair, 2016 Annual Meeting Local Arrangements Committee, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economists Association, Member, 2016 Annual Meeting Program Committee, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economists AssociationChair, 2016 Workshop Committee, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economists AssociationEditor, Special issue Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Member, Planning Committee for the 2017 Maine Economics ConferenceMember, Advisory Committee - Analysis of the Effects of the Block Island Wind Farm on Rhode Island Recreation and Tourism Activities (URI – Bureau of Ocean Energy Management grant)2015Departmental CommitteesDirector, School of Economics Liaison to the American Economic Association; Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics ProfessionUniversity CommitteesMaine Agricultural CenterResearch Council, Mitchell CenterMember, Undergraduate International Affairs Restructuring CommitteePlanning Committee, Rising Tide Director Development WorkshopChair, Health Economics Hiring CommitteeChair, SPIA Policy Advisory CommitteeMember, Peer Committee, K. Vekasi, Political Science and SPIAFulbright Scholar Liaison to UMaineRising Tide Advocates and Allies for Women ProfessionalsProfessional CommitteesSteering Committee – Virtual Research Collaborative on Sustainability and BehaviorBoard Member, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economists Association Chair, 2016 Annual Meeting Local Arrangements Committee, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economists Association, Member, 2016 Annual Meeting Program Committee, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economists AssociationChair, 2016 Workshop Committee, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economists Association2014Departmental CommitteesDirector, School of Economics Liaison to the American Economic Association; Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics ProfessionCollege CommitteesDunham and Bickford Scholarship Award CommitteeNSFA Scholarship CommitteeUniversity CommitteesMaine Agricultural CenterResearch Council, Maine Sustainability Solutions InitiativeMember, Undergraduate International Affairs Restructuring CommitteePlanning Committee, Rising Tide Director Development WorkshopMember, POS/SPIA Faculty Hiring CommitteeChair, SPIA Policy Advisory CommitteeFulbright Scholar Liaison to UMaineProfessional CommitteesSteering Committee – Virtual Research Collaborative on Sustainability and Behavior2013Departmental CommitteesDirector, School of Economics Graduate Coordinator, School of Economics (? year)University CommitteesMaine Agricultural CenterResearch Council, Maine Sustainability Solutions InitiativeGraduate Board (? year)Member, Undergraduate International Affairs Restructuring CommitteePlanning Committee, Rising Tide Director Development WorkshopMember, POS/SPIA Faculty Hiring CommitteeChair, SPIA Policy Advisory CommitteeFulbright Scholar Liaison to UMaineProfessional CommitteesSteering Committee – Virtual Research Collaborative on Sustainability and Behavior2012Departmental CommitteesGraduate Coordinator, School of EconomicsPolicy Advisory/Peer Committee, School of EconomicsUniversity CommitteesMaine Agricultural CenterResearch Council, Maine Sustainability Solutions InitiativeGraduate BoardDirector, School of Policy and International AffairsMember, SOE/SMS Faculty Hiring CommitteeFulbright Scholar Liaison to UMaineProfessional CommitteesMembership Committee - Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics AssociationSelected Papers and Symposia Committee (Chair) - Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics AssociationSteering Committee – Virtual Research Collaborative on Sustainability and Behavior2011Departmental CommitteesGraduate Coordinator, School of EconomicsPolicy Advisory/Peer Committee, School of EconomicsUniversity CommitteesMaine Agricultural CenterResearch Council, Maine Sustainability Solutions InitiativeGraduate BoardDirector and Graduate Coordinator, School of Policy and International AffairsProfessional CommitteesMembership Committee - Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics AssociationSelected Papers and Symposia Committee (Chair) - Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics AssociationSteering Committee – Virtual Research Collaborative on Sustainability and Behavior2010Departmental CommitteesGraduate Coordinator, School of EconomicsUniversity CommitteesSSI Curriculum and Culture Committee SSI Faculty Hiring Committee – Socio-Ecological ModelerMaine Agricultural CenterResearch Council, Maine Agriculture and Forest Experiment StationResearch Council, Maine Sustainability Solutions InitiativeGraduate BoardCollege Ad hoc Committee on Graduate Awards and RecognitionCollege Graduate Student Awards Committee Director and Graduate Coordinator, School of Policy and International AffairsProfessional CommitteesMembership Committee - Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association2009Departmental CommitteesPeer Action Committee Policy Advisory