World Geography: Latin America Project

World Geography: Latin America Project

Name(s): _______________________________________

Period: _________________________________________

1) Pick a country from anywhere in Latin America:


Directions: This project is a way for you to learn a little more about Latin America. After you have chosen your country, or been assigned one, write it in the space above.

1) In the computer lab you must find all the information below. I suggest using , and then finding the page listed as geography. Find your country and happy hunting for all the information below.

2) Your project visual must include ALL of the following:

- The name of your country neat and creative _______

- A hand drawn map of your country ______

* Map must include: Capitol, 2 large cities, total land area, total population

* Landforms-1 main river, ocean(s), mountains

- Social Issues:

* Form of government

* Main language

* 2 Major Ethnicities

* 2 Major religions

- History

* brief history of your country, written by you and not copied and pasted

(I know the difference)

* 3 interesting facts about your country

- Natural Resources

* 3 major natural resources

* 1 major import

* 1 major export

- Compare this to:

* Some where I want you to compare these things with the United States:

1) Total population

2) Total land area

3) Major natural resources

Lab Check List:


Total land area: ________

Total population:________

Capitol city: _______

2 Large cities: ______

Major landforms: _____

Social Issues:

Form of government: _______

Language: _____

2 Major ethnicities: _____

2 Major religions: ______


Brief history: ______

3 Interesting facts: ______

Natural Resources

3 Major natural resources: ______

1 Import: ______

1 Export: ______

United States:

Total population: _______

Total Land area: _______

Major natural resource: ______


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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