Multifamily Insiders

Resident Event Checklist

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when throwing a party for your residents is to not have a good plan! So use this checklist to help plan your event and get the most value!

|[pic] |One Month Prior To The Event |

| |Start filling out the attached “Resident Event Planning Worksheet” (Separate document) |

| |Select overall party theme (Use Resident Events to help! ) |

| |Use your property’s monthly newsletter to alert residents so they can save the date |

| |Set specific goals for your event. Don’t throw a party just to have a party – identify what you actually want to achieve! |

| |Send an email blast to your residents, and possible prospects |

| |Announce the event on your website, Facebook Page, Twitter, etc |

| | (Use pictures of past events, if available.) |

| |Obtain bids/quotes from service providers |

| |Select service providers |

| |Create resident party planning committee |

| |Consider the location of the event, and if it is outside, make a Plan B in case of bad weather |

TIP #1: Give your newsletters to prospects, encouraging them to come back on event day to tour the facility and enjoy the festivities with current residents.

TIP #2: For catering, if you work with a restaurant, negotiate a reduction in cost in return for the restaurant showcasing a banner and other marketing materials to the residents, as well as inclusion in all marketing materials for the event! (Sub-tip: Make sure to have a variety of foods to cover the different demographics of your residents!)

TIP #3: Keep your residents involved with the planning process through a party planning committee or through questions and polls on your Facebook page. For example, narrow down the party theme to three ideas, and have your residents vote on the best idea!

TIP #4: When you are spreading the word about your event, consider it more like “advertising” your event, and effective advertising takes three to four exposures of the message before it really sinks in! So don’t be afraid to spread the word here, and then remind your residents two to three more times before the event.

|[pic] |Two Weeks Prior To The Event |

| |If you have doorhangers for the event distribute them now |

| |Plan sub-events within overall theme. (i.e., what will the residents actually be doing? Games, Contests, etc) |

| |Purchase party off-the-shelf materials, such as tablecloths, prizes, decorations, etc |

| |Assign duties to each on-site team member based upon the goals you have set. |

| |Assign duties to members of the resident party planning committee |

TIP #1: When setting up goals, line up your on-site team’s duties with each goal. For example, if your goal is to actively renew certain residents, assign duties to one on-site team member that will help with that goal.

|[pic] |One Week Prior To The Event |

| |Hang up or post any signage you have related to the event |

| |Start asking every person that visits the office if they are attending the event |

| |Check in with the resident party planning committee to check progress and make sure nobody is getting overwhelmed! |

|[pic] |Two Days Prior To The Event |

| |Email reminder to all residents for the event |

| |Reminder of the event on your website, Facebook Page, Twitter, etc |

| |Confirm plans with all service providers |

| |Make sure all camera and video cameras’ batteries are charged and have enough data storage room. |

| |Watch the weather forecast! Implement Plan B if it looks bad and you have an outdoor event. |

|[pic] |Event Day! |

| |Leasing team or resident party planning committee begin decorating |

| |Each person should have their own assignments (see “Duties” area on your worksheet) |

| |Plan last minute errands, such as getting ice and blowing up helium balloons |

| |Reminder message on your Facebook Page, Twitter, and even text messaging |

| |Running the event should be easy – just follow the plan you have set up! |

TIP #1: Make sure you have extension cords ready and laid out for your DJ and any other service provider who needs an outlet.

TIP #2: We all know residents don’t always take the time to call in their maintenance requests. So while they are at the event, have your team carry a maintenance request notebook to proactively make sure their apartment is perfect!

TIP #3: Some of your residents will be close to their move-out date, and may not have decided on their moving/renewal plans, so draw up a lease for all those “on the fence” and include a special bonus if they renew that night.

TIP #4: How do you plan on tracking attendance? Guests will often arrive and leave at different times, so design a system to track how many people joined the party. One option is to have a “greeter” that hands out raffle tickets to each new person. That way, you can provide raffle contests AND track attendance numbers!

TIP #5: If you are serving food, have someone designated to serve it for your residents. Left to their own devices, residents will act like they are storing up food for the winter, with your mounds of food disappearing within minutes! (Yes, this has happened)

TIP #6: Follow through on your goals! Remember that the point of the party is not just to have a party, so remember the goals you have laid out, and achieve those goals!

|[pic] |The Day After the Event |

| |Send thank you email to your residents for coming, and encourage them to share videos, pictures, and comments on your Facebook Page |

| |Share your own pictures and videos on your website, Facebook, Twitter, etc or in a scrapbook shared in the leasing office |

| |Survey your residents – What did they like, what could you do better, etc. |

| |Follow up with any referral leads you received. |

TIP: This is one of the most important parts of the event! Don’t let your large investment in time and money disappear after the event is over!

Want more help with the planning process? Try visiting our blog at !

Thank you to Anna Smith of Peachtree Business Products for inspiring us to finally put this together and some of the original thoughts. Also thank you to Tonirae Gorcie, Chrissy Surprenant, Terri Euchner, Gerry Hunt, and Vikki Sherman for contributing their ideas and feedback!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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