“Halloween-The Devil’s Favorite day”

“Halloween-The Devil’s Favorite day”

Deuteronomy 18:10-14

INTRO. Today is Halloween. The day when children and adults dress up in costumes

of ghost, ghouls, goblins, witches, and demons and go house to house saying,

“trick or treat!” If a treat is given the house is safe. If not, some trick or prank

can be expected. A day when houses, business, and properties are decorated

with likenesses of ghosts, witches, black cats, and jack-o-lanterns. But is this

celebration just harmless fun or is it more sinister? To determine the truth

concerning this worldly celebration let us look at it under the spotlight of the

GOD’S WORD! 1 Thessalonians 5:21 says, “Prove all things; hold fast that

which is good.” The word prove means “To try, as by experiment or by a

standard; test. To establish or ascertain by argument or evidence; demon-

strate. To establish the genuineness or validity of; verify.”

Let us try this celebration today by a standard-GOD’S WORD. God’s standard

never changes. Men’s opinions come and go, but God’s Word never changes!

Isaiah 40:8—“The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our

God shall stand for ever.” Let examine this celebration in the light of God’s

unchangeable Word as we think on this subject, “Halloween-The Devil’s Favo-

rite Day.” Let us notice three things this morning:

(1) The Origin Of Halloween

A. The Druids. The Hallowe'en customs the world observes on October 31st had their beginnings long ago. The origins and traditions can be traced back thousands of years to the days of the ancient Celts and their priests, the Druids of ancient Gaul and Britain. We know little of the Druids, but of certain is that they had an elaborate religious and political organization. Some were soothsayers, magicians, sorcerers, and barbs (composers and reciters of heroes and their deeds). Their religion worshipped numerous gods and natural objects, such as trees, wells, etc., in which magical practices were involved.

The Druids believed that witches, demons, and spirits of the dead

roamed the earth on the eve of November 1st. Bonfires (literally "bone-

fires") were lit to drive away the bad spirits. The great bonfires served

another purpose as well-on this night, unspeakable sacrifices were

offered by the Druid priests to their Lord of Death (Samana). The

celebration was called "The Feast of Samhain" The Druids would

carefully watch the writhing of the victims in the fire (sometimes

animals, sometimes humans). From their death agonies, they would

foretell the future (divination) of the village. The local householders

then each took a portion of the fire to their own hearths for good luck

and good crops in the new year.

B. The Romans. After Rome conquered Britain, two of their Roman

festivals were combined with the Celtic Vigil of Samhain. The first of

these is called FERALIA, which was held in October to honor the dead.

The other honored PONOMA, the Roman goddess of fruit and trees.

Apples probably became associated with Halloween because of this


C. The Catholics. Much later, the Roman Catholic Church set aside the

first day of November to honor all the saints who had no special days

of their own. This was known as All Saints' Day, and was preceded by

All Hallows' Eve (derived from the word "hallowed" or "holy evening").

All Saints’ or All Hallows’ Eve is November 1, which according to

Jewish tradition starts at sundown on the evening before. This is a

festival for the dead, it was made into a celebration of all the known

and unknown saints and martyrs of the Catholic Church by Pope

Boniface IV in the seventh century. It was originally celebrated

on May 13, but was moved to November 1, by Gregory III in the

eighth century. It would seem consistent that the Catholic celebration

for the dead would coincide with the witch’s or Occult celebration

for the dead. All Saints’ Day was followed by All-Souls’ Day,

November 2, unless that was a Sunday then it was November 3,

this was another Catholic adaptation of Pagan festivals for the dead.

Prayers for the dead are an integral part of the traditional All Saints’

Day services, which are scheduled in Catholic Churches on November

1, and on the next Sunday. Eventually, the two festivals (the old pagan

customs and the Roman Catholic feast day) were combined, and All

Hallows' Eve was shortened to Hallowe'en. Professing Christians were

now provided a convenient "alternative" to the aforementioned pagan

ceremonies. Despite half-hearted attempts by the Catholic Church to

destroy the pagan religious practices associated with Hallowe'en,

they have survived. During the Middle Ages, such practices found an

outlet in the practice of witchcraft, which was and is devoted to

communing with the spirits of the dead and to the worship of Satan

himself. To this day, one of the special "sabbaths" for Satan-worship

continues to be October 31st-HALLOWE'EN!

D. The Witches. Modern witches celebrate eight main holidays, the most

important of these is Samhain (Halloween). These celebration include:

1. Oimelc-February 2. 2. Ostara (Spring equinox)-March 21. 3. Bel-

tane-April 30. 4. Summer soltice (the longest day of the year)-June 22. 5. Lughnasadh-July 31. 6. Autumn equinox-September 21.

7. Samhain (Halloween)-October 31. 8. Winter soltice (the longest

night of the year)-December 22.

