Spanish Culture Project

Spanish Culture Project

You will be required to present a Spanish Culture Project to the class. Working in teams of three, you will give a 10-15 minute presentation. This project and its components are worth 100 points.

This will be an oral presentation, so a written paper is not required, except for a typed bibliography (min. 5 sources).

The presentation will be evaluated on the following:

1. Content: The topic must be thoroughly researched and presented to the class. Find information from a variety of sources; discuss all areas of importance.

2. Visual Aids: Each group must have three visuals. One of those visuals will be either an informational poster or a computer slide show. The other visuals can be of any variety. The other visuals must be something that took time to create or develop (examples: authentic food, video footage (limited to 3 minutes), teaching a dance, a pamphlet/brochure). You also must discuss their relevance to your topic in great detail.

3. Participation: Each person must present approximately 1/3 of the material to the class. You will also be graded on how you use class time.

4. Creativity: Keep the audience interested! Please don’t just recite information! Find a creative way to present. (Skit, newscast, commercial, etc.)

5. Speaking Skills: Be sure to use a lot of eye contact and an audible, enthusiastic voice. DO NOT READ YOUR POSTER OR POWERPOINT!

6. Bibliography: Minimum 5 sources. Needs to be typed, double-spaced, and have word “References” at the top. When citing a website, include the title of the document, the web address, and the date you retrieved the document. Also, indent every line after the first line of a citation. List your references in alphabetical order.

“Mexican Food”. Retrieved February 26, 2009, from


6. Review Questions: Each person is required to have 3 questions; typed on the class Google doc. These questions should focus on information form your presentation and will be used on quizzes.

El Rúbrico Para El Proyecto Cultural

Content (30) ______________

*Well researched

*Discuss all areas of topic

*10-15 minutes in length

Visual Aides

*Informational Poster/Powerpoint (10) ______________

*Neat & has Various Pictures

*Contains typed captions

or *Large print / not too much information

*At least 10 slides

*Pictures, Clip-art, Visually Appeal

*Second Visual (10) ______________

*You discuss its relevance

*It took time to create & develop

*Third Visual (10) ______________

*You discuss its relevance

*It took time to create & develop

Participation (5) _______________

*Each person presents half of presentation

*Proper use of class time

Creativity / Audience Interest (5) ______________

Speaking Skills (15) ______________

*Speak loudly, clearly, and enthusiastically

*Excellent eye contact (do not read your notes)

Bibliography (10) ______________

Review Questions (5) ______________

*Relevant to topic

*Typed and copied day of presentation

Total: ______________ / 100 puntos

Topics for Spanish 1

~Culture Projects~

1. Barcelona, Spain

-La Sagrada Familia, Las Ramblas, La Catedral

2. Madrid, Spain

-El Prado, Royal Palace, Puerta del Sol, Plaza Mayor

3. Seville, Spain

-Feria de Abril

4. Music and Dance of Spain

-Flamenco/Sevillanas, History of the Dances, Components of the dances, Regional Dances, Instruments, teach the class a dance

5. Spanish Cuisine

Eating habits, history of the cuisine, how food varies from each region, eating etiquette

6. Mexican Cuisine

Eating habits, history of the cuisine, how food varies from each region, eating etiquette

7. Festivals and Holidays of Spain

Do NOT include every holiday! Pick major holidays/festivals. What interests you? Running of the Bulls, La Tomatina, Las Fallas, New Years, Christmas, Easter etc….

8. Influential People of Spain

Fransico Franco, Manolo Blahnik, Jose Maria Aznar, Penelope Cruz. Who are these people? Why are they important? What is something interesting about them? Why should I care about them?

9. Sports and Athletes of Spain

Bullfighting- history of the sport, who are the main players? what role does everyone have? What are some popular sports played in Spain? Famous Athletes. Are there school sports? Learn a new sport from Spain and teach the class how to play.

10. Writers of Spain

Miguel de Cervantes, Camilo José Cela What makes their writing unique? What did they write? Why are they famous?

11. Mexico City, Mexico

History- how was the city built? El Zocalo What are some sites of Mexico City?

12. Aztecs

Who was their leader? How did they live? Cortez?

13. Crafts and Folk Art of Mexico

14. Festival and Holidays of Mexico

15. The U.S.A. and Mexico- Past and Present History and Relations

16. Monuments and Landmarks of Mexico

17. Writers of Mexico

[pic] [pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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