Word Spill: A Sentence Fluency Game

[Pages:5]Word Spill: A Sentence Fluency Game

Estimated Time: 30-35 minutes

Lesson Summary

WordGirl and her theme song have something in common: they both use strong, varied, and precise words to get the job done! From short bursts of impact, "Word Up!" to "Flying at the speed of sound, vocabulary that is sound, from the planet Lexicon, watch out villains here she comes!" the writing is anything but dull! This variety and interest is also known as sentence uency. Choosing words appropriately, precisely, and with variety all leads to better writing and speaking uency.

In this lesson, students will practice their sentence uency as they speedily arrange vocabulary words to make new sentences in a game called WordGirl Word Spill!

Big Question How can I make my writing more interesting?

This lesson will help students to:

1. Learn new vocabulary and improve word recognition. 2. Practice sentence variety. 3. Better understand parts of speech.

Media Resources

WordGirl, "Theme Song"


WordGirl "Theme Song" (one per student) WordGirl: Word Spill printables (one per student) Markers, pencil, or crayons Vocabulary words or provided WordGirl list (i.e., timid, dazzling, mischievous, vicious, cumbersome, idolize, clever) Paper Scissors Timers Bowls (one per pair of students)

WordGirl Words

interesting holds or catches attention

noun people, places, things or ideas

verb a word that shows action

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Made available by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people. PBS KIDS and the PBS KIDS Logo are registered trademarks of Public Broadcasting Service. Used with permission. WORDGIRL TM & ? Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Word Spill: A Sentence Fluency Game

Lesson Activity


1. Superheroes often have theme songs. WordGirl is no di erent. Tell students that you thought you'd write your own version of WordGirl's theme song lyrics. Share this version with your students: WordGirl is a superhero. WordGirl is a girl named Becky. WordGirl likes words a lot. WordGirl is friends with a monkey. WordGirl is from Lexicon. WordGirl is cool.

2. Ask students: What did you notice about my theme song? Did you like my theme song? Why or why not?

3. Tell your class that today you are going to play a game that helps you speak and write sentences that are di erent, interesting, and more e ective--just like WordGirl and especially her theme song. This is called sentence uency. Let's look at the real WordGirl theme song and see if we like it better!

4. While you watch and listen to the theme song clip, invite your students to do the following on the WordGirl "Theme Song" printable: a. Circle any interesting words. b. Notice the length of the sentences. c. Listen for the rst words of sentences.

5. Play the WordGirl theme song to your class. If needed, play it a few times.

6. Ask your students: What makes the sentences interesting? What makes them di erent from one another? Talk about the variety, the short and long sentences, the vocabulary choices. Now we are going to try our hand at sentence uency by playing WordGirl Word Spill!


1. Give each student a WordGirl Word Spill printable. Invite your students to share their favorite words. It could be one of the words they heard from the theme song, a word a parent or teacher often uses, or any word that makes them happy when they say it. Make a list of these words on chart paper. Have the students write two of these words in the boxes on the printable.

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Made available by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people. PBS KIDS and the PBS KIDS Logo are registered trademarks of Public Broadcasting Service. Used with permission. WORDGIRL TM & ? Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Word Spill: A Sentence Fluency Game

2. Next, invite your students to make a list of ve favorite nouns and verbs. Explain that nouns are people, places, things, or ideas; verbs are action words. Give some examples like "bubbles" or "skip." Encourage your students to include silly words to their lists. Have them write these words in separate boxes as well.

3. With the remaining spaces on the printable, have your students write one of the chosen vocabulary words from the WordGirl or classroom list. Take time to review the meaning of the words.

4. Cut out each WordGirl Word Spill box. Using one student's cards, model how the class will play WordGirl Word Spill: Choose one student to start the timer and another to write down the sentences. Place the cards in the bowl and "spill" three of the words on the table. Turn them over and make as many sentences as you can using the spilled words in one minute. You can add other words and change existing ones to future or past tense. For example, if the words are "hiccup," "castle," and "vicious," one sentence could be: These vicious hiccups aren't allowing me to storm the castle quietly! Now it's your turn!

5. Divide students into pairs, each with their own stack of words, timer, and bowl. They will take turns playing WordGirl Word Spill while the other player times and writes down the sentences. In each additional round, add more words to spill and mix them up, until students are making sentences with all ten words!

6. Gather as a class and talk about what they learned. Invite some students to share their favorite sentence combinations that they wrote.

Extend the Learning

1. Make a story using the sentences created in WordGirl Word Spill. Do it individually, or as an add-on class activity where each student adds a sentence that ts the best.

2. Create your own theme song for Captain Huggy Face, Mr. Big Words, or any other interesting hero/villain/family member. Try to make each sentence start with a di erent word, have variety, and include interesting words.

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Made available by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people. PBS KIDS and the PBS KIDS Logo are registered trademarks of Public Broadcasting Service. Used with permission. WORDGIRL TM & ? Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Word Spill: A Sentence Fluency Game

Theme Song Lyrics

Word up, it's WordGirl! Word up, it's WordGirl! Flying at the speed of sound. Vocabulary that astounds. From the planet Lexicon. Watch out villains, here she comes! Faced with a catastrophe, we need the living dictionary! Her superior intellect keeps the crime world in check!

Go girl! Huggy Face is by her side, vocabulary a mile wide. She'll make sure that the crime won't pay, and throw some mighty words your way!

Word up, it's WordGirl! Word up!

From the planet Lexicon. Watch out villains! Here she comes!!

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Made available by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people. PBS KIDS and the PBS KIDS Logo are registered trademarks of Public Broadcasting Service. Used with permission. WORDGIRL TM & ? Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Word Spill: A Sentence Fluency Game


Huggy Face






Word up



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Made available by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a private corporation funded by the American people. PBS KIDS and the PBS KIDS Logo are registered trademarks of Public Broadcasting Service. Used with permission. WORDGIRL TM & ? Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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