Instructional Timeline – 11th Grade U

|Instructional Timeline – 11th Grade U.S. History – 1st Nine Weeks |

|Unit 4 – Imperialism and Progressivism |

|Becoming a World Power (12) |

|Suggested Time Frame: ≈ 3 block days |

|Description |The expansion of American territory and influence overseas in the late 19th century. |

|Assessment |Semester Exam Benchmark Test Chapter Test Section Quizzes Classwork Group Work Homework Role Play |

| |Exercise Puzzles Presentations Research Paper Individual Project Socratic Dialogue Participation |

|Essential Questions |How did American imperialism differ from earlier Manifest Destiny? Did it Differ? Do you think the US government should have supported the|

| |planters in the annexation of Hawaii? Do you think Mckinley could have taken a different course of action in the Cuba crisis? |

|Core Components |TEKS/SEs |Specifications/Examples |

| | | |

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| | | |

| |(2)(1) History. The student understands traditional |United Streaming: America Becomes a World Power (30:00) |

| |historical points of reference in U.S. history from 1877 | |

| |to the present. The student is expected to: | |

| |(A) identify the major characteristics that define an | |

| |historical era; |Imperialism (Spanish American War, Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary) |

| |(B)(A) identify the major eras in U.S. history from 1877 | |

| |to the present and describe their defining | |

| |characteristics; | |

| |(C)(B) apply absolute and relative chronology through the |Refer frequently to the events placed in the timeline of U.S. History |

| |sequencing of significant individuals, events, and time | |

| |periods; and |Tested dates to include 1898 |

| |(D)(C) explain the significance of the following dates | |

| |years as turning points: 1898 (Spanish-American War), |Spanish-American War |

| |1914-1918 (World War I), |Theodore Roosevelt |

| |(3)(2) History. The student understands the political, | |

| |economic, and social changes in the United States from | |

| |1877 to 1898. The student is expected to: | |

| |(A) analyze political issues |Anti Imperialists, overseas markets |

| |(12)(11)(9) Geography. The student understands the impact | |

| |of geographic factors on major events. The student is | |

| |expected to: |Panama Canal |

| |(A) analyze the effects impact of physical and human | |

| |geographic factors on major events including the building | |

| |the Panama Canal | |

| |(B) identify and explain reasons for changes in political | |

| |boundaries such as those resulting from statehood and | |

| |international conflicts. | |

| |(13)(12)(10) Geography. The student understands the causes| |

| |and effects of migration and immigration on American | |

| |society. The student is expected to: |Open Door Policy – Sect'y of State John Hay's economic policy in China giving |

| |(15)(14)(12) Economics. The student understands domestic |the imperial powers equal trading rights in the country 1899-1900; Boxers |

| |and foreign issues related to U.S. economic growth from |rebelled, U.S. forces suppressed the uprising. |

| |the 1870s to 1920. The student is expected to: |Dollar Diplomacy - Taft encouraged investment by U.S. banks/businesses in Latin |

| |(C)(D) explain how foreign policies affected analyze the |America & Far East. He promised military protection to those who invested |

| |effects of economic policies including issues such as the |abroad. WWI reoriented the priorities of the emerging world power and U.S. |

| |Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the Open Door Policy, and |foreign policy makers returned to a goal of isolationism. |

| |Dollar Diplomacy, and immigration quotas on U.S. | |

| |diplomacy; and | |

| |(D)(E) describe the economic effects of international | |

| |military conflicts, including the Spanish-American War | |

| |Vocabulary |Including the Spanish-American War and World War I, on the United States. |

| | |WW I led to great levels of industrialization in the US. |

| |Guilded Age - Imperialism – Urbanization – Political machine – |increased exports, increased agricultural production |

| | | |

| |Roosevelt Corollary – Hegemony – Isolationism – Expansionism – | |

| | | |

| |Internationalism – Protectorate – Yellow journalism – Jingoism – | |

| | | |

| |Dollar diplomacy – Sphere of influence – | |

| | | |

| | | |market-oriented |suffrage |

| | | |minority |technology |

| | | |migration |thematic map |

| | | |model |trade |

| | | |nullify |treaty |

| | | |participation |union |

| | | |pattern |immigration |

| | | |phenomenon |abolitionism -T |

| | | |political population |acquisition |

| | | |private property |affiliation |

| | | |progressive |appropriate (verb) |

| | | |prosperity |civil disobedience -T |

| | | |recall |common |

| | | |referendum |law |

| | | |renaissance |critical |

| | | |republic |militia |

| | | |resolution |monopoly -T |

| | | |scientific |patent |

| | | |significant |protective tariff |

| | | |socialism |ratify |

| | | |sovereignty |trend |

| | | |stock |unalienable / inalienable |

| | | |subsistence agriculture |urban / urbanization |

|Recommended Lessons |Recommended Lessons - Imperialism in the 1890’s DBQ, PowerPoint: Rise of Big Business |

