18 & Over, 40 & Over, 55 & Over, 65 & Over USTA LEAGUE TENNIS

Spring and Summer League**

|Section 1 - Registration |

|USTA Membership Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | 2 |

| |USTA League Registration |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |2 |

| |

|Section 2 – Player Participation |

| |Player Participation |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |3 |

| Number in Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |

|3 |

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|Section 3 – League Play |

| |Schedules |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |3 |

| |Court Availability |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |4 |

| |Format |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |4 |

| |Rescheduling and Forfeiture |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |5 |

| |Rain Procedures and Make-Ups |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |5 |

| |Advancing Competition |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |5 |

| |Court Conduct |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |6 |

| |Grievances |. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |6 |

| League Scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |

|6 |

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|Appendix # 1 – Calendar for 2019 USTA League Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |7 |

|Appendix # 2 – League Coordinators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . |7 |

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|*Philadelphia Area Tennis District rules elaborate on but do not replace or supersede USTA or USTA MS Regulations. … |

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**Rules for Mixed Doubles and the Winter Leagues will be distributed separately to the captains in each league.



A. All team members must be members in good standing with the USTA before they register for a team or play match. USTA memberships must be valid through July 31, 2019 for Adult 18 & over ; August 31,2019 for Adult 40 & Over leagues; through September 30, 2019, for the Adult 55 and 65 & Over

B. Players must join the USTA or renew their memberships by logging onto the

C. or by using the USTA telephone number. (1-800-990-8782). you will need your password to use the Internet. If you do not have it, national will e-mail it to you.


a. To register for a team log onto the . When TennisLink displays, go to “Register for a team” on the left. Be sure to log in.

b. Each player will need to have the following available before registering for a USTA League Tennis team. (A USTA membership number, a team number provided by the team captain, phone number and a credit card with the expiration date).

c. .The 2019 registration fee will be $24.00 per player participating in the adult leagues, all age groups

d. All players will have a computer rating when signing up for a team or will be prompted to declare a self-rating during the registration process. Self-rated players will be prompted to complete an on-line questionnaire regarding their tennis experience. If players get a rating that is higher than they expected, they must appeal using the on-line appeal line that will display on the last page of the self-rating procedure.

e. It is the captain's responsibility to be sure all team members are properly registered with the USTA and that their self-rating is as accurate as possible before a match is played. Be sure to tell players that they must go to TennisLink to register.

f. Registration Dates for Leagues. These dates can be altered at the coordinator’s discretion.

|1. |Adult 18 & 40 & Over Leagues | |2/1/19 – 6/21/19; 8/10/19 for 40 & Over |

|2. |Adult 55 & 65 & Over Leagues | |2/1/19 – 8/20/19 |


I. Philadelphia Area Tennis District players may play on more than one team within a division in the same local league as long as it is a different NTRP level. Players may play at their NTRP level or one level higher. (For example a 3.0 player may play on a 3.0 adult 18 & Over league team as well as a 3.5 adult 18 & Over league team). Such players must be properly registered on both teams (including paying two registration fees), must notify both team captains that they are playing on more than one team. Players may elect to play on both teams if they advance to championship level. Any scheduling conflicts as a result of playing on more than one team are the responsibility of the individual player.

II. Philadelphia Area Tennis District players are allowed to play on teams in other districts during the same league season (as defined by league starting and ending dates). Likewise, players who play in another district may play on a Philadelphia Area team during the same league season. (For example, a Philadelphia Area player may play on a Philadelphia Area team and at the same time may play on a New Jersey team. A New Jersey district player may play on a Philadelphia Area Tennis District team while playing at the same time on an EPD team). Again, it is the responsibility of such a player to notify both captains that they are playing on more than one team.

III. Only 4 players who play together on a 5-court team in other districts within Middle States may play together on an adult team in the Philadelphia Area district. For 3 court teams, it is 3 players only. Other districts also have specific rules about this. This rule applies only to Middle States teams.

IV. Philadelphia Area Tennis District players are allowed to play on both the 18 & Over and the 40 & Over league teams at the same level during the same local league season. They may play at their current NTRP level or higher.

V. An individual player may play in only one singles or doubles match within each team match.

VI. Adult 18 & Over players must have reached the age of eighteen (18) prior to December 31, 2019.40 & Over league players must have reached the age of forty prior to December 31, 2019. 55 & Over and 65 & Over League players must have reached the minimum age by December 31, 2019.

VII. At least fifty percent (50%) of rostered players on any team shall be in level. This applies to USTA League Tennis -- Adult 18 & Over and 40 & Over only. Captains are responsible to police this rule.



A. Schedules will be posted on-line in TennisLink as soon as possible. Captains should confirm scheduled start times, directions, etc. with the opposing team at least 4 days prior to each match. Either the home or away captain may call. If your starting time is very early or very late, please give the opposing captain as much notice as possible (at least one week prior to the scheduled match date). Start times for matches may not be earlier than 8:30 am except by mutual agreement.

