Graphing Practice Problem #1

Graphing Practice Problem #1

Oxygen can be generated by the reaction of Hydrogen Peroxide with Manganese Dioxide.

2H2O2 + MnO2 [pic]2H2O + Mn + 2O2

A chemistry class sets up nine test tubes and places different masses of MnO2 in each test tube. An equal amount of H2O2 is added to each test tube and the volume of gas produced is measured each minute for five minutes. The data from the experiment is:

|Tube # |MnO2 (g) |1 min (ml O2) |2 min (ml O2) |3 min (ml O2) |4 min (ml O2) |5 min (ml O2) |

|1 |0.1 |1.4 |2.6 |3.5 |4.2 |5.1 |

|2 |0.2 |2.8 |4.6 |5.8 |7.1 |7.6 |

|3 |0.3 |4.9 |7.2 |8.8 |10.2 |11.3 |

|4 |0.5 |5.9 |8.5 |10.4 |11.8 |13.3 |

|5 |1.0 |8.5 |12.4 |14.4 |16.1 |17.1 |

|6 |1.5 |11.0 |14.8 |17.5 |19.8 |21.8 |

|7 |2.0 |12.0 |17.0 |20.2 |22.7 |24.8 |

|8 |2.5 |13.6 |19.0 |22.1 |24.7 |27.3 |

|9 |3.0 |16.2 |21.8 |25.1 |28.2 |30.4 |

A. What volume of O2 did tube #3 produce between the second and fourth minutes?

B. How much O2 is produced in tube #5 during the first two minutes?

C. How much oxygen did tubes 7 and 8 produce together during the third minute?

D. What volume of oxygen gas, in liters, was produced during this procedure?

E. Graph the amount of oxygen produced each minute in test tubes # 2, 4, and 6.

F. By comparing the slope of the graph curves, which tube was producing oxygen at the fastest rate between minutes four and five?

G. Make a graph using the mass of manganese dioxide and the volume of oxygen for all tubes at five minutes.

Graphing Practice Problem #2

The energy needed to remove the most loosely held electron in an atom is called the First Ionization Energy. This energy for the first 18 elements is shown in the table below.

|Atomic Number |1st I.E. (volts) |

|1 |13.53 |

|2 |24.46 |

|3 |5.64 |

|4 |9.28 |

|5 |8.26 |

|6 |11.22 |

|7 |14.48 |

|8 |13.55 |

|9 |17.34 |

|10 |21.47 |

|11 |5.12 |

|12 |7.61 |

|13 |5.96 |

|14 |8.12 |

|15 |10.9 |

|16 |10.3 |

|17 |12.95 |

|18 |15.68 |

A. This data is very accurately measured. Plot the data points and then draw a line graph in "connect-the-dot" fashion.

Graphing Practice Problem #3

The relative hormone levels vary greatly during the 28 day human menstrual cycle. The table below shows the relative levels of the four major hormones by day.

|Day |Luteinizing |Follicle Stimulating |Estrogen |Progesterone |

| |Hormone (LH) |Hormone (FSH) | | |

|1 |6 |10 |10 |2 |

|2 |7 |11 |10 |2 |

|3 |8 |12 |10 |2 |

|4 |8 |13 |10 |2 |

|5 |8 |14 |10 |2 |

|6 |8 |13 |13 |2 |

|7 |8 |12 |16 |2 |

|8 |8 |12 |19 |2 |

|9 |8 |12 |22 |2 |

|10 |10 |13 |28 |2 |

|11 |12 |14 |35 |2 |

|12 |22 |16 |28 |3 |

|13 |32 |20 |22 |4 |

|14 |20 |15 |19 |5 |

|15 |6 |10 |16 |8 |

|16 |6 |9 |15 |10 |

|17 |6 |8 |15 |12 |

|18 |6 |8 |15 |15 |

|19 |6 |8 |15 |18 |

|20 |6 |7 |15 |24 |

|21 |6 |6 |15 |28 |

|22 |6 |6 |15 |28 |

|23 |6 |6 |15 |28 |

|24 |5 |6 |13 |24 |

|25 |4 |6 |10 |18 |

|26 |3 |8 |10 |12 |

|27 |3 |10 |10 |7 |

|28 |3 |10 |10 |2 |

A. Estrogen levels are highest on day number?

B. LH levels are highest on day number?

C. This data is very accurately measured. Plot the data points and then draw a line graph in "connect-the-dot" fashion.

Graphing Practice Problem #4

The volume of a gas decreases as the temperature of the gas decreases. A sample of gas was collected at 100 degrees Celsius and then cooled. The changes in the volume of the sample are shown below.

