Introduction To Sociology

SYG2000- Introduction to Sociology- Spring 2018 Syllabus

(CRN 12157)


Instructor: Dr. Adrienne Trier-Bieniek (Dr. Trier is fine)

Office Hours: MW 9am-10am, MW 11:30am-1pm Online: TThF 8am-9am- When I will generally check email. Other times are available by appointment. Please note that I only discuss grades during office hours, not via email.


Office Location: 2-112

Please note that this is the only acceptable email to use to contact me. Any other means will be ignored.

Thoughts for the Course:

“I think we have to own the fears we have of each other and then, in some practical way, some daily way, figure out how to see people differently than the way we were brought up to.” Alice Walker

“The mind is not a book to be opened at will and examined at leisure.” Severus Snape

“With great power comes great responsibility.” Voltaire (and Spiderman)

Course Objectives

A general objective of this course is to present the varied factors which make up society.

1. Identify and define major areas of sociological study and their social factors;

2. Understand the difference between qualitative and quantitative research methods, including construction of a survey and ethnography as well as be able to read, navigate and comprehend academic journal articles;

3. Articulate major sociological theories and theorists;

4. Articulate areas of social inequality and their foundations and engage in critical discussion about these areas;

5. Define and present examples of major terms such as “cultural relativism”, “ethnography”, “ethnocentrism”, “deviance” and “doing gender.”

From the Course Catalogue

Enables student to understand social behavior and social processes and become familiar with vocabulary and methodology of discipline of sociology. Emphasis on culture and personality, age and sex roles, family, deviant behavior, social class and stratification, group behavior and social change.

Important Dates

Assigned Reading

Expect to take notes to help you understand/ask questions about the reading. Your reading will come from:

~ “Essentials of Sociology 6th Edition” by Giddens, Duneier, Appelbaum and Carr (5th edition is ok)

~ Handouts (blogs, journal articles etc) which will be placed on Blackboard for you to bring to class.

Unless I ask, you do not need to bring the textbook to class with you. You do need to bring the handouts/blogs/journal articles that are placed on Blackboard to class with you. Printing or bringing them in electronically is fine.

DO NOT rely on the internet as a substitute for the textbook, it will not work. If you are having trouble purchasing the book please let me know. There are copies of the textbook available in the East campus library.

Course Guidelines

Attendance Policy

1. Class attendance is mandatory and you are responsible for everything covered in class including details about the tests, papers, changes to reading or assignments etc., as well as class activities. If you miss an activity you miss the points. If you miss class please be sure to get lecture notes from another class member (i.e. not from me).

2. Missing more than three classes will result in your final grade being dropped one grade per each additional absence. Missing seven or more classes will result in your being withdrawn from the class. You are responsible for keeping track of your absences.

3. Tardiness is not only a disruption for the class but it is rude and disrespectful to myself and your classmates. Everyone has gone to great lengths to be present for the start of class. If I note that you are consistantly late, I reserve the right to drop your final grade by 5%. From time to time extra credit will be offered students who are in class on time.

4. Leaving class early, without notifying me, will result in half attendance.

5. At the beginning of class an attendance sheet will be passed around. It is your responsibility to sign these. Signing the attendance sheet for others (whether they are present in class or not) is considered academic dishonesty and will be dealt with by giving you an automatic absence for the day as well as up to 10 points off one exam, at my discretion.

Plagiarism/Cheating Policy

Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. If it is determined that you have plagiarized or cheated on an assignment you will receive an automatic F on the assignment. A second offence will result in your failing the class. Instances of plagiarism will be handled on a case-to-case basis and will be subject to my discretion. For more information on Valencia’s plagiarism and cheating policy, please see

Classroom Policies

1. Homophobic, sexist, racist or classist language that is communicated verbally or non-verbally that degrades groups or individuals will not be tolerated in this class. You each have the right to a non-threatening classroom to learn in and I have the right to teach in a non-threatening environment. Participating in this behavior will result in your being asked to leave class and your return will be pending a meeting with the department Dean.

