AP European History

AP European History

Unit 7: Social and International Changes in the 19th Century


Text Readings:

McKay, Chapter 24, pp. 787-821 and Chapter 25, pp. 823-853.

Daily Assignments: (Bold-printed dates are class meetings); There may be additional assignments not listed on this handout.

|Thurs. 1/8 |Read McKay, pp. 787-795 & complete Ch. 24.1 Notes (Taming City) |

|Fri. 1/9 |Read McKay, pp. 795-805 & complete Ch. 24.2 Notes (Rich and Poor and Those in Between) |

|Mon. 1/12 |Read McKay, pp. 805-812 & complete Ch. 24.3 Notes (The Changing Family) |

|Tues. 1/13 |Read McKay, pp. 812-818 & complete Ch. 24.4 Notes (Science and Thought) |

|Wed. 1/14 |Ch. 24 Notes Due; Quiz 24.1; Go Over Review Assignment: Renaissance Through Napoleon; Review Assignment: |

| |1450-1715; HW: Work on Review Assignment |

|Thurs. 1/15 |Finish Review Assignment: 1450-1715 |

|Fri. 1/16 |Review Assignment: 1450-1715 Due; Review Test I: Renaissance Through Napoleon; Winter Review Assignment |

| |#1-2; HW: Review Assignment #3-9 |

|Mon. 1/19 |Winter Review Assignment #10-14 |

|Tues. 1/20 |Winter Review Assignment #15-19 |

|Wed. 1/21 |Quiz 24.2; FRQ 24.1 Outline; HW: Winter Review Assignment #20-24 |

|Thurs. 1/22 |Read McKay, pp. 823-829 & complete Ch. 25.1 Notes (Napoleon III in France and Nation Building in Italy) |

|Fri. 1/23 |Ch. 25.1 Notes Due; Quiz 25.1; Assignment: Italian Unification Timeline; HW: SOAPS Italian Unification DBQ |

| |Documents #1-8 |

|Mon. 1/26 |Finish SOAPS and complete DBQ Construction Worksheet |

|Tues. 1/27 |SOAPS & DBQ Construction Worksheet Due; Outline DBQ; HW: Read McKay, pp. 829-835 & complete Ch. 25.2 |

| |Notes (Nation Building in Germany and Nation Building in the United States) |

|Wed. 1/28 |Read McKay, pp. 835-838 and complete Ch. 25.3 Notes (The Modernization of Russia) |

|Thurs. 1/29 |Ch. 25.2 & Ch. 25.3 Notes Due; Quiz 25.2; Assignment: German Unification Timeline; HW: Read McKay, pp. |

| |838-846 & complete Ch. 25.4 Notes (The Responsive National State) |

|Fri. 1/30 |Read McKay, pp. 846-852 & complete Ch. 25.5 Notes (Marxism & the Socialist Movement) |

|Sat. 1/31 |Winter Review Assignment #25-28 |

|Mon. 2/2 |Ch. 25.4 and Ch. 25.5 Notes Due; Quiz 25.3; Assignment: TBA HW: FRQ 25.1 Outline and Winter Review |

| |Assignment #29-30 |

|Tues. 2/3 |Complete Ch. 24 & Ch. 25 Reviews; Winter Review Assignment #31-32 |

|Wed. 2/4 |Winter Review Assignment Due; Ch. 24 & Ch. 25 Reviews Due; Unit 7 Test: 80 Multiple Choice; Review |

| |Assignment: 1715-1870 |

Key Questions and Terms

Ch. 24.1 Notes: Taming the City, pp. 787-795

1. How did the Industrial Revolution contribute to European urbanization and transform cities?

2. What major public health problem plagued city-life? Explain the scientific advancements that led to a cleaner, healthier life. (Include the work of Chadwick, Bentham, Pasteur, Koch, and Lister)

3. How did the use of urban planning turn Paris into the model city? (Include a discussion of the roles of Napoleon III and Haussmann)

