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REPEATED INTERACTIVE READ ALOUDFirst and Second ReadTheme:SeasonsBook IntroductionFirst ReadSecond ReadThe title is:The Snowy Day Gist Statement:This is the story of a boy who goes out on a winter day to play.Narr: Who remembers the problem?Info: Who remembers what this book is about?Front Cover/Title pageOther Pages/IllustrationsThat elicit feelings/reactionsPoint Out During the IntroductionMain Character or Topic & Inferential Thinking(Cover) This is the story of a boy who goes out on a winter day to play.I’m thinking this boy lives in the city. I can tell from the building.(Title Page) Look at him slide as he plays outside.Touch your head/brain(thinking)It says he ran outside. I’m thinking he is excited to play in the snow. I run to do things I like.Look at the snow angels. I remember when I would make angels in the snow. I would be so happy. I’m thinking this boy is happy.I’m thinking the boy woke up from that dream and felt worried that the snow was gone.Key Vocabulary(Cover) Tracks (When the boy goes out in the snow, he makes tracks. Look how he is looking back at his tracks. That must be fun to make tracks in the snow.)Look at the different types of track the boy made. Vocabulary-Enhancing TechniquesFacial expressions, dramatic motions, varied pacing, and pointingTerms from the Text:snow suit (pointing)crunch (dramatic motions)dragged (dramatic motions)plop (dramatic motions)heaping (pointing)Short definitions to insert:Path – a street made by our feetdragged - pulledheaping – a large amountadventure – the things he didexploration - adventureTier Two Words related to the text or topic:explorationComprehension-Enhancing TechniquesModel inferences and comprehension behaviors with think-alouds.Use questions and answers to expand thinking.Use “I’m thinking…” to indicate inference.Story Events: Lead to problemInference/Think Aloud:I’m thinking his snowballs will melt.Question:Why might the snowballs melt?Predict how the boy might feel.Question:What will happen to his snowballs?Story Events: Show character solving problemInference/Think Aloud:Question:Why did the boy feel sad?How do you feel when you lose something?What did the boy lose?How might he feel?Question:What are some of the things he was thinking about when he was in the bathtub?How did he feel when he thought of those things?Story Events: Indicate climaxInference/Think Aloud:I’m thinking when he woke up and it was snowing he was happy.Question:How does he look in the window?What is making him feel that way?Question:How did the boy feel when he woke up and looked out the window?Why did he feel that way?REPEATED INTERACTIVE READ ALOUDFirst and Second ReadFirst ReadSecond ReadAfter-Reading QuestionDevelop children’s oral comprehension. Ask for extended explanation, analysis and reasoning.Questions:How does the boy feel when he goes out with his friend?Why do you think that?What did the boy say to his mom about the snow balls?REPEATED INTERACTIVE READ ALOUDThird ReadBook IntroductionWhat is the title?What is the problem? (Narr) What happens first? (Info) What caused…? (Info) What is happening on the cover?Vocabulary-Enhancing TechniquesQuestions for Terms from the Text:snow suit – Why does someone put on a snow suit?Path – What did the boy make in the snow?Crunch – What sound did the snow make when he walked?Dragged – What did the boy do with his feet?Plop – What sound did the snow make when it fell?Heaping – How big was the mountain of snow?Adventure – What did the boy tell his mom about?Questions for Tier Two Words related to the text or topic:Explored – What did the boy do?Comprehension-Enhancing TechniquesPages to Recount:Pages to Re-Read:All other pagesHow much of a recount?- explain“It was a stick”“he thought it would be fun…”“When he slept…”After-Reading QuestionHow will the boy feel next time it snows and he has to go to school? ................

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