2. All students are expected to participate in Valencia’s Student Code of Conduct (see link under “Additional College Policies and Procedures.”)

3. Please turn off cell phones before class begins and refrain from texting, emailing or using electronic devices to do anything other than take notes during class. I am not going to give you material you missed due to not paying attention. The above behavior will factor into your final grade and can result in up to a 10% deduction from your final grade.

4. Do not take pictures of power points or notes on the board without my permission. Unless you have a documented reason, this will not be allowed.

5. Recording lecture, audio or video, is not permitted at any point during the class. Pictures, videos, and audio recording violate federal student privacy protections as well as my intellectual property rights.

6. In this class we will be discussing topics that may make you uncomfortable or go against your beliefs. There will probably be a point where you feel offended or angry during this semester. I welcome discussions of your perspective on things we read or talk about. However, if you do not feel comfortable challenging your beliefs you might want to consider other sections of this course.

7. Grades will not be discussed via email. If you have a question about your grade, please come see me in office hours/make an appointment to talk. YOU are responsible for keeping track of your grade. Things turned in via Blackboard will be graded and available for you to review. Please make sure you are checking for my comments on assignments and that you are checking the announcements section regularly for updates on graded work.

In-class Film Policy

Please refrain from talking during films/videos. Side conversations will be noted and points deducted from your viewing guide each time I need to remind you of this. Additionally, all electronic devices should be stowed during films. If I see you using them, you will be marked absent and you will receive an automatic 0 on any assignment connected to the film.

Late Work

In general, I do not accept late work. If you and I converse prior to the due date and agree that you may turn an assignment in late you must fill out the late assignment form on Blackboard. This opportunity will only happen once. If you turn an assignment in late without discussing it with me your grade will be an automatic 0. After one week has passed since an assignment was due you will not be allowed to make it up or turn it in late. (i.e. The assignment was due on 9/2/15, no late assignments will be accepted after 9/9/15.) Any disputed grades, or grades that do not appear in My Grades, must be brought to my attention within a week of their posting. If you do not address this with me within a week, the grade will remain the same.

I do not accept work via email unless we have discussed it and arranged for you to do so. If you do turn in work via email please make sure you adhere to the email guidelines below in order to make sure I accept your work. Failure to do so could result in a 0 for the assignment.

Viewing guides and in-class work will not be accepted as late assignments.

Email Correspondence/Netiquette

If your question can be resolved before/after class or during office hours please come and talk with me. Sending me an email does not mean you will receive a response. Emails must include:

a. The course ID number #12157

b. A salutation (such as “Dear Dr. Trier”) and signature

c. Text in the subject line and body indicating the reason for your message

d. Any attachments sent must include all of the above. Attachments without content will be deleted.


a. Only email me via the above email address or via Atlas and allow 24-48 hours (M-Th) for a response. I do not check email on the weekends or in the evening. Do not email me through the message service in Black Board.

b. Do not email me using any account other than your Valencia email. Emails sent from Gmail, Yahoo etc. will be ignored. (This is a Valencia policy.) If you are having issues accessing Atlas, please contact Valencia’s OIT department.

c. I will post in the Email Discussion thread on Blackboard when I have checked email for the day. Any messages sent after that time will be resolved the next day.

d. Messages which are rude or tersely worded will not receive a response.

e. Do not email me more than once with the same question. This will not get a faster response and will likely be deleted.

f. I do not discuss grades via email so please come to office hours if you have questions. The announcements, reading changes, extra credit etc. for this class will be done via email. It is important that you check your email at least once a day.

Turning in Assignments/Exams via Blackboard

Almost all the work for class will be turned in via Blackboard. Here are the guidelines:

1. Homework/written assignments turned in using Blackboard will be found in the Homework folder or Assignment folder in the Content section and will be labeled “Turn in ________ Here” with the blank indicating the title of the assignment.

a. ALL writing assignments must be uploaded to Blackboard as .rtf, .doc, pdf or Word documents. Do not copy and paste writing into the comments box or text box or use any other method other than uploading them. Doing so will result in your being asked to re-submit your work by a specific date and, if not submitted by then, you will receive a 0 on the assignment. If you write using Pages or a Mac there is conversion software and instructions for saving as a .rtf online.

b. It is not necessary to cite outside of the textbook and assigned reading. Outside citing, without reference to the course material (i.e. the textbook), will result in points taken off the assignment. Do not rely on the internet to take the place of the textbook.

