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GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Spanish music video FINAL PROJECT1. Utilization of accurate vocabulary, grammar and speaking of the target language. 2. Practice and improvement in written and spoken Spanish. 3. Incorporation of technology into second language acquisitionFor this assignment students will work in groups of 4 and create a) music video or b) Spanish soap operaStudents will make up their own lyrics in the target language to a song they like. Students will record an original music video at home and present it to the class in video format. The lyrics of your song may be based on something you have seen before (a T.V. show, history event, favorite memory from school, stories read in class, personal experience etc.) or it may be a combination of any of the above or an original work. Music video should be approximately 3-5 minutes in length. Use creativity in your presentation you have a lot of options.Students will create, write, rehearse and present on video an original Spanish soap opera. The skit may be based on something you have seen before (another skit, a T.V. show, history event, favorite memory from school, stories read in class, personal experience etc.) or it may be combination of any of the above or an original work. Soap opera should be approximately 5-7 minutes in length. Students will record their original skits at home and present it to the class in video format. The soap opera needs to be based on the acting of “?Que hora es? But the scrip has to make sense. This project will be worth a communication grade 40%. It will be graded on the required elements, creativity/ originality, use of language (grammar and vocabulary), pronunciation, and clarity, teamwork and total presentation. Refer to grading rubric for more details.Video requirements:Music can be an original composition or you can use the melody and music of an existing song.Use as much vocabulary and grammar structures that you have learn in class (past tense, future tense, if clause agreement etc.) also use what you already know. Get vocabulary from the stories that we did in class.You should be able to complete a rough draft for an editing session.You need to turn in the lyrics of your song; all text must be typed.Technology I understand that not everyone has the technology to pull off this project. That’s why you are able to choose your group. Make sure you choose someone that has video equipment (a smart phone would work) to make the video and the software (Windows Movie Maker or iMovie) to edit it. Also, try checking stuff out at the library.To turn in video:You are free to upload the video or soap opera on YouTube but it’s not required. You can also have your music video or soap opera on a flash drive. You need to make sure that the video would play on my computer for the presentation.**** Keep music video appropriate. Inappropriate material could result in a failing grade and/or a disciplinary action.****Project Steps: Fill out this page completely, thank youPick no more than 4 members for your group. Our group members are: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Decide on a type of project: We are doing a ____________ presentationName of the song that we like, by: _______________________________Arrange a meeting time and place outside of class to complete the project: When:______________________ Where:________________________29337002476500Compose a script Done! 52078393556000I have an editing meeting with my teacher (no required)Done! 45624752857500Gather graphics (plan out video shots) Done! Rehearse lines and actions before filming 20180302222500Done201930039052500Rehearse the presentation until its smooth with good pronunciation and record and edit video. Done!Turn it in!Print music video or soap opera rubric from my website. ................

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