Samhain is considered the most important because the veil between

the world’s of the living and the dead is at its thinnest point in the year,

making communication easier. The souls of the dead are reported to

come to the land of the living. Few understand his schemes better than Valerie Duffy, a former witch. "The feast of Samhain (sah-ween) is an unholy Sabbath observed by occultists worldwide," she explains

Valerie knows all too well why Neopagans love Halloween. The old

Celtic "sabbat" is their main feast – a window of time when the walls

between the physical and spiritual worlds supposedly become thin

enough to allow easy crossovers. This was the time to catch up with

one's ancestors and other spirits from the underworld. But don't think

the Vigil of Samhain was just a fun holiday. The "Lord of the Dead",

Samhain himself, is no deity to laugh at. Valerie explains why:

"On October 31, black-cloaked Druids bearing torches would go door

to door to select humans for their New Year's sacrifice to the Lord of

the Dead. In return for the child or infant, they would leave a hollowed

turnip with candle light shining through the carved face -- a satanic

counterfeit for the biblical Passover.

"In the reveling that took place on that night to Samhain, the demons

supposedly loosed for the night would pass over the homes "marked"

by the carved lantern. Those families had provided the required gift or

sacrifice. Other homes could be hit -- sometimes with sudden death.

"The children selected for sacrifice were tossed into a bonfire. The

Druids called it a bone-fire since only the bones were left. From the

agonizing screams of the dying, the divining priests would foretell the

future of the village."

E. Anton LeVey, Satanist. Anton LeVey, now deceased head of the worshippers of Satan, said he that he was glad the Christian parents let their children worship the devil at least one night out of the year. This is something to make us think; is it not?

F. Passed On From a British Christian. “Many people believe Hallo-

ween is now a “modern” celebration, that witches don’t exist and the

old “witchcraft” traditions are just not carried out anymore. This is not

true South-East England for example the police still find “strange” ar-

rangements of animal bones and fire ashes in the woods and some

churchyards every 1 November morning. The lights from those fires

can be see on Oct. 31 if you stand at the edge of those forests. It

happens and will happen this year. Halloween is a very real pagan

festival to some people.”

2) The Occult Nature Of Halloween

A. The word OCCULT means “Hidden, supernatural.” That brings us

back to the original question we are considering, “Is Halloween just

fun and games or is it more sinister than we imagine?” The Bible is very clear as to its position concerning the so-called celebrations connected with Hallowe'en-"Let no one be found among you who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire, who practices divination [fortune-telling] or sorcery [the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits, especially for divining], interprets omens, engages in witchcraft [the practice of dealing with evil spirits via the use of sorcery or magic], or casts spells, or who is a medium or a spiritist [a male witch skilled in sorcery] or a necromancer [consults with the spirits of the dead]. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord" (Deut. 18:10- 12a). Let us examine some of

the customs and practices of this celebration and determine if it’s just

fun or is it really Satan worship.

Costumes and masks. The Druids adorned themselves in frightening

Masks to scare the evil spirits away and protect them from being

snatched into the world of the dead. The Roman Catholic church,

staged many pageants, with their participants dressing up as patron

saints and guardians. Those who did not play a part of a ‘holy one’

played the parts of devils. Their dressing in these costumes are con-

sidered an alternative history for the costuming of trick –or-treator’s.

Even though we know that this practice has pagan origins, Yet we still hear professing Christians claim that, "Letting the kids dress up in costumes, playing trick or treat, wearing masks, and carrying jack-ò-lanterns doesn't mean anything pagan or occultic to me, so I'll exercise my Christian liberty and partake in all of it." (Some parents even think that somehow God excuses all the evil associated with Hallowe'en as

long as the kiddies dress up as Bible characters instead of witches and goblins or have "Harvest" or "Reformation Day" parties!) Obviously, if one were to take such a cavalier approach to the physical world (e.g., "I can drink rat poison because I choose not to regard it as poison"), it would likely lead to a quick physical death. Why then, do Christians think they can avoid spiritual harm by ignoring God's spiritual warnings? (Biblical Discernment Ministries)

B. Trick-or-Treating. Groups of peasants, wearing masks went from

house to house, led by Lair Bhan (which means white mare) a leader

wearing a white robe and a horse head (the horse was sacred, a

symbol of fertility, to Muck Olla), went begging for money for which to

buy luxuries for a feast. Also demanding that fatted calves and black

sheep be prepared for the feast. These contributions were requested

in the name of Muck Olla, the sun god of the Druids. Prosperity was

assured liberal givers, and threats were voiced against those who were


In Europe, beggars would go form village to village begging for “soul

cakes” made out of square pieces of bread with currants. The more

soul cakes the beggars would receive, the more prayers they would

promise to say on behalf of the dead relatives of the donors. At the time, it was believed that the dead remained in limbo for a time after

death, and that prayer, even by strangers could guarantee a soul’s

passage to heaven. But how does the Bible say how we get to

HEAVEN (John 14:6; Ephesians 2:8-9).

