Attracting Facebook Followers - Amazon S3

[Pages:12]MODULE 5



Hello again, this is Stefan, and welcome to Module 5, "Facebook Promotion and Marketing Strategies".

Attracting Facebook Followers

You want to get people to like and follow your Facebook fan page because that will help you build a list of followers that you can communicate with and further promote to. You want to think of Facebook as a platform to build a list, and with having that list and having those followers that like you, than you can easily market to them and share more of your existing content, your videos, and your blog articles. It is a very important and powerful asset to have.

It is important to understand that, with Facebook, they have a limited organic reach of content and they want their users to use their Facebook ads platform more, which can be a very effective way of marketing and further reaching your followers. I am going to show you later in this video how you can use Facebook ads and how you can use it to attract more followers. In the next module, we are going to be covering more on how to monetize, do further promotion, and start making money from Facebook, as well as the other social media platforms, your blog and YouTube.

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Let us talk a little bit about how to promote your Facebook fan page. I think, at the bare minimum, you are going to want to make sure that you have a link to your Facebook page on your blog and within your YouTube videos. The same could be said with any of your social media accounts. You want to cross-promote among the different channels that you are using. On the left hand side of these images here, I have some screen shots from Project Life Mastery, and you can see that I have links to my social media accounts in the top right hand corner of the blog, and you can see the side bar as a widget. I have Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.

You can see that I make it every easy for people to like and follow me on Facebook, as well as everywhere else on social media. Many people are going to go to your blog or your website, they are going to love your content, and they are going to want to know more. If you can easily have different links, buttons or widgets that are displayed on your blog and people can just click a button to follow and like you, than you are going to get a lot more followers and subscribers that way. I will mention that there are some WordPress plugins that you can find for Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and other social networks that you can easily put a widget or a plugin on your blog. I recommend, if you want to find widgets or plugins for that, just go to the plugin section, do a search and you should be able to find multiple plugins.

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The images on the right are from my YouTube channel. Do you see the one where it says, "Follow me below"? That is actually a text that I include in every single one of my YouTube video descriptions, and so in your YouTube video descriptions, maybe down at the bottom, you are going to want to have some texts or links to your Facebook and social media. Like I said, a lot of people might watch you on YouTube, and they're going to want to know more and follow you in some way, and so if you can have those links to your Facebook page, that's going to make it a lot easier. You can see that the links that I am using there, those are actually redirect links, and so I set those up with the Pretty Link plugin, which is something that I mentioned in a previous module.

If you download the plugin, PrettyLinkLite, it gives you the ability to use your domain name and set up a redirect so that you can actually have a more attractive link. I often use my Facebook page in order to make it easy to link to it and tell people that about, so just going to:

facebook, for Facebook.

twitter, for Twitter.

If you use the Pretty Link plugin, it makes it very easy for you to set up those redirects.

The bottom right is for my YouTube channel as well. In the bottom right corner, you can actually include your links to social media. In your YouTube channel page, there are options to customize and set up your YouTube channel, and I recommend including some of those links to your social media there as well.


You want to make sure that you are consistently posting quality content. The more that you can post, the better. Again, frequency is important, and especially with Facebook. As I mentioned before, Facebook

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limits your organic reach, so you may have 10,000 followers on Facebook but that does not mean that every time you make a post on Facebook that all 10,000 of those people are going to see it. There are so many things that are competing on other people's news feeds that it might actually be challenging for your followers and fans on Facebook to actually see what you are posting. That is why frequency is important, because the more frequent that you are, the more likely that they are going to see your content, and then also Facebook rewards you for that as well. The more engagement that you have, the higher the reach that your content will be. I will share a little bit more about later.

Facebook gives you the ability to schedule posts, so with your Facebook fan page, you do not have to manually post every few hours. You can schedule posts, spend an hour and set up all the posts that you want to schedule, and they will automatically be posted over a few days, or for the rest of the day. There are software's for this too, which can make it a little bit easier and make it more sophisticated. One common one is Hootsuite, you can look that one up, and there are a number of other ones out there as well that you can find.

The main thing with social media is understanding that the more content that you post, than the more that it will get likes and shares, which will show up on other people's news feeds. Again, similar to YouTube and blogging, frequency is important with every strategy with content and social media. It is the mindset that, the more things that you throw against the wall, than the more likely that something is going to stick. In addition, the higher the engagement on Facebook, the more organic reach that your posts will have. I recommend that you engage with your followers and ask them to share or tag someone in some of your posts, because this can help boost your engagement, which will help increase the reach of many of your posts.

