World War One Newspaper Assignment

Newspaper Project

Create a First World War newspaper that exemplifies the events and emotions of the time.

The paper will have 3 articles!



➢ To gain a greater understanding of specific events and emotions of the First World War

➢ You will research into 3 major Canadian historical figures from the list below:

o Frederick Hobson

o James Cleland Richardson

o Harcus Strachan

o Leo Clarke

o Robert Spall

o Henry Norwest

o Tommy Ricketts

o William Barker

o Sir Arthur Currie

o Billy Bishop

o Sir Richard Turner

o Mary Macarthur

o John McCrae

o Charles Smith Rutherford

o Sir Robert Borden

o Henri Bourassa

o Francis Pegahmagabow

o Sam Hughes

o Filip Konowal

➢ Each of the 3 articles you create has to relate to one of the following major themes:

o Trench Warfare

o Life of a Soldier

o The Deadly Advancement of Technology

o A Significant Battle

o The Trials and Tribulations after Battle

o Canadian Involvement and Accomplishment in WW1


1) Choose three of the many influential Canadians listed on the previous page

2) Create 3 newspaper articles (1-2 full pages minimum), highlighting the importance of the time/event. Software, such as Microsoft Word and Publisher, can be used. Newspaper templates can be found online at . You can also research free newspaper templates on Google and there are some sites that allow you to create articles

3) You will create your newspaper from a distinct perspective (Canadian, German, British, French), but will focus on a Canadian person

4) You newspapers must include:

a. A masthead - (original name of the newspaper) – such a TORONTO STAR

b. Headline – A separate and original title for each of your 3 articles (do not just make this the name of the person you chose)

c. Byline – List your name as the author

d. Appropriate dates – Do research and make sure the dates you use are historical

e. News articles about the events that have taken place

i. Articles must be based on factual information

ii. Must have an author (which is you, but you can be creative with the name)

iii. There needs to be at least THREE news articles in the paper you create

f. Pictures

i. Pictures need to be labeled and relate to the article

ii. Pictures need to be related to the time period that you have selected.

g. First hand accounts of the war (i.e. letters / quotes) – research and find 3+ quotes

5) The rest of what appears in your newspaper is up to you. Be creative!

Due Date: March 7, 2016


News Report Rubric

|Categories |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

| |(50-59) |(60-69%) |(70-79%) |(80-100%) |

|Knowledge & Understanding |- demonstrates limited |- demonstrates adequate |- demonstrates considerable|- demonstrates thorough |

|- knowledge of form of news report|understanding of form of |understanding of form of |understanding of form of |understanding of form of |

|- understanding of resources read |news article |news article |news article |news article |

| |- demonstrates limited |- demonstrates adequate |- demonstrates considerable|- demonstrates thorough |

| |understanding of materials |understanding of materials |understanding of materials |understanding of materials |

| |read |read |read |read |

|Thinking & Inquiry |- demonstrates limited |- demonstrates moderate |- demonstrates considerable|- demonstrates a high |

|- critical and creative thinking |competence developing |competence developing |competence developing |degree of competence |

|skills (developing ideas, |ideas, selecting, |ideas, selecting, |ideas, selecting, |developing ideas, |

|selecting, organizing, explaining |organizing, and explaining |organizing, and explaining |organizing, and explaining |selecting, organizing, and |

|information) |information |information |information |explaining information |

|Communication |- communicates information |- communicates information |- communicates information |- communicates information |

|- clarity |and ideas with limited |and ideas with moderate |and ideas with considerable|and ideas with a high |

|- audience and purpose |clarity |clarity |clarity |degree of clarity |

|- use of form of news report |- limited awareness of |- moderate awareness of |- considerable awareness of|- thorough awareness of |

| |audience and purpose |audience and purpose |audience and purpose |audience and purpose |

|Application |- uses language conventions|- uses language conventions|- uses language conventions|- uses language conventions|

|- language conventions |with limited accuracy and |with moderate accuracy and |with considerable accuracy |with a high degree of |

|- writing process |effectiveness |effectiveness |and effectiveness |accuracy and effectiveness |

| |- uses the writing process |- uses the writing process |- uses the writing process |- uses the writing process |

| |with limited competence |with moderate competence |with considerable |with a high degree of |

| | | |competence |competence |

|Mr. Soheil Newspaper |

|Date of issue |

|MAIN STORY HEADLINE |Your main photo should grab the reader’s attention. Copy and paste |

|Name of writer |a photo from a website. |

|Newspapers usually lead with a dramatic and attention-grabbing headline and | |

|story so as to entice people to buy the paper. | |

| | |

|In newspapers, paragraphs and sentences are short. Often the paragraphs are | |

|only one or two sentences. | |

| | |

|‘Choose a sentence from your story to highlight an important point. Write the | |

|sentence in single quotation marks.’ | |

|Continue your main story. | |

| |Write a caption for your photo. |

| |More stories: |

| |Story 1 headline…………page xx |

| |Story 2 headline…………page xx |

| |Story 3 headline…………page xx |

| |In other news … |

| |Headline 1.………………page xx |

| |Headline 2……………….page xx |

| |Headline 3………….……page xx |

| |(choose headlines appropriate to the topic) |


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