Love Spells & Love Spells and Free Will - PSICAN

Love Spells

There are so many love spells that the recipes could fill a dozen books. Below are listed easy spells that will enhance and empower your love life. Combinations of items will increase the synergy of the spell.

Casting spells can be done by praying, chanting, singing, rhyming, speaking [out loud or inside your head] and/or writing out – in other words, visualizing and focusing in on the need. A good time to cast a spell is during the waxing moon [from New Moon to Full Moon]. Waxing moons are “growing” – helping your spell grow. However, a beautiful, sunny day is just as appropriate. Try to make sure that when you “do” your spell, you are as comfortable and stress-free as possible.


- Wear red for passion and lusty sex.

- Wear pink for gentle love and friendship.


- Please see the Free Will section below for candle spells. Thanks.

Aromatherapy and Scents

- Wear rose scents to promote love and romance. Rose essential oil is a hormonal stimulant.

- Wear patchouli to attract women.

- Wear gardenia to attract men. Gardenia is one of the ingredients in Chanel No5, the world’s best selling perfume.

- Orange flowers in your bath make you attractive; whereas, marigold flowers added to your bath makes you admired.


- Pray to Theliel, as he is the Angel of love. Or, pray to Priapus, as he is the Angel of lust.


- Hearts are a symbol for love, friendship, and lusty sex.

Crystals and Stones

- Rose quartz promotes gentle love; sapphires make you charming; and hematite attracts “kind love”.

- Both diamonds and emeralds are known as the stones of love.

- Peridot promises married happiness.

- Garnet promises friendship and renews love.

- Lapis lazuli brings success in relationships.

- Pyrite promotes memories of love and friendship.

Herbs and Old Wives’ Tales

- Roses and myrtle stand for love. Red roses mean passion; pink roses mean friendship; and white roses mean pure love.

- Wear a fresh lily to break any love spells cast against you, particularly so, when the love is unwanted.

- Eating parsley or garlic makes you lusty.

- Witch grass, if scattered under your bed, will attract new lovers.

- Carrying yarrow will attract love and friendship.

- Thyme worn in a woman’s hair makes her irresistible.

- On New Year’s Eve, cast one of the shoes you’re wearing up into a willow tree [you have 9 tries]. If your shoe stays up in the tree, then you’ll be married within the year. To complete the spell, you need to climb up into the willow tree and retrieve your shoe.

- Serving rye bread to your true love will ensure his or her love.

True love and liking is gentle and respectful and allows the other person free will.

Please use these spells with that in mind. Never spell cast where it is unwanted.

Love Spells and Free Will

I keep being asked this question. Following the rule of doing no harm to anyone, how can you ETHICALLY spellcraft concentrating on a specific person? The answer is very simple. Are you doing harm to that person? Are you FORCING them into a situation that would hurt them or take away their free will?

If the answer to these questions is no, then the spell is ethical.

If the answer is, even a tiny bit, yes, THEN DON’T CAST THE SPELL.

Most often this question of ethics comes up about love spells. Say, for example, you really like John Doe. You create a spell with pink, rose, and red coloured candles – pink for gentle love and feelings, rose for romantic feelings, and red for passion and sexy sex. You light the candles and say, “John Doe, I really like you and I would really like to get together with you and have a relationship.” Two days later, you happen to see John and you get talking.

So the various scenarios that can arise are:

John lets it slip that he is married or that he is in a current relationship or that he is gay – whatever. The bottom line is that HE IS UNAVAILABLE. And it doesn’t matter if he is having problems in a current relationship or about his sexual orientation. Do not go there. It is not your place, your right, your business, nor your responsibility to interfere or get involved. So, your duty is clear. Go home and light a black candle and say, “Even though I really like John Doe, he is not available. Therefore, please disperse my romantic feelings away from John so that he does not feel uncomfortable. I promise that I will be his friend [and be helpful to him if he ever asks for my help].”

John lets it slip that he is single but not interested in any kind of serious relationship [for whatever reason]. If you only want a casual relationship, then go home and light a red candle and say, “John seems attracted to me. So let the sexy sex feelings begin.” You’ll probably get lucky in a week or two. BUT if you want a serious relationship, then do the black candle thing again – because John is NOT AVAILABLE in the way you want him, You cannot and should not force someone into a relationship that they do not want.

John lets it slip that he is single and that he’s interested in a serious relationship. Bingo!! Go light some more pink, rose, and red candles. And have fun. You’re away to the races.

The last scenario, of course, is the easiest. You’re getting what you want and the candle spells will probably help you to be more successful within the developing relationship. BUT, how do you, yourself, handle the hurt and pain of being rejected because John is involved with someone else or involved in something else or does not want the SAME kind of relationship that you want? The answer to this question is really easy.

Have you ever been in a situation where someone wants to get together with you but you don’t want to get together with him or her [and for whatever reason]. Didn’t it make you feel uncomfortable when that other person was pushing you or trying to convince you that you wanted the same thing they wanted but you didn’t? Do you really want to do that to someone else?

So, go home and light black, blue, and pink candles – black to disperse the disappointment away from you, blue for peaceful feelings to help you accept the rejection, and pink for gentle love and feelings towards yourself.

And, the final part of this spellcrafting sheet – I’m sorry to say – is a bit snooty. If you cannot accept the ethics of this kind of spellcrafting, then you need counselling on how to handle your selfishness, your pride, your stubbornness, etc. [You also shouldn’t be spellcrafting.] Even though this sounds mean, it’s not. You will be a happier person if you can disperse these negative feelings away from yourself. If you don’t like yourself, then you will have difficulty in liking others. If you don’t love yourself, then you will have difficulty in loving others.

Love spells are, and cannot be anything but, GENTLE and done with FREE WILL.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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