
NEWSLETTERWell, the 2017/2018season is off and running. Congratulations to all the athletes with their success so far with all the PB’s and Centre Records achieved. Just a few points to remember….State Relays – The nomination forms and an information page are up on the notice board if your child would like to compete in the track or field events then they need to be nominated and financial by the end of training next Tuesday (14/11). Please, if you make a commitment to a relay or field team then honour that commitment. If you fail to turn up or pull out after the team is nominated and the team is forced to pull out then you may incur a $30 fine (to reimburse the other families their nomination fee), if this fine remains outstanding by Club Champs then eligibility of this will be under review.Soft Drink donations – we are asking that each family make a donation of a carton of soft drink to the canteen which helps with raising money for the club which is used to purchase new equipment for the athletes to use during the season. If you could please purchase either Coke, Lemonade, Fanta or Solo it would be greatly appreciated.Eggs – if anyone would like to purchase a tray of 30 Golden State Farm eggs we are selling them for $7.00. We were over-supplied when we placed an order so have surplus.Parent Rosters - We have a few events throughout the season where parent help is essential. WALA will send out a parent roster for State Relays when the nominations close – the parents of the competing athletes will be required to help with notification of this roster being passed onto families as soon as we get it. If parents choose to not bother to show up to their set roster time without finding a replacement then eligibility for Club Championships may be under review. If you could all keep a regular check on our Facebook page as we will be posting the set-up rosters and event rosters as they come up. Books – The books have been delayed due to circumstances beyond the committee’s control however we have been told they are not far away. This will be the last year that a printed copy will be provided and the decision has been made to try and be more environmentally friendly by emailing the book to all registered members as of 2018/2019 season.Coles Badges – If you have not got your Coles badge as yet, please come and see a committee member on a training night to get one as this is part of the compulsory uniform as set by WALA. Athletes will be disqualified from events if they are not displaying one on their competition shirts. Your chaperones will start doing uniform checks in the next week or so. There is an example of how the shirt should look with ALL the badges and numbers up on the notice board if you need to check the layout.Supervision – there was a sweep of training done last week and as much as the majority were all ok, there were still some younger athletes that did not have a parent at training. This is not acceptable and the athletes who do not have a parent at training will not be able to train. This is essential for the safety of the athletes.Saturday Competition – Parents please remember that you are to stay behind the boundary ropes. You are not admitted to go into the middle of the oval or to the start of the long track. Due to your safety, the safety of other athletes, possibly unknowingly getting in the way of another event and also confusion with officials and chaperones. If you need to get any information please liase with your child or the chaperone before they leave the marshalling area or after they have finished the event and are back waiting for their next event to be called.Thanking YouSwan Valley Little Athletics Committee ................

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