Unit 1: Leaders Set Worship Example: Lessons 1 - 5 Lesson 4September 22, 2024Subject: Josiah Celebrates Passover Devotional Reading: 2 Chronicles 34:8, 14-27 Background Scripture: 2 Kings 22:1-23; 2 Chronicles 34:1-35:19 Lesson Scripture: 2 Chronicles 35:1-6, 16-19Memory Verse: Josiah celebrated the Passover to the LORD in Jerusalem, and the Passover lamb was slaughtered on the fourteenth day of the first month. 2 Chronicles 35:1 NIVLesson Aim: To study how King Josiah revived the celebration of the Passover.INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY OUTLINEBACKGROUNDWhat two kings succeeded the good king, Hezekiah, to the throne of Judah? What relationship were they to Hezekiah? What type of kings were they? 2 Chronicles 33:1-2, 23-24v. 1v. 2v. 23v. 24Who was the third king after Hezekiah? How old was he? 2 Chronicles 34:1What type of king was Josiah? 2 Chronicles 34:2Who was the secretary (scribe) under Josiah? Who was the high priest? 2 Kings 22:3-4v. 3v. 4Who was sent to the high priest with Shaphan? 2 Chronicles 34:8abcWhat major repair did Josiah do in Judah? 2 Chronicles 34:8d (2 Kings 22:3-5)What type of trust did the king have in those supervising the repair of the temple? 2 Kings 22:5-7What discovery was made in the repair of the temple during Josiah’s reign? By whom? 2 Chron. 34:14-15Why do you think the Book of the Law had been (lost) ignored or misplaced in the temple?What did Shaphan do once he received the Book of the Law? What should this teach us? 2 Chron. 34:18In what ways is the Bible lost today? How may we discover and keep the Bible in our lives? In our Churches?Joshua 1:8An individual should Psalm 119:16An individual should Acts 2:42A Church should be devoted to 1 Timothy 4:13A Church should be devoted to What did Shaphan do with the Book of the Law before the king? 2 Chronicles 34:18What was Josiah’s reaction when he heard the words of the Book of the Law? 2 Chronicles 34:19What did Josiah request with respect to the Book of the Law? 2 Chronicles 34:20-21To whom did Hilkiah and the delegation go to in order to learn more about the Book of the Law? 2 Chronicles 34:22Summarize what Huldah told the delegation. What was Hezekiah spared? Why? 2 Chronicles 34:23-29What did Hezekiah do nationwide after receiving the Book of the Law? 2 Chronicles 34:29-33I. THE PREPARATION (2 CHRONICLES 35:1-6)What great feast did Josiah celebrate after the Book of the Law was found? What did this feast represent? 2 Chronicles 35:1; Exodus 12:1-28How long had it been since this feast was celebrated properly? What command had God’s people broken? 2 Chronicles 35:18; Exodus 12:12-14; Deuteronomy 16:1-8What did Josiah do to make sure preparation of the Passover was done properly? 2 Chronicles 35:1b-3cv. 1bv. 2v. 3abv. 3cWhat was expected of the priests and Levites? 2 Chronicles 35:3d-6v. 3dv. 4v. 5v. 6av. 6bWhat was the proper way to carry the Ark? (Keep in mind the Ark symbolized God’s presence, power, protection, precepts, and promises to Israel.) Exodus 25:13-14; 1 Chron. 15:15When was the proper way of celebrating the Passover established? 2 Chronicles 35:6cII. THE CELEBRATION (2 ChROnicles 35:16-19)How successful was Josiah’s preparation? 2 Chronicles 35:16aThe Jews celebrated four types of blood sacrifice offerings in the Old Testament. They are: [1. Burnt (Ascent) Offering, 2. Fellowship (Peace) Offering, 3. Sin (Purification) Offering, and 4. Guilt (Trespass) Offering]. Which of these offerings did Josiah order celebrated with the Passover? 2 Chronicles 35:16bWhat festival always accompanied the Passover? How long did it last? 2 Chronicles 35:17When was the last time the Passover was celebrated properly? This occurred nearly 400 years before Josiah revived it. 2 Chronicles 35:18When did Josiah order the Passover to be celebrated in his reign? How old was he? 2 Chronicles 35:19 (34:1)What did Jesus institute after the last Passover meal He had with His disciples before His arrest and crucifixion? Who became the new Passover Lamb? Matthew 26:17-29; 1 Corinthians 5:7 ................

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