Writing GRADE 7 Writing - Carson Dellosa



Writing 7

Focused Practice for Writing Mastery

? Writing a story ? Writing to inform

? Writing an argument ? Using the writing process ? Writer's Handbook




Lesson 1 The Writing Process

Writers follow a plan when they write. The steps they take make up the writing process. Following these five steps leads to better writing.

Step 1: Prewrite

This is the "thinking and discovering" stage. Writers might choose a topic, or they might list everything they know about a topic already chosen. They might conduct research and take notes. Then, writers may organize their ideas by making a chart or diagram.

Step 2: Draft

Writers put their ideas on paper. This first draft should contain sentences and paragraphs. Good writers keep their prewriting ideas nearby. There will be mistakes in this draft, but there is time to fix them later.

Step 3: Revise

Writers change or fix their first draft. They move ideas around, put them in a different order, or add information. They make sure they used clear words and that the sentences sound good together. This is also the time to take out ideas that are not on topic.

Step 4: Proofread

Writers usually write or type a neat, new copy. Then, they look again to make sure everything is correct. They look especially for errors in capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Step 5: Publish

Finally, writers make a final copy that has no mistakes. They are now ready to share their writing.

Spectrum Writing Grade 7

Introduction Lesson 1 5


Lesson 1 The Writing Process

What does the writing process look like? Manuel used the writing process to write a paragraph about ocean life. His writing steps below are out of order. Label each step with a number and the name of the step.

Step ___: ____________________ ____T__he__o_ce_a_n__ha_s__th_r_e_e_d_i_st_n_ic_t__zo_n_e_s_o_r_h_a_b_i_ta_t_s_. _S_im_i_la_r_t_o_h_a_b_i_ta_t_s_o_n_d_r_y_l_a_n_d.__ _C_lo_s_e_st__t_o_s_h_or_e__is_t_h_e_s_h_a_ll_o_w_s_a_n_d_t_h_e_c_o_n_ti_n_e_nt_a_l_s_h_e_lf_. _T_h_e_se__m_o_s_t_f_e_rt_i_le_a_r_e_a_s__ _t_ee_m__w_i_th__li_f_e._p_l_an_t__an_d__an_i_m_a_l _li_fe__a_b_ou_n_d_._R_iv_e_r_s_b_r_in_g__nu_t_r_ie_n_t_s,_a_n_d_s_u_n_li_g_h_t _____ _p_e_ne_t_r_a_te_s__th_e__w_a_te_r_f_o_r_w_a_r_m_t_h_a_n_d__lig_h_t_. ________________________________ Step ___: ____________________ ____T__he__o_ce_a_n__ha_s__th_r_e_e_d_i_st_i_nc_t__zo_n_e_s_, _o_r _h_a_b_it_a_ts_._C_lo_s_e_s_t_t_o_s_h_o_re__a_re__th_e_______ _s_h_al_lo_w_s_a_n_d__th_e__co_n_t_in_e_n_t_al_s_h_e_lf_._T_h_e_s_e_m_o_s_t_f_e_r_t_ile__a_re_a_s_t_e_e_m__w_it_h_l_if_e_. _R_iv_e_r_s___ _b_r_in_g_n_u_t_ri_e_n_ts_,_a_n_d_s_u_n_lig_h_t__pe_n_e_t_ra_t_e_s_t_h_e_w_a_t_e_r_t_o_p_r_o_vi_d_e_w_a_r_m_t_h_a_n_d_l_ig_h_t_. _P_la_n_t_ _a_nd__a_n_im_a_l_li_f_e_a_b_o_u_nd_.________________________________________________ Step ___: ____________________ __C__lo__s__eT__st__he__t__oo__cse__ha__onr__ea__hra__iess__t__thh__er__es__eh__ad__lil__sot__wn__sic__at__n__zdo__tn__he__es__co__or__nh__tai__nb__ei__tnat__ta__sl__.s__Sh__iem__lfi__l.a__Tr__ht__eo__seh__a__mb__oi__tsa__tt__fs__eo__rnt__id__ler__ya__rl__ae__na__ds.____ __tp__eee__nme__t__rw__ai__tteh__s__li__tfh__ee.__tp__wo^l__aapn__tret__or__avnf__iddo__er__awn__ia__mr__am__lt__lhi__fea__n__ad__b__loiug__nh__dt__..__R__iv__e__r__s__b__r__in__g____nu__t__r__ie__n__t__s,__a__n__d__s__u__n__li__g__h__t __________ Step ___: ________^____________

0?660 feet deep

ocean life

plants and animals thrive

rivers bring nutrients

shallows, continental shelf

lots of sunlight

Step ___: ____________________ ____T__he__o_ce_a_n__ha_s__th_r_e_e_d_i_st_n_ic_t__zo_n_e_s_o_r_h_a_b_i_ta_t_s_. _C_lo_s_es_t_t_o__sh_o_r_e_a_r_e_t_h_e_s_h_a_ll_o_w_s _a_nd__t_h_e_c_o_n_ti_n_en_t_a_l _s_he_l_f_. _T_h_es_e__m_o_st__f_er_t_il_e_a_r_e_as__t_ee_m__w_i_th__li_fe_._R_i_ve_r_s_b_r_i_ng______ _n_ut_r_ie_n_t_s_, _an_d__s_un_l_ig_h_t_p_e_n_e_tr_a_t_e_s _t_h_e_w_a_t_er__to__p_ro_v_i_de__w_a_r_m_t_h_a_n_d_l_ig_h_t._p_Pl_a_nt__an_d___ _a_ni_m_a_l_li_f_e_a_b_o_un_d_.___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Spectrum Writing Grade 7 6

Introduction Lesson 1

Lesson 2 Audience


When Mrs. Prescott writes a worksheet for her firstgrade students, does she use long sentences and complicated words? No. She uses words and sentences that are appropriate for her students; they are her audience. If Mrs. Prescott does not keep her audience in mind, they will not understand. In this case, they will not learn.

When Mrs. Prescott writes a letter to her students' parents, does she use the same short words and sentences that she uses with her students? Surely not. The parents are adults; they can understand more complicated words and sentences than her students can. If Mrs. Prescott were to use first-grade language for the parents, they would lose interest. Writers need to keep their audience in mind at all times.

Writers need to consider these questions every time they write. What will my audience enjoy? What are they interested in? What will make them want to keep on reading? What do they already know? What will they understand?

Here is a note that Mrs. Prescott wrote for her students' parents. Did she keep her audience in mind?

Dear Parents, On Thursday, April 11th, our class will visit the Children's Museum. The museum has rooms

where the children can learn about clocks, water, fossils, and racecars. We are looking forward to a very exciting day.

Did she keep her audience in mind? How can you tell? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Spectrum Writing Grade 7

Introduction Lesson 2 7

Lesson 2 Audience


Put yourself in Mrs. Prescott's place and think about the five questions on page 7. What else should Mrs. Prescott have told the parents? Ask yourself: What would parents want or need to know about a field trip that their 6-year-old child is taking? Make up additional details, if you need to. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Now, write an information sheet for Mrs. Prescott's students to help them prepare for the field trip to the Children's Museum. Include at least one sentence about each of the four "rooms" and what children might see or learn there. Make up details as needed. Remember to ask yourself the five questions on page 7 before you write. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Spectrum Writing Grade 7 8

Introduction Lesson 2


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