Pictionary Words: Idioms - The Game Gal

Pictionary Words: Idioms

out of the frying pan and

into the fire

one leg in the door

why the long face?

in the same boat

up a creek without a paddle

raining cats and dogs

feeling under the weather

green with envy

frog in your throat

head over heels in love

a wolf in sheep's clothing

grab the bull by the horns

out of this world

water under the bridge

put your foot in your


bull in a china closet

have a cow

tie the knot

have two left feet

get cold feet

bouncing off the walls

a fifth wheel

kick the bucket

when in Rome

rise above the blues

scared stiff

one smart cookie

caught red-handed

the squeaky wheel gets the


a fly on the wall

jump the gun

throw a fit

take a hike

fraidey cat

carry a tune

eat my words

apple of my eye

hit the road

a blessing in disguise

piece of cake

all bark and no bite

when pigs fly

cost an arm and a leg

hold your horses

the whole nine yards

everything but the kitchen


close, but no cigar

back to the drawing board

go out on a limb

wake up on the wrong side

of the bed

steal my thunder

once in a blue moon

let the cat out of the bag

hit the sack

let bygones be bygones

grab the bull by the horns


can't keep a good dog down

make a mountain out of a


pull the wool over your


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