Chapter 1: Study Skills

Chapter 1: SentencesLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectives1Sentences4–51–21?Picture of a watermelonsentencesubjectactiontelling sentencecommandexclamationquestionfragmentalphabetical order?Define sentence?Distinguish complete thoughts from incomplete thoughts?Write complete sentences?Add beginning capitalization and ending punctuation to a sentence?Define and identify the subject part of a sentence ?Match subjects with sentence endings?Define the action part of a sentence?Divide sentences into subject parts and action parts?Identify telling sentences?Identify commands?Identify exclamations?Distinguish among kinds of sentences: telling, command, exclamation, question?Punctuate each kind of sentence correctly?Listen for comprehension?Define and identify fragments?Change fragments into complete sentences?Alphabetize words by the first letter?Alphabetize words by the second letter2Sentence Subjects6–73–42?Ten long strips of paper or tagboard ?Pocket chart3Sentence Actions8–95–63?Pocket chart4Telling Sentences and Commands10–117–845Exclamations12–139–1056Questions14–1511–1267Which Kind of Sentence?16–1713–147?Ball?Erasable board for each student or four 3" x 5" index cards for each student8Fragments18–1915–1689Language Link: Reference Skills (Alphabetizing)20–2117–189?Classroom display of alphabet?Red paper arrow?Plasti-Tak10Chapter 1 Review22–2319–2010–11?Items for optional Food ConnectionBridge: Producing Meat24–2521Chapter 2: Writing a Personal StoryLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectivesBridge: Linking Literature to Writing22thesaurusguide wordssynonymplanwebdraftreviseinsertdeleteproofreadpublish?Learn to use a thesaurus when finding exact words?Choose a topic for a personal story?Use a word web to generate details for a story?Determine which details to include in a story ?List the details in the order they will go in a story?Write the first draft of a story?Understand the purpose for revision?Recognize sentences that do not belong in a paragraph?Participate in a conference with another student?Recognize errors?Use proofreading marks to correct mistakes?Revise, proofread, and publish a story11Using the Thesaurus28–29, S7823–2412Planning & Writing Together30–31, S782513Revising & Proofreading Together32–33, S7926–2714Personal Story: Planning34–35, S7928–29?Writing folder for each student15Personal Story: Drafting36–37, S8030–3116Personal Story: Revising38–39, S8032?Colored pencil for each student (optional)17Personal Story: Proofreading40–41, S8133?Colored pencil for each student (optional)?Student dictionary (optional)18Personal Story: Publishing42–43, S8134–36?Several published picture books?Construction paper (optional)?Drawing paper (optional19Chapter 2 Review44–4537–3812–1320Cumulative Review46–4739–40Chapter 3: NounsLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectives21Nouns50–5141–4214nounsingularpluralcommon nounproper nouncomma?Identify nouns in sentences?Categorize nouns as people, places, or things?Recognize that two words may be put together to form a compound word?Understand that many nouns form their plurals by adding s?Understand that nouns ending in ch, sh, s, x, and z form their plurals by adding es?Recognize nouns that form their plurals by changing their spellings?Write the correct plural form of a noun?Distinguish between common nouns and proper nouns?Capitalize proper nouns?Capitalize important words in titles of books and stories?Capitalize the names of God?Capitalize names for the Bible, its divisions, and its books?Understand that commas tell the reader to pause between words that they separate?Insert commas in sentences containing words in a series of three or more words22Nouns & Compound Words52–5343–441523Adding s to Nouns54–5545–461624Adding es to Nouns56–5747–481725Plural Nouns that Change Spelling58–5949–5018?Seven student dictionaries (optional)26Common & Proper Nouns60–6151–5219?Two small bean bags?Poster board27Capitalizing Titles62–6353–5420?Reading book or short- story anthology28Language Link: Punctuation (Commas in a Series)64–6555–562129Chapter 3 Review66–6757–5822–23?Items for optional Environment Connection30Cumulative Review68–6959–60Bridge: Visiting Aquariums70–7161Chapter 4: Writing InstructionsLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectivesBridge: Linking Literature to Writing62thesaurustopic sentenceplantime-order wordsdraftconferencereviseproofreadpublishcomputer keyboardinsertdelete?Use a thesaurus to find exact words when writing?Recognize time-order words?Sequence instructions?Complete a time-order chart to plan instructions?Draft an interesting topic sentence?Write the first draft of instructions?Participate in a conference with another student?Revise instructions?Increase awareness of commonly misspelled