Hood River Valley High School

Hood River Valley High School - Credit Recovery 2013-14

Credit Recovery is offered as an opportunity for students to make up credits that are needed for graduation. It is offered for seniors who have the potential to graduate in June of 2014. It is assumed that you are serious about finishing your education and that you are mature enough to handle yourself appropriately, so you should expect to function as if you are working in an office environment.

Guidelines for the Classroom:

• Arrive on time.

• Respect yourself, the classroom, and your education.

• Keep your work station clean and neat. Don’t make a mess!!

• Be respectful of the atmosphere and work environment. Follow the posted class rules.

• Swearing, teasing, fighting, arguing, harassment or disrespect will not be tolerated.

Work Expectations:

• All course work is provided via Odysseyware, an online provider, and we have a limited number of spots available which must be shared, therefore you will only be able to access your work during the class period you are assigned to the program. Use your time wisely.

• All work must earn a 70% or higher to receive credit.

• You must complete at least a .5 credit every quarter you are enrolled in this program. You are expected to make progress toward credit completion on a weekly basis. Please talk to your instructor or your counselor IMMEDIATELY if you feel there are circumstances that we need to be aware of that might affect your progress.

• The program will not give you automatic access to tests. Ask your instructor to activate tests when you are ready.


• If you successfully complete all of your work before the quarter is over and do not have other credits you need to complete please talk to your instructor about other options.

3 STRIKES AND YOU ARE DONE!! A strike is a violation of program guidelines.

• First strike ( I will contact your counselor/principal

• Second strike ( I will contact your counselor/principal and we will also talk to your parent/guardian. We will inform them that you have one more chance to stay in the program.

• Third strike ( I will contact your counselor/principal and we will let your parent/guardian know that you will be transferred out of Credit Recovery for the remainder of the semester. Any work you have started on a credit will be forfeited. You will be charged the $100 fee for the class. The $100 fee covers the cost of buying access for you to the class from Odysseyware.

Please take advantage of this opportunity to make up the credits you need to graduate. If you have a question or need help please see me immediately. I can be reached at 541-386-4500, ext 4645 or by email at judy.miller@hoodriver.k12.or.us.

Credit Recovery Contract – 2013-14

Return this contract to Ms. Miller the next time you have Credit Recovery. Please make sure you read what you are signing!


I have read the Credit Recovery syllabus, and I understand what will be required this year. I want to be successful, so I will:

o Come to class every day on time

o Complete all work on schedule and at 70% or above.

o Be a positive asset in the classroom and follow the program guidelines.

o Communicate with Ms. Miller if I have problems or need to work out an issue.

o I understand that if I accumulate 3 strikes I will lose my spot in the program for the semester and will be charged the $100 program fee.


_______________________________ ____________

student signature date


We have read the Credit Recovery contract and we understand what will be required from our child this year. We want our son/daughter to be successful, and we will support him/her in any way we can. We will encourage our child to be in class every day on time, and to stay on schedule to complete the credits. We understand that if our child accumulates 3 strikes or does not make adequate progress he/she will be dropped from the program and we will be charged the $100 program fee. We will contact Ms. Miller if we have questions or if there is something she needs to know.


_____________________________________ _____________

parent/guardian signature date

_____________________________________ _____________

parent/guardian signature date


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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