2. Exams and quizzes will be done via Blackboard. Problems may arise. Here are a couple of suggestions for dealing with technological issues:

a. Exams consist of 50 multiple choice and true/false questions. You have 60 minutes to complete them. I highly recommend you complete the study guide prior to taking the exam.

b. Make sure you write down your answer to each question as you take a quiz. This way, if your computer freezes up and you lose the exam you can go back and add in your answers without having to totally start over.

c. You are allowed one opportunity to have your test re-set. If you need it re-set a second time you will be sent to the testing center to complete a paper copy of the test. Depending on how much of the exam you completed, I reserve the right to only give you the unfinished questions to complete.

d. If your computer does freeze and you lose your exam you need to send me an email so I can re-set it for you. Technical support cannot do this for you, only I can. Do not panic if this happens. It is important that you begin with plenty of time to spare in case this happens. I reserve the right to take points off any quiz/exam which was started within two hours of the deadline and had technical difficulties. I can also give you a 0 on any exam that was started an hour before the deadline and froze. In other words, start exams way before they are due.

e. Each exam will begin with instructions. I will not answer questions that can be found by reading these directions.

f. If there is a problem with the exam that is noted by your classmates I will send out an email with instructions. Again, do not panic. If a problem arises that is due to technical issues, problems on my end etc, I will make sure it is fixed and won’t affect your grade.

Extra Credit and “Borderline Grades.”

Extra credit will be given periodically throughout the semester. If your final grade is on the border, for example if it is a 69%, I make the decision whether or not to change it to a 70% depending on if you participated in extra credit, completed all of the assignments for class, have perfect attendance and if you had good class participation. It is to your benefit to do all of the above. That said, extra credit will rarely increase your grade more than 1%. Additionally, as tempting as it is to ask me to do extra credit in order to raise your grade a percent or two, I will always refuse such a request. Extra credit will only be offered to the entire class and not on an individual basis. If you have read this far into the syllabus, when you take the syllabus quiz include your favorite color in the sample email section to receive five extra credit points and then finish reading.

Privacy Rights:

It is important to be aware of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act requirements for college students. More information about the Act can be accessed through . I am not allowed to share any of your information (personal, grades etc) with anyone other than you. Please be aware that this extends to parents, spouses etc. If someone other than you contacts me about your grade/participation in class they will be notified of this law.

Breakdown of Points Available

Viewing Guides (4 @ 15 points each)

Every time we watch a film in class there will be a viewing guide assigned. These cannot be made up as part of the late assignment option. In order to receive full credit you must be present in class for all days that a film is shown. From time to time you will write an in-class response to video clips, these also cannot be made up.

Homework Assignments (3 @ 40 points each)

You will complete three homework assignments during the semester. Homework can be completed with up to three people in a group, although working in a group is not required. Details can be found in the Homework section of Blackboard.

Exams (2 @ 50 points each)

You will complete four exams. Unless discussed with me at least 24 hours prior to the exam due date, exams will not be able to be made up. Any make-up exams will be done at my discretion, as my schedule allows and may be essay exams. Documentation of your absence will also be required. Pop quizzes will occur if I get the sense that reading is not getting done.

Syllabus Quiz (25 points)

You must complete a quiz on this syllabus by 5pm on 9/5 in order to stay enrolled in the course. Read the syllabus before taking the quiz.


Grades will be determined according to the following scale and criteria:

A = 90-100% Outstanding and superior work, presented at the college level, using standard English with proper sentence structure, spelling and grammar. Student exceeds all course expectations, shows a clear understanding of concepts, demonstrates superior ability to synthesize materials from both inside and outside the classroom, participates regularly and enthusiastically in class as well as has consistent class attendance.