Committee Graduate CoordinatorChair, Ryan Wright Memorial Scholarship CommitteeUniversity CommitteesMaine Agricultural CenterResearch CouncilGraduate BoardCollege Ad hoc Committee on Graduate Awards and RecognitionCollege Graduate Student Awards Committee Ad Hoc Committee on General Education of the Faculty SenateAd Hoc Committee to review and analyze student financial aidProgram Advisory Committee, School of Policy and International Affairs (0.5 yr)Director and Graduate Coordinator, School of Policy and International Affairs (0.3 yr)Chair, John Boyle Memorial Scholarship CommitteeProfessional CommitteesLegislature’s Citizen Trade Policy Commission2008Departmental CommitteesPeer Action Committee Policy Advisory Committee Seminar CoordinatorGraduate CoordinatorChair, Ryan Wright Memorial Scholarship CommitteeUniversity CommitteesMaine Agricultural CenterCollege of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean Search CommitteePresidential Outstanding Teaching Award CommitteeResearch CouncilProgram Advisory Committee, School of Policy and International AffairsChair, John Boyle Memorial Scholarship Committee2007Departmental CommitteesPeer Action Committee Policy Advisory Committee Seminar CoordinatorUndergraduate CommitteeGraduate CommitteeUniversity CommitteesCLAS Dean Search CommitteeMaine Agricultural CenterPresidential Outstanding Teaching Award CommitteePlanning Committee, School of Policy and International AffairsProfessional CommitteesOutstanding Master’s Thesis Awards Committee, American Agricultural Economics AssociationMember: Review Panel for Best Article in Agricultural and Resource Economics (2006), Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association.2006Departmental CommitteesPeer Action Committee (0.25 year)Seminar CoordinatorUniversity CommitteesMaine Agricultural CenterAssistant Director of Campus Recreation Hiring CommitteeProfessional CommitteesOutstanding Master’s Thesis Awards Committee, American Agricultural Economics Association 2005Departmental CommitteesGraduate CoordinatorPeer Action CommitteeUniversity CommitteesCollege Awards CommitteeFaculty Research Funds CommitteeMaine Agricultural CenterFaculty SenateWorkload Committee (Faculty Senate)Presidential Research and Creative Achievement CommitteeProfessional CommitteesOutstanding Master’s Thesis Awards Committee, American Agricultural Economics Association 2004Departmental CommitteesGraduate CoordinatorPeer Action CommitteeUniversity CommitteesCollege Awards CommitteeFaculty Research Funds CommitteeMaine Agricultural Center.Faculty SenateAd Hoc Committee Studying the Firing of President Hoff (Faculty Senate)Workload Committee (Faculty Senate)Presidential Research and Creative Achievement CommitteeProfessional CommitteesDistinguished and Honorary Life Member Award Committee, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Outstanding Master’s Thesis Awards Committee, American Agricultural Economics Association 2003Departmental CommitteesGraduate CoordinatorPeer Action CommitteeUniversity CommitteesCollege Awards CommitteeFaculty Research Funds CommitteeMaine Agricultural Center.Graduate Curriculum Committee.Graduate BoardProfessional CommitteesLegislative Task Force on Promoting Maine-Made Products.Past Chair, Food Safety and Nutrition Section, American Agricultural Economists Association Distinguished and Honorary Life Member Award Committee, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association 2002Departmental CommitteesGraduate CoordinatorPeer Action CommitteeUniversity CommitteesMaine Agricultural Center.Graduate Curriculum Committee.Graduate BoardProfessional CommitteesChair, Food Safety and Nutrition Section, American Agricultural Economists Association Distinguished and Honorary Life Member Award Committee, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association 2001Departmental CommitteesUndergraduate CommitteeUniversity CommitteesMaine Agricultural Center.Chair, Student Conduct Code CommitteeStudent Conduct Code Review CommitteeProfessional CommitteesPlanning Committee for the 2001 annual meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association.Chair-elect, Food Safety and Nutrition Section, American Agricultural Economists Association 2000Departmental CommitteesUndergraduate Recruiting Committee.Chair, Comprehensive Exam Committee.Department Chair Search CommitteeUniversity CommitteesChair, Student Conduct Code Committee.Maine Agricultural Center.Chair, Outdoor Program Manager Search CommitteeStudent Conduct Code Review CommitteeProfessional CommitteesCo-Chair, Selected Papers and Symposium Committee - Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. Chair-elect, Food Safety and Nutrition Section, American Agricultural Economists Association Planning Committee for the 2001 annual meeting of the Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association.Citizen’s Advisory Committee to Secure the Future of Maine’s Fish and Wildlife(Advisory Committee to the Maine Legislature).1999Departmental CommitteesUndergraduate Recruiting Committee.Chair, Comprehensive Exam Committee.Department Chair Search CommitteeUniversity CommitteesChair, Student Conduct Code Committee.Maine Agricultural Center.Chair, Outdoor Program Manager Search Committee1998Departmental CommitteesUndergraduate Recruiting prehensive Exam Committee.Department Chair Search CommitteeUniversity CommitteesChair, Student Conduct Code Committee.Professional CommitteesCo-Chair, Selected Papers and Symposium Committee - Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. 