Major Assignment: Independent Novel Study

[Pages:14]Major Assignment: Independent Novel Study

Name: _______________________ Novel: _______________________

Mr. Logan English

2 This is a major assignment that will be graded out of 100 marks. If you are unclear about anything...ASK! The independent novel study is made up of six components: a) Reading Log (10 points) b) Vocabulary (15 marks) c) Reading Journal (20 marks) d) Story Element (25 marks) e) Extension Project (25 marks) f) Assignment Checklist (5 points)

Part I Reading Log

You must complete this reading log each day you read your novel. Extra copies of the blank reading log are posted on the class website "English" page if you need more space. The "Brief Comment" portion of the reading log may be completed in point form. However, grammar and spelling will count.


Reading Log


Pages Read

Brief Comment


Part II Vocabulary

As you read your novel, make a list of 20 words that you come across that are unfamiliar to you. When you have finished reading the novel, choose one of the following activities.

a) Vocabulary Log: Using your Vocabulary Word List on the following page, choose 15 words from your novel that you do not know the meaning of. Record the dictionary definition for each word. Quote the page number for each word used. Must be typed, double-spaced.

b) Crossword Puzzle: Using your Vocabulary Word List on the following page, create a crossword puzzle of at least 15 words from your novel. Provide a clue for each word and an answer key. Does not need to be typed.

c) Interesting Words: Identify at least 15 words from your novel that you think are interesting and describe why you think they are interesting. These words do not have to come from your Vocabulary Word List on the following page. Quote the page number for each word used. Must be typed, double-spaced.

Vocabulary Grading

Your Vocabulary section will be marked out 15 marks using this rubric:


Vocabulary Word List

Use this sheet for your list of 20 words from your novel that are new to you.


Page #






















Part III Reading Journal

Your task is to keep a reading log and to complete 3 Reading Responses. Each reading response must be one paragraph in length and must be typed, doublespaced. Complete one reading response for the early chapters of your novel, one for the middle chapters, and one for the final chapters.

Reading Response #1 (early chapters) Answer one of the following questions:

a) What is the time and place of the book? What evidence in the book tells you this?

b) Name and describe the main character of the book. Describe him/her physically and describe his/her personality and history, if known. Give your impression of him or her.

c) Find one specific idea, event, or behaviour in the book that relates to real life. Explain how it relates to real life.

Reading Response #2 (middle chapters) Answer one of the following questions:

a) What is the general feeling or mood of the book? (ex. sad, happy, hopeful) Give specific examples of how the author creates that feeling or mood.

b) Who is the narrator of the story? Is he/she inside or outside the story? What is is or her relationship to the story?

c) Choose a sentence or phrase that attracts you. Explain why you chose it, its value in the book, and its value to you.


Reading Response #3 (final chapters) Answer one of the following questions:

a) What is the climax of the novel? What major conflicts lead up to it and what is its resolution afterward?

b) What did you learn from this novel? In answering this question, you may comment on any aspect of the novel including how it is written.

Reading Journal Grading

Your Reading Journal will be marked out of a total of 20 marks using this rubric:


Part IV Story Element

Your task is to complete an activity for each Story Element (character, setting, plot). Choose one activity from each section.

Character: After reading your novel, identify the protagonist(s) and

antagonist(s) within the story. Remember, protagonists and antagonists are not necessarily people.

a) Write 5 diary entries for one character. Each diary entry should be one paragraph in length and should draw on events from the story. Must be typed, double-spaced.

b) Create a "Wanted" poster for a character in the novel. Provide as many details as possible from the novel. Does not need to be made on a computer.

c) Write an interview with a major character in the novel. The interview should consist of 8 questions and each answer should be detailed and in complete sentences. Must be typed, double-spaced.

Setting: Examine the setting of the novel. Select a particular scene to

represent. Be sure to consider the location, time period, and atmosphere of the setting.

a) Sketch a scene in the book depicting a part of the plot. I am marking for detail, accuracy, and effort, not drawing talent! Explain your illustration and why you chose to draw this scene in complete sentences.

b) Draw a colour map of where a major part of the story takes place. Label the major landmarks or points of interest. I am marking for detail, accuracy, and effort, not drawing talent!

c) Make a 3-D model of a major scene from the novel. Be creative with your materials! Dioramas, plasticine/playdough, lego, etc. are all fine. I am marking for detail, accuracy, and effort, not talent!


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