Español II – Semester I Final Review Packet

Español II – Semester I Final Review Packet

Nombre: _______________________________________ Hora: ______

I. Final Exam Information:

• Exams assess skills from all units studied during first semester.

• Our final will have an Interpretive Assessment section, a Presentational Assessment section and an Interpersonal Assessment section.

• Each section will be worth 1/3 of your final exam grade

• To prepare, begin with the attached activities and from there, select practice activities to focus on the skills which you need to improve. It would be a good idea to use the resources on the weebly.

Semester 1 Grade: 85%

Semester Final: 15%

Writing (Presentational section) 12/20 & 21

Speaking (Interpersonal section) 1/5-1/9

Listening, Reading & Grammar (Interpretive section) 1/11, 1/12, 1/13

II. Study tips:

• WRITE, WRITE, and WRITE as you study! You will remember it better!

• Do the exercises in this packet. Review the areas that you find difficult.

• Go to vswspanish.

• Redo the exercises that we’ve done in class.

• Go over the blue vocabulary sheets that we have completed each unit.

• Read over and study your notes THOROUGHLY.

• Do the extra web activities listed on the website.

You will be expected to read, write, listen, and speak about:

• School and Making comparisons

• Daily Routines

• Clothing & Recent Purchases

You will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of these structures

• boot verbs

• -go verbs

• saber and conocer

• reflexive verbs

• reflexive vs. non-reflexive verbs

• 2 verb construction

• when to use an infinitive verb

• ser & tener

• adjective agreement

• demonstrative adjectives

• Shopping/buying phrases in the past tense


Demonstrative Adjectives: Write the correct form of this, these, that, those.

1. ¿Buscaste ____un suéter gris allí? __________________________________

2. ¿Pagaste mucho para ___ pantalones aquí? __________________________________

3. ¿Compraste ____ camisetas allí? __________________________________

4. ¿Vas a comprar ____ zapatos allí? __________________________________

5. ¿Buscaste ___ falda marrón aquí? __________________________________

Stem-changing verbs: Choose the letter(s) to complete the verb.

6. Cuando tengo que cortar el césped, no p____do jugar al béisbol.

a. e b. u c. o d. ue

7. Mi madre y yo qu___remos ir de compras.

a. ie b. ei c. i d. e

8. Cuando es de noche, d___rmen casi ocho horas sin despertarse.

a. e b. u c. o d. ue

9. Mi novio j___ga al básquetbol cuando es la estación.

a. u b. e c. eu d. ue

Boot and –go verbs: Choose the correct verb and conjugate it correctly.

10. Nosotras _____________________ (jugar/ querer) enchiladas de pollo.

11. Marcos y Santiago _________________ (dormir/hacer) limonada en el almuerzo.

12. Ella _________________ (servir/poder) jugar deportes en el gimnasio.

13. Yo __________________ (salir/tener) a las ocho para ir a la fiesta.

14. Los estudiantes no ___________________ (poder/jugar) fútbol en la clase de arte.

15. Silvia, ¿___________________ (dormir/querer) ocho horas todas las noches?

16. Mi familia ____________________ (preferir/tener que) una casa en Miami.

Interrogatives: Complete the question with the correct interrogative word in Spanish (example: Who, what, when, where, why, how much)

17. ¿________________ está tu composición? Está en la casa.

18. ¿________________ es tu profesor de matemáticas? El Sr. Rodríguez es mi profesor.

19. ¿________________ costó el vestido negro? ¡Caramba! Costó $75 dólares.

20. ¿________________ es el examen de vocabulario? Es muy fácil. Estudio todos los días.

Reflexive Verbs: Decide if you need a reflexive or non-reflexive verb, then conjugate it & put it in the blank.