For example, you can make certain posts on Facebook and ask someone, "Tag someone who's inspirational, or tag someone whose in really great shape, or tag someone that you respect, or just leave a comment, share

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what your #1 goal is to lose weight, share what your goal is for this or that". When you ask people to engage, leave comments, or like, or tag someone, it is going to help boost the overall organic reach of your Facebook reach. Here is an example of posting content and the impact that it can have. Here is one that I just pulled recently from one of my Facebook pages. It was basically just a quote message, where it said,

the image. This post reached 6,600 people, and this is from a page that has tens of thousands of likes and followers. As you can see, it is not reaching everyone, but it reaches more people the more people that like it, so with this one post, there were 279 people that liked this one post. The more people that like it, the more organic reach, the more it is going to show up in other people's news feeds. It also had several comments, and that is where the real power is, "shares", so this one post got 13 shares. When people like things on Facebook and they share it, they are basically promoting it for you; they are promoting it to their friends, their followers, and it can have a viral effect. That is why it's important to always be producing content, because the more content that you post, your fans and followers are going to see that and they are going to like and share it. From there, your channel will continue to grow; it is kind of like a snowball effect. Here is a screen shot of the insights on one of my Facebook fan

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pages. Insights are a section on your Facebook page that allows you to see many of the analytics.

Here are a bunch of posts over a day, and what you are able to see is the overall reach of these posts, as well as the engagement, and those are the main things that we are after and looking at. Facebook also provides clicks and more information, but you can see what your audience is responding to, so I will have some that will have a reach of 1000 people, others might only have 100 reach. Again, it is dependent on the engagement. The more engagement, the more reach. Another one here had 6,600. That is the one that I shared before, so it is just really interesting to see the data on this and be able to track, and see the results and the reach. You always want to aim on producing content that is going to increase the engagement, because then, when you are going to promote and market in the later module, than your marketing efforts are going to reach a lot more people.

1. Facebook Ads Okay, so let us talk a little bit about Facebook ads, which are what Facebook wants, and what they are transitioning more to. They want people to spend money on their platform, and if you know how to use Facebook ads the right way, it can be really be a huge advantage for you. We primarily use Facebook the most in our business for promoting and

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marketing our content, just because Facebook is such an amazing resource. There are billions of people on Facebook; there is so much amazing targeting.

One effective strategy is that you can boost your posts on Facebook. It does cost money, but it can give you the ability to reach more people with your content and attract more people to follow you on Facebook as well. For example, if you post a blog post or a video, there is going to be an option that you can boost that blog post or video, or whatever kind of post that you're making. With that boost, you can either, target more of your fans, and have more of a reach with that, or you can actually target people, based on their interests or demographic. For example, if you wanted to target men, from the age of 25-30, that live in the United States, that live in California, that are into fitness, that like Arnold Schwarzenegger, you can do crazy targeting that's super specific, that show up ads just for that one person or those types of people. Really powerful, and I will show you some examples of that.

You can also promote your Facebook fan page with Facebook ads, so actually promoting the page itself; not just promoting posts or status updates or content, but promoting the entire page. This will attract more followers, and this is known as a "Facebook Like Campaign", and I'm going to show you examples of that also. I think it's important to understand that Facebook ads is one of the most powerful ways to advertise on the Internet, as you can target people based on so many specific factors.

Here, I am at the "I Love Fitness" Facebook fan page. This page, right at the time of this video, has 168,000 likes. As you can see, the people that like this page love fitness, so it's a very targeted demographic, which gives me the ability later on to market fitness and health related products and services to them as an affiliate. Now, let me show you an example of the boosting posts so you can see what I mean by that. Well, number one, as I mentioned before, you want to make sure that you are posting frequently,

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so we are posting different health and fitness related content, which ends up getting likes and shares, etc. I also share some self-development related stuff also. Now, if you wanted to boost a post, let's say this one right here, there's a boost button right here. Right now, this post that I did only reached a 1000 people organically, and the organic reach that you have, like I said, is going to be based on frequency and engagement; the more engagement and frequency, the better, and also how targeted it is for people. You are not going to reach as many people as you want organically, and so that's why the Facebook ads are becoming more popular and common. If I wanted to promote this one, let us say that I wanted to get it out there because it is a really good piece of content, I would click on "boost post", and this is what the ad would look like for other people on Facebook.

So, it's says, "sponsored" right here, it's going to have my fan page name and logo, and it's going to have a like button. When you boost stuff and ads show up, and people know what the page is about, than people can like your page and start following you as a result of that. That is one side benefit that you get, but primarily, people are going to go click on the link and go to your blog, YouTube channel, or whatever it is, to consume your

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