How to turn your man into a genie who will grant your ...

The Genie Method: How to turn your man into a genie

who will grant your wishes and desires!


Introduction ? "A Very Strange Teapot"

I could start off by explaining what the Genie Method is.

I could tell you why you should use it, and the many amazing things that will begin to happen in your life as you do. I could tell you that once you learn to communicate with your man in a way that he really understands, you can make him want what you want, and so he'll start doing things for you that he otherwise wouldn't do.

I might tell you how we're going to explore, step-by-step, what to do to finally get your man to really put in the work to help make your relationship everything you know, deep down, that it could be.

And I could tell you that, when you put the principles in this book into practice, you'll see a change in your man so powerful, he'll really start to seem like a genie who waits to grant your wishes and make you happy.

But I'm not going to do any of those things. Instead, I'd like to introduce you to Sheila.

A story. Sheila did not want to be where she was.

It was dusty, dark, and smelled like moth balls in her grandmother's basement. She felt like she'd moved about four thousand boxes today, and she was doing it by herself. By herself! She shook her head just thinking about it.


It wouldn't have been so bad, all the work she had to do now that Nanna had passed away and Sheila had to move all the stuff out of her old basement--but her husband had all but refused to help her. She'd asked him four times when he'd be available to help, and he had made excuse after excuse, until finally, she had given up and decided to just do it herself.

She could just see him in her mind's eye as she dropped another six-ton box on the cold concrete floor--laying on the couch, his fingers orange from Cheezy Balls or whatever they were called, getting greasy cheese dust all over the TV remote as he flipped through the channels. She added cleaning off the TV remote to the long list of things she was going to have to do this weekend.

A cloud of dust rose as Sheila dropped another box on the ground by the stairs, and she felt her eyes beginning to sting. She coughed a few times. She waved the dust away from her face with one hand, and walked back towards the corner of the basement where the rest of the boxes were stacked.

Some of these old things were going to be thrown away, and others would be sold. Some of them Sheila would put in her car and take back to her house. She wondered if her husband would lift a finger to help her when she got back. She doubted it, and that made her mad all over again. He'd make some dumb excuse about his toe hurting or a really important game being on, and then he'd go right back to zoning out.

She slid another box off of the stack in the corner, and put it on the floor. The only light came from a single bulb that hung from the ceiling, with a string that turned it on and off. The light swung slightly back and forth, which made all the shadows move just a little bit. It would have been creepy if Sheila had been any less absorbed in how frustrated she was with that incredibly selfish man of hers.

She opened the box, expecting to find books. Instead, this was full of old picture frames and knick-knacks from when Nanna lived in the really big house. She lifted a few frames--all full of old photographs of Nanna and her husband doing things


together. Sheila wondered if her grandmother had ever had problems like this with her grandfather. Had he flatly refused to help her do things?

Had he made excuses and pretended to have selective hearing? From these pictures, it sure didn't look like it. In fact, it looked like Nanna and Grandpa had done all kinds of things together.

Sheila lifted a picture of her grandmother and grandfather gardening together out of the box, thinking about how she and her husband never did anything like that together. She sighed, and went to put the picture back in the box. But something glinted in the dirty light, deeper inside the box. She put the picture aside, and reached into the box to pull out whatever it was.

It looked like a cross between a golden teapot and an oil lamp. It was covered in strange carvings, and was dirtier than anything else in this whole dirty basement. But something about it was... mesmerizing. It looked like something from another world, or a fantasy book.

Sheila pulled down the sleeve of her oversized shirt to rub away some of the dirt. When she did, something extraordinary happened.

Smoke billowed from the spout of the odd golden teapot, and Sheila was so startled she dropped it. It clattered on the ground, and Sheila backed up until she hit the concrete wall. She stood there, flat against the wall, watching the purple smoke still rising from the spout of her strange find.

The smoke seemed to fill the whole room, and Sheila thought she smelled exotic spices. The smoke slowly swirled and moved, and before her unbelieving eyes, there appeared what could only be a genie.

The genie rubbed at his eyes, and looked around. He was wearing a turban, and he


was shirtless. Sheila couldn't help but admire his purple 8-pack abs.

"Who has summoned me?" the genie said. He saw Sheila still flattened against the wall. "Ahh, there you are."

"What... what's going on? Is this a dream?"

"I am a genie, and this is not a dream. I'm assuming you've heard of genies? Three wishes, `your wish is my command'--so on and so forth?"

"Uhh... yeah."

"Well, here's your big moment. Go ahead. Three wishes. I'm ready when you are."

This is a very sarcastic genie, Sheila thought.

"I wish... I wish for my husband to really love me and actually do things for me!"

"Your wish is my comm... Wait. I can't do that. I can't change anybody's behavior," the genie said. Sheila felt herself getting angry again.

"Why not?!" she demanded.

"Those are the rules. However," and the genie paused to think for a moment. "I could show you how to get what you really want out of your man."

"Okay, shoot."

"Follow me," the genie said, and took Sheila's hand, leading her up and out of her 5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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