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Introduction: Your Life Story1.??? Discuss the scope and themes of developmental psychology and identify the major stages of the lifespan.Genetic Contributions to Your Life Story2.??? Define the terms chromosomes, genes, and DNA, and explain how they are related.3.??? Explain how genes and environmental factors interact to guide the development of living organisms, including a discussion of the role played by alleles and an explanation of the difference between genotype and phenotype.4.??? Discuss the findings of the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium.5.??? Describe the sex chromosomes and explain why males are more likely to develop certain genetic disorders than females.Prenatal Development6.??? Describe how a zygote develops into a full-term fetus, noting the characteristics of the three stages of prenatal development.7.??? Provide examples of common teratogens, and explain how teratogens affect the developing fetus.Development During Infancy and Childhood8.??? Identify the sensory capabilities and reflexes of newborns that enhance their chances for survival, explain how these abilities promote the development of relationships with caregivers, and describe the development of motor skills in infancy.9.??? Define temperament and identify the main temperamental patterns.10.? Explain the basic premise of attachment theory and describe the behavioral differences that characterize secure and insecure attachment.?11.? Discuss cultural differences in the sleeping customs of American and Mayan families with infants and young children and how those customs reflect different cultural values.12.? Discuss the controversy surrounding the issue of day care, describe the results of research on the topic, and list the characteristics of high quality day care.13.? Describe the stages of language development, and explain how language development is shaped by both innate predispositions and environmental influences, giving examples of each factor.Cognitive Development14.? Explain the basic assumptions of Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, and describe the main characteristics of each of the four stages of cognitive development in Piaget’s theory.15.? Discuss some important criticisms of Piaget’s theory, including research by Renee Baillargeon, and contrast Lev Vygotsky’s and Piaget’s views on cognitive development.16.? Explain how the information-processing model of cognitive development differs from Piaget’s model of cognitive development.Adolescence17.? Define adolescence and describe the typical course of physical development, including primary and secondary sexual characteristics.18.? Discuss factors that affect the timing of puberty, and describe the effects of early and late maturation, including how those effects differ for girls and boys.19. Describe how the brain develops during adolescence and explain how these changes in brain structure are reflected in adolescent behavior.20.? Discuss social development during adolescence, including relationships with parents and peers, and the emergence of romantic and sexual relationships.??21.? Describe the relationship between adolescents and their parents and outline the results of research on cultural differences and similarities in parent-adolescent conflict.22.? Discuss the important role that adolescent identity formation plays in Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory of development, and describe the other stages of psychosocial development in Erikson’s theory.Adult Development23.? Explain the major milestones in physical and social development during adulthood.24.? Describe changes in the composition of American families and households from 1970 to the present, and discuss some of the characteristics of career paths in adulthood.Late Adulthood and Aging25.? Characterize physical development in late adulthood, and discuss the accuracy of?U.S.?stereotypes of old age.26.? Describe research findings on the effects of aging on cognitive and intellectual abilities.27.? Discuss social development in late adulthood, explain the activity theory of aging, and describe the final stage in Erik Erikson’s psychosocial theory.The Final Chapter: Dying and Death28.? Describe Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s stage theory of dying, and assess its validity.Application: Raising Psychologically Healthy Children29.? Explain the effects of authoritarian, permissive, and authoritative parenting styles on children, and list several suggestions that promote authoritative parenting. ................

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