1997Departmental CommitteesUndergraduate Recruiting prehensive Exam Committee.University CommitteesStudent Conduct Code Committee.Other Professional Activities 2013Reviewer of Articles Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (1)Food Taste and Preference (1)Food Policy (1)Ecological Economics (1)Business and Society (1)Reviewer of Grant Applications/Research Materials/Reports SANDEE Small Grants (1)2012Reviewer of Articles American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1)Ecological Economics (1)Business and Society (1)2011Reviewer of Articles Food Policy (1)Ecological Economics (1)Reviewer of Grant Applications/Research Materials/Reports Member of Fulbright Review Panel: Applications for the Balkans (63)The Research Council of Norway Panel chair (1)2010Reviewer of Articles Ecological Economics (1)Psychology Reports (1)International Journal of Public Opinion Research (1)International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (1)Food Control (1)Food Policy (1)AgBioForum (1)Journal of Cleaner Production (1)Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (1)Appetite (1)International Journal of Ecology and Development (1)Agriculture and Resource Economics Review (1)Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization (1)Reviewer of Grant Applications/Research Materials/Reports Member of Fulbright Review Panel: Applications for the Balkans (53)The Research Council of Norway (3)Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program, USDA (3)Tenure and Promotion package; York University, Toronto Canada (1)2009Reviewer of Articles Ecological Economics (1)International Journal of Public Opinion Research (1)Environmental and Resource Economics (1)Journal of Official Statistics (1)Environmental Management (1)Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (1)International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (1)Food Control (1)Food Policy (1)Reviewer of Grant Applications/Research Materials/Reports Fulbright Review Panel: Applications for the Baltics and Balkans (90 applications)2008Reviewer of Articles AgBioForum (6)American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1)Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (1)Canadian Journal of Economics (1)Journal of the American Water Resources Assoc (1)Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (1)The Open Communication Journal (4)Reviewer of Grant Applications/Research Materials/Reports UMaine Resource Economics and Policy Staff Paper (2)USDA - Economic Research Service Report (1)Univ. of Washington - Doctoral Paper (1)French Forest Economics Laboratory Report (1)National Science Foundation (1)US-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (1)USDA - National Research Initiative (1)USDA - Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program (3)Economic and Social Research Council - University of Hull, UK (1)Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program Grant Applications - CREES, USDA (4)2007Reviewer of Articles AgBioForum (2)American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1)Canadian Journal of Economics (1)Environmental and Resource Economics (1)Food Policy (2)Society and Natural Resources (1)Reviewer of Grant Applications/Research Materials/Reports National Science Foundation Review PanelEconomic and Social Research Council - University of Hull, UK (1)Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program Grant Applications - CREES, USDA (4)American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (1)2006Reviewer of Articles AgBioForum (1)American Journal of Agricultural Economics (3)Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (1)Journal of Consumer Policy (1)Food Policy (3)REP Staff papers (2)Reviewer of Grant Applications/Research Materials Review of survey instrument for AAA’s National Survey of DriversNational Science Foundation - 1 proposalReviewer of Presentation papersReviewer - Selected Papers – Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting – (1 paper)Reviewer - Selected Papers – Odyssey: 3rd International Conference of Economics (Zagreb Croatia) – (5 papers)2005Reviewer of Articles American Journal of Agricultural Economics. (2)Ecological Economics (1)European Review of Agricultural Economics (1)Food Policy (1)International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology (2) Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (1)Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (1) Journal of Environmental Management (1) Journal of Industrial Ecology (1)Review of Economics and Statistics (1)REP Staff Papers (1)Dept. of Forest Management Technical Report (1)Reviewer of Grant Applications U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Review Panel: Evaluation for Environmental Policy - 26 proposalsReviewer of AbstractsSelected Papers: American Agricultural and Economics Association Annual Meeting. 