words?Proofread and publish instructions31Using the Thesaurus74–75, S8263–64?Several shiny silver objects?Ink pad (optional)32Planning Together with a Time-Order Chart76–77, S8265?Two slices of bread, peanut butter, jelly, knife, and spoon33Making Yourself Clear78–79, S8366?Recipe card?Blank overhead transparency34Instructions: Planning80–81, S836735Instructions: Drafting82–83, S846836Instructions: Revising84–85, S8469?Prop for each student?Colored pencil for each student (optional)37Instructions: Proofreading86–87, S8570?Colored pencil for each student (optional)38Instructions: Publishing88–89, S8571–72?Several published How to books for children?Colored paper (optional)39Chapter 4 Review90–9173–7424–25?Five sentence strips40Cumulative Review92–9375–76Chapter 5: Action VerbsLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectives41Verbs96–9777–7826?Large picture of animals entering Noah’s arkverbpresentpasthomophone?Identify the verb in a sentence?Add s or es to verbs?Distinguish between present-tense and past-tense verbs?Change present-tense verbs to past-tense verbs?Use present-tense and past-tense verbs correctly?Learn the past-tense forms of tell, give, sing, see, do, and go ?Use the past-tense forms of tell, give, sing, see, do, and go correctly in sentences?Write sentences using exact words?Define and recognize homophones?Choose the correct word from a homophone pair to fit in a sentence42Adding s or es to Verbs98–9979–802743Verbs in the Past100–181–822844Now or Past Verbs102–383–842945Special Verbs: Tell, Give, & Sing104–585–863046Special Verbs: See, Do, & Go106–787–883147Using Exact Verbs108–989–9032?Timer or stopwatch48Language Link: Vocabulary (Homophones)110–1191–923349Chapter 5 Review112–1393–9434–35?Beanbag (optional)50Cumulative Review114–1595–96Bridge: Playing Baseball116–1797Chapter 6: Writing PoetryLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectivesBridge: Linking Literature to Writing116–1798poemcoupletrhymeshape poemcolorful wordsdraftreviseproofreadpublish?Appreciate poetry?Recognize rhyme?Recognize a couplet?Generate pairs of rhyming words associated with a picture?Draft, revise, proofread, and publish a couplet?Recognize association between shapes and ideas?Choose a topic for a shape poem?Generate colorful words to describe an animal?Draft, revise, proofread, and publish a shape poem51Writing Poems that Rhyme120–21, S8699?Colored pencil for each student (optional)52Couplet: Planning & Drafting122–23, S86100?Drawing paper for each student (optional)?Pictures showing activities done in various types of weather (optional)53Couplet: Revising & Proofreading124–25, S87101?Piece of candy for each student?Colored pencil for each student (optional)54Couplet: Publishing126–27, S87102?Recording of a poetry reading?Recording equipment, such as tape recorder or computer55Writing Poems with Shape128–29, S8810356Shape Poem: Planning & Drafting130–31, S8810457Shape Poem: Revising & Proofreading132–33, S89105–6?Colored pencil for each student (optional)58Shape Poem: Publishing134–35, S89?Published collection of shape poetry for children (optional)?White bulletin board background paper (optional)59Chapter 6 Review136–37107–836–3760Cumulative Review138–39109–10Chapter 7: Study & Reference SkillsLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectives61Tips for Good Listening142–43111–1238?Globe or world maptitle pageauthorillustratorpublisheralphabetical orderdictionaryentry wordguide wordsdefinitionsample sentencelibraryfictionnonfictioncard catalogtelephone directorywhite pagesyellow pages?Identify and use good listening strategies?Apply the four questions to listening?Identify the title page, author, illustrator, and publisher of a book?Use a table of contents for information?Identify guide words and entry words on a dictionary page?Locate definitions?Locate sample sentences within an entry?Write a sample sentence that matches a definition?Demonstrate an understanding of basic library information?Use respect in handling library materials?Identify fiction and nonfiction and their arrangement in a library?Demonstrate knowledge of the card catalog?Alphabetize a list of names?Use alphabetical order to determine entry words that come between guide words?Contrast the different definitions for an entry word?Develop an understanding of the information and layout of a telephone directory?Locate emergency numbers?Use the white pages and yellow pages to locate information?Apply Bible principles when speaking?Recognize good tips for taking telephone messages?Record accurate telephone messages62Listening for the Main Idea144–45113–143963Parts of a Book146–47115–1640?Several different types of books with an author, illustrator, and table of contents?Jar of marbles or any container with small objects in it64The