“The History of DNA: A Timeline” Project

“The History of DNA: A Timeline, Part II” Project

During the activity, “The History of DNA: A Timeline, Part II”, you will learn about the contributions of eight scientists who played important roles in the development of DNA Science. In class we will view the Unit 7 Web Sites. As a team of two, you will use these sources of information to create your own History of DNA Timeline.

Your Timeline should include the following:

1) The names of each of the scientists you studied

2) The pictures of each of the scientists (with the URL citation below the picture)

3) The dates when each of the scientists did their work

4) An indication of which scientists won a Nobel Prize for their work

5) The contributions to the development of DNA Science, written as a phrase or 1 or 2 sentences,

IN YOUR OWN WORDS, of each of the scientists

6) A labeled illustration, not from a web site, and not necessarily a picture or drawing, that would

represent the contribution of each of the scientists

7) Eight major cultural and/or historical events that occurred during the span of the timeline (You better

include information about the Human Genome Project)

Your Timeline should be creative and in the form of a project. You may choose any medium you wish to do your Timeline, including, but not exclusive of, the following:

a mobile a book a magazine a game a 3 dimensional model

a videoed skit or performance

an original computer presentation, in other words, one that is different from those in the Unit 1 Web Sites

(warning: this one may be difficult to do because your must be different from those found on the web)


Each of the criteria, scientist’s name, scientist’s picture, the date the work was done, the contribution to the development of DNA science made by the scientist (written as a phrase or one or two sentences, IN YOUR OWN WORDS, the illustration (not from any web site), and the cultural and/or historical events must be found all together in your project. For example, if you choose to make a video, all you will turn in is the video because I will see all the criteria on the video. You WILL NOT have a separate poster or magazine or anything else along with your video.

Your Timeline must be complete, neat, and nicely presented.

You may use original pictures of the scientists from the web sites (that are cited with the web address), but your illustrations can not come from any web sites. You must include a bibliography, written correctly, of your sources.

The scientists to be included are:

Paul Berg Alec Jeffries

Stanley Cohen and Herb Boyer Craig Venter

Frederick Sanger Francis Collins

Kary Mullis

Because this is a team project, you must communicate with your partner(s). You may do this in many ways, including working together, emailing each other, and communicating through a forum. If you email another member of your team, please copy Mrs. Jones (ejone@). A forum will be set up for your team on Mrs. Jones’ Genetics Moodle and you will be expected to communicate with each other by posting to the forum. You must post a minimum of five times during the length of time you have to complete this project and at least once a week after the project has been assigned. Mrs. Jones will monitor the forums and your postings should be specific to and constructive about what you and you teammates are doing to complete the project. You may start your own thread or reply to others. The forum is to help you find a way to easily communicate with your teammates and ensure that you are making weekly progress and not waiting until the last minute to complete your project.

If you choose to complete this project on your own, you will be expected to communicate your progress with Mrs. Jones on your individual forum. You must post a minimum of five times and at least once a week once the project has been assigned.

Posting to your forum will be included in your project grade.

Your Timeline is due:__________________________________________

You will be graded on the following criteria for a total of 51 points:

Accuracy and Content (30 points)

Does your Timeline include the:

name (1½ points)

picture with Nobel Prize information and URL citation (4points: ½ point/name)

date (1 point) and

contribution (written as a phrase or no more than 2 sentences) (10.5 points: 1½ points/phrase)

of each of the scientists? (Total of 17 points)

Does your Timeline include an illustration that would represent the contribution made by each of the scientists? (Total of 7 points: 1 point/illustration)

Does your Timeline include eight major cultural or historical events that occurred during the span of the timeline? (Total of 4 points: 3 illustrations: 1 point; 4 illustrations: 2 points; 6 illustrations: 3 points; 7-8 illustrations: 4 points)

Is your Timeline in chronological order? (yes: 2 points; no: 0 points)

Effort and Creativity (16 points)

Does your project exhibit a high degree of creativity? (4 points)

Was your project obviously well thought out and planned ahead of time? (4 points)

Is your Timeline neat and well presented? (3 points)

Is your Timeline interesting to observe? (3points)

Have you included an accurate bibliography with correctly written citations? (2 points)

Use of the Forum to Communicate with your Partners (or Mrs. Jones) (5 points)

Did you make five specific and constructive posts about the progress of your project to your forum and at least 1 post per week?

5 posts = 3.5 points 3 weeks = 1.5 points

4 posts = 3 points 2 weeks = 1 point

3 posts = 2 points 1 week = 0.5 point

2 posts = 1 point

1 post = 0.5 point


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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