PTA minutes

Meeting MinutesClara Brenton School CouncilDate: Wednesday, February 13, 2019Location: School StaffroomCo-Chairs: John Humphrey and Erica MercerIn Attendance: Jody C., John Humphrey, Leala L., Steve L., Stephanie L., Stephanie Ll., Erika M.., Ben S., Sally W.Absent: Megan H., Kirubel L., Stephanie L,. Bonnie L. ,Yooyoung K.,,Nicole P., Shrinivas R., Margarita R., Christy S., Brandi S., Haiying W., Call To Order: Joint Home & School and School Council; 6:30pm School Council: 6:50 pmPrincipal Report/Updates:Principal Campbell shared updates, upcoming initiatives and events. Paper summary kept in School Council BinderApproval of AgendaThe Agenda was distributed and approved with all in favor to move the discussion of Heritage Week to the beginning before Councilor Steve’s arrival. Approval of MinutesThe minutes from the last meeting dated, January 9, 2019 was circulated and approved. Agenda Item: Heritage WeekStephanie gave a summary of the plans and preparations to date for the multicultural celebration. The date is set for Thurs. Feb. 28th from 6-7:30pm. 6 students will be performing. Mrs. Hogan is coordinating a few small groups for the performance also and a fashion show will be included. Stephanie plans to send home a note to let all parents know of the event and ask if anyone plans to bring food and RSVP by certain date. We may want to purchase a few additional platters for the food table and order a globe or earth cake. We can get receipts from businesses and get reimbursement. Set up to begin at 4:30pm. School Council will have a display table as well. Action: Stephanie, Margarita and Mrs. Hogan will continue to make plans. Leala will look into costs for additional food platters and cake.Agenda Item: Meeting with City Councilor Steve LehmanIntroductions were made around the table. Councilor Steve shared that the conditions observed at dismissal on Wed. Jan 23rd, 2019 were worse than expected: Steve outlined 3 key players- The City, The School and School Board and the Parents to work together.From the City- -Enforcement of no stop zones will continue and Principal Campbell shared that increased enforcement has been noticed and making some impact on people. Discussed giving out warnings and then having parking enforcement carry out a blitz once implementation of alternatives for parking are in place.-Drive for 5 is an initiative recommended where children are let out 5 minutes walking distance from the school. Key entrances, though, to the school need to be maintained for safe walking during the winter months, Councilor Steve distributed an ariel map of Clara Brenton. Pathways with stairs cannot be maintained. The pathway entrance from Queen Anne Circle and Lloyd Manor Cres. are not currently maintained and do not have stairs. Steve noted that the city is in negotiation with the School Board to work together and have these pathways maintained which can encourage more parents to drop off and pick up at these entrances and avoid congestion at the front of the school.-School Travel Planning (STP)- The STP is a community model coordinated by the Public Health Nurse assigned to a school to evaluate, encourage active travel to school and remove barriers that discourage walking. Clara Brenton had an STP conducted in 2014 with various solutions implemented at that time when the school was smaller in size. Steve was in agreement to carry out a School Travel Planning Walkabout to evaluate and update the plan with any necessary recommendation. Additional ideas mentioned to incorporate can include providing education to parents, providing additional signage on streets and way finding to identify alternative paths to the school and lengths of time needed for walking distance etc. Action: -Because congestion issues at pick up and dismissal was identified as piority, the plan is to first carry out the least complicated solutions and then try to approach other ideas that are harder to make change towards, or not related to congestion, such as, priority plowing, one way street recommendations, or adding speed bumps, reducing the speed limit in front of schools etc. -City will coordinate with School Board to have pathway from Queen Anne Circle and Lloyd Manor Cres. cleared to allow for additional entrances for drop off and pick up to reduce traffic congestion at the front. -Erika will continue to coordinate with Serena Smith, Clara Brenton Public Health Nurse, to arrange a School Travel Planning Walkabout with important key players, including Steve Lehman, Mark Ridley, Senior Transportation Technologist from City, Board of Ed Trustee(s), Principal and any interested School Council Members. -A communication will go out to parents after the maintenance of the pathway from Queen Anne Circle and Lloyd Manor Cres. has been confirmed and maintenance appears adequate, to encourage alternative drop off and pick up option and also invite for meeting with Steve for further discussion, Q and A etc.Agenda Item: Volunteer Appreciation WeekVolunteer Appreciation Week is April 7-13 this year. Plan to send out notice, emails to ask for posters to thank volunteers. Possibly look into appreciation gift such as mugs to give out. Action: Leala will look into possible gift items and costs and bring to next meeting.Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 6:30pmMeeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.Minutes completed by:Leala, Secretary for School Council ................

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