Dictionary148–49117–1841?Dictionary?Twenty-four 4" x 6" index cards?Eight business-sized envelopes65More About the Dictionary150–51119–2042?Dictionary66The Library152–53121–2243?Books (fiction and nonfiction)67Telephone Directory154–55123–2444?Telephone directory for each group of two or three students?List of the students’ telephone numbers (optional)68Tips for Taking a Message156–57 125–264569Chapter 7 Review158–59127–2846–4770Cumulative Review160–61129–30Bridge: Sightseeing in London162–63131Chapter 8: Writing a Book ReportLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectivesBridge: Linking Literature to Writing162–63132titleauthorsummaryopinionoral book reportself-evaluationbestsellers?Recognize the parts of a book report?Plan, draft, revise, and proofread a book report together?Choose a book for a book report?Plan, draft, revise, proofread, and publish a book report?Distinguish between fiction and nonfiction?Understand the balance of too much or too little detail in a summary?Recall main points to include in the book report?Use a revising checklist?Write book titles correctly?Identify good speaking strategies?Give an oral book report71Parts of a Book Report166–67, S90133?Book that can be read aloud in one sitting72Telling Just Enough168–69, S90134?Saltshaker and peppershaker73Book Report: Planning170–71, S91135?Teacher’s favorite children’s book?Two favorite books for each student74Book Report: Planning & Drafting172–73, S91136?Each student’s chosen book75Book Report: Revising174–75, S9213776Book Report: Proofreading176–77, S92138?Colored pencil for each student (optional)77Book Report: Publishing178–79, S93139–40?Teachers’ magazine, newsletter, or journal containing children’s book reviews?Clothesline and clothespins78Language Link: Listening & Speaking180–81, S93141–4279Chapter 8 Review182–83143–4448–49?Two 3" x 5" note cards for each student80Cumulative Review184–85145–46Chapter 9: More NounsLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectives81Capitalizing Proper Nouns188–89147–4850?Map of your town or city ?Globe or world mapcommon nounproper nounabbreviationpronounsingular pronounplural pronoun?Differentiate between common nouns and proper nouns?Capitalize names of streets, cities, states, and countries?Use a comma between the names of cities and states?Capitalize initials and place a period after each initial?Capitalize names of months, days of the week, and holidays?Use commas correctly in dates?Learn abbreviations for the days of the week and the months of the year?Learn the abbreviations for titles of people?Understand that the pronoun you may be singular or plural?Recognize and write nouns that show ownership?Use possessive nouns in sentences?Develop an understanding of singular and plural pronouns?Use an apostrophe to make nouns possessive?Use the pronouns he, she, it, you, they, we, I, and me in sentences?Name themselves last when writing or speaking about themselves and another person82More Capitalizing Proper Nouns190–91149–505183Abbreviations192–93151–5252?Calendar for the entire year84More Abbreviations194–95153–545385Pronouns196–97155–565486I or me?198–99157–585587Plural Pronouns200–201159–605688Possessive Nouns202–3161–6257?Several items borrowed from various students with their permission89Chapter 9 Review204–5163–6458–59?Items for optional Culture Connection90Cumulative Review206–7165–66Bridge: Ministering in Latin America208–9167Chapter 10: Writing a Friendly LetterLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectivesBridge: Linking Literature to Writing208–9168mailing addressreturn addressheadinggreetingbodyclosingsignature?Differentiate between a return address and a mailing address on an envelope?Write a mailing address and return address?Use street abbreviations in addresses?Identify the parts of a letter?Recognize the use of commas in a letter?Identify the reason and audience for a letter?Identify details in the body of a letter that support the reason for the letter?Plan and draft a class letter together?Address an envelope together?Revise and proofread the class letter and the envelope together?Choose the audience for a personal letter?Complete an individual planning chart for a thank-you letter?Draft, revise, and proofread a personal letter?Participate in a writing conference?Revise the first draft of a personal letter?Proofread the revised personal letter?Make a neat final draft of the personal letter and envelope?Develop an understanding of the Writing Process91Addressing Envelopes212–13, S94169–70?Ten to fifteen envelopes in which you have received correspondence?Copy of students’ mailing addresses from the school office (optional)92Parts of a Letter214–15, S94171–7293Reasons for a Letter216–17, S9517394Letter: Planning218–19, S95174?Two blank overhead transparencies95Letter: Drafting220–21, S96175–76?One