C. Jack-o-lanterns. Do they have a hidden meaning that we may not be

aware of? The Jack O Lantern was originally a turnip that was carved

out and candle put in it. The name Jack O Lantern came from an old

Irish legend of a man named Jack who was notorious for drunkenness

and for being stingy, one evening at a local pub, he was faced with the

Devil who came to claim his soul. Jack convinced the devil to have a

drink with him, then when the time came to pay he asked the devil to

turn into a gold cold for the price, he could later turn back and the drinks would cost nothing. Jack took the coin and placed it in his pocket with a silver cross, which kept the devil from turning back into himself. When the Devil promised to leave Jack for another year, Jack released him. At the end of the year, as the Devil returned, Jack tricked him into climbing an apple tree for an apple. He quickly carved a cross in the tree so the Devil could not climb down. Jack finally let the Devil down after promising never to return for Jack’s soul. Jack’s body finally wore out and he went to the gates of Heaven, where he was refused entrance because of his stingy and drunken life. Jack then proceeded to Hell where he was again refused entrance. Jack was then forced to walk the earth until judgment with his only light a burning ember from Hell’s fire caught in a turnip. In the United States, the use of pumpkins replaced the Irish use of turnips and beets.

D. Apple Bobbing. Apples have long been a token of love and fertility. Early Hebrew women who wanted children washed themselves in water mixed with the sap of an apple tree. “Eternal Youth” was said to come from Norse gods by the eating of apples. From Encarta: “After the Romans conquered Britain, they added to Halloween features of the Roman harvest festival held on November 1 in honor of Pomona, goddess of the fruits of trees. Traces of the Roman harvest festival survive in the custom, prevalent in both the United States and Great Britain, of playing games involving fruit, such as ducking for apples in a tub of water.”

F. Black Cats. Compton’s Encyclopedia says, “Avoidance of black cats

have religious origins as well. During the Middle Ages it was believed

that witches could turn themselves into black cats. Thus when such a

cat was seen, it was considered to be a witch in disguise.”

(3) Our Response to Halloween

Romans 12:2—“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye trans-

formed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what

is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

James 4:4—“Ye adulterers and adultressess, know ye not that the

friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever

therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”

A. What is the proper response of the Spirit-led Christian to this worldly

and occult celebration? Well to know how to respond we must first:

a) Realize what Halloween promotes:

1. Halloween Promotes Fear and Death. Halloween has every-

thing to do with fear and death—ghosts, witches, skulls, tomb-

stones, graveyards—and nothing to do with life. Jesus said,

“I am come that they might have life…” (John 10:10). Fear is not of God. 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the

spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Jesus Christ came to free us of all our fears. Luke 1:74;

Hebrews 2:14-15.

Jesus Christ overcame death for us. John 11:25-25; 1 Corinthians 15:54-55; Revelation 1:18.

2. Halloween Promotes Wickedness and Evil. Halloween has it

roots in witchcraft and everything related to Satan. Therefore,

Christians should shun any involvement in it.

b) Reflect the Love and Light of the LORD. 1 Peter 1:15—“But as he

which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of con-

versation. Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” We are called to be “holy” (“separate” from the world and from evil), and have nor part in such things. But even in our separation we are to do so in love. We are to be “speaking the truth in love”. The clash between two cultures at Halloween is part of the war raging in the unseen, and the enemy's strategy hasn't changed since the Old Testament days when God warned, "Woe to those who call evil good,

and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness." (Isaiah 5:20) Year after year, Satan keeps on trying to trick us into believing the opposite. As Bibles gather dust, his influence multiplies.

We must, in love, show forth the light of the glorious gospel of Christ

to a world that sits in darkness. What better time to share Christ than at a time when Satan’s darkness is so prevalent (Psalm 107:9-10b).



the devil’s favorite day because it is a day when not only the lost in the

worship Satan but also many of God’s people.

We have become so desensitized to the wickedness in our world that we

fail to recognize Satan’s devices before it is too late. You don’t believe

wickedness is on the rise in our world today, well consider this: Few

people have not heard of the Salem witch-hunts in 1692. During that year,

14 women and 6 men were executed by those who believed they had en-

gaged in witchcraft. Today in Salem, Massachusetts (population 40,000)

there are 3,000 who practice witchcraft. In 1692 the documentation and

evidence of those involved with witchcraft was historically questionable

Today it is not only accurately documented, but tolerated as well (1). While

we have been letting dust collect on our Bibles, Satan has been increasing

his influence in this world. Let us not be “…ignorant of his devices; Lest

Satan should get the advantage of us.” (2 Corinthians 2:11)


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