|T ( oC ) |V ( ml ) |

|100 |317 |

|80 |297 |

|60 |288 |

|40 |278 |

|30 |252 |

|20 |243 |

|10 |236 |

|0 |233 |

|-10 |227 |

|-30 |202 |

A. Graph the data.

B. Construct another graph that will allow you to extrapolate (extend the graph beyond measured data) the graph to reach a gas volume of 0 ml. The temperature at which the volume of the gas reaches zero is the theoretical temperature of Absolute Zero. From this graph, what is the Celsius Temperature for Absolute Zero?

Graphing Practice Problem #5a

|Time ( seconds ) |Distance ( meters ) |

|0 |0 |

|1 |2 |

|2 |8 |

|3 |18 |

|4 |32 |

|5 |50 |

|6 |72 |

|7 |98 |

|8 |128 |

|9 |162 |

|10 |200 |

A. Graph the data.

B. What does this graph represent?


Graphing Practice Problem #5b

A. What type of motion does this graph represent?

B. Put the data from this graph into a table.


Graphing Practice Problem #5c

A. Describe what happens during the time represented by this graph.

B. Put the data from this graph into a table.

Graphing Practice Problem #7

|Age of the tree in years |Average thickness of the annual rings in cm. |Average thickness of the annual rings in cm. |

| |Forest A |Forest B |

|10 |2.0 |2.2 |

|20 |2.2 |2.5 |

|30 |3.5 |3.6 |

|35 |3.0 |3.8 |

|50 |4.5 |4.0 |

|60 |4.3 |4.5 |

A. The thickness of the annual rings indicate what type of environmental situation was occurring at the time of its development. A thin ring, usually indicates a rough period of development. Lack of water, forest fires, or a major insect infestation. On the other hand, a thick ring indicates just the opposite.

B. Make a line graph of the data.

C. What is the dependent variable?

D. What is the independent variable?

E. What was the average thickness of the annual rings of 40 year old trees in Forest A?

F. Based on this data, what can you conclude about Forest A and Forest B?

Graphing Practice Problem #8

|pH of water |Number of tadpoles |

|8.0 |45 |

|7.5 |69 |

|7.0 |78 |

|6.5 |88 |

|6.0 |43 |

|5.5 |23 |

A. Make a line graph of the data.

B. What is the dependent variable?

C. What is the independent variable?

D. What is the average pH in this experiment?

E. What is the average number of tadpoles per sample?

F. What is the optimum water pH for tadpole development?

G. Between what two pH readings is there the greatest change in tadpole number?

H. How many tadpoles would we expect to find in water with a pH reading of 5.0?

Graphing Practice Problem #9

|Water Temperature in oC |Number of developing clams |

|15 |75 |

|20 |90 |

|25 |120 |

|30 |140 |

|35 |75 |

|40 |40 |

|45 |15 |

|50 |0 |

A. A clam farmer has been keeping records concerning the water temperature and the number of clams developing from fertilized eggs. The data is recorded above.

B. Make a line graph of the data.

C. What is the dependent variable?

D. What is the independent variable?

E. What is the optimum temperature for clam development?

Graphing Practice Problem #10

|Number of hookworms in the intestine |Amount of blood lost per day in cm3 |

|24 |12 |

|45 |x |

|80 |40 |

|88 |44 |

|63 |x |

|x |25 |

|x |6 |

A. Hookworms live in the human intestine drinking the blood it sucks from the intestine wall. It is estimated that a single hookworm can drink 1/2 cm3 of blood per day. The chart above contains data on the number of hookworms and the amount of blood lost caused by that number of worms.

B. In some cases the data table is blank. Determine the number of worms or the amount of blood lost and complete the table

C. Make a line graph of the data.

D. What is the dependent variable?

E. What is the independent variable?

F. How many cm3 of blood will be lost by a person containing 88 hookworms in a week?


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