21. Yo_____________________________ al perro. (lavar, lavarse)

22. Nosotros ___________________________la camisa azul. (poner, ponerse)

23. Tú ______________________________ a las siete todos los días. (levantar, levantarse)

24. Uds. ____________________________ al hijo cada noche. (bañar, bañarse)

25. Yo __________________________ antes de salir para Southwoods. (peinar, cepillarse el pelo)

26. Vosotros _______________________ los dientes a los niños cada día. (cepillar, cepillarse)

27. Ella ___________________________ en la habitación. (vestir, vestirse)

Saber and Conocer:

Fill in the chart with the correct forms of the verb saber in the present.

|Yo | |nosotros | |

|Tú | |vosotros | |

|Ud. | |Uds. | |

|Él | |ellos | |

|Ella | |ellas | |

Fill in the chart with the correct forms of the verb conocer in the present.

|Yo | |nosotros | |

|Tú | |vosotros | |

|Ud. | |Uds. | |

|Él | |ellos | |

|Ella | |ellas | |

The difference between Saber and Conocer

28. ________ is used for facts and “knowing how to do something”.

29. To know something as in be acquainted with a person or a place use __________.

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the correct verb Saber or Conocer.

30. Marisol __________ donde podemos comprar gorras a cuadros.

31. ¿__________ ellos nadar?

32. Tienes razón que ellos ____________ bien la ciudad de Ames.

33. ¿No __________ tú que ellos son de aquí?

34. Debo estudiar las lecciones con Catalina; ella las ___________ perfectamente.

Personal”a”: Fill in the blank with whatever is missing.

35. Veo ______ mi amigo cada día.

36. ¿Escoges ______ las joyas de oro?

37. Los lunes visitamos ____ mis abuelos.

38. Jaime busca _____ su traje a rayas.

39. ¿Por qué no encuentras ____ consejera en la cafetería?

Use of the infinitive: Remember that the verb is not conjugated if following:

• a conjugated verb

• para, después de, antes de, es necesario

Insert the correct form of the verb in paranthesis in the paragraph:

En los días de escuela, yo siempre 60.__________ (despertarse) a las seis y media. Para 61.__________ (despertarse), yo uso mi despertador y después de 62. _______(levantarse), me ducho. Cuando 63.______(ducharse), uso el champú para mi pelo. Es necesario 64.__________(lavarse) el cuerpo con el jabón.

Insert the correct form of acostarse in the paragraph:

A veces 65.______________ a las nueve pero generalmente quiero 66._______________ tarde. Después de regresar de un partido de básquetbol, no puedo 67.__________ temprano porque es tan emocionante que nunca estoy cansado. Hay que hablar un poco por teléfono con mis amigos antes de 68.___________. Cuando voy de vacaciones con mi familia, nosotros nunca 69.______________ antes de las doce. ¡Siempre hay mucho que hacer y nos encanta 70._______________ tarde!



