Love Mapping Guide

Love Mapping: Find Your Truth, Live Your Love

Where will you be six months from now? Are you confident that you'll reach your goals?

You are a great adventurer. You're the star of your show. You're the hero in the story of your life.

And you have a unique set of gifts to share with the world. Your Love can help improve the future for many people, not just you.

So it's important that you keep moving forward on your journey.

Imagine if you discovered a way to look into your future and find out how to create it just as you want it to be, starting right now . . .

Love Mapping reveals a simple yet powerful process that can let you do exactly that.

It's designed to help you move forward quickly and easily from where you are to where you want to be.

If you're feeling like you haven't made the progress you'd hoped for this year, Love Mapping is for you.

Love Mapping to the rescue

In just three simple steps, I'll guide you through this process that can help you gain clarity, motivation and insight about how you can move quickly forward towards your desired reality.

Imagine taking a journey without a specific destination. Or trying to get somewhere with no directions to follow. Pretty tricky, right?

Love Mapping is like GPS for your Soul.

If you're serious about making progress, despite previous setbacks, now is the perfect time to start anew. You now have this opportunity to learn a powerful technique to show you the way forward.

Once you know how to use the Love Mapping method, you'll have a valuable resource at your command that can get you back on track whenever you need it.

And you can always be updating your Love Map as you continue on your journey to your everincreasing full potential.

Let's walk through the three simple steps in the process of Love Mapping . . .

Step #1: Decide and describe where you want to go (Heart Marks the Spot!)

I've included a fill in the blank template to help you frame this picture of your new self in a new story 6 months from now. Take your time and open your heart and your mind to the possibilities. This one step alone can change the course of your life!

Step #2: Determine and define where you are now (You Are Here)

For any map to work, you need to know where you're starting from in order to find the best route to get where you're going. An honest assessment of your current beliefs and circumstances will increase your self-awareness. And this is where all positive change begins. (Template included.)

Step #3: Have a heart-to-heart with your future self (Your Personal Love Map)

This is the true magic of Love Mapping. Now that you've gotten clear on both where you are and where you want to go, take a few deep relaxing breaths. And then imagine that you are sitting here with your future self. You have this amazing opportunity to have an enlightening conversation with the person you will be six months from now. This is who you will be when you've gotten to the place you discovered in Step #1 of this Love Mapping journey!

And this version of you has the solutions you need to overcome any and all obstacles or challenges that you face in making the necessary changes to achieve the results you desire! Ask your future self, "How did you do it?" "What do you know that I don't?"

Give your future self an in-depth interview and get all the juicy details about how it is exactly that you'll become the person you truly want to be.

And then, with this new wisdom and knowledge, fill in your Love Map! (See template below.) This is your self-created guide to success. Hang it where you can see it and focus on it daily. It is the way forward!


If you've completed these 3 Steps, I know that you are truly committed to finding your Truth and Living Your Love! And I want to support you in this most important journey because without support, it's still too easy to fall back into your old patterns of belief and behavior.

Please join our supportive and Loving community at groups/LiveBetterEveryDay to connect and learn alongside others who are determined to shine their brightest and be the Love they want to see in the world! Looking forward to meeting you there . . .

Marks the Spot

The first step in creating Your Love Map is defining exactly where it is that you want to get to. Imagine a day, 6 months from now . . . Write out the story of this dream day in the present tense, as if you're living it today, with as much detail as possible. Note: Make it as wonderful as you'd like. Just make sure you believe that this can actually come to be in this timeline. This is your best case scenario. I feel_____________________________________________________________! ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ *Please keep adding details to this story in your journal! Fill in these blanks as you would on your dream day, 6 months from now. Describe your home________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Describe your community____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ I truly enjoy my work! I'm making $______________. The reason I want to be making this amount of money is because _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________ *Your "why" is a strong motivator and can help you keep on going even when you feel like giving up! I Love my relationships because_______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ In my free time ____________________________________________________ My health level from 1-10 (10 being optimal) is ____. The 6 things I Love most about who I am are: 1.___________________ 2.____________________ 3.____________________ 4.___________________ 5.____________________ 6.____________________

You Are Here

The second step in creating Your Love Map is defining exactly where you're starting from. Describe a typical day for you right now. Include the positives and the challenges as honestly as you can, without self-judgment. I feel ____________________________________________________________! ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ *Please keep making notes about the best parts and low points of every day in your journal! Describe Your home_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Describe Your community_____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ I'm currently making $______________. My relationship with my work is _________________________________________________________________. My relationships are_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________. In my free time I____________________________________________________. My health level, from 1-10 (10 being optimal) is ____. The 6 things I Love most about who I am are: 1.___________________ 2.____________________ 3.___________________ 4.___________________ 5.___________________ 6.____________________

The Path to Love Land ~ My Personal Love Map

You Are Here

Challenge #1:_________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

Wisdom From My Future Self

Solution #1:_________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

Challenge #2:_________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________


Solution #2:_________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

Heart Marks the Spot! I Love My Life! Here are a few notes on my Dream



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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