Coach Jacobson's Classes

Concepts You Should Be Familiar WithQuestions You Should Be Able to Answerapproval ratingbureaucracychecks and balances“chief executive”commerce clausedelegate role of representationdischarge petitiondiscretionary authorityexecutive orderHouse of Representativesimplementationiron trianglelegislative processmajority and minority leadersmajority and minority whipsparty patronagepolitico role of representationregulationrule makingSenateseparation of powerssigning statementSpeaker of the House The Federalist No. 70trustee role of representationveto Washington’s Farewell AddressCan you read a political cartoon?How can Congress limit presidential informal powers?How do presidential approval ratings affect their ability to pass a policy program?How do the size and tasks of the federal bureaucracy relate to federalism?How does Congress oversee the bureaucracy?How does the Senate check the authority of the Supreme Court?What are the major differences between the House of Representatives and the Senate?What factors are considered when the president makes judicial appointments?Why is it so difficult for laws to be formally passed in the United States?Why is the president more likely to use informal than formal powers to advance his policy agenda?Why might a president object to parts of a bill in a signing statement instead of using a veto?Why might the implementation of policy break down?One of the following prompts will be selected at random and will appear on the test as your argument essay.Develop an argument that explains whether the term limits for members of Congress would be beneficial or harmful.Develop an argument that explains whether the powers of the presidency as executed since the Great Depression have made the presidency a dangerous office. Develop an argument that explains whether the Supreme Court should seriously consider public opinion when making its decisions.Equality of opportunity is a central value in the American political system. Choose either Congress or the Supreme Court, and present an argument for why your choice is most responsible for advancing the principle of equality of opportunity in the United States. ................

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