|Differentiation | Special Education – all differentiation per SPED modifications and requirements |

| | |

| |TAG - differentiation according to TAG mandates. To include: |

| |independent study, |

| |alternative projects in lieu of test |

| |in depth reading |

| | |

| |504 – All differentiation according to student needs as specified per 504 committee. |

| | |

| |ESL – All differentiation aligned with both ELPS guidelines and state mandate. To include: |

| |small group instruction, |

| |sentence stem activities, |

| |HIS, |

| |T-Chart-Pair and Defend. |

| | |

|Instructional Resources|Books or Readings – excerpts – Influence of Sea Power on History, Roosevelt Corollary |

| | |

| |Videos - Rough Riders – T.R. |

| | |

| |Websites - |

|College and Career |I |

|Readiness Standards |1-ABCD 2-AC 3-ABC 4-ABC 5-B 6-B |

| |1-AB 2-B 3-B |

| |1-AD 2-ABCEF 3-ABC |

| |1-A 2-AB |

| |1-A 2-AB 3-C |

| |1-A 2-A |

| | |

| |II |

| |1AB 2-AB |

| |1-ABC 2-A 4-AC 5-ABC 6-ABC |

| |III |

| |1-B 2-AB 3-AB |

| |1-B |

| | |

| |IV |

| |1-AB 2-ABC 3-ABC 4-ABC 5-AB 6-AB |

| |1-AB 2-AC 3-ABC 4-ABC |

| |1-ABC |

| |1-AB 2-AB |

| |V |

| |1AB 2-AB |

| |1-ABCDEF |

|Essential Questions |Unit III |

| |Chapter12,13,14 |

| |To justify their policies, the new American expansionists of the late 1800’s offered all of the following reasons except: |

| |Strong nations were destined by natural law to dominate weak ones |

| |The US had a duty to spread its superior institutions to less civilized people |

| |The US should try to create a community of nations to guarantee world peace |

| |A strong navy was the key to becoming a great nation and colonies would serve as bases for the navy |

| |During the fighting of the Spanish American War, |

| |American troops had experience commanders |

| |More American fighting men died of disease than were killed in action |

| |The US army conducted a competent and efficient mobilization |

| |Spain won many battles to prolong the war |

| |The Platt Amendment, incorporated into the Cuban constitution, gave Cuba: |

| |Full independence |

| |Economic independence |

| |Partial independence |

| |An American run government |

| |The United States suggested the Open Door Policy for China to: |

| |Keep the great powers from completely destroying China by dividing it up |

| |Allow US merchants to trade in China without the interference of foreign government |

| |Achieve a foreign policy victory without using military force |

| |Promote the economic ideal of free markets |

| |Jacob Riis’s 1890 book “How the Other Half Lives” shocked middleclass Americans with its sensational description of: |

| |All of the answers below |

| |Lower class slums |

| |Middle class bigotry |

| |Upper class decadence |

| |The “Gospel of Wealth” promoted by Andrew Carnegie, said that people with wealth should: |

| |Use their resources to help society |

| |Give aid directly to the poor |

| |Donate the bulk of their wealth to religious institutions |

| |Subsidize the construction of Protestant churches |

| |The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine stated that: |

| |European nations could use force to collect debts in Latin America |

| |The US would not allow any new European investments in Latin America |

| |European ships would have to pay for the privilege of using the Panama Canal |

| |The US could intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American nations to preserve stability |

| |President Teddy Roosevelt secured the Canal Zone in Panama by: |

| |Engineering a revolt against Colombia |

| |Threatening Panama with force |

| |Negotiating a treaty with Colombia |

| |Invading the capital of Colombia |

| |Many Americans became outraged at Germany after it began to: |

| |shell major cities like Paris |

| |imprison European Jews |

| |invade neutral countries like the Netherlands |

| |Engage in submarine warfare |

| |The Fourteen Points included: |

| |Self determination for all people |

| |A world bank to help rebuild Europe |

| |Economic aid for former German colonies |

| |The creation of the United Nations |

| | |


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