314325-190500Name ______________________________Per____Unit 10: PersonalityPersonality:THE PSYCHOANALYIC PERSEPECTIVEDescribe Freud’s view of personality and how it develops.Free association:Ex/appPsychoanalysisUnconscious:Ex/appId:Ex/appEgo:Ex/appSuperego:Ex/appPsychosexual stage:Oedipus complex:Ex/appIdentification:Ex/appFixation:Ex/appExplain how Freud thought people defended themselves against anxiety. (You only need to mention the concept)Defense mechanisms:Repression:Ex/appRegression:Ex/appReaction formation:Ex/appProjection:Ex/appRationalization:Ex/appDisplacement:Ex/appSublimation:Ex/appDenial:Ex/appList the two Freudian ideas that his followers rejected. List the ideas they accepted. Who are the neo-FreudiansHow did Alfred Adler see childhood? How did Karen Horney see childhood?What did Carl Jung believe about a collective unconscious?Those that follow the psychodynamic theory assume:Collective unconscious:Ex/appExplain what projective tests are, and how they are used.Projective tests:Ex/appThematic Appreciation Test (TAT):Rorschach inkblot test:Explain the major criticisms of Freud’s theories and why they are.Describe what is meant that Freud was right about at least one thingTerror management theory:THE HUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVEExplain how humanistic psychologists view personality. What is the goal is the humanistic goal for studying personality?Abraham Maslow proposed the hierarchy of needs (Unit 8A). Describe how he developed his ideas.According to Carl Rogers, people nurture their growth by being genuine, accepting, and empathic. Explain what this meansSelf-actualization:Ex/appUnconditional positive regard:Ex/appSelf-concept:Explain how humanistic psychologists assess a person’s sense of self.Describe how the humanistic perspective influenced psychology.What are the 3 criticisms has it faced?THE TRAIT PERSPECTIVEAnalyze how psychologists use traits to describe personality.What is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator?What is factor analysis?What is the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire?Studies indicate that extraverts seek stimulation because:Trait:Ex/appWhat are personality inventories and what are their strengths and weaknesses as trait-assessment tools?Personality inventory:Ex/appMinesota Muliphasic Personality inventory (MMPI):Ex/appEmpirically derived test:Explain why the Big 5 traits offer the most useful information about personality.What are the Big Five personality factors?i.ii.iii.iv.v.How stable are these traits?Does research support the consistency of personality traits over time and across situations?What is the person-situation controversy? THE SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORYIn the view of social-cognitive psychologists, describe what mutual influences shape an individual’s personality.List the three ways that individuals and environment interact.i.ii.iii.Social-cognitive perspective:Reciprocal determinism:Ex/appList the causes and consequences of personal control.Self-control predicts:In the long run, self control requires:In the sub-section of “benefits of personal control”, what is the verdict of the studies discussed?One measure of how helpless or effective you feel is where you stand on:How can excessive optimism blind us to real risks?What does it mean people often are most over-confident when most incompetent?Personal control:External locus of control:Ex/appInternal locus of control:Ex/appPositive psychology:Ex/appWhat underlying principle guides social-cognitive psychologists in their assessment of people’s behavior and beliefs?Describe how the social-cognitive perspective contributed to the study of personality, and what criticisms has it faced?EXPLORING THE SELFAre we helped or inhibited by high self-esteem?Self:Spotlight effect:Ex/appSelf-esteem:Self-serving bias:Ex/appDescribe the two main findings on self-serving bias:i.ii.Explain how individualist and collectivist cultural influences affect people today.Individualism:Ex/appCollectivism:Ex/appDO NOWSDateResponseMini Personality ProjectTake the Big 5 test and the locus of control test at (1 tests total) 5 /?Global 5 / SLOAN Tests (info) Short Test (50 questions)Myers-Briggs Personality Test (2 tests total) (read and take the first quiz first to understand the results of the second) (4 questions) (70 questions) (see which Harry Potter character you based on your results)Take the Keirsey Personality Quiz (1 tests total) (70 questions) After completing the tests above, write a paragraph summary of each test (3 paragraphs total). What did it say about you? Do you think it was accurate? Remember, you know yourself better than a test does. Finish with a minimum 1-2 page summary about your personality (single spaced). Describe your personality and what has shaped it. DUE: Monday 1/2950 assessment points I will not accept late workGrade Breakdown3 tests (10 points per paragraph) = 30 pointsSummary about your personality = 20 points ................

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