CIS 50: Computing and Information Technology

ViraBELAAt the end of this assignment, you will:Explore 3D Virtual WorldTHERE WILL BE ONE (1) PRINTOUTS/FILES TO SUBMIT FOR CREDIT:Assignment #1— your_name_virabela.docx - MS Word document that shows various screen capturesSubmit assignments via Canvas: Click on the Assignments button, Click on link: HW4a: ViraBELA. Remote WorkforceRemote workers?or telecommuters do their?work?outside the office, working from home, co-working spaces, coffee shops, and more. They no longer limit themselves to a typical office space. In some scenarios, external factors and global events sometimes make it impossible for employees to get to?work.Confer Zoom. Since mid-March, many Community Colleges have closed the campuses. Classes are conducted online. Students, faculty, staff, and administrators have been working/studying remotely utilizing ConferZoom, video conferencing software. Our classrooms have become Zoom roomsWhich seems likeOnline Conferencing ToolsVirtual Organizations and Virtual Teams. Not all organizations or parts of organizations are visible in a physical location. Entire organizations or units of organizations can now possess virtual components that permit them to change configurations to adapt to changing project or marketplace demands. Virtual enterprises use net-works of computers and communications technology to bring people with specific skills together electronically to work on projects that are not physically located in the same place. Information technology enables coordination of these remote team members. Virtual teams often spring up in already-established organizations; in some instances, however, organizations of remote workers have been able to succeed without the traditional investment in a physical facility.Like many people, I am working remotely using various communications tools; email, websites, conferencing and online meetings.? For LPC:? email and zoom.? For CISCO:? email, Webex.? For Microsoft: MS Teams.? For Amazon Web Services: email, Amazon Chime, slack.? Yikes!!There are a plethora of online conferencing tools: See website: -- 22 of the Best Web Conferencing and Online Meeting Tools for 2020What is VirBELA?? See video: What is it like inside VirBELA’s virtual workplace? Think of it like a large sunny university or corporate campus. There are communal meeting spaces where employees can have impromptu chats; auditoriums that can hold hundreds (and can quickly expand if more space is needed); offices where leadership can schedule meetings; and, of course, the speedboat. Yes, there is a speedboat, great for informal discussions or just a quick break from the workday.In this assignment, you are going to explore VirBELA. VirBELA's?immersive software enables next-generation remote collaboration. Used for remote teams, distance learning, and more. The future of work is here. Getting Started with the VirBELA Open Campus: See video: helpful VirBELA tutorials: VirBELA () is a 3D immersive environment that connects remote workers and students from around the world in an online environment. They work, collaborate and talk exactly as they would do in the real world, except there is no commute and no one has to wear a mask, and you can shake hands.What is VirBELA: See video: Started with VirBELA: See video: Upcoming Events?(Links to an external site.)?A great place to start: VirBELA Tour, Getting Started with VirBELA, Virtual Social Hour and Hidden Path Game, VirBELA Tools for Success, VirBELA Explained?I have created a series of tasks, activities, puzzles, questions using VirBELA (think of it as a virtual world scavenger hunt).Create a document named:?your_name_virbela.docx. Here, I have posted a series of?questions, tasks, activities. Copy the following questions, put your answers into that document, and?submit by assignment due date.HW4a: VirBELA Assignment NAME: _________________________________Students should Internet search VirBELA installation instructions for MAC and for PCs. Students should Internet search VirBELA support pages and the procedure for submitting a support ticket. If your download and installation of VirBELA has problems, see installations instructions and support page.Download and install VirBELA,? Get started for Free, download and install the software on your computer, start the software from your desktop icon. ? Create/register an account, design your avatar.Make a printscreen of your avatar on the beach. Paste printscreen here: HINT: if you need help with directions, ask at the Campus Locations, Info CenterAt the beach, find the speed boat, board the speed boat, make a printscreen of you driving the speed boat.At the beach, find the outdoor stage, make a printscreen of you at the stage, Get +5 bonus points if you are attending an event (concert, comedy, etc).Go to the board room, post the website on the presentation board. Take a printscreen of you standing in front of the presentation boardUPDATE: 3/2021 – it seems that you are no longer able to post to the presentation board. Take a picture of you standing in front of the current screen in the board roomPresentation Board Video: See Paste printscreen here:Create a sticky note with your name on it, make a printscreen of your avatar standing next to that sticky note. Delete sticky note.UPDATE: 3/201 – it seems that the ‘sticky note’ is not longer available. Take a printscreen of your avatar dancingGo to the Expo Hall, enter the exhibit area, make a printscreen of you in the Expo Hall exhibit area.Attend one of the many VirBELA events, take a printscreen of your avatar at the eventGo to the Learning Center. Choose anyone of the presentations available. Take a printscreen of your avatar at any of the learning booths.Now, lets have some fun. Go to the Speakeasy, take a printscreen.Oops back to class. Go to the classroom, change the room configuration to ‘workstations’. Sit at one of the workstations, take a printscreen of what is currently showing on the screen.When done, submit the file via Canvas: Assignments – HW4a: VirBELA ................

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