B. Any changes in match schedules because of weather or any other reason must be reported to the League Coordinator.


A. 5-court local league teams must guarantee the use of at least three (3) indoor or outdoor courts for all league matches and rainouts unless a waiver is granted. Three court local league teams must guarantee two (2) indoor or outdoor courts. It is recommended that indoor backup be procured upon threat of rain where possible.

B. In case of staggered matches, team captains must agree in advance (in writing – e-mail) on start time for each individual match. The host captain has the final say if no agreement can be reached. Generally, two (2) hours should be allotted for each court match.

C. Home teams are responsible for the court fees and new balls.

D. If matches will be played on more than one surface, let the opponent know which courts will be played on which surface prior to arrival for the match.


A. Team Format:

• 18 & Over and 40 & Over League Types - 2 Singles and 3 Doubles or 1S and 4D, except by flight vote

• 2.5 and 5.0 teams - 1 S and 2 Doubles

• 55 & Over and 65 & Over League - 3 Doubles combined levels

Match Format: Best of three (3) tie-break sets. Summer leagues will play a tiebreak instead of a third set. Teams may elect to play a tiebreak in lieu of a third set if all players agree.. This can be done by individual court or by entire match. This altered format should be reported as a timed match in TennisLink. Local clubs may require a match tiebreak instead of a third set if there are several matches scheduled and teams are waiting to start. The Coman Tiebreak Procedure must be used for all tiebreaks. Point Penalty: The USTA Point Penalty System will be used for league play. The clock starts for the Point Penalty System at the time the match is scheduled. Warm-up is part of the match. This is for Adult 18 & 40 only. 0-5 minutes - . loss of toss, end and serve and 1 game; 6-10 minutes - toss, end, serve 2 games, 11-15 minutes – toss, end, serve 3 games; 16 minutes default.

Warm Up Period: All matches should start promptly at the time scheduled. Under USTA League Tennis rules, players are allowed only a ten-minute warm-up. Warm-up is never taken away even if the player is late.

Team Contacts: The home team captain will contact the visiting captain at least four (4) days prior to discuss the place and order of courts (if less than 5 courts). If you are unable to field a full team, please contact the opposing captain prior to the match so they can make adjustments so as not to inconvenience anyone. If the home captain does not call, the visiting captain should initiate the call. If you have less than 5 courts and/or if your start time is after 11:00 am, please notify all opponents as soon as possible after the schedule is published.

Scorecards: Captains must exchange lineups before the match begins. Match results MUST be reported within 72 hours of completion. Both captains have the responsibility to report matches promptly. Opposing captain must verify within 48 hours or forfeit right to appeal the score.

F. The John B. Coman tiebreak procedure will be used for all league matches. In the John B. Coman ends are changed after the first point, then after every four points, and at the conclusion of the tiebreak


A. The Local League Coordinator will reschedule matches ONLY for reasons the following reasons

1. Rain or snow

2. Unexpected court availability conflicts

3. USTA league playoff matches. Local league matches will be rescheduled upon request if a team has 4 players in a 5 court program, 3 players in a 3 court program involved in a district, section, or national championship. The championship must be within Middle States – district or section – or national. A minimum of six days notice in writing –email to the opposing captain is suggested. As many courts as possible must be played on the scheduled day and championship players must play in the makeup

4. PLEASE NOTE: The entire match schedule must be completed and reported in TennisLink. A team cannot advance to compete in championships if, after the schedule is published, it defaults an entire match. 


A. Indoors and Outdoors: If you are unable to complete a scheduled match because of court conflicts or weather you must arrange to finish the match at a time and location mutually agreeable to all players as soon as possible.

B. Rain Procedures: In the event of impending rain, both captains should communicate by phone in sufficient time prior to the match so that team members can be notified of any cancellation. As long as both captains are in agreement the match may be postponed because of the weather. Captains should try to reschedule the match on their own, however, if a mutual time cannot be arranged within two weeks, both captains should call their League Coordinator and have him/her make the necessary decisions. Indoor backup should be arranged whenever possible.

C. Matches scheduled outdoors may be moved indoors because of weather if both teams agree. Costs will be shared. Teams will not be required to go indoors unless the home team is paying and the time is similar to the originally scheduled time.

D. Matches suspended after play has begun should be rescheduled at a time and place mutually agreeable to the players involved. The match will resume between the same players at the point of suspended play, (i.e. 5-2 1st set, 30-15, team A serving). If the match is suspended, be sure players keep a record of the existing score.

E. Both captains must call their coordinator to register makeup arrangements. If the rescheduled match is postponed by either captain, contact your coordinator immediately for assistance. Matches must be made up within 2 weeks. If captains cannot agree on a date, the coordinator will set one.

