Study Skills Examples

Study Skills Examples

Students have the opportunity to earn extra credit points on their tests by completing one of the following study skills examples to study at home. The example should be handed in on the day of the test to earn the points. It is an easy way to not only earn extra points, but to engage in studying material in a creative way.

← Cube – Use a tracer from Mrs. Colden to make a 3D cube. Write thick and thin questions, facts, and pictures on the topic on each face!

← Quiz- Make up your own quiz. Try to predict what types of questions Mrs. Colden will have on the test. Create compare and contrast questions, “Why do you think…” questions, vocabulary, “give examples of…” questions and “how” and “why” questions.

← Flash Cards- Make up thick and thin questions, facts, add color, pictures, clip art, make a game (memory). This is a good strategy to use each night-- as we build upon concepts in class, more cards can be added to the pile at night!

← Crossword puzzle or Word Search- Students can use online websites (google ‘make your own free crossword’) to make a crossword puzzle or word search on the topic we are covering. A crossword puzzle is encouraged more so than the word search since you will have to create clues for each word.

← Comic/ Picture- Create a comic strip or picture based on what we are learning. Include pictures and dialogue that pertains to the content. The dialogue included must relate to what we are learning and help you to remember the topics.

← Acronyms or Crazy Phrase- Come up with a word that will help you remember the topics we are studying. Have a word or phrase attached to each letter of the word that relates to our topics. Think of a sentence that is crazy, but will help you to remember what we are learning. Remember for the order of the planets we used, “My very excellent mother just served us nachos”.

← Graphic Organizers- Using your textbook, read any section in the lesson being tested. Just like you have done in Language Arts class, decide which graphic organizer would best fit the text. Create a graphic organizer on colorful paper to organize the information the text passage provides. See the list on the back!

← Mini Book to rewrite your notes- Some students like to rewrite their notes in colorful pens or type them on the computer to study. Mrs. Colden has paper for you to use. The book can be pocket sized for easy carrying (

← Story or Poem- Write a short story or create a poem describing topics we are learning in class. You may write or type it on the computer (

← Have a parent quiz you- Take your notes packet and give it to a parent. Have your parent sign the front of the packet to show you studied.

← Song – Make up a song to show your understanding of whatever concept we are learning about. We can all sing it together in class.

( Can you come up with your own NEW example? Think about it… I challenge you!! ( (


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