2004Reviewer of Articles American Journal of Agricultural Economics. (5)Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (1)AgBioForum (3)Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (1)Environmental Management (1) European Review of Agricultural Economics (1)Journal of Agricultural Economics (1)Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (1) Journal of Food Distribution Research (1)Journal of Sustainable Tourism (1)Psychological Reports (1)REP Staff Papers (3)Reviewer of Research/MethodsMaine Aquaculture Association (1)Hatch Proposal, Utah State University (1)Presentation paper. Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (1)URS Corporation (1)U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s 2005 Food Safety Survey2003Reviewer of Articles American Journal of Agricultural Economics. (2)Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (1)Ecological Economics (1)European Review of Agricultural Economics (1)Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. (1)Maine Policy Review (1)Journal of Environmental Management (1)Journal of Food Distribution Research (1)Journal of Applied Ichthyology (1)Marine Resource Economics (1)Reviewer of Grant Applications Food Safety Program-Post Harvest Section Grants Program - CREES, USDA (2)Hatch Proposal, University of Massachusetts (1)Danish Social Science Research Council Grant (1)National Science Foundation Research Proposal (1)University of Maine Faculty Research Funds Proposals (11)Reviewer of Research/MethodsNorth Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission’s Survey of HuntersConsumer Research Report for the Maine Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources.2002Reviewer of Articles American Journal of Agricultural Economics. (2)Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. (2)Forest Science. (1) Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. (1)Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. (1)Reviewer of Grant Applications National Research Initiative Grant Applications - CREES, USDA (4)Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Program Grant Applications - CREES, USDA (4)Small Business Innovation Research Program Grant Application - CREES, USDA (1)Danish Social Science Research Council Grant (1)Reviewer of AbstractsReviewer - Selected Papers - American Agricultural and Economics Association Annual Meeting. . Reviewer - Selected Papers – Land Use Workshop; Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association. 2001Reviewer of Articles Review of Agricultural Economics (1)American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2)Reviewer of Reports Federal Emergency Management Agency (1)Reviewer of Grant Applications U.S.D.A. National Research Initiative (2)U.S.D.A. Food Assistance and Nutrition Program (3)Reviewer of AbstractsSelected papers: Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics AnnualMeeting.Selected Papers: American Agricultural and Economics Association Annual Meeting2000Reviewer of Articles Journal of Food Distribution Research (1)Marine Resource Economics (2)Journal of Public Policy and Marketing (1)American Journal of Agricultural Economics (1)Reviewer of Reports University of Maine/University of New Hampshire (1)Reviewer of Grant Applications U.S.D.A. National Research InitiativeReviewer of AbstractsSelected papers: Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Annual Meeting.Selected Papers: American Agricultural and Economics Association Annual Meeting. 1999Reviewer of Articles Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (2)Reviewer of Reports U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, (1).Reviewer of Research/MethodsUniversity of Washington, School of Marine Affairs (1)Reviewer of Grant Applications U.S.D.A. National Research Initiative1998Reviewer of Articles Forest Science (1)Journal of Forest Economics, (1).Reviewer of Reports Regulatory Assistance Project, (1).U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, (1).Reviewer of Research/MethodsU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1)Reviewer of Grant Applications U.S.D.A. National Research InitiativeReviewer of AbstractsSelected Papers: American Agricultural and Economics Association Annual Meeting. Selected papers: Northeast Agricultural and Resource Economics Annual Meeting.1997Reviewer of Articles Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, (1).Agricultural and Resources Economics Review (1).Reviewer of Grant Applications University of Rhode Island Sea Grant Program, (1).Reviewer of Bulletins Maine Agriculture and Forest Experiment Station, (1).Reviewer of Reports U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, (2).Regulatory Assistance Project, (1).Reviewer of AbstractsSelected Papers: American Agricultural and Economics Association. ................

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