Course Introduction - Mr. Featherling's World History

Mr. FeatherlingRoom: 407Email: branden.featherling@Course Introduction World History Studies is a survey of the history of humankind. The major emphasis is on the study of significant people, events, and issues from the earliest times to the present. 35982231778536Scan with QR reader for smartphones00Scan with QR reader for smartphones26525271774140004209308624774SHOE RACK NUMBER:___________________00SHOE RACK NUMBER:___________________Supplies: You will need: 1. (2) Dedicated World History Notebooks2. Loose leaf paper3. Blue/black pen(s) 4. Pencil for paper tests5. Binder/folder6. Flash DriveYou will need to bring these items EVERY DAY!Websites:Class Website:Featherling.On the class website will be a calendar with the homework on it as well as PowerPoints. Please check the calendar often as it will change. PowerPoints will be on the website when we are done with them.Book Website:3750310104973Scan with QR reader for smartphones00Scan with QR reader for smartphones278511011811000connected.mcgraw-Username: ____________Password: _____________DO NOT LOSE THIS PAPER – YOU WILL NEED TO KNOW YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD MULTIPLE TIMES THIS YEAR!!!!NOTE: This year there will be online quizzes, homework and possibly tests. You need to memorize your login information in order to be able to get on. As this is the first year for trying online resources there will be a little trial and error, please be patient. Online quizzes maybe timed and you will have up to 2 times (depending on quiz) to do the quiz, and a time frame (usually two days). If you do not have access to a computer/smart phone at home, the library will be open during lunch, after school, and before school for you to work on academics. Late Work 10 percent will be deducted per day. NO late work will be accepted after 5 days that the assignment is due. Homework will be due at the beginning of class; after I collect homework, it will be considered late. ALL late work must have your name, hour, and assignment on it or it will not be graded. Late work will be marked accordingly (stamped once and how many days it is late) and placed in the tray. Make-up Work Students will be allowed to make up all work missed due to an excused absence. The student will receive a minimum of 2 days for each day missed in order to get all missed work completed. The student will not receive any type of grade deduction. If the student’s absence is unexcused or results from a disciplinary suspension, the student will be given a minimum of two days to make up all work with a maximum grade of 70%. It is the responsibility of the student, regardless of the reason, excused or unexcused, to obtain all assignments missed. It is required of the student to get assignments and due dates before the absence occurs in order to stay on schedule with the class.Missing (“M”) WorkIf you have more than 3 “M” (Missing work) in the gradebook then you may get intervention after school or during lunch until you get those grades turned in. After 5 days you will receive a grade of no more than 25%. If you are failing because of missing work you will receive intervention until all grades are made up. Cell Phones Use Policy Cell phones are to be used for educational purposes only in the classroom. Unless otherwise specified by the teacher, cell phones are to be put in the designated spot in the shoe rack as the students come into class. Each person will have a number and they are to use that spot ONLY. Do NOT use another student’s spot for cell phones. District policy states any abuse of cell phone will result in a $15 fine the first time:Confiscated devices will be assessed the following fees:1st offense-- $15 fine2nd offense-- $15 fine/ device held in office 5 school days.3rd offense-- $15 fine/ device held in office 10school days.4th offense-- $15 fine/ device held 15 school days.Classroom Rules1. Be on time to class2. Come to class prepared to learn. (Pencils sharpened, pen, paper, and with notebooks/book)3. Respect all property. (School property, personal property, and other's property)4. Respect all ideas given in class and do not criticize anybody's ideas or thoughts.5. Do your very best!Grading ScaleA90 – 100B80 – 89C70 – 79F69 and belowGrading CategoriesDaily Grade:30% Participation: 30%Assessment: 40%Participation points: 1 point per day. You will start out with 5 points for the week. You will lose points by not being prepared, sleeping, not paying attention, talking during the lesson/when you are not supposed to be, not working when you are supposed to be, being rowdy and disruptive, not following directions, being on your cell phone when not instructed to do so, etc. So, if you lose points for one day that week’s grade is an 80%, two days is 60%, three days is 40%, and four days is 20%. Class Schedule UnitsTitleYears CoveredChaptersUnit 1Foundations of Civilization8000 BC-500 BC1-3Unit 2Freedom WeekUnit 3Emergence and Collapse of Classical Empires500 BC-600 AD4,6-9Unit 4Medieval Rebuilding and Reconsolidation600-145010Unit 5Interaction and Diffusion600-145011-12Unit 6An Expanding World1450-175017Unit 7Ideas Change the World1450-175026-27Unit 8Political Revolution1750-191427-29Unit 9Industrialization & Imperialism1750-191423Unit 10Global Conflicts1914-Present30-32*Class Schedule is subject to change at any point ................

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