Unit 3 Study Guide What is significant about the Constitution? How were Federalists and Anti-Federalists different on the following?View on the ConstitutionLocationTypes of SupportersView on where government powerInterpretation of the ConstitutionBill of RightsDescribe Washington’s cabinet.What is a tariff? What are their positive consequences and negative consequences? What was the purpose of Hamilton’s Economic Plan?Describe the four parts of Hamilton’s Economic Plan.How were the Federalist and Democratic-Republicans different on the following?LeadersView on Hamilton’s Economic PlanView on government powerLocation of supportersTypes of supportersVision for countryWhat happened in the Whiskey Rebellion and why was it significant?How did political parties react differently to the French Revolution?Describe Washington’s foreign policy.What is impressment?What were the terms of Jay’s Treaty?What were the terms of Pinckney’s Treaty?Why was there conflict between American settlers and Native Americans?What was the purpose of the Treaty of Greenville?List and define the three major themes of Washington’s Farewell Address. What was Washington’s legacy as president?What were the causes and effects of the XYZ Affair?What caused the Quasi-War, and what ended it?What did the Alien and Sedition Acts do and what were their effects?What were the VA and KY resolves?What is nullification?What happened in the Election of 1800?What were the “midnight judges?”What was the significant result of Marbury v. Madison?What was the Louisiana Purchase and what were its benefits?How did Thomas Jefferson go against his constitutional principles in agreeing to the Louisiana Purchase?What was the primary purpose of the Lewis and Clark expedition, also called the “Corps of Discovery”?What were consequences of the Lewis and Clark expedition?What were the causes of the War of 1812?What was the purpose of the Embargo Act of 1807? What was the result? Who were the “war hawks,” and where were they from?Why did fighting Native Americans cause tension between America and Britain?Why is Tecumseh significant? What happened at the Battle of Tippecanoe?Who favored war with Britain? Who did not?What major events happened on the Canadian border during the War of 1812? What was the result?What happened at Washington, D.C. during the War of 1812?What happened at the Battle of New Orleans, and who became a war hero as a result?What were the terms of the Treaty of Ghent?How did the War of 1812 affect nationalism?Essay: The time period we have just studied is commonly called the “critical period”, since it was as if our country was in critical condition, much like a hospital patient. It could have lived, or it could have died. What are three events or situations we faced that in some way threatened our existence? By the end of the unit, had we successfully dealt with those threats? ................

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