B = 80-89% Very good, above average work, presented at the college level, using standard English and demonstrating proper sentence structure, spelling and grammar with a few minor flaws. Student meets course expectations promptly, shows adequate understanding of concepts, demonstrates ability to relate materials from both inside and outside the classroom, and participates regularly in class. Possibly missed the maximum allotted class sessions.

C = 70-79% Average work, presented at the college level, using standard English and demonstrating proper sentence structure, spelling and grammar with many minor flaws. Student follows directions and meets minimal expectations for assignments, shows some understanding of concepts, demonstrates ability to process materials from both inside and outside the classroom, and intermittently participates in class. Some attendance/tardy issues.

D = 60-69% Below average work, marred by major mechanical problems, improper use of standard English, incomplete sentences, spelling and grammar. Student fails to meet most expectations, follow directions, and participates little in class. Multiple missed classes and/or excessive lateness.

E = 59% & below Well below average work - unacceptable due to major mechanical problems, improper use of standard English, incomplete sentences, spelling and grammar. Student fails to meet course expectations, shows little or no grasp of concepts, is unable to relate material from inside and outside the classroom, and fails to participate appropriately or consistently in class. Probably missed more than seven class sessions.

I (Incomplete)= (From the college policy: 6Hx28: 4-7: Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals): Incomplete may be assigned if you are progressing satisfactorily and, for valid reasons (emergencies such as serious illness or death of a family member), cannot complete the work of a course within the term. It is your responsibility to consult with your professor to determine if you qualify for an Incomplete. If you are awarded an I (Incomplete) and you complete the required course work by the end of term for the following full term, the professor will change your grade from I to the appropriate grade (A – F). If you receive an I (Incomplete) and do not complete the required course work according to clear written criteria/schedule established by the professor in the following full term, your grade will be changed by your professor as defined in the course syllabus. If no grade is submitted by the faculty member to replace the I, in your grade will be changed from an I to an F. Incompletes must be arranged with me at least two weeks prior to the end of a semester, you must have at least an 80% in the class and I must be confident that you will be able to complete the rest of the work in the following semester.

Additional College Procedures and Policies

College Withdraw Procedure:

Per Valencia Policy 4-07 (Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals) a student who withdraws from class before the established deadline for a particular term will receive a grade of “W.” A student is not permitted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline. I can withdraw you for violation of the class attendance policy at any time. Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F.”  For a complete policy and procedure overview on Valencia Policy 4-07 please go to:

CLAST Competencies

The College-Level Academic Skills Test (CLAST) measures the following: reading skills, essay skill, English language skills, and mathematics skills. To the extent possible, you will be encouraged to develop these skills as part of you work in this course. Additional information is available in the College Catalog

Academic Dishonesty

All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia. Academic dishonesty included, but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a testing situation, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive. Sanctions available to the professor should a violation occur are described in the Valencia Student Handbook or online at

Student Code of Classroom Conduct

Valencia is dedicated not only to the advancement of knowledge and learning, but is concerned with the development of responsible personal and social conduct. By enrolling at Valencia, a student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct. The primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rests with the professor. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in disruption of a class may be directed by the professor to leave the class. Violation of any Valencia policies/procedures or classroom rules may lead to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the College. Disciplinary action could include being withdrawn from the class, disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, expulsion, or other appropriate and authorized actions. Valencia’s Student Code of Classroom Conduct) can be found in the current Student handbook.

Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a Notification to Instructor (NTI) form from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. The East Campus Office is located in 5-216 and can be reached via phone, Ph: 407-582-2229 or TTY: 407-582-1222

Valencia ID Cards

Valencia ID cards are required for library, testing center and IMC usage. No other form of ID will be accepted at these locations. Possession of a Valencia ID is mandatory. These can be found on the second floor of building 5.

Valencia Core Competencies

This course fits within the core competencies of Valencia, Think, Value, Communicate and Act. More information can be found at:

Introduction to Sociology- Course Calendar Spring 2018

Here you will find the schedule and reading assignments for the course. Please note that when you see something labeled “BB” this means you should open up the “Content” folder in Blackboard and find the article in the supplemental reading. This is your additional reading for the day and should be brought with you to class.