or two sheets of notebook paper for each student96Letter: Revising222–23, S96177?Colored pencil for each student (optional)97Letter: Proofreading224–25, S97178?Colored pencil for each student (optional)98Letter: Publishing226–27, S97179–80?Envelope and postage stamp for each student99Chapter 10 Review228–29181–8260–61100Cumulative Review230–31183–84Chapter 11: More VerbsLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectives101Helping Words with Come & Run234–35185–8662?Six index cardsverbhelping wordlinking verbcontractionapostrophenegative wordsdouble negative?Distinguish between came and come and ran and run?Identify helping words have and has?Differentiate when a subject is about one or more than one?Recognize when a verb shows action or does not show action?Determine when to use is and are?Determine when to use was and were?Know that is/are and was/were are linking verbs and do not show action?Know that is/are refer to now?Know that was/were refer to the past?Write contractions?Use contractions in sentences?Recognize negative words no, never, not, and none?Recognize double negatives?Learn to write using only one negative word in a sentence?Learn to speak using only one negative word in a sentence102Helping Words with Gone & Seen236–37187–8863?Pictures of Christ and His ministry on earth?Toy car103Linking Verbs: Is & Are238–39189–9064?Large box of crayons104Linking Verbs: Was & Were240–41191–9265105Linking Verbs: Is, Are, Was, & Were242–43193–9466?Red and blue overhead transparency pens106Contractions with Not244–45195–9667?Pictures of bicycles from different time periods (optional)107More Contractions246–47197–9868?Box of elbow macaroni108Language Link: Usage (Double Negatives)248–49199–20069109Chapter 11 Review250–51201–270–71?Beanbag110Cumulative Review252–53203–4Bridge: Touring Factories254–55205Chapter 12: Writing a Make-Believe StoryLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectivesBridge: Linking Literature to Writing254–55206nonfictionfictionparagraphindentproblemsolutioncharacterssettingstory mapanthology?Recognize parts of a story?Identify sources of ideas for stories?Identify paragraphs?Identify the main character in a story?Generate ideas for characters?Choose and develop a main character for a story?Plan the main character’s problem and solution to the problem in a story?Plan the setting in a story?Identify the elements in a story’s beginning, middle, and end?Map a story?Understand the purpose of the beginning and the ending of a short story?Draft a make-believe story based on a story map?Participate in a writing conference?Revise, proofread, and publish a make-believe story?Identify the correct form for writing paragraphs?Recognize errors using a proofreading checklist111Parts of a Make-Believe Story258–59, S98207–8112Planning a Character260–61, S98209–10113Planning the Problem, Solution, & Setting262–63, S99211–12114Planning with a Story Map264–65, S99213–14?Road map115Story: Drafting266–67, S100?Two or three books or stories to illustrate interesting beginnings and satisfying endings116Story: Revising268–69, S100215117Story: Proofreading270–71, S101216?Colored pencil for each student (optional)118Story: Publishing272–73, S101217–18?Several anthologies of children’s stories?Two pieces of 8?" x 11" colored paper for you (and for each student [optional])119Chapter 12 Review274–75219–2072–73?Several stories to read aloud120Cumulative Review276–77221–22Chapter 13: AdjectivesLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectives121Describing Sight280–81223–2474adjectiveseriescomma?Identify adjectives that tell about the size, shape, and color of an object?Identify and write adjectives that tell about the senses?Recognize adjectives used to compare two items?Recognize adjectives used to compare three or more items?Compare regular adjectives by adding er and est?Identify adjectives that tell what kind and how many?Describe an object using adjectives that tell what kind and how many?Replace uninteresting adjectives with more colorful adjectives?Use a thesaurus?Use commas when writing three or more adjectives in a series?Combine short sentences using words in a series122Describing Sound & Smell282–83225–2675?Recording of rainforest sounds (optional)123Describing Taste & Touch284–85227–2876?Two or three M & M’s or Skittles candies for each student124Using Adjectives to Compare286–87229–3077?Construction paper in various colors125Comparing with er & est288–89231–3278?Masking tape?Three different-sized stacks of Unifix cubes, Lego blocks, or books126Telling How Many290–91233–3479?Pictures of ants, an ant farm, or a jar of harmless ants?Set of five books?Set of four pencils127Finding Colorful Adjectives292–93235–3680128Language Link: Punctuation (Commas in a Series)294–95237–3881129Chapter 13 Review296–97239–4082–83?Assorted