Change a Chromebooks Screen Size - Colchester School District

Change a Chromebooks Screen Size

The screen size of a Chromebook can be changed in two ways:

Screen Magnifier:

The screen magnifier makes everything bigger and the screen scrolls around to make things fit. See below for instructions to turn both on and off.

1. Click on the small menu with the clock on it in the right hand corner of the screen

2. Click the settings option

3. In the settings menu scroll to the bottom and click "Show advanced settings..."

4. 5. Scroll to the bottom again to find the "Accessibility Options" and click the box next to "Enable

Screen Magnifier"

6. Your screen will now appear larger than it did before. You can get to the other unseen parts of the screen by moving your mouse to the edge of the screen. As you move the mouse towards the edge of the screen the whole screen moves.

7. To turn off the screen magnifier you simply follow the above steps and click the box next to "Enable screen magnifier" to disable it.

Screen Resolution:

You can change the resolution of the screen which makes everything look like it is bigger but squished onto a smaller screen. To change the screen resolution, follow these steps:

1. First you must click the clock in the bottom right corner of the screen. From this menu choose "Settings"

2. On the screen that comes up click the button that says "Display settings"

3. On the menu that comes up click the dropdown next to "Resolution" and choose an option with lower numbers than the current option. This will make the screen appear bigger.

4. To reset the Chromebook screen back to its normal size simply choose the option with the "(Best)" next to it.


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