Create Your Own Government Activity

Create Your Own Government Activity

In this assignment you will be working in a group to create a fictitious country’s government. You will create a government structure, rule/laws, symbols, and describe the role of the citizens for your country. You will then create a poster on your country’s government and present it to the class.

Part 1: Determining Roles

Each group will select Task Leaders - one person for each project area. The Task Leader will facilitate the discussion and take notes on their assigned area then complete their portion of the poster. Example: The person in charge of creating the government structure will showcase their ideas to the entire group so that the end product reflects the input of all the group members.

As a group you will create a poster. On this poster you must include the following sections: Symbols, Government Structure, Role of Citizens, & Laws/Rules

Part 2: Poster Requirements

Symbols: What symbolizes your country, create images and explain their meaning.

Government Structure: Create a structure that showcases the governmental leaders and how decisions are made.

Role of the Citizens: Determine the rights and responsibilities of your citizens. How do citizens participate in the government and do they have any duties?

Laws/Rules: What are your top 8 laws/rules that will serve your people?

Part 3: Share Poster Through Gallery Tour

You will be sharing your country’s poster to the class through a gallery tour. Make sure that everyone in the group takes part in the project. The class will be comparing and contrasting your government to their own AND voting for a country they would like to become a citizen of.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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