Microsoft Word - Body System Summary Template …

Name_Period _Date_ THE HUMAN BODY SYSTEMSSystemFunctionDiagramMajor OrgansInteractions- Working with Other SystemsDigestivetake in food (ingestion)digest food into smaller molecules and absorbnutrientsremove undigestable food from body (feces)Mouth, esophagus, stomach, Sm. Intestine, Lg. intestine, rectum, anusSalivary glands, pancreas, liver, gall bladderw/circulatory – absorb & deliver the digested nutrients to the cellsw/muscular – control the contractions of many of the digestive organs to pass food alongw/nervous – hypothalamus maintains homeostasis by triggering appetite (stomach growling), digest.CirculatoryTransport materials to and from cellsHeart Veins Arteries CapillariesRed blood cellsw/respiratory – deliver O2 from lungs to cells and drop off CO2 from cells to lungsw/digestive – absorb and deliver digested nutrients to cellsw/excretory – kidneys filter cellular waste out of blood for removalw/lymphatic – both transport things to and from cellsw/immune – transports WBCs throughout body to fight diseasew/nervous – brain controls heartbeatw/endocrine – trans. hormonesNervousgathers and interprets informationresponds to informationhelps maintain homeostasisBrain Spinal cordNerves Nerve cells = neuronshypothalamusControls all other systemsHypothalamus – maintains homeostasis by working with all systemsSystemFunctionDiagramMajor OrgansInteractions- Working with Other SystemsExcretoryremoves waste products from cellular metabolism (urea, water, CO2)filters bloodKidneys Ureters Bladder UrethraLungs Skin – sweatglands Liver (producesurea)w/circulatory – filters waste out of bloodw/lungs – removes excretory wastew/integumentary – removes excretory wasteRespiratoryTakes in oxygen and removes carbon dioxide and waterNose Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli lungsw/circulatory – takes in O2 for delivery to cells and removes CO2 brought from cellsw/excretory – removes excretory wastew/nervous – controls breathingw/muscular – diaphragm controls breathingSkeletalprotects organsprovides shape, supportstores materials (fats, minerals)produces blood cellsallows movementBones Cartilage ligamentsw/muscular – allow movementw/circulatory – produce blood cellsw/immune – produce white blood cellsw/circulatory and respiratory – protects it’s organsSystemFunctionDiagramMajor OrgansInteractions- Working with Other SystemsMuscularAllows for movement by contractingCardiac muscle Smooth muscle Skeletal muscle tendonsw/skeletal – allow movementw/digestive – allow organs to contract to push food throughw/respiratory – diaphragm controls breathingw/circulatory – controls pumping of blood (heart)w/nervous – controls all muscle contractionsEndocrineRegulates body activities using hormones. Slow response, long lastingGlands*Hypothalamus*Pituitary*Thyroid*Thymus*Adrenal*Pancreas*Ovaries*TestesGlands produce Hormonesw/circulatory – transports hormones to target organsw/nervous – maintain homeostasis, hormone releasew/reproductive – controlled by hormonesw/skeletal – controls growth of bonesImmuneFights off foreign invaders in the bodyWhite Blood Cells*T cells*B cells-produce antibodies*Macrophages Skinw/circulatory – transports WBCs to fight invadersw/lymphatic – has lots of WBCs to fight invaders, spleen filters bacteria/viruses out of bloodw/skeletal – WBCs made in bone marroww/integumentary – prevents invaders from getting inSystemFunctionDiagramMajor OrgansInteractions- Working with Other SystemsIntegumen- tarybarrier against Infection (1st line of defense)helps regulate body temp.removes excretory waste (urea, water)protects against sun’s UV raysproduces vitamin DSKIN*Epidermis*Dermissweat glandsebaceous gland (oil)hair follicleblood vesselsnervesw/excretory – removes cellular wastew/nervous – controls body temperature (sweating, goose bumps)w/immune – prevents pathogens from enteringLymphaticstores and carries WBC’s that fight diseasecollects excess fluid and returns it to blood (2nd circulatory system-reaches places other one can’t – between cells)Lymph (liquid part of blood – plasma, when it’s in lymph vessels)Lymph Vessels Lymph Nodes Contain WBCsw/immune – holds lots of WBCs to fight pathogensw/circulatory – to transport materials to and from cellsReproduct- iveAllows organisms to reproduce which prevents their species from becoming extinct.Ovaries*produce eggsTestes*produce spermw/endocrine – controls production of sex cellsw/muscular – uterus contracts to give birth – controlled by hormones ................

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