F. All matches must be completed and reported by July 10, 2019 in Adult 18 & over league and by August 10 in Adult 40 & Over league and August 15, 2019 in the 55 & Over and the 65 & Over leagues.

G. Lineups can be changed for any match that has been postponed to another day and previously announced defaults can be reinstated even if the lineups have already been exchanged and no court has started. Suspended matches must continue with the players on the lineup.


A. All matches should be conducted according to USTA Code of Conduct rules. Any violation of these rules may be grounds for filing a grievance. Please remind your players of the following rules to avoid the most common on-court arguments:

• Announce the score before beginning each point.

• When unsure of a line call, the ball is GOOD.

• Players may NOT enlist the aid of spectators when making line calls.

• Coaching is not allowed unless the match format is the best of 3 tiebreak sets and a 10-minute break is taken between second and third sets.

• Gamesmanship or abusive language is prohibited.

Electronic Devices

Turn off your cell phone. During the playing of a match (including during changeovers), the use of cell phones or other electronic devices is prohibited.  This includes cell phone ringing, texting, or answering.  Any violation will be penalized as follows:

1st Offense…..Point 2nd Offense…..Game 3rd Offense…..Default


All Captains should read the 2019 USTA League Tennis Regulations and the USTA/Middle States Section Rules for rules and grievance procedures. When in doubt about a rule or procedure, contact your local league coordinator. If you find it necessary to file a formal complaint regarding any matter, please be sure to follow the exact procedures spelled out in the 2019 USTA League Tennis Regulations (these rules are on line). All grievances must be filed in writing prior to the protesting team's next match and mailed to your local league coordinator. Grievance Appeal Committee will be chosen as needed.


Tennislink standings will be final. In the event of a two-way tie in points, head to head will determine the winner. In a three-way tie, the points are accumulated and the team with the most points will be listed ahead of the others. The scoring format will be Points Per Position. The points are as follows:

• For 5 court leagues the points will be: 5-4-5-4-3 for 2 singles and 3 doubles; for 1 singles and 4 doubles it will be 5, 6, 5, 4, 3.

• For 3 court leagues – all doubles - the points will be: 4-3-2. For 2.5 and 5.0, the points will be 3-4-2. Flight winners will be determined by the total number of individual match points won.

• For 4 court leagues – 1 singles and 3 doubles, the points will be 4, 5, 4, 3.

In a 7 or 8-team division, each team will play each other one time and additional matches will be added.


A. To be eligible for Area or Sectional play a player must have played in two local league matches, only one of which can be a default. Teams must have accumulated at least 50% of the available points.

B. For National Championships for all league types and age groups, 3 matches must be played before advancing, one may be by default received..

C. Match Format – Area & Sectional Championships: Best of two (2) tiebreak sets will be played. In lieu of a third set a “Match Tiebreak” (First to 10 points by 2) shall be played.

D. If during Championships play, indoor courts are required, a fee may be assessed to cover these costs.

2019 League Calendar of Events

|Date |Events |Location |

|4/22 |Approximate start of Adult Leagues |Various |

|5/31 to 6/2 |18 & Over Mixed Doubles Section Championships |Hempfield Sports Complex |

|5/31 to 6/2 |55 & Over Mixed Doubles Section Championship |Hempfield Sports Complex |

|6/14-16 |40 & Over Mixed Doubles Section Championships |Hempfield Sports Complex |

|6/22 |Approximate start of Summer Leagues |Various |

|6/29 |Approximate start of 55 & 65 & Over leagues |Various |

|7/12-14 |18 & Over Adult League Area Championship |2.5, 3.0, 4.0 and 4.5 Women - TBD |

|7/19-21 |18 & Over Adult League Area Championship |3.5 Women, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 Men – Location TBD |

|8/9-11 |40 & Over Adult League Area Championships |TBD |

|8/24-25 |55 & Over Adult League Area Championships |TBD |

|8/16-18 |18 & Over Adult Section Championships |Princeton, NJ |

|9/6-8 |40 & Over Adult Section Championships |Princeton, NJ |

|9/13-15 |55 & Over Adult Section Championships |Landisville, PA |

|9/20-22 |65 & Over Section Championships |TBD |

National championship dates will be distributed when they become available


|Adult 18 & Over Men and Women except 3.0 Women |18 & Over and 40 & Over 3.0 Women |

|Adult 40 Men and Women Over except 3.0 Women | |

|Adult 55 & 65 & Over Men and Women |Lora Ball |

| |lball@ms. |

|Sally Baird |1704 Somerset St |

|baird@ms. |Dresher, PA 19025 |

|1288 Valley Forge Road |215-480-4590 |

|Suite 74, P. O. Box 987 | |

|Valley Forge, PA 19482 | |

|484-302-0753 | |


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