Foundation Vocabulary List 1 Honors

Foundation Vocabulary List - Heterogeneous

| |POS |Word |Definition |

| | |analyze | |

| | |concise | |

| | |conundrum | |

| | |cynical | |

| | |enhance | |

| | |fragment | |

| | |imply | |

| | |infer | |

| | |melancholy | |

| | |nostalgic | |

Answer the following questions in full sentences using the vocabulary word. Underline the vocabulary word.

Ex: A person might want to analyze a story to determine the type of genre it represents.

1. Why would someone analyze a story?

2. Is a concise speech a good idea? Explain.

3. What is a situation you would consider a conundrum?

4. What is something that might make someone become cynical?

5. How could you enhance your wardrobe?

6. What is something you might find a fragment of if you went to the city garbage dump?

7. How can you imply that you are angry with someone?

8. If you see someone crying what might you infer from this?

9. What is a situation that could make someone melancholy?

10. What is something that you are nostalgic for from your past?

Foundation Vocabulary Quiz Form 1 Name ____________________ Points _______/50

|Parts of Speech reminders |

|1. Nouns – are words used to represent people (Ms. Jones, boys), places (New Orleans, hallway), things (Gatorade, situation, part, |

|gas), and ideas (terror, kindness, confusion, excitement, courage) |

|2. Verbs – words that shows action (confuse, wander, ask, read, think), an occurrence (melt, shine, glitter) or a state of being |

|(be, was, appear, seem, have). |

|3. Adjectives – words that describe (modify) nouns and pronouns (kind, confused, terrified, shiny, red, glittery, glamorous, ugly, |

|cozy, confident, happy, excited, and courageous). |

| |Part of Speech |Word |Letter |Definition Bank |

| |(1 point each) | |(2 points | |

| | | |each) | |

|1 | |enhance | |A. doubting, distrustful of human nature |

|2 | |infer | |B. To make something understood without expressing it directly; to hint at something; |

|3 | |conundrum | |C. to come to a conclusion or form an opinion about something on the basis of evidence or |

| | | | |reasoning |

|4 | |imply | |D. a confusing and difficult problem or situation |

|5 | |cynical | |E. longing for the past |

|6 | |melancholy | |F. using as few words as possible to give the necessary information |

|7 | |nostalgic | |G. to make better |

|8 | |concise | |H. a feeling of sadness |

|10 | |fragment | |I. to examine carefully and in detail |

|11 | |Analyze | |J. an incomplete, unfinished, or broken part |

Part 2-Fill in the blanks for the following sentences:

(2 points each)

1. The end of the story was so sad that most readers felt ______________________ after reading that the main character died.

2. I did not understand Kelly's note. There was only a ___________________ left after the dog tore it out of her notebook.

3. A fresh coat of paint and some new carpet could really ___________________ the old house.

4. I created a _________________________ for myself when I promised to babysit for two different families on the same night.

5. I wish that Charles Dickens could have been more ____________________. His book Great Expectations is over five hundred pages, and I think it could easily have been half that length.

6. After I ___________________(ed) the poem, I realize the author was suggesting that courage is more important than safety.

7. Janice seemed to _________________ that she was mad at Gail when she gave Gail a dirty look as she walked by.

8. All of the girls in the cafeteria, were able to ________________ that Janice and Gail had had an argument about something earlier in the day.

9. Karla was ______________________ for the fun she had in kindergarten when she thought about how much homework she had in her freshman classes.

10. When I read stories about people stealing from innocent senior citizens, I feel __________________ about people in modern society.

Foundation Vocabulary Quiz Form 2 Name ____________________ Points _______/50

|Parts of Speech reminders |

|1. Nouns – are words used to represent people (Ms. Jones, boys), places (New Orleans, hallway), things (Gatorade, situation, part, |

|gas), and ideas (terror, kindness, confusion, excitement, courage) |

|2. Verbs – words that shows action (confuse, wander, ask, read, think), an occurrence (melt, shine, glitter) or a state of being |

|(be, was, appear, seem, have). |

|3. Adjectives – words that describe (modify) nouns and pronouns (kind, confused, terrified, shiny, red, glittery, glamorous, ugly, |

|cozy, confident, happy, excited, and courageous). |

| |Part of Speech |Word |Letter |Definition Bank |

| |(1 points each) | |(2 points each)| |

|1 | |Concise | |A. a confusing and difficult problem or situation |

|2 | |Infer | |B. to examine carefully and in detail |

|3 | |Enhance | |C. longing for the past |

|4 | |Imply | |D. to come to a conclusion or form an opinion about something on the basis of evidence or |

| | | | |reasoning |

|5 | |Cynical | |E. an incomplete, unfinished, or broken part |

|6 | |Melancholy | |F. to make better |

|7 | |Nostalgic | |G. doubting, distrustful of human nature |

|8 | |Conundrum | |H. To make something understood without expressing it directly to hint at something |

|9 | |Analyze | |I. using as few words as possible to give the necessary information |

|10 | |Fragment | |J. a feeling of sadness |

Part 2-Fill in the blanks for the following sentences: Correct spelling counts.

(2 points each)

1.Tom seem to _______________ that he was nervous about the test when he shook his head as the papers were handed out.

2.The class was able to _________________ that he made a good grade by his smile when Ms. Scott handed him the graded paper.

3. The sad song gave the audience a feeling of ___________________.

4. Paul is very _________________ about human nature because he has been hurt by people he thought were his friends.

5. When faced with all of the stress of high school, some students become ___________________ for the old days of nap time and coloring in class.

6. One way to _________________ your wardrobe is to add a new pair of shoes or a new shirt.

7. I wanted to improve my writing so instead of having sentences that rambled on, I made my writing more ________________________.

8. Hannah faced a challenging _______________________ during the summer. If she went to swim camp, she would miss volleyball practice. How could she participate in her two favorite sports?

9. In order to understand the book, I ____________________ (ed) the author's word choice and style.

10. After Madison dropped her glass, she stepped on a __________________ while she was trying to clean up the mess.

1. If you want to someone to leave your house, you might _____________ it is late by yawning.

2. If the visitor was smart, he might ___________ that you want to be alone.

3. When you read or hear something sad, you might get a feeling of __________________.

4. Moving to the south was _____________________. I was glad to leave the cold weather of the north, but I missed my friends.

5. When I hear music from Led Zeppelin, or Prince, I get ___________________ for my childhood

6. Some people use makeup or tanning in order to ________________their looks.

7. I wanted to improve my writing so instead of having sentences that rambled on, I made my writing more ___________________.

8. I like reading short stories because the author has to be ___________________ to give the reader the entire plot in only a few pages. This is not the case with novels, such as Great Expectations which seem to go and on.

9. The phrase "If it snows" is a _________________ of a sentence because it is not a complete thought.

10. Cheryl will __________________ the documents to learn about the history of North Carolina.


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