Personality adventurous /dvntrs/ aggressive /rsv/ arrogant /?rnt/ brave /brev/ caring /kr/ charming /trm/ childish /tald/ creative /krietv/ dynamic /dan?mk/ easy-going /izi o/ fascinating /f?snet/ friendly /frndli/ hard-working /hrd wk/ imaginative /m?dntv/ immature /mtr/ jealous /dls/ kind /kand/ lazy /lezi/ mature /mtr/ mischievous /mstvs/ nervous /nvs/ open to something /opn t sm/ outgoing /ato/ popular /ppyl/ reliable /rlabl/ realistic /rlstk/ rude /rud/ selfish /slf/ sense of humor /sns v hyum/ sophisticated /sfstketd/ tolerant /tlrnt/ unhappy /nh?pi/ Appearance and age adorable /drbl/ attractive /tr?ktv/ bald /bld/ baldness /bldns/ blond /blnd/ blue-/brown-eyed /blu/bran ad/ cheek /tik/ chin /tn/ cool /kul/ curly/straight/dark/short/long hair /kli/stret/

drk/rt/l hr/ cute /kyut/ dark-/blond-/long-/short-haired /drk/blnd/

l/t hrd/ dark-/lighter-/pale-skinned /drk/lat/pel

sknd/ dimples /dmplz/ elegant /lnt/ facial features /fel fitz/ fat /f?t/ freckles /frklz/ good-looking /d lk/ gorgeous /rds/ in his early/mid-/late twenties /n z li/md-/

let twntiz/ in his teens /n z tinz/ makeup /mekp/ medium height /midim hat/ middle-aged /mdl edd/ mysterious /mstris/ overweight /ovwet/ red-headed /rd hdd/ shabby /?bi/ short /t/ skinny /skni/ slim /slm/ stylish /stal/ tall /tl/ well-built /wl blt/ well-dressed /wl drst/

Clothes and accessories bangle /b?l/ baseball cap /besbl k?p/ bomber jacket /bm d?kt/ boots /buts/ bracelet /breslt/ casual/formal clothes /k?ul/frml klo?z/ coat /kot/ cotton /k n/ designer dress /dzan drs/ fashionable /f?nbl/ fleece /flis/ gloves /lvz/ hat /h?t/ high-heeled /ha hild/ jeans /dinz/ leather /l?/ look /lk/ patterned /p?tnd/ pants /p?nts/ scarf /skrf/ shirt /t/ shorts /rts/ silver ring /slv r/ sneakers /snikz/ striped /strapt/ suit /sut/ sunglasses /snl?sz/ sweater /swt/ T-shirt /ti t/ tie /ta/ top /tp/ vest /vst/ vintage /vntd/ woolen /wln/

Clothes and appearance ? verbs and verb phrases be the image of /bi ? md v/ dress casually/smartly/fashionably/well/

in black /drs k?uli/smrtli/f?nbli/wl/ n bl?k/ fit /ft/ get changed /gt tendd/ get dressed/undressed /t drst/ndrst/ look /lk/ look like somebody /lk lak smbdi/ match /m?t/ put on /pt n/ resemble somebody /rzmbl smbdi/ suit /sut/ try on /tra n/ wear /wr/

Relationships always be there for /lwez bi ? f/ close friend /klos frnd/ date /det/ fall out with /fl at w?/ get along well with /t lng wl w?/ hang out with /h? ot w?/ have a lot in common with /h?v lt n kmn

w?/ have a good relationship with /h?v d

rlenp w?/ have similar interests /h?v sml ntrsts/ have an argument /h?v n rymnt/ lose touch with /luz tt w?/ online friend /nlan frnd/ opposite sex /pzt sks/ socialize with /solaz w?/ stop seeing each other /stp si it ?/ take care of somebody /tek kr v smbdi/

Family members

ancestor /?nsst/ ex-husband/ex-wife /ks hzbnd/ks waf/ father-in-law/mother-in-law /f? n l/m?r

n l/ great-grandfather/great-grandmother

/ret r?ndf?/ret r?ndm?/ great-great-grandfather/great-great-

grandmother /ret ret r?ndf?/ ret ret r?ndm?/ great-great-grandson/great-greatgranddaughter /ret ret r?ndsn/ret ret r?ndt/ half-brother/half-sister /h?f br?/h?f sst/ nephew /nefyu/ niece /nis/ second husband/wife /sknd hzbnd/waf/ son-in-law/daughter-in-law /sn n l/ dt n l/ stepbrother/stepsister /stpbr?/stpsst/ stepfather/stepmother /stpf?/stpm?/ stepson/stepdaughter /stpsn/stpdt/ uncle/aunt /kl/?nt/


exception /kspn/ eyesight /asat/ gene /din/ inherit something from somebody /nhrt

sm frm smbdi/ left handedness /lft h?nddns/ left-/right-handed /lft/rat h?ndd/ look as if/as though /lk z f/z ?o/ look out /lk at/ look up /lk p/ pass something on /p?s sm n/ report on something /rprt n sm/ she'd make a great ... /id mek ret.../ short-sighted /rt satd/ take after somebody /tek ?ft smbdi/ unique /yunik/




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