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Copyright ? Mark Scott and No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.


This book is written for informational purposes only. The author has made every effort to make sure the information is complete and accurate. All attempts have been made to verify information at the time of this publication and the authors do not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions, or other interpretations of the subject matter. The publisher and author shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.


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Section 1

Table Of Contents

The old methods don't work______________9

Section 2 The power of positive expectations! Here is how to push his secret hot button ________12

Section 3 The Formula For Getting Him To Do Anything You Want_______________16

Section 4 Blockers ? "Rid Your Man of Doubts and Fears"_____________________27

Section 5 How to trigger his protector instincts ___________32

Section 6 How to give him a surge of excitement or


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trigger positive feelings in him on command _______36

Section 7 How to comfort your man the right way_________39

Section 8 How women unconsciously sabotage their changes of getting a man to do what they want him to do______________44

Section 9 How to immensely intensify his attraction for you _____48

Section 10 7 biggest male fears that every woman needs to know__________________56

Section 11 What you say vs. what he hears ? Understanding


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the secret language of men _____________64

Section 12 A bitter truth about relationships every woman needs to know__________________70

Section 13 A sure fire method to make him follow through with your requests______________76

Section 14 A deadly mistake most women make which indirectly forces a man to get distant with time______81

Section 15 Magic words to stop a breakup & make him go crazy for you again _____________84


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Very Important ? Please Read

Before we begin part 2, I want to strictly warn you ? Do not read this section unless you have already finished reading the first installment of this program.

You would be doing yourself a huge disservice if you are trying to skip the process & believe you'd understand all of the core concepts easily. This section will not make complete sense to you unless you have gone through the first installment of this course properly. So, I sincerely hope that you're reading this after having gone through the preceding course.

The content in part two might be a bit controversial, as it teaches women effective ways & even psychological tricks to get what they want or desire from a man. But this doesn't mean that it's done by manipulating a man to your way of thinking, rather you alter your communication with him in a way, which creates a win-win situation for the both of you.

The methods shared in this manual will make your man ecstatically happy with you. He'll give up just about anything, to do whatever it is you want, while using his own freewill.

You may be in a relationship that's already to the point of utter frustration, in which you feel neglected, misunderstood, and never listened to. Where you feel your man could really care less about your feelings and needs. Don't feel bad, you're far from the first woman to feel that way, as I'm sure you know.

In fact, I would say the majority of women are pretty much in the same boat. As much as you're led by your hearts, entering the tides of romance can be perilous. I'm going to show you just how easy it is to not only traverse those tides, but do it in such a way as to allow your Prince Charming to do all the rowing and swimming for


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A lot of it will entail learning new ways to see and understand yourself, along with learning to understand that hunk of a man that you fell in love with. This way, you don't end up feeling your prince turned out to be a warty, old toad.

My goal is to simply lay out the steps that will work in getting your man to give you his best.

It all begins with a little thing called "emotional communication". Oh sure, I know you're aware that talking is important to any relationship and interaction between people.

What you may not realize, though, is that it's often a combination of how the person is communicating, as well as the ability of the person on the receiving end to understand what's being said. This can make all of the difference.

To give a simple analogy, let's say you're making a cake. Now, if you add vinegar to the recipe, instead of milk, or substitute too much salt for sugar, the cake isn't going to turn out pleasant at all and will probably have to be scrapped altogether.

It's much the same way when it comes to getting your man to give you what you want and desire. The proper `ingredients' mixed in just the right way, will make the perfect or near-perfect relationship.

Right now, I won't get into what's behind the `recipe' of bringing about the results you want in a relationship; whether that relationship is something you're looking forward to, one you're already in, or maybe you just want the knowledge of how to interact with the opposite sex. As everyone knows, it takes a good cook to make a recipe work.


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What you want here is a man who'll not only do everything in his power to please you but will keep you swept off your feet. Let's begin with the core steps to getting what you want. First off, by learning these steps and how to implement them, you'll also be bringing out the best in you as a woman. Not so much in a crafty way, but in the way that allows you to use what's best inside of you in order to bring out the best in a man, to make him want to do whatever it is you want ? and not only that, but in a way that he thinks it's all his own idea. After you learn these steps and find out how successful they are, and how they really do fit into the `woman' that is truly you, you'll never want to go back. Later, I'll be going over just why these steps work, both as a natural means of communication from you, as well as the most involuntary manner for your man to respond to. I will show you how this can be done with the absence of nagging, begging, pleading, hinting, or any of the things you might otherwise think would work.


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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