animal pictures ?Items for Art Connection (optional)130Cumulative Review298–99241–42Bridge: Exploring Rainforests300–1243Chapter 14: Writing a DescriptionLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectivesBridge: Linking Literature to Writing300–1244similessensory wordsparagraphtopictopic sentencedetailsorganizedescription?Complete similes by recognizing similarities between unlike things?Write similes?Recognize sensory words?Generate sensory words to describe an object?Identify topic sentences?Write an interesting topic sentence?Draft, revise, and proofread a descriptive paragraph together?Organize details?Draft a descriptive paragraph?Understand the purposes for revision?Participate in a writing conference with another student?Recall the correct form for writing titles and paragraphs?Revise and proofread the descriptive paragraph131Writing Similes304–5, S102245–46132Using Senses to Describe306–7, S102247?Enough unusual fruit for each student to have a piece?Knife?Drawing paper for each student133Topic Sentences308–9, S103248134Planning with a Senses Chart310–11, S103249?Each student’s object to describe?Colored pencil for each student (optional)135Description: Drafting312–13, S104250?Each student’s object to describe136Description: Revising314–15, S104251?Each student’s object to describe?Colored pencil for each student (optional)137Description: Proofreading316–17, S105252?Colored pencil for each student (optional)138Description: Publishing318–19, S105253–54?Each student’s object?Construction paper or card stock for each student139Chapter 14 Review320–21255–5684–85?5" x 7" note cards or pieces of paper140Cumulative Review322–23257–58Chapter 15: SentencesLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectives141Subject Part & Action Part326–27259–6086?Eight sentence strips, four of one color and four of another colorsubject partaction partfragmentpredicateverbexpandedrun-on sentence?Divide sentences into subject parts and action parts?Distinguish between sentences and fragments?Change a fragment to a complete sentence?Identify the subject part of a sentence?Identify the main word in the subject part?Identify the predicate of a sentence?Identify the main word (verb) in the predicate?Rewrite a sentence by changing the subject or the predicate?Insert adjectives to expand sentences?Join two subjects with and to form a new sentence?Join two predicates with and to form a new sentence?Recognize and correct run-on sentences?Combine sentences142Main Word in the Subject328–29261–6287143Main Word in the Predicate330–31263–6488?Overhead transparency pen144Rewriting Sentences332–33265–6689?Sixteen sentence strips, eight of one color and eight of another color145Expanding Sentences334–35267–6890146Combining Subjects336–37269–7091147Combining Predicates338–39271–7292?Student inch ruler?Three sentence strips (optional)148Language Link: Punctuation (Run-On Sentences)340–41273–7493?Pair of socks sewn together at the toes149Chapter 15 Review342–43275–7694–95?Two small bells?Recording of handbell music (optional)150Cumulative Review344–45277–78Bridge: Viewing Church Architecture346–47279Chapter 16: Writing a Research ReportLessonTopicTE PagesWorktextTeacher’s Toolkit CDMaterials to GatherVocabularyObjectivesBridge: Linking Literature to Writing346–47280research reporttopictopic sentencefactsmain ideasupporting details?Identify the major parts of a research report ?Choose a topic for the research report?Identify the topic sentence of a paragraph?Differentiate between main ideas and supporting details in a paragraph?Write a topic sentence that tells about a group of details?Identify details that support one main idea?Take notes from a nonfictional source?Participate in a writing conference?Use proofreading marks to correct errors?Draft, revise, proofread, and publish a research report151Choosing a Topic for a Research Report350–51, S106281152Main Idea352–53, S106282?Examples of nonfiction and fiction about one type of animal?Colored pencil for each student (optional)153Topic Sentences354–55, S107283?Index cards with the names of various animals written on them154Gathering Information & Taking Notes356–57, S107284–85?Informational books about a chosen animal for each student155Research Report: Drafting358–59286?Colored pencil for each student (optional)156Research Report: Revising360–61287–88?Colored pencil for each student (optional)157Research Report: Proofreading362–63289–90?Colored pencil for each student (optional)158Research Report: Publishing364–65291–92?Two sheets of 9" x 12" colored construction paper for each student?Hole punch?Brass fasteners or yarn for each student159Chapter 16 Review366–67293–9496–97?Four sentence strips160Cumulative Review368–69295–96 ................

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