Akiak Vocabulary Words



Akiak Vocabulary Words

Direction: Study meaning of each word. Make a flashcard for each word.

blizzard: a snowstorm with strong winds; whiteout

checkpoint: a place along a route where people sign in during a race

experienced: having the knowledge to do a particular task; skilled;

practiced; Antonym(inexperienced)

musher: the driver of a dogsled rugged: having a rocky, rough, uneven surface; Antonym(smooth surface) vowed: prom ised volunteer: someone who helps free of charge whiteout: heavy clouds over snow, leading to completely white

conditions that make it impossible to see refuge: a safe or covered place out of bad weather; shelter; place of safety burrowed: dug a hole like a small animal layover: a brief stop on a trip squinted: looking with eyes partly open

remote: distant; far from towns or cities

momentum: the force and speed of a moving object

purebred: animals coming 'from many generations of the same breed or kind; pedigree; thoughbred

trailhead: a place where a trail begins

journey: a long trip; implies accomplishment, often causes a person to change secluded: private; quiet; out of the way; isolated; Antonym(public)

excavate: dig; dig up or out; unearth; hollow out; Antonym(bury) assure: promise; guarantee; pledge isolated: remote; cut off; lonely; out of the way; Antonym(nearby)

Skill Focus Directions: Review meaning of story structure, cause and effect and prediction.

1. Story Structure ? To identify characters: main people or animals in a story around whom the

story events revolve Example: Akiak and Mick ? To identify the setting: the time and place in which a story occurs Example:

The Iditarod Race in Alaska

? To identify the plot the sequence of story events, which usually includes a problem and solution Example: Akiak's team is running the Iditarod when Akiak is injured. She is left behind to fly home, but she runs away to try to rejoin her team.

2. Predicting Outcomes ? Reading the story helps you learn about the characters in the story ? Story clues and story details help to form a characters personality ? Readers then take what they know about a character and use personal

knowledge and some reflection to form a reasonable prediction as to what the outcome might be

3. Cause and Effect

? A cause is an explanation for the event: Why did it happen?( to determine a cause)

? The effect is a description of an event: What happened?(to determine an



? Clue words such as because, so, since, and as a result can help signal

cause and effect relationships

Cause 1. Because the team had

to stop for Akiak 2. The team couldn't wait for

Akiak's injury to heal

Example Effect

1. Ketcham's team took

over first place

2. so, Mick had to leave

Akiak behind

Name:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Story Prediction

Directions: Preview the story Akiak by identifying details found in the pictures. Answer the following questions. 1. List three to 'five details you have noticed about the characters in the story.

2. List details you have noticed about the story's setting including when and where the story took place.

3. Make a prediction as to what you think this story is going to be about based on the pictures you have seen.

4. List several questions that came to mind from the pictures.

Copy sen-rences

DireCtions: Copy u vocabularY words and their sentences found in the StorY.

















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Word Chart: Context and Connection

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Word-to-Self Connection


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