Week 1- 1/8-1/12 Intro to the Course and Social Theory

1/8- Intro to the course

1/10- Pages 2-22, On BB: The Promise of the Sociological Imagination

Week 2- 1/15-1/19 Social Theory

1/15-No Class, Martin Luther King Day

1/17- Read pages 9-35 and On BB: Framing the Phone Interview

1/16- Syllabus quiz due at 5pm.

Week 3- 1/22-1/26 Socialization and Culture

1/22- Pages 75-82 and 102-111

1/24- Chapter 2

1/26- Homework #1 Due at 11:59pm

Week 4- 1/29-2/2 Culture

1/29- On BB: Do You Hear the People Sing? And Musicals Have the Power to Change Minds

1/29- Discussion: Culture

1/29- Due: Quiz #1 by 8:30am

1/31- Exam #1 Due at 5pm on 2/1. Use today to take the exam or to study.

Week 5- 2/5-2/9 – Inequality and Privilege

2/5- On BB: Interview with Ava Duvernay

2/5- Begin Film: 13th

2/7- On BB: When Force is Hard to Justify and Selective Responses to Threat

2/7- End Film: 13th

Week 6- 2/12-2/16 Social Class and Education

2/12- Chapter 7

2/14- Chapter

2/14- Discussion: Education

2/14- Quiz #2 Due

Week 7- 2/19-2/123 Race & Ethnicity

2/19- Chapter 10


2/21- Discussion: Race

2/21- Quiz #3 due

Week 8- 2/26-3/2 Global Inequality and Exam #2

2/26- Chapter 8- Begin Film: A Path Appears

2/28- Review the A Path Appears website

2/28- End Film: A Path Appears

Week 9- 3/5-3/9- Family

3/5- Chapter 11

3/7- Exam #2 due by 5pm on 3/8. Use today to take the exam or to study.

Week 10- 3/12-3/16 Spring Break

Week 11- 3/19-3/23Gender

3/19- Chapter 9

3/21 On BB: Heteronormativity in Children’s G-Rated Films

3/21- Discussion: Gender

3/21-Quiz #4 due by 8:30am

Week 12- 3/26-3/30- Gender and Sexuality

3/26- On BB: A Day without Feminism and What it Means to be a Gendered Me.

3/26- Begin film: The Mask You Live In

3/28- Pages 352-365

3/28- End film: The Mask You Live In

Week 12- 4/2-4/6 Religion

4/2- Pages 373-390

4/4- On BB : Burkini Ban and 7 Uncomfortable Facts about France’s Burkini Ban

4/4- Discussion: Religion

4/4- Due: Quiz #5

Week 13- 4/9- 4/13 Deviance

4/9- Chapter 6

4/11- On BB: “Shooting Blanks: The Problem of How we talk about Mass Shootings”

4/11- Begin Film: Life, Animated

Week 14- 4/16-4/20 Deviance and Extra Credit

4/16- Finish Film: Life, Animated

4/18- Extra Credit

Final Exam due by 5pm on 4/23/18

Homework Assignments


Due: Grade Breakdown: Points

10/3 Exam 1 50pts

10/31 Exam 2 50pts

12/7 Exam 3 50pts

9/5 Syllabus Quiz (Must be completed to stay enrolled) 25pts

9/22 Homework #1 40pts

11/10 Homework #2 40pts

12/1 Homework #3 40pts

Leading Class Discussion 100pts

Viewing Guides 75pts (5@15pts)

Total 470 points

Grading Scale: A 90% and up; B 89%-80%; C 79%-70%; D 69%-60%; Anything below a 60% is an F.

Note: I reserve the right to change due dates, assignment values, or to assign supplemental work. Therefore, final point values are subject to change. Report grading and mathematical errors immediately. If you disagree with a grade, you may submit a written complaint to me within one week of receiving it. YOU are responsible for keeping track of your own grade.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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