Evolution Review

Evolution Review

*Please note that this review may not cover everything you need to know for Exam 3. Be sure to review your lecture notes and textbook material*

1. a) What is a major source of genetic variation for prokaryotes and viruses?

b) What is the major source of genetic variation for plants and animals?

c) Explain why your answers to a and b are different.

2. In a population of 200 mice, 98 are homozygous dominant for brown coat color (BB), 84 are heterozygous (Bb) and 18 are homozygous recessive (bb).

a) The genotype frequencies of this population are:

______ BB ______ Bb ________bb

b) The allele frequencies of this population are

_______ B allele ________b allele

3. a) What is the Hardy-Weinberg principle?

b) Define the variables of the equation for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Make sure you can use this equation to determine allele frequencies and predict genotype frequencies.

c) What five conditions must exist for H-W equilibrium to occur?

4. It seems that natural selection would work toward genetic unity; the genotypes that are most fit produce the most offspring, increasing the frequency of adaptive alleles and eliminating less beneficial alleles from the population. Yet there remains a great deal of variability within populations of a species. Describe some of the factors that contribute to this genetic variability.

5. What were several of the viewpoints believed by proponents of fixed/static creation?

6. What is evolution?

7. What ideas did Lamarck come up with in regards to evolutionary theories?

8. Why was Darwin’s theory thought to be revolutionary?

9. What is descent with modification? What evidence supports this idea?

10. Define natural selection. What evidence supports this idea?

11. Describe artificial selection.

12. What were Darwin’s observations and inferences?

13. Know that: natural selection is the interaction between individuals that vary in heritable traits and the environment. Natural selection acts on the individual and evolution occurs at the level of population.

14. What evidence supports the theory of evolution?

15. Describe common misconceptions of the theory of evolution. (there are 8 in the lecture notes)

16. Discuss Darwin’s life and what led to his development of the theory of evolution. What does his theory of evolution NOT say?

17. Define the following terms: population, gene pool, fixed allele, allelic frequency

18. What are four causes of evolution?

19. What is genetic drift? What may it cause?

20. What is the bottleneck effect? What is the founder effect? Do they effect small or large populations?

21. Define gene flow and give an example of it.

22. What is directional selection? Disruptive selection? Stabilizing selection?

23. What prevents natural selection from reducing genetic variation? Describe each.

24. Sexual reproduction increases _________ diversity (in the next generation) within a population. Natural selection works on that diversity, reducing _________diversity.

25. Why can’t natural selection create “perfect” organisms?


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