71. En CAMPO PINAR los estudiantes pueden ir de compras. Verdad Falso

72. En CAMPO PINAR los estudiantes pueden tocar música. Verdad Falso

73. En CAMPO PINAR los estudiantes pueden jugar deportes. Verdad Falso

74. En CAMPO PINAR los estudiantes llevan sueteres o chaquetas. Verdad Falso

75. En CAMPO PINAR los estudiantes pueden hacer la ropa Verdad Falso


76. Lola enjoys skiing in the winter. Verdad Falso

77. According to her family, Lola is outgoing. Verdad Falso

78. Students use tape and scissors to make an art project. Verdad Falso

79. Sr. Gomez likes to discuss with his students. Verdad Falso

80. Lola’s science teacher is more intelligent than other teachers. Verdad Falso

81. Lola is the most athletic in her family. Verdad Falso

82. Lola has to memorize and review a lot in art class. Verdad Falso


83. What is Marco’s favorite place in school? Why? ___________________

84. Where is the cafeteria? ___________________

85. During study hall, what does Marco do? ___________________

86. Why is Social Studies worse than other classes? ___________________

87. Why is Math easy for Marco? ___________________

88. What is allowed during study hall? ___________________

89. What do they do a lot of in Social Studies class? ___________________


90. This person brushes his teeth three times a day. Verdad Falso

91. This person puts someone else to bed at 8:00. Verdad Falso

92. This person wakes up at 3:00 in the afternoon. Verdad Falso

93. This person never combs his hair. Verdad Falso

94. This person eats breakfast at 7:00am. Verdad Falso

95. This person works a night shift. Verdad Falso

96. This person eat pasta at 4:00. Verdad Falso

97. This person leaves for work sometime after 10:00. Verdad Falso

98. Right after work this guy goes to a movie. Verdad Falso

99. At 6:45 this guy goes home. Verdad Falso


100. What did Raquel want to buy for her brother? __________________

101. What does Raquel buy for her dad? __________________

102. How did she pay for her dad’s gift? __________________

103. How much did Raquel spend on her Mom? __________________

104. What did Raquel buy for her Mom? __________________

105. What did Raquel buy for herself? __________________

106. How did Raquel pay for her own gift? __________________

107. Where did she buy her dad’s gift? __________________


108. Why didn’t Sergio buy as many gifts as Juan? __________________

109. What did Sergio buy for his parents? __________________

110. How did Juan pay for the gift for his older sister? __________________

111. How much did Juan spend on his younger sister? __________________

112. Where did Juan do his shopping? __________________

113. How did Juan pay for his parent’s gifts? __________________

114. Did Juan buy anything for himself? __________________

LISTENING PRACTICE (vswspanish. – SP2 Finals)

1. Director y La Estudiante

1. Marta arrives late to all of her classes. Verdad Falso

2. Marta thinks the principal is horrible. Verdad Falso

3. Marta is not respectful to all of her teachers. Verdad Falso

4. Marta always does her homework. Verdad Falso

5. At Marta’s school the students can go to as many lunch periods as they want. Verdad Falso

6. Learning science is a priority for Marta. Verdad Falso

7. Marta needs to work on being more respectful. Verdad Falso

8. Marta gets good grades in her classes. Verdad Falso

9. The principal is confident that Marta can be a more responsible student. Verdad Falso

10. At first, Marta doesn’t know why the principal needs to talk to her. Verdad Falso

2. Ana

1. Ana knows where everything is in her school. Verdad Falso

2. Students in Ana’s school can’t go into the office. Verdad Falso

3. Parents can buy things in the office. Verdad Falso

4. Ana has homework every week in science. Verdad Falso

5. Students can write with pens or pencils in science class. Verdad Falso

6. Ana knows all of the principal and counselors at her school. Verdad Falso

3. Las hermanas

7. The sisters start arguing because Juana can’t find her toothbrush. Verdad Falso

8. Marta has a habit of misplacing Juana’s things. Verdad Falso

9. Marta’s main problem is that she doesn’t have a special comb. Verdad Falso

10. The sisters have similar personality traits. Verdad Falso

11. Juana’s shampoo, comb, and make up are in Marta’s room. Verdad Falso

12. The comb is special to Juana because it’s from a family member. Verdad Falso

13. Sometimes Marta can’t find her own deodorant. Verdad Falso

14. Juana agrees to share if Marta will give her a new lipstick. Verdad Falso

15. At first, Marta denies using her sister’s things. Verdad Falso

16. I agree with Juana. It’s kind of gross to use someone else’s deodorant. Verdad Falso

4. Marcos and Mia – Los Hermanos

1. Mia helps her brother by…

a. Finding the toothpaste

b. Reminding him to put on deodorant

c. Neither a or b

d. Both a & b

2. One of the things that Mia needs to do before she leaves is.….

a. take a bath

b. brush her teeth

c. wash her face

d. put on perfume

3. Mia is going to…

a. Put on lots of make up

b. Paint her nails

c. Not wear make-up today

d. Put on make-up

4. Marcos …

a. Watches his sister put on makeup

b. Watches TV while his sister puts on make up

c. Calls Juan while his sister puts on makeup

d. Needs to dry his hair

5. After Marcos brushes his teeth, he plans to…

a. Comb his hair

b. Wash his face

c. Dry his hair

d. Take a shower

6. Marcos can’t find…

a. the hair dryer

b. his toothbrush

c. the toothpaste

d. his sister

5. Listening – Ines

1. Where does Ines prefer to shop? ____________________

2. What can you do at the mall besides shop? ____________________

3. What did Inés buy 2 weeks ago? ____________________

4. How much did she spend? ____________________

5. How did she pay? ____________________

6. When did she go shopping with her mom? ____________________

7. What clothes is she wearing right now? ____________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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