Ch. 24.2 Notes: Rich and Poor and Those in Between; pp. 795-805

1. Recreate the diagram on page 799 and add the significant information for each level and sub-level of the hierarchy. (Needs to be detailed; There are several questions on test from this section)

Ch. 24.3 Notes: The Changing Family; pp. 805-812

1. Make a chart comparing the 1700s to the 1800s on the issues of class structure, marriage trends, family life, and child rearing. (Needs to be detailed; There are several questions on test from this section)

Ch. 24.4 Notes: Science and Thought; pp. 812-818

1. How did science emerge as a major influence upon European and world society in the 19th century and what were the resulting consequences? (Include an explanation of thermodynamics and the work of Mendeleev and Faraday)

2. What were the major developments in the social and biological sciences in the 19th century? (Include the ideas of Comte, Lyell, Lamarck, Darwin, and Spencer)

3. Discuss the principles and elements and note the major achievements of the realist movement in literature. (Include significant writers and their works in your answer).

Ch. 25.1 Notes: Napoleon III in France/Nation Building in Italy; pp. 823-829

1. Describe the transition from Second Republic to Second Empire under the leadership of Napoleon III in France and the reasons for its acceptance in France. (Include an explanation of the reasons for his system’s success)

2. Describe the steps taken toward the unification of Italy between the Congress of Vienna (1815) and the conclusion of the Revolution of 1848. (Include discussion of the roles of Mazzini and Gioberti)

3. Describe the steps to the creation of the Kingdom of Italy in 1861 including the roles of Cavour and the role of Garibaldi. (Include discussion of the Red Shirts and Victor Emmanuel)

Ch. 25.2 Notes: Nation Building in Germany and the United States, pp. 829-835

1. Discuss the character and background of Prince Otto von Bismarck leading to his appointment as Chancellor of Prussia in 1862.

2. Discuss the policies and events leading to the Austro-Prussian War and the elimination of Austria as a significant influence in German politics. (Include discussion of the importance of Schleswig-Holstein and the results of this war)

3. Describe the policies and maneuverings of Bismarck in removing power from the Prussian parliament (the Reichstag) and the resulting increase in the power of the monarchy. (Include discussion about the constitution he created)

4. Discuss the final unification of Germany during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. (Include an explanation of the results of the war)

Ch. 25.3 Notes: The Modernization of Russia; pp. 835-838

1. Describe the changes made in Russia in the “Great Reform” period following the Crimean War under the leadership of Tsar Alexander II. (Include an explanation of what zemstvos were)

2. Describe the major events and developments in the industrialization of Russia prior to the Great War (1914). (Include a discussion of Alexander III and Sergei Witte)

3. Discuss the causes of the Revolution of 1905 in Russia and the resulting consequences of the Revolution. (Include a discussion of Bloody Sunday, the October Manifesto, and the Duma)

Ch. 25.4 Notes: The Responsive National State, 1871-1914; pp. 838-846

1. What are the characteristics of a responsive national state? Explain by giving detailed examples from the German Empire, republican France, Great Britain, and Austro-Hungary. (Include discussions about Kulturkampf, William II, the Paris Commune, the Dreyfus Affair, the People’s Budget, problems in Ireland, and the dual monarchy)

2. Explain the origins of modern Anti-Semitism in Europe. (Include discussion of Herzl and Zionism)

Ch. 25.5 Notes: Marxism and the Socialist Movement; pp. 846-850

1. Discuss the organization and the goals of the first and second International Workingmen’s associations.

2. Describe the trends and major developments in the organization of the working class in the period from Revolutions of 1848 until the beginning of the Great War (1914). (Include a discussion of revisionism, Bernstein, and Juares)

FRQ Outlines

24.1 Analyze the problems and opportunities associated with the rapid urbanization of western Europe in the nineteenth century.

25.1 Analyze the similarities and differences in the methods used by Cavour and Bismarck to bring about the unification of Italy and Germany, respectively.


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