Ideas for Studying Spelling Words - TeacherPage

Attention Parents: SPELLING NOTICE

I do not send home weekly spelling practice; however, your child is still responsible for studying the weekly list. Here are a few ideas for studying the spelling words, or you may choose to study them your own way. Remember to check the weekly newsletter for word lists and changes. Also see the attached notice about spelling in fourth grade.

- Ms. Dupont

|Write your words in ABC order. |Write a sentence with each of your words. |Write a letter to a friend using all of your words. |

|Write each word three times. |Write your words and circle all the vowels. |Type your words in a document and print them out. |

|Cut letters out from a magazine and glue them |Write a story using all of your words. Circle them |Write a poem using your words. Underline them in the|

|together to make your words. |in the story. |poem. |

|Write your words using the hand you normally do not |Use a dictionary to find and write the definition of |Visit and play a game with your |

|use. |each word. |words. |

|Use your words to make “wacky” words. (Examples |Draw a picture and hide your words inside the |Clap out the number of syllables you hear in each |

|include bubble letters, block letters, curly letters,|picture. Have a friend find the words. |word and write the number next to the word. |

|and wavy letters) | | |

|Use your words to make spelling pyramids. |Use your words to make spelling sailboats. |Sort your words using a tree map. |

|c |[pic] |[pic] |

|c a | | |

|c a t | | |

|c a t s | | |

|Write your words and color the consonants blue and |Write each word in your best cursive handwriting. |Spray shaving cream on a tray and practice writing |

|the vowels red. | |them with your finger. |

|Write each word forward and then backward. |Make a crossword with all of your words. Solve it. |Make flashcards of your words and study them. |

|Write each word on a friend or family member’s back. |Find your words in a newspaper and highlight them. |Record yourself spelling each word. Replay it to |

| | |check how you did. |

|Write a tongue twister for each of your words. |Create shape poems with your words. |Create a word search with your words. |

|Use Scrabble tiles, magnetic letters, letter beads, |Create a spelling quiz with all of your words |Write a question that uses your words in the answer. |

|or foam letters to spell your words. |(multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, etc) | |

|Find a synonym and antonym for your words |Create a PowerPoint with pictures and sentences about|Make up a spelling cheer for your hardest words and |

|(). |your words. |perform them for your family. |


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