THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA/GREENSBOROTHE BRYAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMICSDEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIONFall 2008MGT 312:02/03 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORInstructor: McLeodBryan Office: Bryan 378Tel: 336-334-5698E-Mail: Ken @uncg.eduOffice Hours: By appointmentTEXT: Krietner Robert, Kinicki, Angelo Organizational Behavior. 8th Ed. McGraw-Hill Irwin. New York, NY 2008. ISBN978-0-07-338125-1OVERVIEW: This is an introductory course to organizational behavior. There are two major goals:To provide an understanding of the significance of behavioral issues for individuals, groups, and organizations.To introduce the student to applications based on theory that firms utilize to improve performance and job satisfaction.The material we will cover will be applicable to a wide range of organizations and you should find the topic areas relevant to your own life. Topics we will explore include general management skills, diversity, self-knowledge, problem –solving, values, motivation, performance management, change, and organizational politics.COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course you will be knowledgeable about the major concepts and theories of organizational behavior. The learning outcomes for this course are:1. Identify and explain the dimensions of individual behavior including ability,Personality, learning. Values, attitudes, perception, attribution and motivation.2. Discuss the steps of the individual decision making process, limitations of the model and the concept of bounded rationality.3. Explain ethical dimensions of decision making.4. Identify differences in values across national cultures/Page 2.5. Identify the five stages of group developmentDefine group structure and processes, group decision making aspects including groupthink and groupshift.7. Describe interpersonal processes of work teams, leadership, power and politics.Identify the different styles of conflict resolution and negotiation techniques.Explain concepts of organizational structure and design, and job design. Describe dimensions of organizational culture, strategies for organizational change and development and stress management.LEARNING METHODOLOGY: Since people learn differently, we will use several methods to enhance your learning. Lecture, video, self-assessment instruments, experiential exercises, cases, and using the class participants as learning resources. I expect to learn from you also.CLASS ATTENDANCE: Experience is a wonderful teacher and it shows that the key to success is preparation, attendance and participation. Woody Allen once said, “90% of life is just showing up”. My style is the Socratic Method; Questions and Answers. I also assume you are adults and know whether you need to attend class or not. When you come to class I expect you stay for the whole class period unless there are extenuating circumstances. If you leave early I assume you are not coming back. If you are going to more than 15 minutes late for class, don’t come. I will take attendance. Your grade will be reduced one letter grade for each absence in excess of 3.Page 3.NOTE: THE BRYAN SCHOOL HAS A POLICY OF DROPPING STUDENTS WHO DON’T ATTEND THE FIRST CLASS PERIOD. I INTEND TO ENFORCE THAT POLICY SINCE THERE ARE STUDENTS ON A WAITING LIST TO GET INTO CLASS.EXAMS: there will be 3 exams. Dates indicated on the syllabus. The exams will be multiple choice. The exams will be weighted to give you more opportunity for better grades as the semester progresses.Exam I25%Exam II35%Exam III40%MAKE-UP EXAM: Make-up exams will be possible only for medical absences, death in the immediate family. These must be substantiated in writing by medical personnel or funeral notification.SPECIAL NOTE: ONE OF MY ROLES HERE AT UNCG IS TEACHING IN GERMANY AND MOLDOVA AND SOMETIMES THAT REQUIRES ME TO TRY AND CHANGE THE DATES OF EXAMS, ESPECIALLY THE LAST EXAM. IF THAT HAPPENS, I WILL ASK THE CLASS IF THEY HAVE A PROBLEM WITH CHANGING THE DATE OF LAST EXAM USUALLY TO THE LAST DAY OF CLASS. THE CLASS VOTES ON THIS PROPOSAL AND DEMOCRACY RULES. I BELIEVE IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO KNOW WHEN THE LAST EXAM WILL BE GIVEN. THAT MAY MEAN YOU CAN'T ASSUME THAT IT WILL BE GIVEN ON THE DATE PUBLISHED IN THE FALL SCHEDULE 2008. YOU WILL HAVE ADVANCE WARNING IF THIS CHANGE OCCURS, IN MOST CASES WEEKS IN ADVANCE.SYLLABUSWEEKDATESTOPICCHAPTER/READING1. 8-26-28-08OVERVIEWCHAPTER ONEThe Quest for People Centered Organizations2. 9-2—4-08 Managing DiversityChapter TwoPage 4.3.9-9—11-08Organizational Chapter ThreeCulture4.9-16—18-08 International OBChapter Four 5.9-23—25-08Self-concept, Chapter FivePersonalityExam 1 9-25-086.9-30—10-2-08Values, AttitudesChapter Six/SevenPerceptions etc.7. 10-7—9-08MotivationChapter Eight Job Motivator Questionnaire8.10-14—16-08Leadership Chapter Sixteen FALL BREAK 10-17 THROUGH 10-21-089.10-23-08Job PerformanceChapter Nine Goals, Feedback, Rewards10.10-28-08Chapter Nine Cont’d.(Job Characteristics Model)Exam II---10-30-0811.11-4—6-08Group DynamicsChapter Ten12.11-11—13-08Teams andChapter ElevenDecision-MakingChapter 1213. 11-18—20-08Conflict, NegotiationChapter ThirteenPoliticsChapter FifteenPage 5.14. 11-25-08Creating EffectiveChapter SeventeenOrganizationsTHANKSGIVING BREAK 11-26 THROUGH 12-1-0815.12-2-8Managing ChangeChapter EighteenLAST EXAM 12-4-08 ................

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